wordpress plugin nextgen gallery review

we written wordpress plugin nextgen gallery review. NextGEN Gallery most downloaded gallery plugin which makes us to organize your images and galleries.

NextGEN Gallery is a most downloaded wordpress gallery plugin which makes us to manage and organize your images and galleries. There are many wordpress gallery and sideshow plugins but nextgen gallery is most used and popular in wordpress world. In every second website we need to show the gallery or sideshow. For showing gallery or sideshow, Nextgen gallery is quickest and simple solution. Every wp designers and developers first choice for gallery or sideshow is Nextgen gallery plugin.

wordpress plugin nextgen gallery review

NextGEN Gallery

wordpress plugin nextgen gallery review  by purabtech.in
wordpress plugin nextgen gallery review

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular WordPress gallery plugin, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, with over 7.5 million downloads.

It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (sideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more.



  • Very easy to install in wordpress and using Nextgen gallery is simple.
  • Simple and easy gallery management tools – It has simple image upload and gallery creation interface.
  • It works with custom post type very smoothly
  • Support of short codes so you can easily integrate anywhere in wp site
  • Easily create sideshow through NextGen gallery
  • Many types of effects and JS support using multiple plugins
  • There are many wordpress plugins which can adds effects to gallery or sideshow.
  • If you are wordpress developer then you can easily customize the plugin and add the new effect.
  • We can use Lightbox Plus, FancyBox and Lightbox-type wordpress plugins for gallery and sideshow.


  • We cannot include videos in gallery or youtube video in gallery
  • After upgrade of Nextgen gallery you must need to take backup of whole system because many times it will broke your website.
  • WordPress new version release issue – After new wordpress release, there is no guarantee to it will work in Nextgen gallery.
  • It consumes too much processor and so many database queries are fired on server.
  • Poor logic programming, poor user interface, slow user interface, lot’s of queries are just some of the many bugs and bad design of application
  • Performance is low it there are too many requests
  • No caching support.
  • No SEO support


If you have high traffic website then do not use the nextgen gallery plugin. If you have low traffic or any organization website then you should go for Nextgen gallery plugin.

There are so many supported plugins for Nextgen gallery, so you can add multiple effects using this plugin.

I used Next Gen gallery plugin for many of my sites. But there is always issue with up-gradation.

But SEO wise this plugin is not so nice.

how to convert video to flv using php

Tutorial for how to convert video to flv using php. Most of video upload sites are using the ffmpeg and php for uploading and converting the video files.  For converting you need to install the ffmpeg on your server. you can download and install ffmpeg from following location.

how to convert video to flv using php

how to convert video to flv using php
how to convert video to flv using php


For installting the ffmpeg on linux box I found following article very helpful


After installing the ffmpeg on your system you can use following commands for converting the video files to flv format.

avi to flv convert through ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i 00138.avi  -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv final.flv

For creating the thumbnail the from video file you can use the folowing command.

create thubnail from movie file
ffmpeg -y -i moviefile.avi -vframes 1 -ss 00:01:60 -an -vcodec png -f rawvideo -s 110×90 new.png

In PHP you can use the following code easily.

$video_file = '/pathtovideo/test.avi';

$flvfile ='/pathtoflv/test.flv';

$png_path ='/pathtopng/test.png';

exec("ffmpeg -i ".$video_file."  -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv ".$flvfile.");

//for thumbnail

exec("ffmpeg -y -i ".$video_file." -vframes 1 -ss 00:01:60 -an -vcodec png -f rawvideo -s 110x90 ".$png_path.");

Above code with convert the video file to flv format but my suggestion is convertion of video files will take so much bandwidth on server so use cronjob for converting the video files in night time.

how to upload videos to wordpress blog

Here in this article we will show, how to upload videos to wordpress blog using wordpress plugin called videopress. Videopress is best worpdress plugin for videos.

VideoPress is a strong supporter of free software, including video formats and codecs. All videos uploaded to VideoPress are available for download in Ogg video format with Theora video and Vorbis audio. If you blog on WordPress.com you now have the ability to restrict VideoPress embed to only free video formats unrestricted by known patent claims or intellectual property licensing hurdles.

how to upload videos to wordpress blog

how to upload videos to wordpress blog
how to upload videos to wordpress blog

Publishers concerned about the freedom restrictions of the default VideoPress player’s use of Adobe Flash, MP4, H.264/AVC High profile video, and AACLC can override the default behavior through their WordPress.com blog’s Media Settings page (yourblog.wordpress.com/wp-admin/options-media.php). Your free software formats choice applies to all VideoPress videos embedded on your blog, including videos from other VideoPress publishers.

Videos included in your posts and pages will be output using HTML5 for playback using default video controls in supporting web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome 3.0+, and Opera 10.5+.

The free formats setting may be expanded in the future to include additional formats free of known patent claims. The newly supported WebM file container with VP8 video and Vorbis audio is an early example of what could become a video format without known intellectual property claims prohibiting open distribution. We plan to add support for freedom preference for self-hosted WordPress blogs through our VideoPress plugin once we have tested this new feature with the millions of active blogs on WordPress.com.


How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress

If you want to add the youtube or google and any third-party video in wordpress. It is really easily achievable. How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress.

How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress

WordPress itself provides to upload and submit youtube video in wordpress post. Just open wordpress admin panel and click on Add new post button.

Select the From URL tab. Paste the YouTube video’s URL into the URL field. Then click the Insert into Post button.

You can change the height and width of video using following code

[ youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2Ncxw1xfck&w=320&h=240]

I suggest to use Viper’s Video Quicktags wordpress plugin. I really like this wordpress plugin for embedding the third party video in wordpress blog or post.

You can download this plugin from following URL:


This plugin give you really great control with video player and size of video player. After installing the plugin you will find the “video quicktag” option in setting tab. Screenshot as follows:

Open the add new post tab, you will find very cool options for adding the video in post.

You just need to add the video URL in the dialog box.