clean url with html file

We have site in plain html file and some time we want to use clean URLs or Pretty URLs for our site.
Clean URLs are in demand becasue of Seach Engine Optimiztion.

You can achive the Clean URLs. With not doing rework of building site.

Apache Server.
mod_rewrite engine need to on.

Create .htaccess file
and copy paste the following lines

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f

#code for About us Page
RewriteRule ^about-us(\d+)*$ ./about.html$1

Put this file into your root folder.

What this will do?

For example I want to look like

how to use sftp command with different port

I am using the Fedora 9 here for this explaination.

I tried to sftp on remote server for port no 2202. I got the following error on command prompt.

[siwan@localhost ~]$ sftp -oPort=2202

Connecting to…
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
Couldn’t read packet: Connection reset by peer

Then i tried the following command, than I able to make connection with port

[siwan@localhost ~]$ sftp -oPort=2202

Use PHP in Rails project

Many times you need to use PHP scripts in Rails project. You will got so much open source PHP scripts for various use.

Example is So many Rails site is using WordPress for blogging system.

Main reason behind using PHP files or script is SEO. PHP is a very SEO friendly.

Customer does not want to spend money or time already existing scripts or program.

If you want to use PHP files or project under Rails project. Just create any folder in Public directory and put your php files in to that folder.

lets say you created the “fourm” dir in public directory.

You need to add following lines in your apache rule file(httpd.conf)

LoadModule proxy_module modules/

LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

Under <VirtualHost  *:80> tag add following lines:

ProxyRequests Off

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST}    ^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/forum(.*)$ [NC]

RewriteCond  %{HTTP_HOST}    ^ [NC]

RewriteRule ^/forum/?(.*)$ /document_root/forum/$1 [QSA,NC,L]

Than you are able to use PHP code or scripts in Rails project

How to use juggernaut in Rails project

Juggernaut is the Rails plugin for sending and receiving data in different thread. It gives you real time connection to server and you can implement different ideas work or fulfil your requirement.

Juggernaut uses the eventmachine as a server.

So install the supported gem first.

#gem install json

#gem install eventmachine

#gem install juggernaut

Juggernaut is aims to revolutionize your Rails app by letting the server initiate a connection and push data to the client.

Juggernaut is used for speciallycreating Chat application.

If you want to full details about Juggernaut then go to

First install the juggernaut to your application using this command.
ruby script/plugin install git://

install the gem : gem install juggernaut

Configure the gem: juggernaut –g juggernaut.yml

Start the Juggernaut server: juggernaut -c juggernaut.yml

(This is not rails server or mongrel server)

In your controller you can use this method to send data to Juggernaut server

Juggernaut.send_to_all(“alert(‘hi from juggernaut’)”)

If you want customize the Juggernaut methods or add new methods then open file:


Add your methods there and use in your projects.

link_to with image_tag in Rails

This is very basic form tag in rails. but some time you get confused about using this tag.

How to displays a image inside link_to instead of text?

Here is answer:
<%= link_to image_tag(“/images/submit.jpg”, :border=>0), :action => ‘create’ %>

Section Option:

<%= link_to image_tag(“/images/submit.jpg”, :border=>0,:class=>’sub20′), :url =>{:controller=> ‘user’,:action=>’create’}  %>

Share Thunderbird Between Windows and Linux

Many people are using Thunderbird as a email client.

I am using the Windows xp and Fedora 8 (Dual boot OS) on my System. Two years back i was using Microsoft office Outlook for viewing the emails.

Later on i need to work on Linux also. For email check i always i need to go or restart the system and start the Outlook.

Then i moved to Thunderbird which is Open source and free. Important thing is Thunderbird works on Linux and windows both.

My Tip :Share Thunderbird Between Windows and Linux

I installed the Thunderbird for Windows. First save all settings. Then follow my steps:

1. Open Thunderbird ->Click on Local Folders button(Top left button)

2. Choose or click on-> View settings for this account

3. Choose or click on-> Local Folders

4. First go that location by browsing the explorer and copy the folder and paste into your d:  drive.

5. Restart the thunderbird.


You need installed Samba windows share program in your Linux OS. Samba share is the free linux utility for checking windows files or drive.

Then go to Linux OS. and follow the save stages. Which i mentioned in top.

You will be able to use or check same emails on Windows and Linux.


Create XML document with Ruby on rails

XML is most popular data transfer layer. In every language we need XML parsing. In Ruby there is in build XML strong parsing support.

Create XML document with Ruby on rails

In this post I am going to cover the How to create XML file with simple Ruby code.

TIP: If you are new in Rails than follow step one or go to step two.

1. You need to install Ruby on your computer

2. Open command prompt(for windows) or console(linux)

3. Create file named CreateXML.rb and copy and paste following code

require “rexml/document”
include REXML

string = <<EOF
<element attribute=”attr”>first XML document with ruby </element>
doc = string

print doc

Output will be like this:

Create XML document with Ruby on rails
Create XML document with Ruby on rails

text_area tag in Rails – Issues

When you start New Rails project.  Always we used scaffolding for creating simple base for out application.

text_area tag in Rails – Issues

I used scaffolding for some methods. I got some very weird issue about tex_area tag in rails.

When i check the forms textagea fields are coming with 20 rows and 40 cols default. When i tried to change that is not changing even though CSS also.

<textarea id=”dummy_text” rows=”20″ name=”dummy_text” cols=”40″/>

After digging into rails code i got know that Rails ->Actionpack-> form_helper.rb file has default setting of textarea field.

def text_area(object_name, method, options = {}), method, self, options.delete(:object)).to_text_area_tag(options)

We can change this also. but this is not good idea

so good idea is select our project and use find replace:

text_area to text_area_tag

This is the simplest solution.

Rich Text Editor in Rails Application

Many times you need normal CMS for your application. You want to need some pages data need to handle through CMS.

It is really very easy to Install any RTE in the Rails. There are many open source RTE available.

I used the Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor for my project.
I downloaded files from there and uploaded to my public folder. I added required CSS and JS file to my layout.

You need to add following lines to your application.html.erb file.(you will find this file in view/layout/ folder)

1. You can add that files on conditional base also. Means for that particular page.
2. Add following lines to your form
:html => { :name => ‘BlogRTE’, :onsubmit => “submitForm();”}

In to add following lines to your form;

<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
function submitForm() {
return false;
initRTE(“/cbrte/images/”, “/cbrte/”, “”, true);
<noscript><p><b>Javascript must be enabled to use this form.</b></p></noscript>
<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
//build new richTextEditor
var rte1 = new richTextEditor(‘text_content’);
rte1.html = ‘Write your thoughts here.’;
rte1.toggleSrc = true;
rte1.width = 500;;

You will get the text_content params in Rails.

For Edit page functionality i got error in form. So you need to this default code for all languages.
rte1.html =””;

When i used this i got an error.

But i solved this issue after some R&D and modification in code.

Use following code for Rails(Edit functionality)
rte1.html =”<%=text_content.gsub(/”/, “‘”).gsub(/\n/, ”).gsub(/\r/, ”) %>”;

this will solve your problem.


<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
function submitForm() {
return false;
initRTE(“/cbrte/images/”, “/cbrte/”, “”, true);
<noscript><p><b>Javascript must be enabled to use this form.</b></p></noscript>
<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>
//build new richTextEditor
var rte1 = new richTextEditor(‘text_content’);
rte1.html = ‘Write your thoughts here.’;
rte1.toggleSrc = true;
rte1.width = 500;;

Rails if else statement

Here i am going to give some example of conditional statements in Rails.
Normal IF ELSE
<% if user %>
<%= %>
<% else %>
<% end %>

Normal code for ELSIF
if var == 10
print “Variable is 10″
elsif var == “20″
print “Variable is 20″
print “Variable is something else”

How to Put this in one line:
<%= if user %> This is the simplest way.

How to use IF and ELSE statement in one line:
<%= user ? : “Anonymous” %>