allow wordpress contributors to upload files

There are some pre-installed user roles in wordpress. I am trying to allow wordpress contributors to upload files. I have many requests for guest author writers. I give the contributors role to them. But I faced one issue. which is I cannot allow wordpress contributors users to upload image files.

allow wordpress contributors to upload files

I want to achieve following two things:

  1. I want to allow wordpress contributor users to allow images for their posts and preferably they shouldn’t be able to delete existing ones before submitting it for review.
  2. I want to article should be in draft state but it cannot be edited by contributor users.

For image upload option to contributors

Add this code in your current theme’s functions.php

if ( current_user_can('contributor') && !current_user_can('upload_files') )
add_action('admin_init', 'allow_contributor_uploads');
function allow_contributor_uploads() {
$contributor = get_role('contributor');

This is easy trick but their is more advanced solution. You can use Members wordpress plugin. This plugin solve our issue more easily.

Members is a plugin that extends your control over your blog. It’s a user, role, and capability management plugin that was created to make WordPress a more powerful CMS.

It puts you in control over permissions on your site by providing a user interface (UI) for WordPress’ powerful role and cap system, which is traditionally only available to developers who know how to code this by hand.

I personally used this plugin for some of my wordpress projects. It is my favorite wordpress plugin which will open new doors to wordpress. I think this plugin should be wordpress core.

install php mysql apache on centos 7

In this tutorial we are going to tell you how to install php mysql apache on centos 7 with very easy and simple steps and guide.
LAMP is becoming more popular these day. Many people are using LAMP for server solutions.

Add EPEL-7 to your linux os with latest phpMyadmin.

rpm -ivh
Now install mysql-server and client. first became root user and execute following command
yum install mysql-server mysql

Install Apache2

CentOS 7.0 ships with apache 2.4. Apache2 is directly available as a CentOS 7.0 package, therefore we can install it like this:

yum -y install httpd

By default apache will be installed, but it is not installed then install apache using above command

Start apache and start apache at boot time using following command

systemctl start httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service

In CentOS 7.0 uses Firewall-cmd command, so I will customize it to allow external access to port 80 (http) and 443 (https).

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload

Now direct your browser to

Install PHP5

yum -y install php php-common phpmyadmin

We must restart Apache afterwards:

systemctl restart httpd.service

Now time to test php and apache version.
The document root of the default website is /var/www/html. We can create info.php file and put in document root folder

vi /var/www/html/info.php

put following code in that file

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

Now we call that file in a browser (e.g.

Now we can install some useful PHP moduels which can be required for CMS Systems like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal:

yum -y install php-gd php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-snmp php-soap curl curl-devel

Now restart Apache2:

systemctl restart httpd.service

congrats! now you installed apache, php and mysql on your system. Now you are able to execute any php application on your server.

Boehner calls Cruz Lucifer in the flesh

This news is related to US election campaign. Boehner calls Cruz Lucifer in the flesh. Former House Speaker John Boehner is a retired politician, so he seems to have retired from being politic.

Boehner also said he was “texting buddies” with GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and friends with former House colleague and fellow Ohioan, John Kasich.

As for the other remaining presidential candidates, Mr. Boehner praised the sincerity of Senator Bernie Sanders and called Gov. John Kasich, a fellow Ohioan, a friend. While he praised Hillary Clinton’s intelligence he did suggest — as Mr. Trump has been doing recently — that she is playing the gender card in this election, according to the report.

Boehner calls Cruz Lucifer

“Oh, I’m a woman, vote for me,” Mr. Boehner said, impersonating Mrs. Clinton.

But Mr. Boehner’s harshest assessment was saved for Mr. Cruz, who he has not forgiven for spearheading the 2013 government shutdown.

 Cruz, who is widely disliked by his colleagues in Congress, on Thursday said Boehner had “allowed his inner Trump to come out” and charged his comments “reveal everything that is wrong and corrupt about Washington.”

“If you’re wondering who has actually stood up to Washington, I think John Boehner has made it crystal clear,” Cruz said.

And don’t rule out the possibility of an upset in the Democratic field either, the former Speaker warned. While Hillary Clinton will likely secure her party’s nomination, there’s always a chance of last-minute surprises — especially from Vice President Joe Biden.

This is most searched news in US for last two three days.

WordPress Hacking and you What you can do

As if website hacking is not something new to you, to mention hacking of WordPress sites could just sound like another form of it. But you’re relying on the wonderful technology that WordPress provides to post, manage and display your website content could mean just being over –confident or outright ignorant about the perils that are already the matter of concern in the wide world of website design.

Wordpress Hacking and you
WordPress Hacking and you

Any website is hacked for a variety of reasons; to steal information, to place spammy links, to feed on the traffic a particular website has to ones advantage and much more. This is not very different with hacking of WordPress sites too. WordPress works almost entirely on its plugins and a well devised database to create a system where dynamic content is a cakewalk for anyone, who owns a website, to manage. Hackers simply find the vulnerability in a plugin, insert a malicious code or code edit and gain access to the database that manages all content. There, they can place SQL codes to manipulate the website’s content and pretty much have your website under their control.

Why WordPress is a point of concern?

Why WordPress is a point of concern
Why WordPress is a point of concern


The turn of events, making a highly desirable and easy technology as WordPress, utilized for website designing from just being a blog building platform, to be a vulnerable target for hackers to break in to, is more of a recent development. The interesting facts related to this phenomenon are;

  • WordPress’s popularity has soared across the world and currently accounts for a huge share of websites built and maintained around the world.
  • Ease with WordPress in building websites has misled website owners to a false sense of security also. Most of this is seen among small businesses and startup companies who are also happy with the lesser investment it needs.
  • Following the last point, a large group of website owners don’t really religiously update their WordPress installations, whereby rendering themselves vulnerable to security loopholes that hackers utilize.
  • The third-party plugin developers are also risking their customers with plugins that has not been tested enough and neither been created with farsightedness.

Let’s try a more technical view of this scenario.


  • On a development level, bad coding can create vulnerabilities that hackers can use to their advantage
  • At the administrative level, applying poorly constructed passwords can make access to skilled hackers very easy
  • Plugins developed without a good amount of testing and a stable and fool-proof coding can compromise the website’s security on a whole
  • Website owners/managers who do not care to do regular WordPress updates puts themselves at great risk of falling prey to newer hacking attacks

So how do I safeguard myself?


It’s one thing to operate and manage WordPress modules at an operational level, where you essentially add and edit content for your website. When it comes to making your WordPress website safe from hackers, you definitely need to meet the experts and get things done. Nevertheless, you had better looked up for the following cues;

  • Are there pages in your websites failing to appear as expected?
  • Is your admin area failing to perform at any point?
  • Have you verified that new plugin that you have considered attaching to your website?
  • Are you getting a lot of spam emails lately?

If any of these cues turns on, it’s time for you to call for technical experts like hosting supporters to get your website checked. Few of the measures that can help in preserving your website are;

  • Take backup of your website data regularly
  • Change your passwords to stronger ones. The more mixed up and complex, the better
  • Use WordPress security keys. Your hosting support should know that in the file wp-config.php there is a place where you can enter encrypted security keys for information stored in your cookies. Go to to generate your keys and update your wp-config.php
  • Delete plugins that cannot be trusted or those that are not in use anymore
  • If you can make out from the Error log file, it will tell you which file is causing the issue. You can replace or remove those files
  • It is best to upgrade your WordPress to latest versions. This also includes your Worpress theme
  • Check for file permissions and upload permissions
  • Use some security plugins like the ones listed below
    • Wordfence
    • All in One Security Firewall
    • Sucuri Security
    • iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security)
  • Change WordPress Table prefix. This is something your tech support understands and can help you with
  • If you have any contact forms in your website, crosscheck with developers if that form is built with core CT standards.


WordPress has made building and maintaining websites a wonderful experience for you. But as much a great tool it is, it can serve you with its caliber when you keep it updated and well-maintained. Your diligence will pay off with your WordPress installation giving you the great advantage of seamless website performance for a long time into the future.

take mysqldump and send email

Taking backups is like day-to-day task for every system admins. In this turotials we will tell you to take mysqldump and send email through linux system.
We can take mysql database backup using cron job and mysqldump command.

We created shell script called Which can be used on any linux based system. We tested this script on Red Hat,CentOS, Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu systems. It is working fine.

You can download this mysql backup shell script from here..

take mysqldump and send email

How to use this script?

use following command to take mysql backup.

/bin/sh /path-to-sh-script/ mysqlusername mysqlpassword database_name

With Cron
You can put this script on cron job file on linux. following command will execute at night at 2.00 am.

0 2 * * * /bin/sh /path-to-sh-script/ mysqlusername mysqlpassword database_name

In shell script I written following code.


MYSQLUSER=$1; #mysqluser
MYSQLPASS=$2; #mysqlpass
DBNAME=$3; #DBname
EMAIL=$4; #email to send

mysqldump -u $MYSQLUSER -p $MYSQLPASS $DBNAME | gzip > /tmp/$DBNAME.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`.sql.gz && echo "the mysqldump has been completed- status received at `date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`"|mail -s mysqldump-status -a "/tmp/$DBNAME.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`.sql.gz" $EMAIL

What is mysqldump?
The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data. It dumps one or more MySQL databases for backup or transfer to another SQL server. The mysqldump command can also generate output in CSV, other delimited text, or XML format.

If you want to execute take dump only once than you can execute following mysqldump command.

mysqldump -u root -p sharetale | gzip > /tmp/serverDB.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`.sql.gz && echo "the mysqldump has been completed- status received at `date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`"|mail -s mysqldump-status -a "/tmp/serverDB.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`.sql.gz"

Many times E-mailing a database is a pretty bad idea, especially as it gets bigger and bigger, or security info is involved. But if your database is less than 5MB than you can send Database through email.

This script is for very small database. We just want to back it up every now and again in such a way that none technical members of the project can back up and restore.

There are some php scripts which can do same stuff but this script is much faster than other php script.

install apache 2.4, php 5.5 and mysql on centos 6/7

In the article we will tell you to install apache 2.4, php 5.5 and mysql on centos 6/7 with this we will guide you about installing phpmyadmin and related php and mysql modules.

LMAP is becoming more and more popular these days. People are using more vps and dedicated servers for their sites and applications. PHP backend is became more popular so here in this post we will tell you about installation on linux system’s.

Here I am using centos 6 for installation. From sept 2015 php 5.4 is no longer supported by PHP team so people are trying to install PHP 5.5+ version for good security and performance purpose on their linux servers.

install apache 2.4, php 5.5 and mysql on centos 6/7

Install Remi Repository

Remi is a repository where you can find the latest versions of the PHP  in this repository we can find latest programs and dependencies.

# yum update && yum install epel-release
# rpm -Uvh

Enable Remi Repository

Open following remi.repo file and change enabled=0 to 1 for php55 tag. Here we want to install PHP 5.5 version on centos machine.

# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo

After opening this file just edit this file and change enabled flag to 1 for php55 section
name=Remi's RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch

name=Remi's PHP 5.5 RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch
# NOTICE: common dependencies are in "remi-safe"

Afer enabling remi repository. Now it is time to install PHP and apche and mysql

# yum --enablerepo=remi install httpd mysql mysql-server php php-common mod_php phpmyadmin

Step 4: Installing PHP Modules

Do not forget to accept installation and type Y when you asked while installation.     After installation run following command which will be useful while rebooting server(linux). After rebooting server following service will automatically started.   —— Enable Apache and MySQL on Boot ——

# chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
# chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on

—— Start Apache and MySQL ——

# /etc/init.d/httpd start
# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Verify PHP 5.5

Go to /var/www/html directoy and create file called phpinfo.php using following command.

#vi phpinfo.php

put following code in that file.

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

Execute file on your web browser

You can check your installation on command prompt also. For checking php modules use following command.

#Php -m

above command will list all php modules which are installed on your centos machine

Congratulations! Just now you completed your php 5.5, apache and mysql installation on your linux box.


speed up MySQL restore and backup solve slowness

I am taking daily mysqldump on my servers. I am always tring to speed up MySQL restore and backup using some tricks. Many times restoring mysql backup is like big pain. There will be many types of issues with restoring mysql dump to mysql server.

How can I speed up MySQL restore and backup?

Here is my trick to restore database dump fast.

You need to put following sql statement at the top of the dump SQL file.

You need to put following sql statement at the end of the SQL file


Using above trick, I am able to restore any database much faster than earlier.
For more information you can look following URL:

Lets talk about taking mysqldump faster.

There is utility called “MYDUMPER” which will take mysqldump much faster than mysqldump command. which is native command of mysql.

“Mydumper” and its companion “myloader”, are relatively new open
source database utilities written by Domas Mituzas and colleagues, providing
built-from-scratch implementations of mysqldump and mysql load
functionality. They clean up a bunch of command line inconsistencies
found in the mysql utilities, making them easier to script. They also fix
some errors and omissions. But their main feature is speed. By
paralleling the operation of dumping and loading database tables, quite dramatic
speed-up can be obtained.

The new Mydumper 0.9.1 version, which includes many new features and bug fixes, is now available. You can download the code from here.

9 Easy Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

We will give you 9 Easy Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Site If you have been part of virtual world for some time, it’s least likely that you haven’t heard about WordPress, but did you know?

Speed Up Your WordPress
Speed Up Your WordPress

I think this might give you a hint of how popular WordPress is right now (and its popularity doesn’t seem to halt anytime soon!).

And oh, my bad, I forgot to mention these few bits:


Fact of the matter is that WordPress serves amazingly well as an efficient CMS platform, but it can slow down as well if it’s not optimized rightly. And trust me, you don’t want this. Why? Because a study by shows that:

  • 47% people showing up on a website expect the page to load in less than two seconds.
  • 40% are likely to move elsewhere from a web page that takes over three seconds to load.
  • 52% of online shoppers confessed to show loyalty to a site whose web pages load quickly.

Speed Up Your WordPress

So, here I am with these 9 tips to help you get the best of WordPress in speed.

1. Start with a fast and reliable web hosting company

One of the simplest (and yet overlooked!) ways to improve your WordPress site is to resort to a fast as well as reliable web host. I recommend not going for cheap shared hosting solutions, as those are really overcrowded and you might end up sharing your hosting resources with hundreds of other users.

So many hosting companies impose various limitations to their shared hosting plans, hosting (read hording!) hundreds of sites on just one server to slash hosting fees, which chokes the resources. The better alternative is to go for a VPS or managed WordPress hosting depending upon your site visitors, business niche and financial viability.

2. Choose an efficient framework/theme

This is where sometimes even people having years of experience can make a mistake, i.e. choosing an inefficient and heavy framework/theme. Many people trade speed and efficiency of a WordPress framework/theme with unnecessary features, which can affect them seriously.

It’s better to keep away from bloated frameworks loaded with fancy features (which a serious web contender seldom needs) that can delay the process of crawling your site. Similarly, too much plugins also take a toll on your site speed. So, make sure you equip your website with only what it needs to keep up with its functionality seamlessly.

3. Resort to helpful caching plugins

Talking of plugins; instead of falling for some fancy plugins that might choke the speed of your site; go for caching plugins, which are designed to help improve page loading time significantly. The best thing is that you can get all of them on free of cost and they are not complicated to use at all.

Based on my personal experiences, I would recommend W3 Total Cache rather than trying anything else. It is loaded with all features that can help you better your site speed. It doesn’t take either much of time or effort in downloading, installing and using it.

4. Make use of a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

You might have never heard of this, but all those big blogs out there that you like so much, are making use of CDN, also known as Content Delivery Network. It is one great way of reducing loading time of a webpage.

What it does is collects all the static files present on your website (images, CSS, javascript, etc), places them strategically on a collection of serves across the globe. Now whenever a visitor wants to download them, he is routed to the server located closest to him geographically, saving much of his time doing so.

There is also another aspect to this. Since the content of your site is being loaded from multiple servers in different locations, any traffic spike is least likely to bother visitors.

5. Leverage image optimization

Many of you must have used or at least heard of, a wonderful image optimizer used by Yahoo. It helps you reduce image file size drastically, more importantly, without affecting quality of the image.

The good news is that you can do the same on WordPress with a plugin called WP-SmushIt for free. In fact, if you have it installed, it will optimize all images that you choose to add to your site by itself, automatically, leaving not much on you to worry about.

6. Don’t forget about WordPress database optimization

Fact of the matter is that you cannot expect a database-driven website (all CMS-based sites including WordPress) to work well without optimizing your database.

There are a few things you have to consider in this regard, starting from monitoring code for slow queries. For sites on VPS or dedicated server, enabling query caching and optimizing database server configuration does the trick.

Or, you can resort to a wondrous tool like WP-Optimize plugin, which will take care of all such concerns without even letting you know when and how it’s done.

7. Homepage needs optimization too

Call it tweaking if too much of ‘optimization’ is driving you crazy, but you can’t overlook it if you want your WordPress site speed up. Though whole of your site should be fast enough, but homepage remains the most important part of your site, as majority of people will land there more than anywhere else on a website. Some of the things you can do to optimize homepage of your website include:

  • Limit the number of posts to be seen on a page.
  • Display a brief excerpt as an intro with your posts rather than showing full post.
  • Cut down the number of social sharing widgets on homepage

In short, these are just a few things to help you make your homepage load quick; ultimately do everything possible to keep it this way.

8. Introduce LazyLoad

Well, this is another great way of serving your visitors with a quickly loading webpage. It involves loading only those images on a webpage that are above the fold (the images which visitors can see in their browser windows). The next set of images is loaded as soon as a visitor scrolls down, minimizing loading time ingeniously.

This not only results in your page loading quickly, but it also helps in saving your bandwidth, as less data is loaded for users who don’t scroll down through the end.\

9. Avoid Pingbacks and Tracbaks

WordPress is designed to respond to the requests from other blogs featuring pingbacks and trackbacks by default, which ends up harming more than charming when it comes to site speed. Turning this intrinsic feature off in your WordPress settings will not affect the backlinks strengthening the position of your website; it will just reduce extra labor.

Over to you now

This is where my list to improve WordPress site speed ends for now, but this can’t be all about it, surely. That’s why I am handing it over to you now; feel free to share your experiences and opinions with us on this in the comment section below.

Top WordPress Pricing Table Plugins 2016

We collected top WordPress Pricing Table Plugins. WordPress is used to create and manage the content written on websites. It is installed on a web server. A company after examining its various products, determines its price. Pricing table enlists the price of the products. The best thing a WordPress has, is its plugins.

Top WordPress Pricing Table Plugins 2016

Pricing table is up to the point and enlists only the information that would be needed by the consumer. It grabs the attention of the customer and help him make a comparison among different product and services. WordPress Pricing Table plugin helps to publish the pricing table on WordPress. Following are the plugins available:

Easy Pricing Tables Lite by Fatcat Apps

They are one of the most popular pricing tables these days. They help to create beautiful pricing and comparison tables that are easy to create and publish. They are gaining popularity as they don’t require any complex configurations or a code. Just a plugin is installed and it starts working. They have 10 design templates and a premium e-mail support. They come with pricing toggles, that lets the customers view the rates a business charging for a particular service in different currencies. Google Analytics add on are one of their more highlighting factors.

Pricing Table by Supsystic

It is one of the premium looking plugins. They come with a variety of theme options. It allows to create responsive pricing tables with a drag and drop builder. It carries various tooltips support which helps to create unlimited pricing tables. Column images and videos should be used to lend colours to the table.

Responsive Pricing Table

They come with a user friendly interface and clear cut designing which is easy to use. The best part is that the free version of the Responsive Pricing Table plugin is not limited.

WRC Pricing Table

It is a free WordPress plugin that displays the data in a more professional way. It uses a shortcode, to develop tables. The plugin is designed with clean CSS3, and no JavaScript is used. They come with easy functionality and are responsive to all devices. They give the user ample number of options as they come with unlimited background colours, rows and columns. The position of each feature can be changed any time and they are supported by all major browsers.

Go Pricing

WordPress Responsive Pricing Tables- They are used to create traditional pricing tables and supports several media elements including images, maps, audio and video. It comes with an intuitive admin panel, thus installation is easier. The plugin is integrated with Font Awesome, Icomoon, Linecon and Material Icons that can be used on the custom pricing table. They have more than 250 template designs and more than 650 Google Fonts. It offers an instant preview and have an access to unlimited buttons. It uses PayPal button shortcode.

CSS3 Responsive WordPress Compare Pricing Tables

It is a plugin based on pure CSS3 that allows to create beautiful plus responsive plugins. It is of premium pricing. One can choose from light and dark styles and each comes with 20 colour variations. HTML version of this plugin is the latest trend these days. It comes with an extensive admin panel, which gives the user full control over designing of the tables. They offer live configuration and comes with a feature of expandable rows.

Kento Pricing Tables Free

They offer customizable pricing plugin for WordPress. Kento Pricing Tables created with CSS and HTML which can create beautiful price tables, that won’t slow down the site. They have unlimited rows, columns and background image area. A responsive design with an easy to use admin panel is the highlighting factor. Size of rows and columns can be altered simply.

Pricing Table Extended

Pricing Table Extended is a free plugin which is easy to use and install. The highlighting feature is the unlimited theme options. It comes with a complete documentation page along the feature of translation. Basically, this plugin provides with four themes, but a user can create his own theme too.

Pure CSS Pricing Table

They are a pure coded table and involves no JavaScript. They help to create an unlimited CSS Responsive pricing table with an unlimited combination of colours and styles. It offers unlimited colours and layout selections. The tables can be easily customized and look of fonts can be changed. It is infused with pure CSS and HTML style and CSS3 tooltips.

Pricing Tables Builder WordPress Plugin DZS

It is a fully responsive plugin that uses HTML5 and CSS3 technology to make it a modern and high performing tool. It has an amazing admin panel that helps to create tables according to the requirement. They are optimized to suit iOS and Android requirements and are compatible with all the major browsers.

Pricing tables should be concrete and offer only the necessary information needed by a user. One can choose the plugin according to the requirements and make use of different fonts and styles to make the tables eye- catching.

List of SEO Plugins Alternative to Yoast

WP SEO plugins are most important these days. In this article, We collected List of SEO Plugins Alternative to Yoast. “Good SEO work only gets better over time. It is only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change” –Jill Whalen

Without a doubt, search engine optimization (SEO for brevity) remains to be one of the digital marketer’s ingenious techniques in getting a page seen, making a particular content relevant and having people discover that particular content. As SEO remains to be a vast field, the logistics regarding it are not as forthcoming and more often than not, would require years of continuous and consistent practice in order to master it.


This would require a deep commitment from SEO specialists to know more about the field. However, if you are committed to developing your content and are serious about your blogging, business or portfolio then it is highly imperative that you would enhance your authorship and brand presence. One of these ways is through SEO which would enable you to drive more organic traffic, customers and leads towards your website.

Apart from this, you need to have a deep understanding of the optimization of your website and have the essential tools and accessories necessary for it. As it is, most of you have probably chosen WordPress as your blog’s platform and you may have noticed Yoast as an effective tool assisting you in SEO on all essentials aspects. As a bonus, it would help you write better and riveting content as well. That is as far as it goes superficially, however in a technical sense, the Yoast plugin would compel you to choose a sole focus keyword when you are writing your articles and use that same focus keyword everywhere. However, Yoast is only one plugin and if you truly are committed to your craft, you know you would not want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Of course, you would want to diversify and seek other platforms alternative to Yoast as well and luckily for you, we have noted some of the best down below. They are all functional and have various options which you would soon find out as you read on below.

List of SEO plugins

1. Smart WordPress SEO

Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitemap
You do not need to do anything extra anything for wordpress SEO. Just setup properly smart wordpress SEO. This plugin will take care of all SEO properties.Super Fast
This plugin is really fast. Do not use any other SEO plugin with this because it will give all type of SEO.

You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage and each post and pages.

This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.

This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.


Rank Reveal is an SEO tool with a premium service. It has a special feature which would allow you to discover the keywords for which you are currently ranking, which you could possibly rank higher in the future and the ones which were virtually nonexistent to you. Additionally, Rank Reveal would assist you in finding long tail keywords with high conversion minus the competition. Rank Reveal is one of the SEO plugins with the largest collection of ranking data which routinely oversees search engines for their website rankings and it also uses proprietary graph data.

This is a service which allows you to not only know regarding all the keywords for which you are ranking for on SERP but would also allow you to keep track on your competitor’s choice of keywords and their rankings.

3.) All in ONE SEO Pack

This is probably that one SEO plugin that is easily recognizable as it is famous worldwide and is predominantly one of the world’s most advanced SEO plugin that would encompass features built for bloggers, online business, magazines, and ecommerce. This SEO plugin comes in two versions: Free and a pro. The pro version would naturally offer you a multitude of other advanced features that are otherwise unavailable in its free counterpart. This includes premium support and installation.

All in ONE SEO Pack is perfect among bloggers who have little to no idea about SEO and who could not be bothered to perform any on page optimization. This plugin will automatically do it for you such as generating meta descriptions and meta keywords for your blog posts. Apart from that, it can even add alternate tags to all your images found within any of your posts. Lastly, this is the only SEO plugin which offers support for ecommerce websites making this that one catchall plugin ideal for advanced users and novices.

4.) SEOPressor

Another powerful WordPress-built SEO plugin that has the all-encompassing ability to manage all your posts, pages, custom post formats. Simply put, SEOPressor is a powerful plugin that would manage your complete website. Some of its features would include an inbuilt keyword research tool that would allow you to find long tail keywords and it allows you to use the drag and drop functionality which would insert the keyword into your content in just a click saving you fifteen to twenty minutes per post basis. Additionally, SEOPressor utilizes a powerful page and post analysis algorithm which would calculate the SEO stats of your content and would then give you a rating.

SEOPressor is also advantageous to bloggers trying to make their websites more social friendly as it adds a Facebook open graph and Twitter mediadata tags. Overall, SEOPressor is a powerful as well as a versatile alternative to the Yoast plugin.

5.) Google Sitemap

Another alternative SEO plugin that is easy to use but incredibly powerful is Google Sitemap which is developed by bestwebsoft. This plugin’s features would allow you to quickly create and submit your sitemaps to the Bing Webmaster or Google Webmaster tool and would generate the .gzip file which Google usually uses and considers. This SEO plugin is perfect for those who value simplicity yet maximum functionality as well as its support for many post formats.

6.) SEO Friendly Images

SEO Friendly Images is a plugin that allows you to rapidly increase your website visitors as you can divert traffic to your website from Google Image search. Statistics has shown that almost ten to fifteen percent of searches made on Google have something to do with pictures and graphics. Consider that even for only keywords such as SEO and blogging, even if your ranking is positioned in the third or fourth position in the image search, you are still able to drive hundreds of extra visitors to your website depending of course as to how attractive your particular photo or snapshot is.

This plugin would allow you to automatically add the alternate and title tags for every image on your individual posts.

Considering there is an abundance of diverse plugins available online, choosing one can be a bit overwhelming—especially for those of you who are still newbies to WordPress. However, this article has considerably narrowed your search by providing you five of the best alternatives to Yoast, but do consider that for every blogger and SEO specialist enthusiast out there, a certain alternative plugin would appeal to them. The same would apply to you whether your choice largely depends on which ones would align most to the needs of your website or which ones are easiest and most straightforward to use, just be sure you are well comfortable with the features and it would guarantee you maximum and optimal results.

When you have chosen one, do not just stop there, take a moment to get the general feel of the plugin and of course, do not be afraid to try some new others too. Remember, as the world of SEO is evolving so will the needs of your website and if you would want to keep up, you would have to be flexible and adaptable to these.