How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress

If you want to add the youtube or google and any third-party video in wordpress. It is really easily achievable. How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress.

How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress

WordPress itself provides to upload and submit youtube video in wordpress post. Just open wordpress admin panel and click on Add new post button.

Select the From URL tab. Paste the YouTube video’s URL into the URL field. Then click the Insert into Post button.

You can change the height and width of video using following code

[ youtube=]

I suggest to use Viper’s Video Quicktags wordpress plugin. I really like this wordpress plugin for embedding the third party video in wordpress blog or post.

You can download this plugin from following URL:

This plugin give you really great control with video player and size of video player. After installing the plugin you will find the “video quicktag” option in setting tab. Screenshot as follows:

Open the add new post tab, you will find very cool options for adding the video in post.

You just need to add the video URL in the dialog box.

How to create photoshop liquify filter download

Here we now goes to creating liquify effects it’s easy to easy to create photoshop liquify filter download. we given steps to create liquify photoshop filter.

How to create photoshop liquify filter download

If you constant on this effect you can make many more effect on only liquify

We can make effect liquify on text, images…etc

Now we just here look on liquify effect

Select text tool bar

First we select a text here I write a “liquify”

Before select liquify we have to retrize this text

Select layer >> reterize >> type

Select filter >> liquify

How to create photoshop liquify filter download

Now liquify having left side menu bar which you can select any option

Here is given below is liquify tool bar

Create your effect here we selected forward wrap tool

Here is tool option which is you select you can modify that tool as per your need

Here is the effect which I given here

Have fun !!