how to create news website using wordpress for free

Many people created the news site with wordpress platform.  I will help to create the news site using worpdress platform. With wordpress you can handle too much traffic. There are too many examples of news portals which created with wordpress. is one example of news portal. But recently they changed there platform from wordpress but for many years they used wordpress platform.

Many people created the news site with wordpress platform. we will show, how to create news website using wordpress for free. free wordpress themes for news.

how to  create news website using wordpress for free

There are so many free wordpress themes which are great for news sties. You can easily create the news site using wordpress.

For creating the news site with wordpress, I recommend to use the some wordpress plugins.


Your readers want your updates as quickly as possible, and we think we provide the easiest and the most flexible publishing environment to make that happen. Sometimes though, that’s just not enough.

When you’re covering a fast-paced event — the latest Apple unveiling, an F1 Grand Prix, or the Super Bowl — a full blog post for each individual update is a poor experience for your authors and your audience.


  • Post updates right from the front-end of your site (no need to use the /wp-admin dashboard)
  • Viewers of your Liveblog get new entries served to them instantly and automatically, without needing to refresh their browser.
  • Your authors can drag-and-drop photos right into the Liveblog area, without needing to navigate to separate browser tabs or windows.
  • There’s no need for a separate site dedicated to liveblogging: every post can be a liveblog, even existing ones.

Co-Authors Plus

Co-Authors Plus, how to  create news website using wordpress for free
how to create news website using wordpress for free

Assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types via a search-as-you-type input box. Co-authored posts appear on a co-author’s archive page and in their feed. Co-authors may edit the posts they are associated with, and co-authors who are contributors may only edit posts if they have not been published (as is core behavior).

Add writers as bylines without creating WordPress user accounts. Simply create a guest author profile for the writer and assign the byline as you normally would.

On the frontend, use the Co-Authors Plus template tags to list co-authors anywhere you’d normally list the author.

Display the authors in dropdown menu using wp_dropdown_users – Hook/Filter

One of my client faced issue with Autor drop down which is in Admin section.

Display the authors in dropdown menu using hooks.

While creating the New post there was problem with the Author field. There are hundreds of irrelevant selections (users) and it’s difficult to select the right one.

WordPress is by default showing all the users in author drop down. I don’t want to show the other users in author drop down.

Display the authors in a dropdown menu
Hook/Filter – In wordpress Admin -Add new Post section -Display the authors in a dropdown menu using wp_dropdown_users One of my client faced issue with Autor drop down which is in Admin section. Display the authors in a dropdown menu using hooks

I searched for wp_dropdown_users hook or filter. But I did not found any proper solution.

Following articles are found helpful to me.

Using that code I modified the code and I am able to fix the issue. You can put following code in to functions.php file.

 * Hook for showing Admin and Author in Add new Post - Admin section dropdown menu
function wpapi_override_wp_dropdown_users($output) {
    global $post, $user_ID;
    //get the Admin-role users IDs
    $admins = getUsersWithRole('admin');
    //get the author-role users IDs
    $authors = getUsersWithRole('author');
    //merge the array
    $result = array_merge($admins, $authors);

    //array converted into comma seprated string
    $authorsall = implode(",", $result);

    // return if this isn't the theme author override dropdown
    if (!preg_match('/post_author_override/', $output))
        return $output;

    // return if we've already replaced the list (end recursion)
    if (preg_match('/post_author_override_replaced/', $output))
        return $output;

    // replacement call to wp_dropdown_users
    $output = wp_dropdown_users(array(
        'echo' => 0,
        'name' => 'post_author_override_replaced',
        'selected' => empty($post->ID) ? $user_ID : $post->post_author,
        'include_selected' => true,
        'include' => $authorsall

    // put the original name back
    $output = preg_replace('/post_author_override_replaced/', 'post_author_override', $output);

    return $output;

add_filter('wp_dropdown_users', 'wpapi_override_wp_dropdown_users');

 * Find User IDs by Role

function getUsersWithRole($role) {
    $wp_user_search = new WP_User_Search($usersearch, $userspage, $role);
    return $wp_user_search->get_results();

Using above code, you can load multiple role users in author drop down.