If you want to add the youtube or google and any third-party video in wordpress. It is really easily achievable. How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress.
How to Embed a YouTube Video in WordPress
WordPress itself provides to upload and submit youtube video in wordpress post. Just open wordpress admin panel and click on Add new post button.
Select the From URL tab. Paste the YouTube video’s URL into the URL field. Then click the Insert into Post button.
You can change the height and width of video using following code
I suggest to use Viper’s Video Quicktags wordpress plugin. I really like this wordpress plugin for embedding the third party video in wordpress blog or post.
This plugin give you really great control with video player and size of video player. After installing the plugin you will find the “video quicktag” option in setting tab. Screenshot as follows:
Open the add new post tab, you will find very cool options for adding the video in post.
You just need to add the video URL in the dialog box.
Many wordpress theme developer when create new wordpress theme, they need to think about 404 page must. In this article I going to give you information about how to create 404 page in wordpress theme with classic design.
create 404 page in wordpress theme
What is 404 page?
The 404 or Not Found error message is an HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server but the server could not find what was requested. 404 errors should not be confused with “server not found” or similar errors, in which a connection to the destination server could not be made at all. Another similar error is “410: Gone”, which indicates that the requested resource has been intentionally removed and will not be available again. A 404 error indicates that the requested resource may be available in the future.
I recommend to wordpress theme developer create customize 404 page in wordpress theme. Go to google custom search engine page and get google search engine code for your website from following URL:
I used here my websites search engine code. Dont forget to change the google search engine code as your web site.
create 404 page in wordpress theme
The 404 or Not Founderror message is an HTTPstandard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server but the server could not find what was requested. 404 errors should not be confused with “server not found” or similar errors, in which a connection to the destination server could not be made at all. Another similar error is “410: Gone”, which indicates that the requested resource has been intentionally removed and will not be available again. A 404 error indicates that the requested resource may be available in the future.
People want to use wordpress for simple website registration module and user management module. We have solution to create user registration in wordpress. There is User and registration module present in wordpress but only through wordpress admin panel.
create user registration in wordpress
But Client dont want to show the worpress admin module to normal user. They want to create user profile page which is matching with there wordpress theme or website.
In this article I will give the tip about how to create user and registration module in wordpress.
First download Theme my profile wordpress plugin from following URL:
Theme My Profile
create user registration in wordpress
This plugin allows you to theme a user’s profile based upon their role. It even includes custom roles if you have any.
Install this plugin to your wordpress and use only subscriber for using the theme profile. This plugin will create the user profile page page to your wordpress website.
Next step is download Theme my login wordpress plugin from following URL:
This plugin themes the WordPress login, registration and forgot password pages according to your current theme. It replaces the wp-login.php file by using a page template from your theme. Also includes a widget for sidebar login.
Activate this plugin and choose options as per your choice. Above plugins are very easy to use and you can customize plugins as per your choice also.
Next step is download Profile pic wordpress plugin from following URL:
Showing the most recent comments is great for SEO purpose. Our code snippet will able to get recent comments without wordpress plugin in your wordpress site.
get recent comments without wordpress plugin
You can display the most recent comments of your entire blog without any wordpress plugin. Showing the most recent comments is great for SEO purpose. Your site will increase the visibility and people interaction. Socially you and your blog will became more famous. Using following code snippet you will be able to add the recent comments in your wordpress site.
I want to display the comments in footer area. I created following code. You can copy paste the code in your sidebar.php or footer.php file.
Using following code you are able to display recent comments with author’s gr-avatar also.
For plugin or custom wordpress theme we need create wordpress pages by script. In this article we given code to how to create wordpress pages by script.
how to create wordpress pages by script
You can create the pages by using script. You can execute any script using the “$wpdb->insert” or
For creating wordpress post or page you can use the wp_insert_post function. Before calling wp_insert_post() it is necessary to create an object (typically an array) to pass the necessary elements that make up a post. The wp_insert_post() will fill out a default list of these but the user is required to provide the title and content otherwise the database write will fail.
You can use following code for creating the page. This code will execute when only you are logged in to wordpress.
// Create post object
$my_post = array();
$my_post['post_title'] = 'My post';
$my_post['post_content'] = 'This is my post.';
$my_post['post_status'] = 'publish';
$my_post['post_author'] = 1;
$my_post['post_type'] = 'page',
$my_post['post_category'] = array(8,39);
// Insert the post into the database
wp_insert_post( $my_post );
You can create wordpress plugin and use this code. Use following code for wordpress plugin. Copy the code and create the create_wordpress_pages.php file and put in plugin folder.
Plugin Name: Create WordPress Pages
Plugin URI: http://images.purabtech.in/
Description: Create wordpress pages by script
Version: 1.0
Author: wordpressapi
Author URI: http://images.purabtech.in/
function create_wordpress_pages(){
// Create post object
$my_post = array();
$my_post['post_title'] = 'My post';
$my_post['post_content'] = 'This is my post.';
$my_post['post_status'] = 'publish';
$my_post['post_author'] = 1;
$my_post['post_type'] = 'page',
$my_post['post_category'] = array(8,39);
// Insert the post into the database
wp_insert_post( $my_post );
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'create_wordpress_pages');
There is difference between post pagination and in post pagination.If you want to keep pagination in wordpress post without plugin, Than use our code
When we are developing the new wordpress theme then we need to always need to think about post pagination and in post pagination. Yes, there is difference between post pagination and in post pagination.
How to use pagination in wordpress post without plugin
How to use pagination in wordpress post without plugin
If you want to keep single post and pagination between in single post that is also possible through wordpress api. In this article I will show you hwo to use the in page or post pagination.
Open your single.php file from wordpress theme folder and put following code in that.
<?php wp_link_pages( ); ?>
We can pass the following parameter the this function.
Now I will explain What wordpress doing for using this function. WordPress is using simple explode php function for using the next page tag. Like following way.
how to do wordpress migration to new hosting service – This question always came to web developers. After searching on Internet I really did not found satisfied answer for this question. Using our steps wordpress migration to new hosting service or domain made easy
wordpress migration to new hosting service or domain
Earlier I did wordpress migration to new hosting service or new domain so many times. It was like 5 minutes job for any web developer. Don’t be afraid about wordpress migration at all.
Many people suggest to use wordpress utility which import and export xml. This is given by wordpress itself. But I strongly say don’t use that tool. that is not really full proof.
Just follow my steps to do wordpress migration to new hosting or domain.
1. First take backup of file system of your wordpress website using FTP credential.
2. Open wp-config.php file and change database name(what you want)
3. wp_options -Table name
option_name column – change(siteurl and home)
4. wp_blogs- Table name
domain column – change to your domain name
5. wp_site- Table name
domain column – change to your domain name
Follow above steps and your are done with migration.
wordpress migration to new hosting, question always came to web developers. Using our steps wordpress migration to new hosting service or domain made easy
You can fetch the wordpress posts by category name. We have given simple code snippet for find wordpress posts by category name. Many developer want to do this. I will show how easily achieve this.
You can control the per page post showing and pagination also. You can use following code in any of your page.
There are many free wordpress are offering the same functionality. In this post we show you, Add social Bookmark Icons in WordPress theme without plugin.
Many people want to add social icons or buttons to there wordpress websites. There are many free wordpress are offering the same functionality. I recommend not to use these plugins because this plugins will add extra javascript and CSS to your website and that will take some bandwidth of your website.
In this tutorial I will show how to Add social Bookmark Icons in WordPress theme without plugins. This we can achieve very easily.
Add social Bookmark Icons in WordPress theme
Just follow my steps:
1. Open single.php file from your wordpress theme.
just do one think, please assign class=”social_icons” to div.
2. open your theme style.css file and put following code
.social_icons{ clear:both; }.social_icons ul li {float:left; padding-right:8px;}
Many wp designers and developers searching for social bookmark wordpress plugin, social bookmark wordpress theme, social bookmark plugin wordpress, wordpress simple social bookmarks,
best social bookmarking, social sharing wordpress, social sharing wordpress plugin, best social sharing wp plugin solution
Hhere you found the perfect solution for social bookmark.
Here is list of articles which is most useful for adding functionality in wordpress without adding any wordpress plugins.
Best wordpress hacks by WordPressAPI.com