In linux OS and windows OS cron jobs been used for backgroud tasks, many times you need to execute the some background tasks based on time. In wordpress creating the cron jobs is very easy. For creating the cronjob you can use the wp_schedule_event() event. You can run the cron based on time defined.
In linux and mac box adding cronjobs are different then using in wordpress. WordPress itself supports the adding cronjobs events or tasks. Here in this article I explained about using cron job with WordPress.
CRON job with WordPress
You can pass following parameters:
add_action('wpapi_hourly_event', 'do_this_daily');
function wpapi_activation() {
if ( !wp_next_scheduled( 'wpapi_hourly_event' ) ) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'wpapi_daily_event');
add_action('wp', 'wpapi_activation');
function do_this_hourly() {
// do something daily
cron job with WordPress
For more detailed information you can visit
WordPress itself uses the jquery in all wordpress themes and loads automatically. But it is always good to load the jquery library through google CDN. It saves your sites bandwidth. Many people already written about same so here I am just putting the method.
Load jQuery library from Google CDN
Load the jQuery library from Google CDN is always good for seo and better performance of site. WordPress itself uses the jquery in all wordpress themes and loads automatically.
For more libraries you can visit the following URL:
What you need is, just copy and paste the following code into your functions.php file.
function jquery_from_google_cdn() {
if (!is_admin()) {
wp_register_script('jquery', '//', false, '1.11.1');
add_action('init', 'jquery_from_google_cdn');
Many latest framework are loading all javascript in footer. They reduce the page loading the errors. But wordpress load the jquery and other javascript in header.
loading javascript libraries in footer will be always best for every web or mobile application. Here in this article, I will show to Load jQuery in wordpress footer section.
But using following code you can load your javascripts and jquery in footer area. You just need to copy and paste the following code into the functions.php file.
Load jQuery in wordpress footer section
function wpai_add_jquery_in_footer( &$scripts) {
if ( ! is_admin() )
$scripts->add_data( 'jquery', 'group', 1 );
add_action( 'wp_default_scripts', 'wpai_add_jquery_in_footer' );
After doing the this you js scripts will load in footer. This js will load in footer for only normal users, Not for admin user.
Load jQuery in wordpress footer section will be best
Many times people use the the plugin for deleting the post revisions. There are so many plugins are available for deleting the post revisions. Deleting by revisions perform optimizations on your WordPress database action. Removing old revisions and database optimizations is one of the best things you can do to your WordPress blog to keep it running as fast as it can. Here in this article I will show you how to delete the post revisions automatically.
clean wordpress by deleting revisions automatically
Removing old revisions and database optimization is best. Here in this article I will show you how to clean wordpress by deleting revisions automatically.
What you need is you need to put following code in functions.php file.
$wpdb->query( "
DELETE FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'revision'
" );
Here are some plugins which are helpful for cleaning the database and delete the revisions.
Better Delete Revision not only deletes redundant revisions of posts from your WordPress Database, it also deletes other database content related to each revision such meta information, tags, relationships, and more. Better Delete Revision is based on the old “Delete Revision” plugin but it is compatible with the latest version of WordPress (3.x) with improved features.
Your current published, scheduled, and draft posts are never touched by this plugin!
This plugin can also perform optimizations on your WordPress database. With optimization and old revision removal this plugin will keep your database lighter and smaller throughout use. Removing old revisions and database optimizations is one of the best things you can do to your WordPress blog to keep it running as fast as it can.
WordPress MU or customs installation (like some pre-made installation of some Hosting Providers) are not yet supported. WordPress MU support is in our TODO list.
Post Revisions are a feature introduced in WordPress 2.6. Whenever you or WordPress saves a post or a page, a revision is automatically created and stored in your WordPress database. Each additional revision will slowly increase the size of your database. If you save a post or page multiple times, your number of revisions will greatly increase overtime. For example, if you have 100 posts and each post has 10 revisions you could be storing up to 1,000 copies of older data! The Better Delete Revision plugin is your #1 choice to quickly and easily removing revision from your WordPress database. Try it out today to see what a lighter and smaller WordPress database can do for you!
Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin which can be used to delete posts in bulk from selected categories, tags, post types or custom taxonomies. This Plugin can also delete all drafts, post revisions, scheduled posts or pages and users based on user role.
Bulk delete users based on user role and posts from selected categories, tags, post types, custom taxonomies or by post status like drafts, scheduled
WordPress is used by 50 million plus websites worldwide and is certainly the best blogging platforms till date. Now, not only bloggers but several businesses and organization firms are making use of WordPress as the web development platform for building compelling websites or blog pages. Blogging is a vital component of SEO, and WordPress facilitate website owners with the power of creating blogs. But that doesn’t mean that merely developing a site in WordPress will make it SEO optimized. Well, to some extent it will, but SEO is a huge field and requires a lot of knowledge and efforts to master it.
SEO Plugins for Optimize your WordPress
If you’re planning to build a WordPress powered site but lack knowledge about SEO, then here’s a list of top 3 WordPress Plugins that will help your website acquire top ranks in Google and other search engines.
Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitemap
You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage and each post and pages.
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.
This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.
Following are the features:
Preview of Smart wordpress SEO – Home page Keywords and description
WebMaster Tool Verification Setting
Social Authorship for Google, Twitter and Facebook
XML sitemap setting
Image SEO setting
Eash Post or Page SEO title, Description and Keywords setting
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.
WebMaster tool and meta tag, Social AuthorShip meta Tags added for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
This plugin will create XML sitemap for your website. This plugin will boost your seo in two weeks.
Google, Bing Verify ownership with wordpress
Google XML Sitemap
A sitemap can do wonders in making your WP site search engine optimized, as it helps Google to discover pages on your site that it may not have discovered earlier. Simply put, a sitemap is a formatted list of all the relevant web pages present on your site that gets easily indexed by Google. Google XML Sitemap is a WP plugin that helps to automatically generate a XML based sitemap that enable search engine like Google, and others to index your site in a better way.
SEO Plugins for Optimize your WordPress
This sitemap plugin makes it easier for the search engine crawlers to see the entire structure of your website effortlessly. The plugin creates a sitemap using the combination of relevant links and sample text present in your site. The best part is that the plugin automatically notifies topnotch search engines when you create a new post for your site.
WordPress SEO by Yoast
The next in the plugin list is WordPress SEO by Yoast having more than 4.5 million downloads and an excellent rating of 4.7 stars out of 5, this is indeed one of the best SEO plugin that is easy to learn and use. It enables website creators to perform several tasks, as listed below:
Helps in previewing a code snippet
Track keyword density in your blog post and verify whether the targeted keyword is present in your post – title and URL or not. That’s not it! It even provides a hint regarding the correct place where you should add the keyword in order to obtain better position in search engine result pages (SERPs).
Lastly, it helps to carry out complete analysis on both inbound as well as outbound links.
WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin simply checks how optimized your web page is and accordingly recommend changes. Besides this, the plugin offers several other functions such as XML sitemaps, RSS optimization, and social integration to name a few.
All in One SEO Pack
Last in the list is – All in One SEO Pack, it is the viable alternative for novices as well as veterans for making a WP site optimized for search engines, and possess a rating of 3.9 stars over 5. The plugin helps saves a considerable amount of your time and effort, as it automatically generate meta-keywords and meta-descriptions in your posts, and enhances titles in tune with search engines. What’s more, it comes loaded with a lot of features, which includes providing support for Google analytics, creating XML sitemap for WP blog, and many other features.
The best thing about this plugin is that it is the only plugin that comes with an extended SEO integration feature built for ecommerce websites. Additionally, it comes with advanced algorithms that help to check whether your blog contains duplicate pages or not – so that you can evade panda penalty.
You can find various great SEO plugins to help make your WordPress site search engine optimized. Aforementioned are the top 3 and most extensively used WP SEO plugins that website owners must be familiar with.
From WordPress 3.8 version came with new dashboard style. For Get back single-column dashboard in Latest WordPress, So you can use our code which can useful for every wordpress devloper.
Get back single-column dashboard in Latest WordPress
For getting back the single-column dashboard in WordPress 3.8, you need to add the following code in functions.php file.
// force one-column dashboard
function wpapi_single_screen_layout_columns($columns) {
$columns['dashboard'] = 1;
return $columns;
add_filter('screen_layout_columns', 'wpapi_single_screen_layout_columns');
function wpapi_single_screen_layout_dashboard() { return 1; }
add_filter('get_user_option_screen_layout_dashboard', 'wpapi_single_screen_layout_dashboard');
Creating the pages by using script or in wordpress is very easy. You just need to the following code snippet for create pages programmatically in wordpress. Many times we need to create the default page or post in wordpress. You just need to the following code snippet in functions.php file or your can put following code in your plugin file.
create pages programmatically in wordpress
If you are the wordpress plugin or theme developer then following code sample is rally useful to create the empty post or page in wordpress.
SEO on WordPress is not that difficult. There are DIY blogs and articles that will help to teach you the best ways to use SEO on your WordPress sites. You can learn all about the newest SEO strategies that work the best, and some tried and true strategies that may not be as much on the cutting edge, but that can still help your site.
Interlinking Articles on WordPress
Interlinking Blog Posts Properly
If you are looking for your WordPress site to rank higher in the results of searches, you will tweak your category pages. However, it is also necessary to link new articles to relevant older articles. You need to know how they should be linked, which ones should be linked and what anchor text should be used.
Load Google Analytics
Check your current keywords, to see what articles of yours are already ranking in search engines. If your articles don’t rank #1 for any of your traffic keywords, be sure you link to those older articles from your new writings. It is easier to make improvements on existing rankings than it would be to rank for something new.
Interlinking Articles on WordPress
Before You Interlink…
There are SEO nuances that affect the way you should interlink. These are not secrets, but they are the way top SEO users believe that search engines currently work. Links higher up in their HTML will pass more “search juice”. This simply means that if your links are above the fold, close to the top of the page, they are more important than links buried lower in your articles. Keep your links close to the top or middle of your article.
Interlink One Page One Time
The best way to attract top search engine results is by only interlinking each page once, despite the temptation to link more than one time to each page. You can acquire links this way, too. If you work smart, you won’t have to add any new text to your existing posts. You can just find the keywords already in those posts and hyperlink to them.
Links – Automatic or Manual?
Some posters prefer to do their links manually, and others use programs like ScribeSEO. ScribeSEO will recommend where you link and what you link, as well. Doing links manually allows you to fine tune the SEO based on your current data and your rankings now. If you use an automatic program, you could miss some opportunities.
The Best Ways to Link
From the standpoint of marketing, if you are trying to get clicks to specific pages on your WordPress site, you can link to it more than once. Interlinking allows linking of old posts to new, and newer readers can learn about the older posts, which they may find interesting. It will also help in decreasing your blog’s bounce rate. This is more helpful for SEO purposes, too.
Thesis is one of the better premium WordPress themes, and also a community of people who are all dedicated to the goal of building better sites. The members of the forum have a lot of helpful advice for people who are newer to the blogging scene.
Helping Search Engines
If you want search engines to rank every page on your blog, then they must be able to find every page. The bots or spiders used by search engines trawl online and index web page content. If you use interlinking on your blog, this makes it easier for spiders to index each page of your WordPress blog.
Google Looks at Every Page
Google ranks website pages in part on how many other pages are linked to it. This means how many pages, not how many sites. When you interlink your blog entries, you’ll help each article to earn a better search ranking, and it will bring more traffic.
Every business must have a unique website as online presence plays crucial role in establishing your brand. Here, comes the need for outsourcing a reputed web designing company to get the best development services. WordPress is a powerful open source content management system that allows users to update the content easily without any hassle. It is widely used by various large corporations as well as small scale businesses to manage their blogs and websites. Initially, WordPress started as a blogging tool and now it has gone far beyond it. Now, WordPress can be used to develop e-commerce websites. There are numerous themes and plug-ins available to satisfy user requirements.
Incredible WordPress Development
Word Development service is an ideal way of developing websites & blogs to promote small and large enterprises. There are many offshore web development centers offering WordPress services at affordable prices. These development centers hire proficient WordPress programmers, who work on custom development projects. An experienced web developer ensures a powerful head start in this online venture. Consider the following pointers to choose the appropriate WordPress development company that helps you augment in online business arena.
Every business must have a unique website as online presence plays crucial role in establishing your brand. e-commerce Incredible WordPress Development.
Many firms offer WordPress development as a part of their portfolio. There are a few points that must be kept in mind while choosing WordPress development service provider:Incredible WordPress Development
Thorough Reaserch:
Research is the primary step that can lead you to professional companies that deliver quality work. One may go through any references like friends or colleagues.
Experience Counts Here:
Experience matters a lot as a WordPress programmer with considerable years of experience has in-depth knowledge that particular field. We all are aware of the fact, “the older is the wine, better it tastes.” Similar is the case here, the more experienced developers would have handled greater number of projects. Therefore, they will have all the capabilities to give your project a new edge.
Latest Technology:
Technology plays a pivotal role in overall success of project. Professional web developers always work on advanced technologies according to the project needs. It is very important to use the right technology in order to compete in this cutthroat web world.
Portfolio Reflects Work Quality:
The work portfolio of a company flaunts its design and development capabilities. So, checking a portfolio prior to opt for service is a smart move. This gives a fair idea about the quality of its work and a preview of past development ventures.
Cost Analysis:
It is an intelligent step to conduct a thorough research on the cost involved WordPress development and then compare it with the prices offered by the shortlisted service providers. This is the best way of getting a good deal and the chances of getting reduced prices are substantially high.
Support Service:
Make sure that they have included support services after sale in their package because there are several firms that make high claims,but fail to deliver the results. The portfolio gives an impression of quality of work, they deliver. Also, make sure that the team has handled such projects in the past.
Boost Business with Incredible WordPress Development
Advantages of WordPress Development Service:
Flexible service:
WordPress programmers usually have flexible working hours. So, they charge an hourly rate for their development and customization services. Flexible service means, one can opt for hourly working developers or hire them for full-time or part-time basis according to the project requirements.
Optimization Service:
WordPress website is made SEO-friendly for better ranking in the search results. Optimization services are included in their package. It is highly-beneficial for those, who want to use the WordPress site for their business purpose only.
Boost Business with Incredible WordPress Development
Top-Notch Quality:
WordPress Experts deliver top-quality solution providing you a peace of mind. To get a powerful and highly-secured WordPress can be a challenging task without proficient developers. They offer exclusive services at much affordable rates without compromising on quality standards.
WordPress developers ensure maximum customer satisfaction by offering highly customized, easy to navigate cross-browser compatible website. Also, they take utmost care that all the issues related to project are addressed quickly and efficiently.
WordPress gives you to create gallery and show on any page. You just need to multiple image and show as a gallery. You can show the images as attachment of gallery image without any URL. I will show you in this article about add the link to gallery image. When you upload the single image then you can able to attach or add the link to that image and use in your post. you can link it to a custom URL under attachment display settings.
You can upload image from add post form or you can add the image from media uploader section. When you upload the single image then you can add the custom title, URL, description to image but If you want similar functionality for gallery then that is not supported by wordpress yet.
For adding the custom links functionality to wordpress gallery images, you can install and activate WP Gallery Custom Links plugin.
Plugin Overview
If you’ve ever had a WordPress gallery of staff, product, or other images and needed to link them to other pages but couldn’t, this plugin is for you!
This plugin adds a “Gallery Link URL” field when editing images. If the image is included in a gallery, the “Gallery Link URL” value will be used as the link on the image instead of the raw file or the attachment post. There are also several additional options (see “Usage” below).
Add Link to each gallery image in wordpress
It’s designed to work even if customizations have been made via the post_gallery filter; instead of replacing the entire post_gallery function, it calls the normal function and simply replaces the link hrefs in the generated output. By default, any Lightbox or other onClick events on custom links will be removed to allow them to function as regular links.
For each gallery image, you can specify a custom Gallery Link URL.
Use “[none]” as the Gallery Link URL to remove the link for that gallery image.
For each gallery image, you can select a Gallery Link Target (“Same Window” or “New Window”).
For each gallery image, you can select how to handle Lightbox and other onClick events (“Remove” or “Keep”).
to ignore the custom links on an entire gallery.
to open all images in an entire gallery in a new window/the same window, respectively.
to keep Lightbox or other onClick events on all custom-linked images in an entire gallery.
to remove links on all images in an entire gallery.
I personally liked this plugin and I used in some of my projects. This plugin gives developer to modify the there functionality using there api. This plugin supports and API. You can use plugin api in your wordpress theme and custom code.
Many websites need to image gallery in there site so you can use this plugin for sure.