turn off wordpress comment email notification

Many times we receive unwanted spam comments email notification from wordpress website. We personally faced comments email notification issue so many times. Many of our clients also faced this issue. WordPress itself given facility to turn off wordpress comment email notification using wordpress admin section. WordPress by default enable the all email types of notification on.

turn off wordpress comment email notification

In this article, We will show you, how to turn off wordpress comment email notification. Using wordpress administration you can switch off wordpress comments email.

Login to WordPress site dashboard. In left side menus,  go to Settings » Discussion. Then look at where it says “Email me whenever” and “Before comments appear” un-check the boxes there.

turn off wordpress comment email notification
turn off wordpress comment email notification


Please Use setting as we shown in above picture and save the settings. After this your email notification will be off. Using Other setting “Comments author must have a previously approved comment”. Uncheck that checkbox also. So previous commenter will never publish there comments without your approval.

Why turning off wordpress comment email notification is good?

WordPress send email notification through your server. Many times from sendmail server. If you are getting the huge amount of spam comments than, Your server will try to send email for every spam comment. It will use huge amount memory and server CPU. In that can first stop comment email notification.

Additional Comments setting

On Discussion Page we have “Comment Moderation” section. This setting about spam comments. In textbox you need to add words which you think could be spam related wrods than you can put those words there.

When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-mail, or IP, it will be held in the moderation queue. One word or IP per line. It will match inside words, so “press” will match “WordPress”.

You should add some spam comments related words. We will write about “Comments Moderation” in next coming days.