get page name from current url using php

Many people facing this problem for many kind of situations like, get page name from current url using php, Here we given php code for retrieve page name  … create dynamic javascript or css menu..,  navigation,  hit counter… for page..

get page name from current url using php

you can use set variable names for page.  second good way is use this function for print page name $_SERVER[“PHP_SELF”]

or if you want only page name than use this script



echo $pagename;


This is some more helpfull code…

echo $url;
echo "<br>";
$array = explode("/",$url);
echo $array[2]; ///which folder would you want to access ?
echo "size of array = ".sizeof($array)."

URL unicode is another method for Creating Pretty or Clean Url and creating breadcrumbs

How to create drag & drop event in flash action script

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to easily create or achieve the drag & drop event using flash action script

Step 1

Open flash then select file >> new >> flash document

Now in left side menu bar you can select rectangle, or circle

Here I chosen circle.

Create a circle on your blank workspace

Now make this circle a movie clip

Select modify >> convert to symbol

You will see convert to symbol dialog box

In that dialog box you have to select behavior “button” option

Place a name “circle_1” in name box & click ok

You can use any name as per your choice

Go to in action scrip panel

Please select first your object &

Select + sign

Global functions >> movie clip control >> on

Now select

Global function >> movie clip control >> start drag

You need to select the circle and right click on that and select action option.

In action panel copy paste the following code.

on (press) {startDrag(this)}

onClipEvent (mouseUp) {stopDrag()}

pressing following key you can see the drag and drop event.

Press short cut key “ctrl + enter”

You program will be run & you can drag your object by action script

You can download the original file from here : drag-drop-event

Getting Information about Databases and Tables

MySQL provides a SHOW statement that has several variant forms that display information about databases and the tables in them. SHOW is helpful for keeping track of the contents of your databases and for reminding yourself about the structure of your tables. You can also use SHOW prior to issuing ALTER TABLE; it’s often easier to figure out how to specify a change to a column after you determine the column’s current definition.

The SHOW statement can be used to obtain information about several aspects of your databases and tables:

  • List the databases managed by the server:
  • List the tables in the current database or in a given database:
    SHOW TABLES FROM db_name;
  • Note that SHOW TABLES doesn’t show TEMPORARY tables.
  • Display information about columns or indexes in a table:
    SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl_name;
    SHOW INDEX FROM tbl_name;
  • The DESCRIBE tbl_name and EXPLAIN tbl_name statements are synonymous with SHOW COLUMNS FROM tbl_name.
  • Display descriptive information about tables in the current database or in a given database:
  • This statement was introduced in MySQL 3.23.0.
  • Display the CREATE TABLE statement that corresponds to the current structure of a table:
    SHOW CREATE TABLE tbl_name;
  • This statement was introduced in MySQL 3.23.20.

Several forms of SHOW take a LIKE 'pat' clause allowing a pattern to be given that limits the scope of the output. 'pat' is interpreted as a SQL pattern that can include the ‘%‘ and ‘_‘ wildcard characters. For example, the following statement displays the names of tables in the current database that begin with 'geo':


To match a literal instance of a wildcard character in a LIKE pattern, precede it with a backslash. Generally, this is done to match a literal ‘_‘, which occurs frequently in database, table, and column names.

The mysqlshow command provides some of the same information as the SHOW statement, which allows you to get database and table information from the shell:

  • List databases managed by the server:
    % mysqlshow
  • List tables in the named database:
    % mysqlshow db_name
  • Display information about columns in the named table:
    % mysqlshow db_name tbl_name
  • Display information about indexes in the named table:
    % mysqlshow --keys db_name tbl_name
  • Display descriptive information about tables in the named database:
    % mysqlshow --status db_name

The mysqldump utility allows you to see the structure of your tables in the form of a CREATE TABLE statement (much like SHOW CREATE TABLE). When using mysqldump to review table structure, be sure to invoke it with the --no-data option so that you don’t get swamped with your table’s data!

% mysqldump --no-data db_name tbl_name

If you omit the table name, mysqldump displays the structure for all tables in the database.

For both mysqlshow and mysqldump, you can specify the usual connection parameter options (such as --host or --user.)

Determining Which Table Types Your Server Supports

ISAM is the only type available before MySQL 3.23. From 3.23 on, MyISAM, MERGE, and HEAP are always available, and availability of the other types can be assessed by means of an appropriate SHOW VARIABLES statement:


If the output from the query shows that the variable has a value of YES, the corresponding table handler is enabled. If the value is something else or there is no output, the handler is unavailable. The use of the pattern have_inno% to determine InnoDB availability matches both have_innodb and have_innobase. (The latter form was used in MySQL 3.23.30 to 3.23.36 before being renamed to have_innodb.)

You can use table type information to determine whether your server supports transactions. BDB and InnoDB are the two transaction-safe table types, so check whether their handlers are enabled as described in the preceding discussion.

As of MySQL 4.1, the list of table types is available directly through the SHOW TABLE TYPES statement:

| Type   | Support | Comment                                                   |
| MyISAM | DEFAULT | Default type from 3.23 with great performance             |
| HEAP   | YES     | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables |
| MERGE  | YES     | Collection of identical MyISAM tables                     |
| ISAM   | YES     | Obsolete table type; Is replaced by MyISAM                |
| InnoDB | YES     | Supports transactions, row-level locking and foreign keys |
| BDB    | YES     | Supports transactions and page-level locking              |

The Support value is YES or NO to indicate that the handler is or is not available, DISABLED if the handler is present but turned off, or DEFAULT for the table type that the server uses by default. The handler designated as DEFAULT should be considered available.

Checking a Table’s Existence or Type

It’s sometimes useful to be able to tell from within an application whether or not a given table exists. You can use SHOW TABLES to find out:

SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tbl_name';
SHOW TABLES FROM db_name LIKE 'tbl_name';

If the SHOW statement lists information for the table, it exists. It’s also possible to determine table existence with either of the following statements:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_name;
SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE 0;

Each statement succeeds if the table exists and fails if it doesn’t. The first statement is most appropriate for MyISAM and ISAM tables, for which COUNT(*) with no WHERE clause is highly optimized. (It’s not so good for InnoDB or BDB tables, which require a full scan to count the rows.) The second statement is more general because is runs quickly for any table type. Use of these queries is most suitable for use within application programming languages, such as Perl or PHP, because you can test the success or failure of the query and take action accordingly. They’re not especially useful in a batch script that you run from mysql because you can’t do anything if an error occurs except terminate (or ignore the error, but then there’s obviously no point in running the query at all).

To determine the type of a table, you can use SHOW TABLE STATUS as of MySQL 3.23.0 or SHOW CREATE TABLE as of MySQL 3.23.20. The output from both statements includes a table type indicator. For versions older than 3.23.0, neither statement is available; but then the only available table type is ISAM, so there is no ambiguity about what storage format your tables use.

Mysql table types

As of MySQL 4.1, the list of table types is available directly through the SHOW TABLE TYPES statement:

| Type   | Support | Comment                                                   |
| MyISAM | DEFAULT | Default type from 3.23 with great performance             |
| HEAP   | YES     | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables |
| MERGE  | YES     | Collection of identical MyISAM tables                     |
| ISAM   | YES     | Obsolete table type; Is replaced by MyISAM                |
| InnoDB | YES     | Supports transactions, row-level locking and foreign keys |
| BDB    | YES     | Supports transactions and page-level locking              |

Creating a Windows service

For this I used Daniel Berger’s win32-service package. This is a great package that does literally everything for you to enable you to create a nice Windows service. Just install the gem like this:

gem install win32-service

I used examples/daemon_test.rb as the base template to make my Windows Service. This piece of code contains all that is needed to run the code snippet above as a service. In this file you will find a class called Daemon that has a number of methods necessary for running a Windows service. Put in the necessary requires and place your ActiveRecord initialization code at the beginning of the code. Then under service_main, while the status == RUNNING, put in the main processing code, minus the loop. Your code could possibly look something like this (don’t cut and paste this code, just use it as a reference):

require 'rubygems'
require 'logger'
require 'active_record'
require 'c:/myrailsapp/app/models/message' # remember to put in the absolute path here
require "win32/service"
include Win32

:adapter  => "mysql",
:host     => "localhost",
:username => "xxx",
:password => "xxx",
:database => "mydatabase"

# I start the service name with an 'A' so that it appears at the top
SERVICE_NAME = "MyProcess Service"

if ARGV[0] == "install"
svc =
svc.create_service{ |s|
s.service_name = SERVICE_NAME
s.display_name = SERVICE_DISPLAYNAME
s.binary_path_name = 'ruby ' + File.expand_path($0)
s.dependencies = []
puts "installed"
elsif ARGV[0] == "start"
# do stuff before starting
puts "Ok, started"
elsif ARGV[0] == "stop"
# do stuff before stopping
puts "Ok, stopped"
elsif ARGV[0] == "uninstall" || ARGV[0] == "delete"
# do stuff before deleting
puts "deleted"
elsif ARGV[0] == "pause"
# do stuff before pausing
puts "Ok, paused"
elsif ARGV[0] == "resume"
# do stuff before resuming
puts "Ok, resumed"

if ENV["HOMEDRIVE"]!=nil
puts "No option provided.  You must provide an option.  Exiting..."

class Daemon
logger ="c:/myprocess.log")

def service_stop "Service stopped"

def service_pause "Service paused"

def service_resume "Service resumed"

def service_init "Service initializing"
# some initialization code for your process

## worker function
def service_main
while state == RUNNING || state == PAUSED
while state == RUNNING

# --- start processing code
messages = Message.find :all,
:conditions => ['sent = (?)', 0], # check if the message has been sent
:limit => 20 # retrieve and process 20 at a time

# array of threads
threads = []

# iterate through each message
for message in messages do
# start a new thread to process the message
threads < < do |message|
# process the message here ...
message.sent = 1

# don't finish until all threads are done
threads.each do |t|
# join the threads when it's done
rescue RuntimeError => e
# do some rescuing
puts “Failed: #{e.message}”

# — end processing code

if state == PAUSED
# if you want do something when the process is paused
rescue StandardError, Interrupt => e
logger.error “Service error : #{e}”

d =

end #if

Important to note that you need to put in the absolute path in the require as the service wouldn’t be starting at the Rails app.

Now you can install and start the Windows service (assuming the code is written in a file called ‘message_service.rb’:

c:/>ruby message_service.rb install
c:/>ruby messag_service.rb start

You can also control it from your Windows Services MMC console. What you have now is a Windows service that loops around until there is a message record in your database that is not sent (sent = 0). If there are, it will retrieve up to 20 messages at a go and process them with a thread each (parallelizing the processing to make it faster). Once it is processed, it will indicate the meesage has been sent (sent = 1) and loop again. Now you can happily create messages from your Rails app and stuff them into the database, while your message processor will process them separately.

AJAX Login Demo

Here’s a demo of a login system built using Ajax. This is a cool implementation which allows a user to login, without having to refresh the page. Here are some advantages of the noted by author of the code:

  • User does not need to refresh the page to login.
  • User is notified instantly on incorrect username/password combination.
  • Overall user experience is more seamless.
  • Password is not sent in plain text ever (more secure than traditional system).
  • Javascript convenience with server-side security (uses PHP/MySQL).
  • Uses one-time use random seed to hash the password before sending (making interceptions useless)

Source code for the login form is also available on the site.

Link: ≈ AJAX Login System Demo

Usability for Rich Internet Applications

Here’s a good article on design patterns for RIA.
“Rich Internet applications (RIAs) can provide opportunities to design much better user experiences. They can be faster, more engaging and much more usable. However, this improvement is not without its downside—RIAs are much more difficult to design than the previous generation of page-based applications. The richer interaction requires a better understanding of users and of human-computer interaction (HCI). Although there is a lot of HCI material and research available, it can be difficult to determine how it applies to this new environment.”

Link: Usability for Rich Internet Applications