10 Best photoshop fire effects images

We collected Best photoshop fire effects images. Through photoshop we can create photoshop fire effects. we have nice photoshop fire effects images in post.

Best photoshop fire effects

Here is some very cool fire effects made in photoshop.

Best photoshop fire effects
Best photoshop fire effects

Showing a realistic, fire effect in photoshop is a bit tough, but in this tutorial we will learn how to use photoshop to render realistic flames and create a dramatic artwork in few simple and easy steps..

Create new stencil art effect using PhotoShop

Photoshop tutorial for creating the new stencil art effect in PhotoShop. we given full step by step guide with their screenshots and explanation.

create stencil effect in photoshop

Open your photo as per your choice.

Now create duplicate the layer.

Select layer >> new fill layer >> solid color

Select a bright color in the color Picker dialogue box that is going to stand out against your image.

Drag your new fill layer in between the two other layers.

Now select pen tool cut unwanted part of images

It will look like below

Select Image >> Adjustments >> Threshold

For image in black & white mode

Now it will be blurry so we need to adjust the curves. Image >> Adjustments >> Curves

Select second layer & change the color in to black

Now your stencil art is ready now

create stencil effect in photoshop
create stencil effect in photoshop

Create new sunset effect using PhotoShop

In this article, We given full steps with screen-shot. Using this article you can Create new sunset effect using PhotoShop. We given tips for using photoshop.

Create new sunset effect using PhotoShop

Select a photo, which is having sky  background search in goggle

Now create duplicate of photo

Select brush tool with 20 opacity select black color & fill on ground side to top side on image

Now select new blank layer

Your layer palate & photo has to look like below

Now blank layer fil with black color

In lens flare have 80 percent of brightness

Now select blend option select linear dodge

Your senset is ready now

Create smooth wind effect in PhotoShop

In this tutorial we are going to be show you how to Create smooth wind effect in PhotoShop. we given full steps and snap shots the full description.

Create smooth wind effect in PhotoShop

First select a text here I selected wind

Now select layer >> rasterize >> type
That we can modify our text

Select filter >> stylize >> wind

t is a best tool in PhotoShop that you can use on text
In wind effect have methods wind, blast, and stagger you can also make direction
Front to right or front to left whichever is best for our text we can select
Here is select wind with the direction of front to right

Create smooth wind effect in PhotoShop
Create smooth wind effect in PhotoShop

Now go to filter select liquefy effect
Select fast wrap tools & on the text drag left to right direction
So you wind text effect is ready now

Samsung, Panasonic start selling 3-D TVs

Samsung and Panasonic will start selling 3-D TVs in U.S. stores this week. This inaugurates what all TV makers hope is the era of 3-D viewing in the living room.

Samsung, Panasonic start selling 3-D TVs

Samsung, Panasonic start selling 3-D TVs
Samsung, Panasonic start selling 3-D TVs in U.S. stores this week. This inaugurates what all TV makers hope is the era of 3-D viewing in the living room.

Samsung and Panasonic will start selling 3-D TVs in U.S. stores this week, inaugurating what TV makers hope is the era of 3-D viewing in the living room.

Samsung Electronics Co. announced Tuesday that it is selling two 3-D sets. Combined with the required glasses and a 3-D Blu-ray player, the prices start at about $3,000 for a 46-inch screen.

Panasonic Corp. has said it will sell its first 3-D set Wednesday.

The push into the living room comes as moviegoers have shown considerable enthusiasm for the latest wave of 3-D fare in the theater. This weekend, “Alice in Wonderland” grossed an estimated $116.2 million at the box office, beating the first-weekend receipts of “Avatar,” the winter’s 3-D blockbuster.

Although it’s clear that 3-D sets for the home will appeal to technology and home-theater enthusiasts, it remains to be seen if the TVs will entice regular consumers to spend $500 or more above the price of a comparably sized standard TV and Blu-ray player.

The 3-D effect requires viewers to wear relatively bulky glasses that need to be recharged occasionally. They’re not like the cheap throwaways that have been used in theaters since the 1950s. When you’re wearing these 3-D TV glasses, room lights and computer screens may look like they’re flickering, making it difficult to combine 3-D viewing with other household activities.

And for now, there isn’t much to watch in 3-D. Samsung is including a 3-D copy of “Monsters vs. Aliens” on Blu-ray discs with its packages, in a deal with the studio, DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. Its CEO, Jeffrey Katzenberg, said that it would convert its “Shrek” movies to 3-D for Samsung TV buyers later this year.

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Create red vintage photoshop effect with photoshop

Photoshop tutorial for creating red vintage photo using photoshop. In this tutorial we are going to be showing you how to create a photo effect.

Create red vintage photoshop effect with photoshop

First select one your favorite photo

Here is select this

Now make it duplicate layer & select blend mode darken

Create another blank layer select gradient tool draw a red color effect

One side has to dark red & second side lighted red

Layer palette & photo have to look like given below

Now put anther gradient shade on this layer with yellow & red mix

& Opacity has to 30 percent

Your photo effect is almost done now

Now go to filter >> render >> lightning effects

Now add

Go to image >> adjustment >> brightness/contrast

Your hot photo is ready now

Create red vintage photoshop effect with photoshop
Create red vintage photoshop effect with photoshop

How to create multi colorful effect with photoshop

Photoshop tutorial for creating multicolor effect using photoshop. We have given full step by step guide and short cut key explanation in detail.

create multi colorful effect with photoshop


Here I am going to show you how we can make colorful photo image

First here I select a photo which is I downloaded by google given below

Second step go to select >> new adjustment layer >> hue / saturation

& select values given below

Now create a new layer select brush tool & fill it with different color which is you like

& new layer blend more have multiply

Now select filter blur >> Gaussians blur & select 80 value your colorful photo ready now

multi color effect photoshop
multi color effect photoshop

wordpress and wordpress mu is merging in april 2010

This is really great news we got from wordpress. After wordpress 3.0 release wordpress and wordpress MU is merging.  This is really great news to multiple blogger community.

After April 2010 we can able to handle multiple blogs though only one wordpress instance. As per Automatic this is the biggest release ever of wordpress. Because more than 100 developers are working for wordpress 3.0 release. As Matt is celebrating the 6th anniversary of the open source blogging software.

People are always thinking about free wordpress plugins because there are thousands of plugin are available for singular wordpress. WordPressMu stands for his own advantages.

I am really fan of wordpressMU always because I started my carrier with wordpressMU. I written my first wordpress plugin for wordpressMU. Many big magazine and business companies always prefer to to use the WordPressMU.

wordpress 3.0

Automatic is targeting to launch the wordpress 3.0 in April. So many wordpress developers are contributing to wordpress 3.0.

wordpress 3.0

wordpress 3.0
wordpress 3.0

About wordpress 3.0, we are all very excited and want to know ab0out wordpress 3.0, what is coming in 3.0

Here is list what is coming in wordpress 3.0

  • If Pretty Permalinks on, enforce /search/ URL
  • Remove some variables unecessarily wrapped in quotes
  • Convert strpos/strtolower to stripos
  • Trashed pages can still be opened when logged in
  • Install.php confusing line
  • phpdoc and cleanup of deprecated $table globals
  • Comment Misspellings
  • Add FunnyOrDie.com oEmbed support
  • Edit media form has get variables in action
  • Better name for “themes_loaded”
  • wp_specialchars() is deprecated. use esc_html()
  • Add the Generator element in feeds through the {rss2|atom|rdf|rss}_head hook
  • redundancy in nicknames dropdown
  • XHTML well-formedness
  • Single function for intermediate image sizes
  • Ellipses for descriptions of actions in progress
  • Random order of Category List in Add/Edit Link
  • Navigation For Already Installed Page
  • Blank submenu entry created when register_taxonomy arg “label” set to false.
  • next_post_link() and previous_post_link() should be allowed in the loop, even if is_single()
  • Admin include file – post.php – doc update and cleanup
  • wp_widget_rss_output with show_summaryshows two ellipses
  • /wp-admin/categories.php needs a edit_category_form_fields hook.
  • Better handling of posts without titles in Bulk Edit
  • Remove unnecessary $posts_per_page global in admin.php
  • Use new $required_mysql_version global in wp-db.php
  • Cleanup in WP native CSS files
  • Update jQuery UI to newest version
  • Remove unused .fade class for admin message bars
  • Show action links after core update
  • Use new $required_php_version global
  • wp-settings.php is missing i18n
  • Wrong preview link for draft/preview on admin post index
  • body_class() creates an invalid class when page template contains a . [full stop]
  • in ms-edit.php, a query could be removed by using the object cache
  • define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false) generates a silent E_NOTICE
  • general-template.php echo/return fixes
  • MS-functions.php whitespaces and functions cleanup
  • Null value passed to apply_filters when get_post_class() is called without parameters.
  • Typo on wp-db.php: @war instead of @var
  • plugins_url() does not correctly detect mu-plugins on Windows
  • Hide bulk actions, item filters, and subpages when no items
  • Missing table cell close tag in ms.php
  • Top corners not rounded on Dashboard Menu
  • Should include default favicon
  • Deprecate get_alloptions()
  • Internally, pass arrays instead of query strings to functions that use wp_parse_args()
  • get_temp_dir() should be more flexible
  • Prepare queries using INSERT/UPDATE should use wpdb::insert() or wpdb::update()
  • New hook to replace the admin color scheme chooser in user-edit.php
  • Thickbox Should Not Close When Clicked Outside Of Window (while uploading)
  • Add more document file type extensions
  • _deprecated() version numbers.
  • Better location for the Categories to Tags converter
  • Support ‘atom_ns’ ‘atom_head’ & ‘atom_entry’ hooks in Atompub backend
  • wp_mkdir_p doesn’t work with safe mode enabled
  • array_merge() Error when Adding Roles via Plugins
  • Update Diff Engine
  • time() is not GMT time()
  • wp:meta_value does not escape correctly
  • Duplicate comment check is too strict
  • wp_crop_image() and image_resize() are inconsistent. Both should return WP_Error objects on error.
  • In Media Library, if file does not have an extension, try to fallback to mime type
  • create metaboxes for hierarchical taxonomies
  • Custom Taxonomy Tags not appearing in admin-new/edit-posts-screen
  • Consider using the PHP ZIP extension to extract Zip’s if available
  • wp_mail fails to send to multiple recipients
  • Fresh look for WP update notification on the top of page
  • Custom Image Size Settings
  • Undefined variable: term in wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 188
  • wp_clear_scheduled_hook does not work when including an $args parameter
  • Allow closures as callbacks
  • PHP safe-mode prevents WordPress from creating new directories
  • load_textdomain() merges even if not needed.
  • Add get_search_link()
  • Improve do_action(): Make $wp_actions an assoc array.
  • Media library: tooltip of image menu “View” shows name of next post
  • return variable $new_array in wp-includes/wp-db.php is not initialized
  • Importing WXR breaks serialized postmeta value
  • Redirection should be disabled for HEAD requests
  • Meta_key sort for numeric values / Natural Sort Order
  • Improve get_comments()
  • Opt-out of content snuffing for admin ajax
  • QuickPress loading graphic cleanup
  • Deprecate get_profile
  • Update phpass to version 0.2 (check /dev/urandom before accessing it)
  • wp_count_terms() should call get_terms()
  • optimised unzip_file()
  • Make WP_User_Search plugin friendly
  • Standardize hooks across the transient and options APIs
  • Mark user levels as Deprecated
  • XMLRPC references level_8 capability
  • Filter for paginate_links please?
  • Add is_comment_feed()
  • Add *_user_meta() functions
  • OPML import file size limit
  • improve get_page_hierarchy
  • Add replace method to wpdb
  • filesystem’s put_content() methods have inconsistent arguments — causes .maintenance file to not be created
  • Consistent filters for single_*_title()

get recent comments without wordpress plugin

Showing the most recent comments is great for SEO purpose. Our code snippet will able to get recent comments without wordpress plugin in your wordpress site.

get recent comments without wordpress plugin

You can display the most recent comments of your entire blog without any wordpress plugin. Showing the most recent comments is great for SEO purpose. Your site will increase the visibility and people interaction. Socially you and your blog will became more famous. Using following code snippet you will be able to add the recent comments in your wordpress site.

I want to display the comments in footer area. I created following code. You can copy paste the code in your sidebar.php or footer.php file.

Using following code you are able to display recent comments with author’s gr-avatar also.

$total_comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_date_gmt, comment_author, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author_email FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' and comment_type != 'trackback' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 10");
$comment_total = count($total_comments);
echo '<ul>';
for ($comments = 0; $comments < $comment_total; $comments++) {
echo "<div style='clear:both;width:355px;padding-top:3px;'><div style='float:left;width:35px;'>";
echo get_avatar($total_comments[$comments]->comment_author_email,$size='32',$default='<path_to_url>' );
echo "</div> <div style='width:320px;'>";
echo '<li>';
echo $total_comments[$comments]->comment_author . ' says ';
echo '<a href="'. get_permalink($total_comments[$comments]->comment_post_ID) . '#comment-' . $total_comments[$comments]->comment_ID . '">';
echo get_the_title($total_comments[$comments]->comment_post_ID);
echo '</a></li></div></div>';
echo '</ul>'

My footer is looking like as follows:

get recent comments without wordpress plugin
get recent comments without wordpress plugin