WordPress as we all know has now become the most used Content Management System. In the coming times it is believed that the demand for WordPress will increase and so the demand for the designer will also increase. Although there are lots of templates available online but still in every industry demand for designer is there.
how hire best wordPress designers
Because only the designer can give the freshness and feature full look to the websites. Now the problem is how to choose the best WordPress designers . If you hire best designer that does suit to industry it will definitely affect the productivity and profits. Here this blog presents some simple tips to be remembered while hiring the designers.
how hire best wordPress designers
Go for the performance report
how hire best wordPress designers
Check out all the records of the work of a designer. This one of the best and the prime strategies to understand the skill of designers. Here , the basic aspects you need to watch out are the what kind of project did they participate in, in how much time the designer take to complete the specific type of project and the behavior in the team.
Try to Know the Designer strategy to develop the themes
Observe that designer do know or understand the coding for designing the theme or just use “
Copy and paste” policy in which the code from outside content is copied and modified it to give the look. If the designer mostly used the hand written code, it will be easier for you to optimize and understand. Secondly you can manage it effortlessly.
Observe the capability to manipulate the given themes
Every designer has the capability to edit the themes. But who gives the best and freshest looks to the given theme is an outstanding aspects of the designers. Suppose you got the theme and want the same for your site then this is the only designer policy to change the look so that it never lose its beauty and satisfy you as well.
The technology the designer Knows
hire best wordPress designers
There are lots of technologies available in the market which have good debugging facility, drag/drop facility, cropping and lots more. But we need to find that technology that designers used should have minimum shortcuts function, this aspect once again prove the skill that the crafter give the perfection in hassle situation. It is good if designer know all the latest technology because it will be help full in delivering the theme at rapid but it will be better even knowing all those technologies the crafter just implement the themes with hard coding.
Time management skills
hire best wordPress designers
See the time management skills of the designers such as what kind of policy the designer follows and do the designer present task in proper deadline or not. Try to know the case studies for the designers at different circumstances. This will avail you to understand the attitude of the designer.
Hiring the best designer should meet all the criteria that your industry need because it will be benefited in the long run of the business and improve the profit. It is believed that these short pieces of advices will not only help you in the hiring best designers but also good team manager too. If you know any more criteria except all these mentioned then please share with the comment section given below.
Many people using featured images in there blog or sites. Setting default featured image using wordpress plugin for every post is not possible for some times so creating the one default image and set that default image for all the posts is really good idea. Some times If you not have the default image then it is possible to break your wordpress theme or it does not look nice without featured image. In this article I will show you how to Setting default featured image using wordpress plugin.
Setting default featured image using wordpress plugin
Setting default featured image using wordpress plugin for post is not possible for some times so creating default image, for all posts is really good idea.
But still you want to set the default featured image using following wordpress plugin.
Add a default featured image to the media settings page. This featured image will show up if no featured image is set. Simple as that.
For exceptions and to see which functions to use see the FAQ.
My chosen featured image doesn’t show, why isn’t it working?
This plugin can’t guarantee that it works. That depends on the themes. Still I want to know if it fails, so contact me
Which functions can I use to display the featured image?
The plugin uses the default WordPress functions the_post_thumbnail or get_the_post_thumbnail. has_post_thumbnail will always return true. get_post_thumbnail_id will return the ID set on the post or the DFI you set.
Can I exclude a page or give it a different image?
yes. you can exclude all kinds of things with the conditional tags. A few examples which you can paste in your functions.php
Dont use a featured image on page 5
function dfi_skip_page( $dfi_id ) {
if ( is_single( 5 ) || get_the_ID() == 5 ) {
return 0; // invalid id
return $dfi_id; // the original featured image id
add_filter('dfi_thumbnail_id', 'dfi_skip_page' );
Use a different image on the “book” posttype. The ID of the image is 12
function dfi_posttype_book( $dfi_id ) {
if ( is_singular( 'book' ) || get_post_type() == 'book' ) {
return 12; // the image id
return $dfi_id; // the original featured image id
add_filter('dfi_thumbnail_id', 'dfi_posttype_book' );
Use a different image on certain categories
function dfi_category( $dfi_id ) {
if ( has_category( 'category-slug' ) ) {
return 13; // the image id
} else if ( has_category( 'other_category' ) ) {
return 14; // the image id
return $dfi_id; // the original featured image id
add_filter('dfi_thumbnail_id', 'dfi_category' );
Can I change the HTML of the image returned?
yes you can with the filter dfi_thumbnail_html.
function dfi_add_class($html, $post_id, $default_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr) {
// add a class to the existing class list
$attr['class'] .= ' my-class';
return wp_get_attachment_image( $default_thumbnail_id, $size, false, $attr );
add_filter( 'dfi_thumbnail_html', 'dfi_add_class', 10, 5 );
First thing you need to do is install and activate the Default Featured Image plugin. Upon activation, the plugin adds an option under Setttings » Media to choose a default image.
Setting default featured image using wordpress plugin
How to show related posts wordpress without plugin using category. Showing related article in wordpress site is always good for users to attract visitors. In many blogs people are showing the related or linked articles. Showing similier or related articles will increaze your site SEO. show related posts without wordpress plugin using category in wordpress site is always good for users to attract the visitors.
show related posts wordpress without plugin
More visitor will visit your site. For showing the related articles you need copy following code into your functions.php file.
[viral-lock message=”Code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]
// "Similier Articles"
function wpapi_more_from_cat( $title = "Similier Articles:" ) {
global $post;
// We should get the first category of the post
$categories = get_the_category( $post->ID );
$first_cat = $categories[0]->cat_ID;
// Let's start the $output by displaying the title and opening the <ul>
$output = '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>';
// The arguments of the post list!
$args = array(
// It should be in the first category of our post:
'category__in' => array( $first_cat ),
// Our post should NOT be in the list:
'post__not_in' => array( $post->ID ),
// ...And it should fetch 5 posts - you can change this number if you like:
'posts_per_page' => 5
// The get_posts() function
$posts = get_posts( $args );
if( $posts ) {
$output .= '<ul>';
// Let's start the loop!
foreach( $posts as $post ) {
setup_postdata( $post );
$post_title = get_the_title();
$permalink = get_permalink();
$output .= '
<li>permalink . '" title="' . esc_attr( $post_title ) . '">' . $post_title . '</li>
$output .= '</ul>';
} else {
// If there are no posts, we should return something, too!
$output .= '<p>Sorry, this category has just one post and you just read it!</p>';
echo $output;
After that open your single.php file and use following code.
show related posts wordpress without plugin
Using above code you can show the related articles in your wordpress site.
There are many wordpress plugins which using the shortcode. But you easily create custom shortcode for wordpress site. there is no need of external plugin.
custom shortcode for wordpress
Since Version 2.5 WordPress support so called Shortcodes. They have been introduced for creating macros to be use in a posts content. Many people looking for how to create the shortcode in wordpress using theme. It is very easy to build shortcode in wordpress. I given very simple code sample for creating the custom shortcode.
For more information visit following page.
For creating the custom shortcodes you need add following method in functions.php file which is located in your theme folder.
function myshortcode(){
return '<img src="http://images.purabtech.in/How-to-make-empty-the-wordpress-trash-automatically.png">';
add_shortcode('myshortcode', 'myshortcode');
custom shortcode for wordpress
you can change the return text or shortcode name aslo.
Many wordpress developers want to remove the theme editor option from wordpress appearance settings menu. Due to security reason removing theme editor from wordpress admin section is really great idea.
In this tutorial I given simple steps to remove theme editor option from your wordpress admin section.
You just need to copy and paste following code into your functions.php file. That will hide the theme editor menu from settings page.
Using following code you can easily remove editor.
function wpapi_remove_editor_menu() {
remove_action('admin_menu', '_add_themes_utility_last', 101);
global $remove_submenu_page, $current_user;
if($current_user->user_login == 'admin') { //Specify admin name here
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpapi_remove_editor_menu', 1);
One of my client faced issue with Autor drop down which is in Admin section.
Display the authors in dropdown menu using hooks.
While creating the New post there was problem with the Author field. There are hundreds of irrelevant selections (users) and it’s difficult to select the right one.
WordPress is by default showing all the users in author drop down. I don’t want to show the other users in author drop down.
Hook/Filter – In wordpress Admin -Add new Post section -Display the authors in a dropdown menu using wp_dropdown_users One of my client faced issue with Autor drop down which is in Admin section. Display the authors in a dropdown menu using hooks
I searched for wp_dropdown_users hook or filter. But I did not found any proper solution.
Following articles are found helpful to me.
Using that code I modified the code and I am able to fix the issue. You can put following code in to functions.php file.
* Hook for showing Admin and Author in Add new Post - Admin section dropdown menu
function wpapi_override_wp_dropdown_users($output) {
global $post, $user_ID;
//get the Admin-role users IDs
$admins = getUsersWithRole('admin');
//get the author-role users IDs
$authors = getUsersWithRole('author');
//merge the array
$result = array_merge($admins, $authors);
//array converted into comma seprated string
$authorsall = implode(",", $result);
// return if this isn't the theme author override dropdown
if (!preg_match('/post_author_override/', $output))
return $output;
// return if we've already replaced the list (end recursion)
if (preg_match('/post_author_override_replaced/', $output))
return $output;
// replacement call to wp_dropdown_users
$output = wp_dropdown_users(array(
'echo' => 0,
'name' => 'post_author_override_replaced',
'selected' => empty($post->ID) ? $user_ID : $post->post_author,
'include_selected' => true,
'include' => $authorsall
// put the original name back
$output = preg_replace('/post_author_override_replaced/', 'post_author_override', $output);
return $output;
add_filter('wp_dropdown_users', 'wpapi_override_wp_dropdown_users');
* Find User IDs by Role
function getUsersWithRole($role) {
$wp_user_search = new WP_User_Search($usersearch, $userspage, $role);
return $wp_user_search->get_results();
Using above code, you can load multiple role users in author drop down.
All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin is most downloaded plugin in wordpress. Our team written, All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin review which is unique. It downloaded more then 14 milions times.
All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin review
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important part of any business, but also for professional bloggers and all individuals that are serious enough about how they rank on sites such as Google, Bing or Yahoo.
Here are some features of All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin:
Some features:
Google Analytics support
Support for Custom Post Types
Advanced Canonical URLs
Fine tune Page Navigational Links
Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
ONLY plugin to provide SEO Integration for WP e-Commerce sites
Nonce Security
Support for CMS-style WordPress installations
Automatically optimizes your titles for search engines
Generates META tags automatically
Avoids the typical duplicate content found on WordPress blogs
For beginners, you don’t even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything
You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want.
Backward-Compatibility with many other plugins, like Auto Meta, Ultimate Tag Warrior and others.
If upgrading, please back up your database first!
All in One SEO Pack wordpress plugin review:
I appreciate free, & never, until now, complain about something that I get for free, but people need to know what they are getting themselves into before they update.
If you want to improve your SEO rating and have order in all your pages and posts.
The most accessible for novice users that never fails. It is feature rich in an unassuming way.
This is a good plug-in with the basic knowledge to improve your blog’s SEO. There are more advanced SEO plug-ins but this one helps users with a basic understanding of SEO. A great plug-in to learn SEO.
All in One SEO is well tested and proven to be the only choice for numbers of Insurance Carriers, Brokers and Agencies nationwide, which sites I built.
Worth mentioning is that All in One SEO is supported by a company, not just one person, so you can rest assure that if help is needed, their support team will be there for you.
Smiles and emoticons are always important show your expressions in short way. Earlier also I posted articles about same. Here is link about that. here in this article written about animated smileys. I given very detailed information to use animated smileys and emoticons in wordpress. animated smilyes and emotions are used everywhere now in mobile device.
use animated smileys and emoticons in wordpress
By default wordpress supports some basic emoticons. Here I can suggest some very cool wordpress plugins.
Kaskus Emoticons is an emoticon set inspired by Kaskus, the Largest Indonesian Community – consisting of over a million active members from all over the world. The images which are used in this plugin are copyright of Kaskus
Speedy Smilies takes emoticons in WordPress to the next level (where it should be already and hopefully one day will). The end goal is to make smilies load faster in the browser for visitors and make them easy to insert into posts/pages for authors. In addition to the speed benefits, Speedy Smilies allows authors to easily change the appearance of emoticons using smiley sets.
Speedy Smilies is free software licensed under the GNU GPL version 3.
Tango Smileys Extended
Tango Smileys Extended (TSE) disables the built-in WordPress smileys and extends the number of available smileys from 18 to 202. The extended smileys can be input using standard emoticon shorthand, or through the CTI (Click to Insert) interface. Smileys in comments is supported and may be inserted using the standard emoticon shorthand or through the CTI interface. MCEComments is also supported.
This version of Tango Smileys Extended is for WordPress 2.8+
WordPress versions pre-2.8 are no longer supported. If you are using WordPress 2.7.x, please use Tango Smileys Extended WordPress 2.6.x and earlier are only supported in versions of Tango Smileys Extended older than, and including,
This addon will add a button to your visual tinymce editor for posts/pages. Clicking the button will open a popup window with over 50 professionally animated .gif smiley’s.
You can insert these smiley’s into your post/page content areas. Simply click a smiley, and it is automatically inserted into your content area.
Replaces WordPress’ smileys (based on images) with font-based emoticons (see screenshots). Font-based emoticons have some advantages:
They have the same size as the surrounding text. No more distorting the heights of lines containing smileys/emoticons. They always fit the font size.
They have the same color as the surrounding text.
The following emoticons are supported:
8O8o8-O8-o:shock: (No real icon for “shock” yet. Using “eek” instead.)
:x:-x:mad: (No real icon from “mad” yet. Using “angry” instead.)
Notes: * Emoticons must be surrounded with spaces (or other white space characters); e.g. the emoticon in that:)smile won’t be replaced * Emoticons won’t be replaced in HTML tags nor in <pre> or <code> blocks.
wp-monalisa is the plugin that smiles at you like monalisa does. place the smilies of your choice in posts, pages or comments.
There are a lot plugins for smiley support out there and some of them are really useful. Most of them don’t work out of the box and this is what wp-monalisa tries to achieve, giving you the ability to maintain your smilies and even turn them into img tags.
it’s easy and it smiles at you…what else do you want?
maintain your smilies in a separate directory
activate or deactivate smilies for posts or comments
replace smilies with img tags
extend or replace wordpress smiley replacement
while edit posts or pages, pops-up in a draggable meta-box
extends your comment form to give you visitors the freedom to smile 🙂
support for fckeditor (tested with v3.3.1)
fully integrated ith BuddyPress
use animated smileys and emoticons in wordpress post
BulletProof Security and Better WP Security both wordpress plugins are used for wordpress security purpose. Both have some nice and unique features. There are wordpress hackers and they are looking to hack your wordpress sites. You should protect your wordpress sites.
BulletProof Security and Better WP Security both wordpress plugins are used for wordpress security. we explored BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security.
BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security
Better WP Security features:
Better WP Security takes the best WordPress security features and techniques and combines them in a single plugin thereby ensuring that as many security holes as possible are patched without having to worry about conflicting features or the possibility of missing anything on your site.
With one-click activation for most features as well as advanced features for experienced users Better WP Security can help protect any site.
BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security
As most WordPress attacks are a result of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and obsolete software. Better WP Security will hide the places those vulnerabilities live keeping an attacker from learning too much about your site and keeping them away from sensitive areas like login, admin, etc.
Remove the meta “Generator” tag
Change the urls for WordPress dashboard including login, admin, and more
Completely turn off the ability to login for a given time period (away mode)
Remove theme, plugin, and core update notifications from users who do not have permission to update them
Remove Windows Live Write header information
Remove RSD header information
Rename “admin” account
Change the ID on the user with ID 1
Change the WordPress database table prefix
Change wp-content path
Removes login error messages
Display a random version number to non administrative users anywhere version is used
Just hiding parts of your site is helpful but won’t stop everything. After we hide sensitive areas of the sites we’ll protect it by blocking users that shouldn’t be there and increasing the security of passwords and other vital information.
Scan your site to instantly tell where vulnerabilities are and fix them in seconds
Ban troublesome bots and other hosts
Ban troublesome user agents
Prevent brute force attacks by banning hosts and users with too many invalid login attempts
Strengthen server security
Enforce strong passwords for all accounts of a configurable minimum role
Force SSL for admin pages (on supporting servers)
Force SSL for any page or post (on supporting servers)
Turn off file editing from within WordPress admin area
Detect and block numerous attacks to your filesystem and database
Should all the protection fail Better WP Security will still monitor your site and report attempts to scan it (automatically blocking suspicious users) as well as any changes to the filesystem that might indicate a compromise.
Detect bots and other attempts to search for vulnerabilities
Monitor filesystem for unauthorized changes
Finally, should the worst happen Better WP Security will make regular backups of your WordPress database (should you choose to do so) allowing you to get back online quickly in the event someone should compromise your site.
Create and email database backups on a customizable schedule
Other Benefits
Make it easier for users to log into a site by giving them login and admin URLs that make more sense to someone not accustomed to WordPress
Detect hidden 404 errors on your site that can affect your SEO such as bad links, missing images, etc.
Works on multi-site (network) and single site installations
Works with Apache, LiteSpeed or NGINX (NGINX will require you to manually edit your virtual host configuration)
Some features can be problematic if you don’t have enough RAM to support them. All my testing servers allocate 128MB to WordPress and usually don’t have any other plugins installed. I have seen issues with file check and database backups failing on servers with 64MB or less of RAM, particularly if there are many other plugins being used.
Please let us know if you would like to contribute a translation.
Please read the installation instructions and FAQ before installing this plugin. It makes some significant changes to your database and other site files which, without a proper backup, can cause problems if something goes wrong. While problems are rare, most (not all) support requests I get for this plugin involve the users failure to make a proper backup before installing.
BulletProof Security features:
htaccess Core Website Security
WordPress Website Security Protection: BulletProof Security protects your WordPress website against XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts. One-click .htaccess WordPress security protection. Protects wp-config.php, bb-config.php, php.ini, php5.ini, install.php and readme.html with .htaccess security protection. Security Logging. HTTP Error Logging. One-click Website Maintenance Mode (HTTP 503). Additional website security checks: DB errors off, file and folder permissions check… System Info: PHP, MySQL, OS, Server, Memory Usage, IP, SAPI, DNS, Max Upload… Built-in .htaccess file editing, uploading and downloading.
Login Security & Monitoring Website Security
Login Security & Login Monitoring: Log All User Account Logins or Log Only User Account Lockouts (see Screenshot). Email alerting options allow you to choose 5 different email alerting options: Choose to have email alerts sent when a User Account is locked out, An Administrator Logs in, An Administrator Logs in and when a User Account is locked out, Any User logs in when a User Account is locked out or Do Not Send Email Alerts. See BulletProof Security Login Security & Monitoring Features for additional features and options.
Why is .htaccess Website Security So Much Better Than Any Other Type of Website Security?
The answer is very simple – .htaccess files (distributed configuration files) are processed first before any other code on your website. In other words, hackers malicious scripts are stopped by BulletProof Security .htaccess files before those scripts even have a chance to reach the php coding in WordPress. BulletProof Security uses .htaccess website security files, which are specific to Apache Linux Servers. Please read the FAQ page for Server compatibility questions.
BulletProof Security Fast and Simple with No Manual Configuration Required
The BulletProof Security WordPress Security plugin is designed to be a fast, simple and one click security plugin to add .htaccess website security protection for your WordPress website. Activate .htaccess website security and .htaccess website under maintenance modes from within your WordPress Dashboard – no FTP required. The BulletProof Security WordPress plugin is a one click security solution that creates, copies, renames, moves or writes to the provided BulletProof Security .htaccess master files. BulletProof Security protects both your Root website folder and wp-admin folder with .htaccess website security protection, as well as providing additional website security protection.
BulletProof Security allows you to add .htaccess website security protection from within the WordPress Dashboard so that you do not have to access your website via FTP or your Web Host Control Panel in order to add website security protection for your WordPress site. BulletProof Security Modes: Root .htaccess security protection, wp-admin .htaccess security protection, Deny All .htaccess self protection, WordPress default .htaccess mode and .htaccess Maintenance Mode (503 Website Under Maintenance). In BulletProof Security Mode your WordPress website is protected from XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts.
BulletProof Security Maintenance Mode
BulletProof Security Maintenance Mode allows you to create your custom website under maintenance page within BulletProof Security and activate Maintenance Mode to put your website in maintenance mode. Maintenance Mode allows website developers or website owners to access and work on a website while a 503 Website Under Maintenance page is displayed to all other visitors to the website. Allow access to your WordPress Dashboard for only yourself or add additional IP addresses to allow mulitple IP addresses access to your WP Dashboard while in maintenance mode.
WordPress is already very secure, but every website, no matter what type of platform it is built on should have additional website security measures in place as a standard. BulletProof Security provides that additional website security protection that every website should have.
If you would like to translate the BPS plugin to your language see this BPS Plugin Language Translation Tutorial. Please include a link to your website so that we can add it here. Thank you.
Tip: If you use the Google Chrome Browser you can right mouse click in plugin pages and then click on Translate to… To translate plugin text into your Language.
BulletProof Security htaccess Core Features
One-click .htaccess website security protection from within the WP Dashboard
.htaccess security protection against XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts
Help & FAQ page – links to BPS Guide and other detailed Help & Info pages
Extensive Read Me! jQuery Dialog Help buttons throughout the BulletProof Security plugin pages
Backup and Restore existing .htaccess files
Backup and Restore customized / modified .htaccess files
Add to, Edit, Modify the provided BulletProof Security .htaccess Master files
Create your own .htaccess Master files or code and use BulletProof Security as an .htaccess file manager
Website Developer Maintenance Mode (503 website open to Developer / Site Owner ONLY)
Log in / out of your website while in Maintenance Mode
Customizable 503 Website Under Maintenance page
HUD Success / Error message display
i18n Language Translation coding
BulletProof Security Login Security & Monitoring Features
Log All User Account Logins or Log Only User Account Lockouts
Logged DB Fields: User ID, Username, Display Name, Email, Role, Login Time, Lockout Expires, IP Address, Hostname, Request URI
Email Alerting Options: User Account is locked out, An Administrator Logs in, An Administrator Logs in and when a User Account is locked out, Any User logs in when a User Account is locked out, Do Not Send Email Alerts
Login Security Additional Options: Max Login Attempts, Automatic Lockout Time, Manual Lockout Time, Max DB Rows To Show, Turn On/Turn Off
Dynamic DB Form: Lock, Unlock, Delete
Enhanced Search: Allows you to search all of the Login Security database rows/Fields
Stand-alone Unlock Form bpsunlock.php: Unlock User Accounts without having to be logged into the WP Dashboard
Please click the Login Security Blue Read Me help button for full descriptions of all features and options.
BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security Conclusion: I used both the plugins for some time. I recommend to use the Better WP security plugin which 100% free and it has very great features.
Here in this article we written my review hosting provider for my wordpress blogs. Eight year before I started blogging using wordpress CMS. Review about all hosting providers which we used. At starting I used some nice hosting services.
my review hosting provider for my wordpress blogs
I took experience of many shared hosting services and wasted my time and money.
I taken domain from one.com at the starting. They were very cheap and nice service providers. They offered my domain with free hosting. I used their service for 4-5 months at starting. But when my site traffic was increased I faced slowness.
Then I moved to domain to godaddy. Then I taken hosting from hostso.com. That was really worst experience of my life. They always took down my site. I contacted their support, Answer I got “Your site is taking too much bandwidth and other sites which is on same server that was effecting so we are taking down your site. That time my site views are only 1k or 2k per day. After some time They asked me to remove your site. Even they did not give my money back.
Then I took hosting from hostgator.com, I faced similier type of issue with hostgator.com They also taking my site very often. Then finally I was very serious about site and hosting providers after completing the only six month of my blogging with wordpress site.
Finally I took bluehost.com hosting service. I was with them, for next 7 months. Till seven month bluehost was really nice but after six month they send me an email saying “There is file limit and bandwidth limit with our server. You need to remove your files from server.”
my review hosting provider for my wordpress blogs
Bluehost is not unlimited!
Bluehost at some point has a file limit. I’m thinking it is 100,000 files
You can read this:
Finally I moved my site to VPS. Because I realized there is no shared hosting provider which gives an unlimited hosting. Only VPS or dedicated server was the option for me.
So from last three years I was running my site on VPS.