Facebook is top social networking website in world so many people are using facebook for social marketing. Here we discussed about Increase Blog Traffic Using Facebook. Here are 10 great wordpress plugins for facebook. In earlier article I talked about SEO and wordpress and website building.
Increase Blog Traffic Using Facebook
Imagine checking your blog’s traffic stats and finding loads of referral traffic from Facebook! What a wonderful prospect that would be! What if I say that achieving this feat is very much possible. Yes, all you have to do is read this post and execute the strategies I’ve mentioned!
I love taking risks, calculated ones of course! Being a blogger, I know that just relying on organic traffic is a ‘huge risk’, which I can’t afford. It is like putting all the eggs in the same basket. And with Search Engines being that ‘basket’, things get a bit too risky! A single algorithm update can wreak havoc with traffic stats of a blog! This is when social sites like Facebook, with good referral traffic, comes to our aid.
Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird are not adorable animals, when it comes to bloggers! These updates have managed to reduce traffic of sites and blogs by as much as 60% in many cases! That’s why many webmasters now prefer a healthy mixture of organic and referral traffic.
When one source dries up, the other one makes sure that there still is a decent flow of traffic to the blog! Here, I’ll share with you some strategies to help drive more traffic and visitors to your blog from Facebook.
Things to do on Facebook to get more traffic to blog
A facebook fan (of your blog) is like your blog’s spokesperson on facebook! It is the main source through which fans and readers get a glimpse of your blog’s latest posts, your personal updates, tips etc.
In short, it is a vital ‘extension’ of your blog, a must have entity! Make it engaging, active and appealing. If you treat your blog like a brand, I recommend that you treat its facebook fan page similarly. Here are some tips to create/renovate it-
+ Appealing graphics
Make sure that you use the ‘logo’ of your blog on the fan page. An aspect that many bloggers overlook is the cover photo. Cover photo can be used creatively to garner attention.
Why not put some testimonials/impressive stats and figures about your blog on the cover picture? Well, it is just a suggestion from my side. In short, cover pictures can be used to market your services, build reputation, show off useful posts etc.
+ Consistency
As I said earlier, fan pages are like spokesperson. We use them to update our latest blog posts, thoughts, helpful tips etc. A tinge of consistency in doing these updates will work wonders!
Make sure that you post useful updates throughout the day at regular intervals. A static fan page won’t garner much attention, neither will it drive traffic to your blog!
+ Good Interaction with users
Okay, I agree that you are the admin, you are freaking busy and all that. But that doesn’t forbids you from engaging with your fans! Come on, reply to their queries, ask them questions, ask for suggestions. Take interaction to the next level!
The prime motive of interaction should be to lend a helping hand! I bet this will make your fans feel ‘closer’ to your blog. And they’ll soon become a part of your loyal reader base.
Another way to boost interaction is by hosting little contests, polls etc on the fan page.
#2 Use Images cleverly
We all know that images have a knack of grabbing our attention easily. It is how our brain works. It has a special ‘liking’ towards images and pictures.
Why not exploit this trait of human brain to our advantage? Hell yes, I guess we all should exploit this opportunity! Whenever you share your blog posts on facebook, try adding relevant, attractive images along with it.
I’ve tried it and found that the ‘reach’ of such posts increased. The reach was much more than the normal reach I would usually get. The more the reach, the more the click through rate will be!
#3 Find that perfect time to share your posts
This is a tricky affair. Timing is very important for a blog post to get noticed and clicked upon. What is the use of sharing posts at a time when no one is online to read it? So, how to find the perfect time for sharing your posts?
There are many articles available, which discusses this topic. But let me tell you one thing. The perfect time varies from place to place. It can be found with the help of a bit of observation. Here’s how you should observe-
+ Know your audience
Yes, know who constitutes your audience base. Try to follow their pattern of using facebook. Share posts throughout the day and see when it garners most likes, shares and comments. Do this for a while and you can zero in on a ‘good time’ to share your posts.
#4 Find, Join and Make use of groups
Facebook groups are good places to start sharing your posts. Make sure that you join and share posts on groups related to your blog/site’s niche. There is no point in sharing a blog post related to gardening in a tech group!
I’m a happy member of this group! Don’t just share your own posts in groups. Take time to read others’ posts, share them and build bonds there.
#5 Making use of Hash tags
Facebook too jumped into the hash tag bandwagon. Okay, Facebook couldn’t create quite a revolution with it. But still, hash tags can bring in traffic when used cleverly.
Using hash tag to highlight keywords is a good old strategy. Further, using hash tags to take a dig at trending topics will garner much more attention and reach for your blog posts.
#6 Networking
I see facebook as the best platform for networking. I interact with fellow bloggers and influencers of my niche using facebook.
Networking has a lot to do with give and take. Make it a point to share and promote others’ content generously. You’ll be rewarded for your deeds. Further, it helps build bonds that lasts long!
And if your content manages to impress an influencer, you’re all set to go on a wild ride! If your posts get shared by them, it will ensure some spike in referral traffic. But that ultimately depends on the quality of your blog post!
Things to do off facebook to get more traffic from it
So far, we talked about what can be done on facebook to get more visitors. Now let us take a look at some of the important off site factors.
#1 Sharing Buttons (almost all of us have them)
I know, I know, you all have got those fancy set of social sharing buttons. I appreciate that. Still, I felt it is my duty to list this tip here. The ‘recommended by friends’ plugin is also handy to keep visitors engaged.
As we all know, when a visitor likes/shares a blog’s content using these buttons, it starts off a ripple. This ripple will let his friends know of our blog post, prompting him/her to visit it. Hopefully this ‘ripple’ will go on (depends on the quality of your post and the next tip).
#2 Use catchy (but non- misleading) titles
The above mentioned ripple effect works like a charm when coupled with a catchy title. But please don’t go for a misleading title though, I repeat, don’t go for misleading titles.
I’ve got something for you to ponder upon-
+ Outsourcing Facebook activities
At the beginning, I described that ‘consistency’ in promoting your content on facebook is important. I also suggested you to take ‘interaction’ on fan page to the next level!
I know that it takes time and effort. That’s why I’ve decided to put this extra piece of information, about outsourcing. Why not outsource simple tasks related to facebook activities? If you are willing to shell out some bucks, you may hire someone to take care of social media activities altogether!
What about going for a little ‘free’ outsourcing spree? Why not entrust some simple tasks like updating new posts etc to your friends, family members etc? It is just a little suggestion from my side.
+ Automating facebook activities
There are many tools that automate the process of social sharing. I’m not a fan of automating sharing and social media activities. But still, these tools come handy when you want to share posts on social sites at unworldly hours, such as late night, early morning etc.
HootSuite, Social Oomph etc are some of the many useful tools for automating these processes. But don’t depend on these tools only. Make it a point to use them only when you are time stricken.
Over to you
So, do you guys make use of facebook to its fullest? With the right techniques, one can drive huge traffic to his/her blog from facebook! I’ve been getting good traffic to my blog from facebook, so can you, using these methods. Waiting for your valuable feedback.
WP SEO plugins are most important these days. In this article, We collected List of SEO Plugins Alternative to Yoast. “Good SEO work only gets better over time. It is only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change” –Jill Whalen
Without a doubt, search engine optimization (SEO for brevity) remains to be one of the digital marketer’s ingenious techniques in getting a page seen, making a particular content relevant and having people discover that particular content. As SEO remains to be a vast field, the logistics regarding it are not as forthcoming and more often than not, would require years of continuous and consistent practice in order to master it.
This would require a deep commitment from SEO specialists to know more about the field. However, if you are committed to developing your content and are serious about your blogging, business or portfolio then it is highly imperative that you would enhance your authorship and brand presence. One of these ways is through SEO which would enable you to drive more organic traffic, customers and leads towards your website.
Apart from this, you need to have a deep understanding of the optimization of your website and have the essential tools and accessories necessary for it. As it is, most of you have probably chosen WordPress as your blog’s platform and you may have noticed Yoast as an effective tool assisting you in SEO on all essentials aspects. As a bonus, it would help you write better and riveting content as well. That is as far as it goes superficially, however in a technical sense, the Yoast plugin would compel you to choose a sole focus keyword when you are writing your articles and use that same focus keyword everywhere. However, Yoast is only one plugin and if you truly are committed to your craft, you know you would not want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Of course, you would want to diversify and seek other platforms alternative to Yoast as well and luckily for you, we have noted some of the best down below. They are all functional and have various options which you would soon find out as you read on below.
Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitemap
You do not need to do anything extra anything for wordpress SEO. Just setup properly smart wordpress SEO. This plugin will take care of all SEO properties.Super Fast
This plugin is really fast. Do not use any other SEO plugin with this because it will give all type of SEO.
You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage and each post and pages.
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.
This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.
Rank Reveal is an SEO tool with a premium service. It has a special feature which would allow you to discover the keywords for which you are currently ranking, which you could possibly rank higher in the future and the ones which were virtually nonexistent to you. Additionally, Rank Reveal would assist you in finding long tail keywords with high conversion minus the competition. Rank Reveal is one of the SEO plugins with the largest collection of ranking data which routinely oversees search engines for their website rankings and it also uses proprietary graph data.
This is a service which allows you to not only know regarding all the keywords for which you are ranking for on SERP but would also allow you to keep track on your competitor’s choice of keywords and their rankings.
This is probably that one SEO plugin that is easily recognizable as it is famous worldwide and is predominantly one of the world’s most advanced SEO plugin that would encompass features built for bloggers, online business, magazines, and ecommerce. This SEO plugin comes in two versions: Free and a pro. The pro version would naturally offer you a multitude of other advanced features that are otherwise unavailable in its free counterpart. This includes premium support and installation.
All in ONE SEO Pack is perfect among bloggers who have little to no idea about SEO and who could not be bothered to perform any on page optimization. This plugin will automatically do it for you such as generating meta descriptions and meta keywords for your blog posts. Apart from that, it can even add alternate tags to all your images found within any of your posts. Lastly, this is the only SEO plugin which offers support for ecommerce websites making this that one catchall plugin ideal for advanced users and novices.
Another powerful WordPress-built SEO plugin that has the all-encompassing ability to manage all your posts, pages, custom post formats. Simply put, SEOPressor is a powerful plugin that would manage your complete website. Some of its features would include an inbuilt keyword research tool that would allow you to find long tail keywords and it allows you to use the drag and drop functionality which would insert the keyword into your content in just a click saving you fifteen to twenty minutes per post basis. Additionally, SEOPressor utilizes a powerful page and post analysis algorithm which would calculate the SEO stats of your content and would then give you a rating.
SEOPressor is also advantageous to bloggers trying to make their websites more social friendly as it adds a Facebook open graph and Twitter mediadata tags. Overall, SEOPressor is a powerful as well as a versatile alternative to the Yoast plugin.
Another alternative SEO plugin that is easy to use but incredibly powerful is Google Sitemap which is developed by bestwebsoft. This plugin’s features would allow you to quickly create and submit your sitemaps to the Bing Webmaster or Google Webmaster tool and would generate the .gzip file which Google usually uses and considers. This SEO plugin is perfect for those who value simplicity yet maximum functionality as well as its support for many post formats.
SEO Friendly Images is a plugin that allows you to rapidly increase your website visitors as you can divert traffic to your website from Google Image search. Statistics has shown that almost ten to fifteen percent of searches made on Google have something to do with pictures and graphics. Consider that even for only keywords such as SEO and blogging, even if your ranking is positioned in the third or fourth position in the image search, you are still able to drive hundreds of extra visitors to your website depending of course as to how attractive your particular photo or snapshot is.
This plugin would allow you to automatically add the alternate and title tags for every image on your individual posts.
Considering there is an abundance of diverse plugins available online, choosing one can be a bit overwhelming—especially for those of you who are still newbies to WordPress. However, this article has considerably narrowed your search by providing you five of the best alternatives to Yoast, but do consider that for every blogger and SEO specialist enthusiast out there, a certain alternative plugin would appeal to them. The same would apply to you whether your choice largely depends on which ones would align most to the needs of your website or which ones are easiest and most straightforward to use, just be sure you are well comfortable with the features and it would guarantee you maximum and optimal results.
When you have chosen one, do not just stop there, take a moment to get the general feel of the plugin and of course, do not be afraid to try some new others too. Remember, as the world of SEO is evolving so will the needs of your website and if you would want to keep up, you would have to be flexible and adaptable to these.
Apple and Google have catalyzed the era of mobile computing. The mobile apps including both Android applications and iOS applications are endeared by users. There are numerous applications that are available in the app stores and play stores and there are many yet to come.
Gone are the days, when there were few mobile users and massive desktop users. We all know that the incredible features of mobile has drive people crazy and made them to spend more time over mobile rather than on desktop. Now, the browser enabled Smartphone are there in the market so, what has caused ignorance towards web applications?
Mobile apps vs Web apps
Mobile apps vs Web apps
The stats and figures of past few decades, clearly epitomizes a substantial gap between the number of users involved in web apps and mobile apps, and this gap continues to widen. From using web browsers on desktop to running apps on Smartphones, the transition has occurred in really short span of time.
When both mobile apps and websites can be accessed on a handy device then what has made mobile applications more liked and preferred over web apps? For this, let’s have a look on the following illustration and know exactly what does the two terms signifies.
Mobile Websites and Web Applications
With the advancement in wireless technology, websites that can be easily accessed over portable devices are in demand. The Internet-enabled devices including, Smartphone (like iPhone, Android phone, Windows phone or Blackberry), feature phone, iPad or Tablet, etc., have become lifeline for many of us. They can be connected to a wireless network or a mobile network like 3G networks, 4G networks or Wi-Fi. And offers access over Internet and other web features with a breeze.
Nowadays, the websites are designed to adhere touch screen interface and easily accessibility on the small screen of a handy device. Based on ongoing market trends, website designs that exemplifies a perfect blend of Responsive, Simple and Storytelling designing styles are tend to attract viewers. The website that can adapt itself to the screen of a device and offers easy navigation throughout is preferred more.
The web apps were designed to be accessed over a browser. They are browser applications, which requires some downloading, each and every time when they are run. These apps include applications for banking, gaming, education, security and many more.
With these device agnostic apps you can experience more interactive interface and manage your work conveniently on the go. Example of mobile web app is Safari browser, Chrome browser, simple office softwares like online spreadsheets, Google docs, cloud computing apps for chatting, gaming, sharing any data, etc.
Mobile Applications
Accessing Internet and loading web pages have become a tiresome practice. To overcome this and to meet the upcoming market demands, mobile applications were designed. Lending an astonishing experience, the emergence of mobile application has defined new dimensions for the wireless technology. For running these apps, we need to download them once from an app store or play store via Internet; it runs smoothly on the device’s operating system (iOS, Android, etc.). It can be used for applications like games, reading desired data or managing content. Unlike web apps, these applications does not require full-time Internet support. They user-friendly and attractive Graphical User Interface (GUI), which further enhances their functionality.
There are various categories for mobile applications like gaming apps, education apps, security apps, Photo editing apps, entertainment apps and many more.
Both the applications have some pros and cons. Then, what has attracted users toward mobile apps and why they are avoiding web apps? Answer to this question lies in the comparison below; let’s see how mobile applications are dominating web applications.
Web Apps Versus Mobile Apps
I’m comparing the two applications on the basis of certain factors listed below. This will give you a pellucid difference between the two.
#1. Speed and Performance
mobile app speed
Speed and performance of an application are really crucial. Clunky apps are dumped as soon as they are released, while the one, which offers instant processing and results, rule the market. The code that is used to build mobile app is tuned for great speed, while the code used for web apps is fundamentally, not for optimal performance. And thus, it makes Mobile application a better option.
The speed factor is highly affected in the case of web app, since they are required to be downloaded before running, which consumes a lot of time and lead to low speed. The speed of web apps also depends on the connected network, so, when the network signals are poor, your web app will automatically slow down.
#2. Offline Support
Users love simple and effective apps that can run instantly with smooth functionality. Mobile apps offer great offline support and are preferred over web apps, as they uses the device’s content and doesn’t require any downloading.
Most of the time, running an app offline reduces the run time and its complexity. Web apps that are created using HTML5 can store data offline, but, it comes with two interregnums; firstly, it offers limited storage of 5MB data, which is not sufficient and secondly, it provides an option to the user to turn off or on the mobile storage; when you offers customer support for task like this, then it could lead to sleuthing and training challenge.
Both the apps can have offline as well as online support. You can use mobile applications to access both online and offline content. But mobile apps are considered more useful for offline use and web apps are apt for online applications.
#3. Access to Device’s Specific Features
Using your device’s camera as a scanner or writing messages by dictating not typing are some of the features that tempt the users and compel them to go for mobile apps, instead of web apps.
Since, the mobile applications are stored in device’s memory and work with the built-in features of the device, they perform faster and facilitates greater convenience.
#4. User Experience
Don’t you like to work on a user-friendly, trendy and optimized interface? Everyone does. Better layout and presentation will obviously attract more users. The mobile apps are designed to offer great user comfort, navigation ease and smooth functionality.
There are different mobile apps for different operating systems like App store contains applications for iOS users, Google play store has applications for his Android users, etc. These device specific applications augment accessibility ease and make them an absolute choice. While, the web apps are meant to be used by various groups of users, they have to follow some standard design or layout.
#5. Security
Every one wants to keep their device safe and secure from bugs and viruses. They can hamper your stored data and cost a lot for repairing. Security is a prime issue in IT industry. Especially, while dealing with online content, you are open to loads of threats that can destroy the installed softwares, data or can cause privacy issues.
As we know, the mobile apps are stored in device and run on device’s operating system and web apps are downloaded every time and executes on browser, the latter one is less secure and prone to bring virus to your device. Therefore, rejecting web apps and selecting mobile apps is a judicious decision.
Wrapping up:
If you are a developer, then it is very imperative to check the latest market trends and requirements before selecting between mobile apps and web apps. As far as users are concerned, I would rather recommend them to experience and make their choice. Currently, mobile apps are preferred over web apps but, bear in mind that IT is one of the unstable markets, so, stats may change anytime.
Search Engine Optimization can help you get higher ranks on search engine pages and builds your online presence to a great extent. But going about it the wrong way can be a lot worse than doing nothing at all.
SEO Mistakes that should be avoided in WordPress
SEO Mistakes that should be avoided in WordPress
There are few mistakes that WordPress users make quite often; they are listed below so that you can ensure that you don’t fall into the same trap.
Don’t provide XML sitemap
A sitemap is an XML file, which has the lists of URLs for sites. With their help, webmasters can make it easier for search engines to crawl websites more efficiently and easily. But there are many webmasters who don’t understand the importance of XML sitemaps, which can lead to search engines ignoring pages from the site. And that naturally means the visibility of your website will be greatly reduced. As your web pages don’t get indexed by all and mighty search engines, your online visibility is bound to suffer.
Not setting up Google Authorship
Google authorship is an important element of search friendly websites today; no two ways about it. It makes a world of difference to your brand promotion because your users can see a picture next to your articles. In fact your content, irrespective of the platform, will stay connected to your name. There are many who haven’t woken up to the importance of Google Authorship and don’t set it up, which is something you need to avoid at all costs.
Not optimizing URLs for SEO
If your URL has a smart title, it can help you with search engine ranks; no two ways about it. Running a website the traditional way can make it difficult, but when you are using a CMS platform like WordPress things are made a lot easier. You can make the most out of the tools offered by the platform and have creative titles for blogs, articles to gain good results. Letting go of this opportunity is a huge mistake you cannot afford.
Improper Categorization and Tagging
If you want to keep users engaged and boost traffic to your site, you can use categorization and tagging to your advantage. Using the right categories and tags in blogs and articles will encourage readers to go through the entire website. You can overlook this opportunity at your own peril as many already have. Having your web posts without tags and categories could mean that you are losing your ranks with search engines.
Irrelevant External Links
They are as important as internal links and should be relevant, keeping your site in context. Search engines will pay attention to the links you have to other sites and compare the thematic content to ensure that there is a match. Hence it’s important to look at external links before posting because they should define you according to your vision.
Poor Quality Backlinks
Their importance cannot be overemphasized as search engines consider them closely while judging a website’s popularity and importance. It’s been seen that some bloggers use ways like buying backlinks from farms or sites that have been put up with the sole purpose of selling links. These backlinks are often of poor quality and will give a similar impression about your site to search engines. On the other hand few backlinks from authoritative websites are worth their weight in gold.
Not updating WordPress
Your whole WordPress website will have to be updated at certain times and you can benefit from features like enhanced security, fixes etc. It’s incredible to see many not updating their sites and thus running the risk of being vulnerable or stuck with a website that doesn’t function optimally. It’s criminal to let that happen, especially since a single click of a button is all it takes to update your website.
Not installing any WordPress SEO plugin
Surprisingly, this is another common mistake that is made by many WordPress users. There are several plugins like Inbound Writer, Scribe, WordPress SEO by Yoast, All in One SEO, which have their tremendous advantages for your site’s optimization. Each of these plugins however performs differently, and thus has to be chosen wisely based on your requirements.
Poor On Page SEO
If you don’t organize your page or post around a certain keyword so that it’s spotted by search, then it can be a huge mistake. According to many, it is one of the major factors of WordPress SEO. If you make a mistake here, chances are that all your other good work will come undone. Thankfully there are plugins you can choose to help you with this element.
Keyword Stuffing
Importance of keywords for search engine optimization is now well understood. But you also need to understand that keyword stuffing is considered to be an unethical search engine optimization practise. It could lead to a temporary or a permanent ban on your website.
If you wish to rank for a certain category of keywords then you can create a separate page for it and then optimize it. You can also avoid duplicating keywords and create pages with them built in as a part of the content instead. You will benefit from that immensely because having high quality and relevant content on your website is quite good for the ranking of your website. However make sure you stay away from keyword stuffing at any cost because it will only hurt your chances with search engines.
These are some of the common WordPress SEO mistakes that you can easily avoid and ensure that you are getting maximum benefits for your website.
Are you like me? Do you have strong content writing and blog promoting abilities, but lack the knowledge of how to actually build a WordPress site? You probably can figure out how to install the blog but that’s about as far as you can go. If you’re just going to write a personal blog or one for fun, you’re probably a single person operation. You can get up and running, but that’s about it.
wordPress SEO with all in one SEO pack
If you’re just going to publish your personal blog, you’re probably a single person operation. you should know about wordPress SEO with all in one SEO pack
wordPress SEO with all in one SEO pack
Luckily for us marketers, there’s an easy to install plugin called All In One SEO Pack that helps us do what we do best; optimize our articles for search engines. Just follow these 4 steps to add the plugin to your WordPress install:
How To Get Started
Log into your WordPress site
Click the Plugins link and click Add New
Search “All in One SEO Pack,” click install and confirm
Activate the plugin
If you’ve spent any time on internet marketing forums, you’re bound to come across a poster who wants to know how to get hundreds of back links to their WordPress site, but they’ve made no effort to optimize their own content. The All in One SEO Pack now makes it as easy as ever to optimize your on page SEO. You’ll now find boxes when publishing posts allowing you to specify the post title, description and keywords.
wordPress SEO with all in one SEO pack – screen 2
The meta title is probably the most important on page SEO element. Your title is the link text that will show up in Google’s organic rankings. Make sure to write a highly relevant title. You’ll want to make sure your post’s intended keyword is included in the title, but don’t just cram your title with keywords. Remember that you’re writing for your audience, not Google, so the title should be interesting and eye catching. You have about 60 characters to work with, but each word is generally weighted roughly the same so be frugal with your words. It’s also a good idea to put your most important keywords farthest left on your title.
Google doesn’t use the meta description in their rankings, but this is another opportunity to help make your listing stand out in their listings. After all, this is the 150 character text that will show up below your link (though there isn’t a guarantee that Google will use your meta description at all).
Like the meta description, Google doesn’t use meta keywords in their rankings. You’ll probably want to throw a keyword in or two for the smaller search engines. It can’t hurt and only takes a few seconds to add them.
wordPress SEO with all in one SEO pack – screen 3
Us marketers may not necessarily know how to build a WordPress site, but with plugins like the All in One SEO Pack, we sure can make our sites attractive to search engines!
WordPress itself creates the permalink. WordPress permalinks are very important for SEO purpose. Short words are sometimes are not good for seo so you might need to remove the short words from permalink. Using the following code you can remove the short words from wordpress permalink URL.
Using code you can Remove short words from wordpress permalink.
You just need to add the following code functions.php file.
add_filter('sanitize_title', 'remove_short_words');
function remove_short_words($slug) {
if (!is_admin()) return $slug;
$slug = explode('-', $slug);
foreach ($slug as $k => $word) {
if (strlen($word) < 3) {
return implode('-', $slug);
Getting the traffic every day is very hard and managing those traffic is very important. Many times visitors comes to your site but they do not visit the other pages of site. Here are some nice tips to increase page views per visit wordpress.
increase page views per visit wordpress
keeping busy the visitors on your site is important. Some blogger think getting the visitors on there website is easy but keeping busy the visitors is hard. If visitor comes to your site and without going to another site, visitor goes to another site or leaves the site then that is called bounce and It will not be helpful to increase the your site page views.
We do many tricks to increase the page views. If you are using wordpress for your website then you can use some nice wordpress plugins which will increase the page views per visitor. There are so many factors for increase the page views. I collected some nice wordpress plugins which will help you to increase the page views per visit.
This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and super advanced random posts widget. Allows you to display a list of the most random posts with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple category or tag. Using random post widget you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Flare is a simple yet eye-catching social sharing bar that gets you followed and lets your content get shared via posts, pages, and media types.
The Flare plugin isn’t in active development because we’ve created a hosted app version of Flare that works with virtually any website or CMS, including WordPress. Using flare wordpress plugin you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
GetSocial adds a lightweight and intelligent floating social media sharing box on your blog posts. Using getsocial plugin you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Floating social share box compatible with leading web browsers
The best way to display your most popular content from your website. Using most post popular widget you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Installing this plugin is as simple as activating it, and you can leave the rest to nrelate. Once activated, the nrelate servers will immediately begin monitoring your website and start displaying your most popular content.
There are four ways to display popular content:
1. Automatically display before or after each post.
2. Use the [nrelate-popular] shortcode in your post.
3. Use our widget in any widget area in your theme
4. Place the nrelate_popular() function in your theme files.
nrelate’s style gallery allows you to customize the look of our plugin by choosing one of our set styles, or designing your own.
Check out the screenshots.
Advertising is also possible with the plugin. Ads come with the same display options as the popular content and are a great way to earn a little extra income from your blog.
Because all of the processing and analyzing runs on our servers and not yours, nrelate doesn’t cause any additional load on your hosting account (especially if you’re using shared hosting).
Simple, developer-friendly, straightforward post rating plugin. Relies on post meta to store avg. rating / vote count. Using post rating plugin you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
What does this plugin do:
Allow your site users to rate posts (of any kind)
Display the average post rating, vote count or weighted (bayesian) rating within your posts
Display a widget with the top rated posts in your sidebar
Allow you to create your own rating formula
Why another rating plugin? Because the existing ones are either outdated, bloated with useless functionality, or just too buggy 🙂
SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more. Using seo smart links you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.
Further SEO Smart links allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs. Finally SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attribute and open links in new window.
It is a perfect solution to get your blog posts interlinked or add affiliate links to other sites.
Everything happens completely transparent, and you can edit the options from the administration settings panel.
TW Recent Posts Widget is advanced version of the WordPress Recent Posts widget allowing increased customization to display recent posts from category you define. Using recent post widget you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
Output will depend on your settings, and you may define to set post title, post date, featured image and post excerpt.
If you set to display featured image, than you will be able to define image width and height in px.
If you set to display excerpt, than you will be able to define how many characters to print and also you may add custom read more text.
Display cool, animated flyout or fade box with related content. Just like New York Times. Using upprev popup you can increase page views per visit wordpress.
When a reader scrolls to the bottom of a single post, page or custom post type, a button animates in the page’s bottom right or left corner, allowing the reader to select the previous or random available post or posts in the selected configuration:
Just previous
Previous in category
Previous in tag
Related using YARPP (only post/pages)
This plugin lets you show a different greeting message to your new visitors depending on their referrer url. For example, when a Digg user clicks through from Digg, they will see a message reminding them to digg your post if they like it. Another example, when a visitor clicks through from Twitter, they will see a message suggesting them to twit the post and follow you on Twitter. You can also set a default greeting message for new visitors (not matching any referrer URLs) suggesting them to subscribe to your RSS feed. Having these targeted suggestions will help your blog increase exposure, loyal readership, and reader interaction. Best of all, this plugin is compatible with WPMU and various WordPress cache plugins (so you do not have to sacrifice speed). Using greet box you can increase page views per visit wordpress. Features:
Show a different greeting message to your visitor depending on the referrer URL. You can add/edit/delete/disable these greeting messages as you choose.
Beautiful set of icons shipped along with the different default referrers.
Clickable icon in greeting messages with target=_blank option.
Greeting messages automatically get inserted into the top of your posts upon activation. There is no need to modify theme files.
Ability to auto-insert greeting message to the top or bottom of the post.
Greeting messages can be user closeable or not.
Ability to detect the visitor’s search keywords from major search engines and automatically display related posts under or above the greeting message.
Show a default greeting message even if the vistor does not match any of your configured referrer URL.
Show a default greeting message even if the visitor does not have javascript enabled.
Cache compatible mode makes use of AJAX to display greeting messages in the frontend. This makes WP Greet Box compatible with other caching plugins (such as WP Super Cache) and WPMU.
AJAX administrative interface that uses nonce verification to discourage hackers.
Ability to keep displaying the greeting message until after the user clicks close for the first time. After that, the greeting message will not show up for that user anymore.
Ability to set a timeout to forget a visitor so we do not keep nagging them with greeting messages.
Ablity to set rules to exclude some referrer URLs from seeing greeting messages. Regular expressions is also supported (but not required!).
Ultra customizeable greeting message box (with CSS) allowing you to prepend/append HTML around the greeting message box.
Ability to disable included CSS for manual CSS management.
Ability to disable included JS for manual JS management.
Available “greet_box_text” filter for other plugins to modify greeting message before outputting.
Ability to import and export all WP Greet Box Settings.
Currently the following referrers are installed by default, but you can easily.
My Comments: Above plugin will increase your page views by at-least 50% for sure. You just need to install above plugins in your wordpress site and add some widgets in sidebar or footer area. I tested the above plugins. I found above wordpress plugins are very promising.
Every day many wordpess themes has been released by wordpress developers. There are free wordpress themes and premium wordpress themes are releasing on every month. Some wordpress themes are with nice and beautiful design but not coded properly. This month great responsive wordpress theme has been released by wordpress.org which is twenty thirteen. I collected the more then fifty free wordpress responsive themes.
Now these days all WP developers are looking for free wordpress responsive themes. There are many types of free wordpress themes for blogs, magazine, e-commerce, portfolio etc.. After doing the month time of research I collected the free wordpress responsive themes which are helpful for multiple website purpose. Here we collected the best top quality and designed and styled responsive wordpress themes.
The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full range of post formats, each displayed beautifully in their own unique way. Design details abound, starting with a vibrant color scheme and matching header images, beautiful typography and icons, and a flexible layout that looks great on any device, big or small.
WP MashThirteen is a Mashable (http://mashable.com/) inspired TwentyThirteen child theme powered by TwitterBootstrap 3.0. The theme doesn’t looks exactly as mashable design, some how you will feel like Mashable. The child theme will help any blogger to convert their blogs to a clean and beautiful design like Mashabe. The child theme only works with TwentyThirteen parent theme. Due to bootstrap power, admin can add a lot of creative works to its content. This is fully responsive theme, works perfectly with any mobile devices or tablet.
Simple Grid Theme Responsive is a WordPress Theme with mobile and tablet responsive design. Grid like design Theme is perfect for any creative agency to showcase their portfolio. Inspired by the works of El-Studio creative graphic design studio.
iFeature 5 is the World’s first Touch Friendly Responsive Drag & Drop WordPress Theme developed by CyberChimps WordPress Themes. It lets you create amazing responsive websites that you can control on any touch friendly device including the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. iFeature 5 allows you to setup an entire website in minutes with touch friendly Drag and Drop Options on a per-page basis allowing you control the look and feel of every page.
Ari is a minimal, elegant little blog theme with a fixed left sidebar and a right sidebar. The theme is great for personal blogs (for WordPress 3.0+, also available on WordPress.com).
Beautiful elegant and stylish. Lucky is a WordPress theme with a semi – magazine layout combined with the traditional touches of a personal blog. Plenty of features: post thumbnails, tabbed containers, custom photo gallery and automatic lightbox – just to name a few. Good typography, CSS3 styling and grid technology – Lucky is loaded with the good stuff.
Impressive News/Magazine themes are usually hard to come by, but you will not be disappointed by PressHub. With detailed design elements and extensive documentation and support, PressHub has become the perfect News/Magazine website.
Unique Theme Responsive is a WordPress Theme with mobile and tablet responsive design. Great grid like theme for portfolio showcase and for creative blogging . Inspired by the works of El-Studio creative graphic design studio.
Business lite offers exciting new Drag and Drop Page Elements including a Responsive Feature Slider, and Widgetized boxes. All of these Elements can be used on a per-page basis using Drag and Drop Page Options which also include sidebar and layout options giving you the power to control the look and feel of every page.
Business lite is easy to install, and even easier to use with theme options that function just like using an iPhone or iPad. CyberChimps also provides business class documentation and support.
Business lite is built with HTML5, and CSS3. Business lite is one of the most advanced Premium WordPress Themes in the world and is released under the GNU GPL v2. Business lite is optimized for WordPress 3.3+, Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and Internet Explorer 8 and 9. This theme does NOT support Internet Explorer 6 or 7, or PHP4.
The ideal solution for anyone looking for a General/Blog website which is easy to update, professionally built and comes with free support, the Parad is the best option available.
That’s right. It’s been a long time coming, but the theme is ready and free for you all to use. Want to see it? Well, you’re looking at it! (pretty much).
There has been some updates to the theme since it’s been initially built. Actually, MANY updates to clean it up, stream line it and actually make it better that the site here now. Want to give it a test drive?
Auto Focus is a free WordPress theme created with photographers in mind. It uses a responsive layout and includes a variety of features that make it a great choice for photographers who need an attractive and effective web presence.
Impressive News/Magazine themes are usually hard to come by, but you will not be disappointed by NewsMix. With detailed design elements and extensive documentation and support, NewsMix has become the perfect News/Magazine website.
Pilot Fish is an elegant portfolio theme with minimal design: featuring a custom post type to highlight projects and work, and parallax scrolling on the front page to display a featured image. Responsive layout makes it adaptive to mobile devices. Also Pilot Fish supports custom menus, post formats and is available in Japanese, Spanish and Russian. In this release, version 0.3.3, new features include a dropdown menu for mobile devices, a theme option to include Google Analytics and is now compatible with IE8. Disclaimer: if you modified code in the original theme then an update will erase all your changes. So please either ignore this release or back up your changes.
Folly is a great theme for creative people. It allows you to show your work in a sensational way. It comes packed with options so you’re basically covered for everything!
The Sivex theme is designed to look and act like a $300 website, but costs just a fraction of the price. Sivex is the theme of choice for anyone looking for a professional website that takes seconds to put online.
BoldR is a bold, responsive, magazine style premium WordPress Theme. Based on the powerful Icefit framework, one of the most advanced WordPress theming framework in the world, it is perfect for tech or design oriented blogs and creative business websites! Create a beautiful and professional looking site in minutes with the revolutionary layout builder, and show it to the world with cross browser support and responsive design (your site will resize and adapt automatically to any device and screen size, from desktop computer down to mobile). This theme is released under the GPLv3 License, and can be used on as many websites as you want from a single purchase.
My Way is an ellegant, modern and beautiful theme built with HTML5 and CSS3 . A lot of thought and care were put into myWay; making it a pleasure to use. myWay is loaded with essential options, and has powerful customization options.
The clean, modern design can be used for any type of website: business, corporate, portfolio, products,
We carefully handcrafted this theme with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience. It’s very quick to setup and easy to customize, and the detailed documentation that is included. It also comes with free support, we care about your site as much as you do and will do what it takes to help in any way possible.
Grid Style Free WordPress Theme with a magazine based layout. Design to showcase your fashion style portfolio. This theme was inspired by the fashion industry stylish design.
Origin is a simple and elegant theme with responsive layout for better viewing on mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. It’s built on the Hybrid Core framework and inherits its professional and well-organized coding practices, making it an excellent starting point for further customization and development.
The thought-out typesetting and spacious layout make the theme a solid choise for bloggers who want to offer pleasant and unobstructed reading experience for their visitors.
A professional magazine theme with responsive layout for enhanced mobile browsing experience. Oxygen is a parent theme – a great base for creating child themes, built on the industry-recognized Hybrid Core framework.
Playbook is a traditional WordPress theme with a dual column post layout, a fully responsive design, and is jampacked with all MyThemeShop’s best features. Playbook includes SEO optimization, custom widgets, our industry grade options panel, and much more, and best of all, it’s 100% free!
Respo is amazing WordPress theme with clean, sleek and customizable design. The theme is suitable for presonal blogs and/or online magazines.
This is a responsive theme, able to adapt its layout to the screen size of your visitors. (try resizing the screen and see for yourself) The sliders for this theme is responsive too, which means it works super sleek on mobile device like ipad or iphone.
Simple minimalist responsive two column theme with built in slider. Suitable for a blog-based website with custom menu, custom header, custom widget, social share button (facebook like, twitter share, google +1) to make your blog more dazzling. Lugada comes with amazing image attachment gallery, featured image, theme option, sticky post support, styles for print and for the admin editor. HTML 5, CSS 3, and responsive technology.
We decided to treat not only our paying members but also those who signed up free with a new FREE wordpress theme, based on a fully responsive framework by AJ Clark. Please note that the free themes do not include free installation on your server, however, paid members will still have access to this file and can request free support and assistance for this theme.
Adapt 2.0 is a free responsive business WordPress theme created right here at WPExplorer. The theme features a very clean and elegant business portfolio style design making it useful for small businesses, agencies, portfolios and more.
Overall the theme is very minimal and super easy to setup. It comes with built-in post types for your portfolio, homepage highlights and homepage slider. This makes adding your content a breeze. If you can add blog posts, you can add items to each of these custom post types.
Max Magazine is a super-awesome responsive wordpress theme best suited for newspaper or magazine websites. The theme is packed with an easy-to-use options panel which makes it very easy to customize the layout. It also holds a beautiful jQuery slider, carousel posts, and up to 4 featured categories on homepage.
There are two widgetized sections in siderbar and footer of the theme where you can use default or custom widgets included in the theme. The responsive layout makes it look great on iPad and rest of the tablets and mobile devices.
HUMIX is clean looking free premium WordPress theme with plenty of white space, whilst also being responsive and customizable. A sleek custom drop-down menu, with up to five social media button logos including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Vimeo and Dribbble.
Responsive Theme is a flexible foundation with fluid grid system that adapts your website to mobile devices and the desktop or any other viewing environment. Theme features 9 Page Templates, 11 Widget Areas, 6 Template Layouts, 4 Menu Positions and more. Powerful but simple Theme Options for full CMS control with easy Logo Upload, Social Networking and Webmaster Tools etc. Responsive is WooCommerce Compatible, Multilingual Ready (WPML), RTL-Language Support, Retina-Ready, Search Engine Friendly, W3C Markup Validated and currently translated into 40 languages.
The Termio theme brings a new meaning to web design. The charming General/Blog look to this site has been carefully engineered both for the user and admin. Featuring our renowned theme options page, Termio is a must have.
Neuro is the ultimate Responsive WordPress theme offering a fun easy to use Drag & Drop system that adds amazing new functionality to your WordPress website. Featuring responsive touch friendly theme options that work on any device, fully SEO optimized, dynamic sidebar layouts, and per-page dynamic templates. Powered by WordPress, Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3.
The ideal solution for anyone looking for a General/Blog website which is easy to update, professionally built and comes with free support, the Wordie is the best option available.
Frank wordpress theme is a responsive WordPress theme. It uses a modified version of the foundation grid system it also offers the unique feature of a modular home page layout system.
Bloggie is a free WordPress theme in the standard blog structure. The theme is designed specifically to get users to read your posts, and to turn one visitor into multiple pageviews using the sidebar widgets and the related posts option. Plus, did we mention that it’s free?
Photo Book is a cool responsive WordPress theme for building online portfolios, gallery websites or image based blogs. The theme is great setting up an online galleri of your work, if you are designer, artist, photographer, or other creative specialist. The theme supports widgets and custom menus.
Medicine is a design originally created for WordPress by LizardThemes.com. Medicine has user-friendly features that allow even the newest of newbies to manage your own website according to your preferences. The theme options page allows one to customize your site in just about every possible manner. This theme is absolutely free
WallPress is a Free Responsive WordPress Theme which lets your content shine. Be it an online portfolio, newspaper or magazine, all your important social content comes together at one place. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and Vimeo are ready to be plugged in with DW Social Feed.
A fully responsive portfolio theme for creative people and agencies. It’s great way to display your portfolio through 4 different thumbnail size types and responsive layout. And it’s completely free!
GreenChili is a clean, blog-style WordPress theme that combines traditional WordPress styling with MyThemeShop features, functionality and optimization. The fully customizable theme is responsive, optimized for both SEO and advertising, and maintains a clean yet sophisticated feel.
Ribbon is a wide post display, traditional structure WordPress magazine theme. With a dual color scheme, plenty of whitespace to pad your content, and all the features you’d expect from MyThemeShop, Ribbon is a perfect choice for both niche and general purpose blogs, and it’s completely free!
Fascinated about online pinboards? Do you like to display a multitude of media formats on your website? Do you like your content showcased in a beautiful grid? We have built a theme that lets you do just that. And we called it simply and suggestively: Pinboard. The theme has a responsive layout optimized for the most common devices: desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Another Top Notch Luckily free WP theme with abundant of features in it that Includes slider option, fluid width along with traditional and magazine style and look. It comes up with perfect color combination of red, grey, green and black. An ideal layout with a very neat and elegant look will give highest value to your blog while using it.
Either you are running a fashion related blog or have a blog on clothing, e-commerce, etc. it’s an ideal theme for you to use. Also, using this free WP theme on autos, tech, shopping or any other niche blog will give a perfect look and feel.
WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog.
Garvan is a free premium WordPress theme. This is a WordPress 3+ ready theme with features like custom menu, featured images, widgetized sidebar, and customizable homepage widgets section , jQuery image slider on the custom homepage template. Theme also comes with an option panel.
Great is a traditional, magazine-style WordPress theme. With a clean, minimalist design and all the usual MyThemeShop features, Great is optimized to help your blog stand out from the crowd and dominate the web.
Andrina is Elegant and beautiful Theme with Easy Customization Options built by InkThemes?.com. The Andrina Theme features a uniquely curved designed feature section. Andrina Theme is perfect for all kinds of business and personal sites. You can easily convert the Theme into your own Niche. The Andrina Theme can tweaked easily using the Theme Options Panel like logos, intro texts and background. Andrina Theme supports five widgetized areas (two in the sidebar, Three in the footer).
Imbalance is an excellent choice for any online magazine, blog or portfolio websites. This free wordpress theme designed with a contemporary modern vibe in a minimalistic style. By the use of Imbalance theme, you can easily fresh-up your project whether it is a blog or i-magazine. In consideration of additional features and flexible layout it is a very user-friendly theme that can attract new visitors to your web-site.
Klasik Framework is a base/starter theme for quicker WordPress? theme development. Responsive, flexible, search engine optimized and standard compliant with HTML5 and CSS3.
Panoramica is built with the intent of adapting to as many window sizes as possible. It has a fully fluid layout that gives it tremendous flexibility, allowing you to cater to both large and small screens alike. Its polished portfolio heavily emphasizes the use of images, displaying a clean slideshow in every portfolio item. And of course, you can customize its appearance through its extensive options panel.
Free premium wordpress theme, Paragams was made by special techniques and correspond a grid-based lightweight design with almost no images. Paragams, thanks to a number of custom advanced features is really easy-to-use, either for you or for your visitors. This theme is really fits any journalistic-type website whether it is a news-blog or some kind of online-mag.
Portal is a very simple, magazine plus blog style theme with light bright colors blending nicely. With all the latest features such as Responsive layout, SEO Optimized, Custom Widgets and many more. Most of all, Portal is FREE
Suburbia is a free premium WordPress theme for magazines. The layout is very clean and flexible and designed in a modest and minimalistic style. Magazine is not the only purpose, so Suburbia suits for blogs and various project either. The theme was made in cooperation with Demian Peeters (aka Moodyguy). Some unique features of Suburbia give you an extra flexibility in every single step you make.
Estate is clean, flexible business theme. It’s well suited to business, portfolio and personal websites. One of Estate’s best features is its Page Builder integration. Install Page Builder in a few clicks and you’ll be able to create unique page layouts using a drag and drop interface. You can use this to create anything from menus for restaurant sites to marketing squeeze pages. Estate is an actively developed, continually updated theme.
JustBlue is a free theme released by MyThemeShop. A standard blog style theme, JustBlue brings premium functionality for free, with the ability to customize settings using the options panel, and the included custom widgets, and it’s a responsive theme.
A very neat and clean black and white business theme. The theme supports widgets. And features theme-options, threaded-comments and multi-level dropdown menu. A simple and neat typography.
Bridal Show converges all the essentials to be an a stunning wedding wordpress theme. The theme impresses visitors with its elegant and classical design of mainly black and white homepage in a trendy background make all content harmony. This is also a fullscreen and fully-responsive theme which ensure it looks great on any device, any screen size.
Guo Responsive Theme is compatible with all the major browers,they are Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE 7/8/9/10 and Safari. Also, it is fully responsive that looks great on any device.
Columnist theme is a great fit if you publish magazine or news style content. This theme offers a clean and simple design but still allows for a lot of content to be presented in a magazine style.
A simple, clean and responsive theme build with HTML5 and Twitter Bootstrap. Designed to be starting point for your Website with unlimited possibility for customization, with Theme Customizer and Theme Options ready, you won’t get any trouble modifying most part of the theme. By using flat design concept, your content will standout and catch your reader eyes.
MH Magazine lite – Free WordPress Theme
This is the free version of MH Magazine with basic functionality. Upgrade to the premium version and benefit from more features and options, responsive layout, several templates like homepage templates or a html sitemap, custom widgets, useful shortcodes, jQuery news ticker and advanced theme options including colorpickers with unlimited colors to create your own color scheme. The premium version of MH Magazine comes with free updates and excellent customer support in german and english language.
The impressive color, the clarity layout and neat will satisfy the most demanding customers. We believe design and function of our Comic & Manga WordPress Theme are extremely perfect. You can easily show the galleries or the news pages as your ideas.
Simple grid-based WordPress minimalistic-theme, Blogum is designed in a modern style and can be used on blogs. Very clean theme markup allows your visitors to precisely focus on your content. Layout flexibility and additional features give you freedom in blog configuration.
Enclosed is a clean and modern theme made to be highly readable and appealing. It has a set of features ideal for bloggers and photographers alike, making use of large images in both its portfolio and blog page to impress visitors. The theme also provides a really minimalistic homepage, which can showcase your work, services, articles… you decide.
This free theme allows photographers to create a beautiful portfolio/blog. The theme design is stylish without overpowering your photos, which deserve to have the visitor’s attention.
Neat and flexible grid-based theme for WordPress CMS, Portfolium can be used on portfolio web-sites or blogs. If you are designer, artist, photographer, or other creative specialist you can take a full advantage of Portfolium’s fresh minimalistic design that is perfect as is or as a foundation for your custom design. If you don’t need to showcase any works and just want to share some content, you can switch theme to blog style in a few seconds.
With Portal, I decided to go back to what made Origami such a popular theme. It’s just a simple blogging theme that aims to get out of the way of your content. With the power of Page Builder though, Portal you can use Portal as a full business theme, a simple single landing page, or anything in between.
Portal makes ample use of a hot new fonts called Noto Sans and Noto Serif. I absolutely fell in love with these fonts when I first saw them. Noto Sans specifically is just gorgeous. Its clean cut lines add a professional touch to your content. It worked perfectly in just about every circumstance, including as a huge bold headline on the home page.
I just let the font inspire me from there. Clean, solid lines and subtle color changes were a perfect compliment to the content.
The compact design and the unique layout is what you can feel from Tech News WordPress Theme. Indeed, the color of our Technical Magazine theme is very light and cool. Blue is used for the titles, the buttons, it makes the interesting point for the interface of the site. TechMag has 3 columns of information at the home page, so you can display a lot of information blocks and images, so we can be said that TechMag is very suitable for a news site, electronic newspapers.
Sight is a professional WordPress theme which was made in a modern minimalistic style and best suits for Blogs & Magazines. Layout is made using Golden Grid and it gives you a choice of information publishing – grid view or standard blog view.
Extra ability of showing most important information content via big image slider on the top of the page allows you to improve your web-site’s presence and attract new visitors. It is important to be noticed that Sight is already Search Engine Optimized, so you don’t need to care about, just start and get love from Google.
Video Stream is a WordPress template with well toned visual structure suitable for building a video sharing website. The theme has a high qualitative, expressive banner with slideshow effect at the header. The template displays categories, recent post, and popular tags in widgets giving the template a unique and elegant look. The WordPress theme has thumbnails for Recent, Popular and Featured videos displayed in the frontpage with pagination. Boast your music updates with twitter feed field and connect with to media via twitter, facebook and linkedin icons.
Duena is a Bootstrap template designed specifically for personal blogs. Being Bootstrap-powered the template provides lots of opportunities for editing and tuning. Bootstrap is web developer’s ‘mana’ with all those HTML elements, components and other cool stuff. Even though Bootstrap templates are mostly flat, the gradient on the background creates depth effect that makes content blocks float in the air. Red and its hues prevail in the theme design giving it some warmth and passion. There is no need to describe theme’s responsiveness; for sure the template fits perfectly into all browsers of tablets, phones and PCs. And lastly, the template comes stuffed with lots of amazing features that will make your blog stand out. Feel free to try Duena template!
Hatch is a simple photography and portfolio WordPress theme. Optimized for mobile browsing – the responsive layout will automatically detect if the visitor is viewing your site on a desktop screen or a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and will adjust accordingly. A parent theme – easy to customize via child themes, and built on the Hybrid Core framework.
The theme is built to utilize the core WordPress functions for image and gallery management. With the exception of the in-built Fancybox script, no additional/custom functionality or third-party plugins are used to store, organize, or present the content.
Normally people searching for best wordpress seo plugins, I shortlised best wordpress seo plugins which are really useful for every wordpress developers.
I am using wordpress since 2006 for my blogs and websites. Since I also written the wordpress plugins for SEO purpose. Still some wordpress plugins are really doing great work. SEO is very import facter for every website.
best wordpress seo plugins
I almost used every best wordpress seo plugins But I like following wordpress plugins due to some reasons. Personally I like the “WordPress SEO by Yoast” wordpress plugin for SEO purpose. It is simple to use. It is not impacting on your site performance. It takes less then 40% memory as compare the other seo plugins. Site performance is very for every website seo. Meta description and meta tags and seo title are equally important.
Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitemap
You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage and each post and pages.
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post.
This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.
Following are the features:
Preview of Smart wordpress SEO – Home page Keywords and description
WebMaster Tool Verification Setting
Social Authorship for Google, Twitter and Facebook
XML sitemap setting
Image SEO setting
Eash Post or Page SEO title, Description and Keywords setting
best wordpress seo plugins ever which will increase site seo
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.
Comments: This is very nice plugin for SEO. It takes less memory as compare to other best wordpress seo plugins. I personally using this plugin in my site. This plugin has not many features like other best wordpress seo plugins but this plugin is really fast. No memory leak issues with this plugin.
This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over title tags, noindex, meta tags, Open Graph, slugs, canonical, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets,
Comments: I love this plugin. This plugins I used for years. If you have good hosting solution then you should go for this plugin for seo. This is best ever and great plugin for seo. But only bad part is It takes lot of memory of your site almost 30% of memory will consumed by this plugin while each page loading. Still I can recommend this plugin for SEO because It has really great result in SEO with wordpress.
WordPress SEO plugin to automatically optimize your WordPress blog for Search Engines.
Comments: This plugin is really oldest great seo tool for wordpress. This plugin I used for some time. It has great features. Helpful to SEO. Many bloggers are still loving this wordpress plugin and using it. This plugin also consume your server memory big time while each page loading. Performance is very important when you are using any wordpress plugin.
You can enter your meta keywords and description for your homepage. Same like best wordpress seo plugins, this is also great and simple and very light seo plugin which is written by me.
This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post. This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.
Comments: This plugin has minimal features for SEO but still most important seo features are present in this plugin. This plugin will not consume your site memory. This plugin is super fast. This plugin is very easy to use in your site. They looked for performance of site. Using this plugin you can increase the seo without effecting the site performance.
What People are doing for SEO
Normally people are searching for best wordpress seo plugins, install wordpress seo plugins, all in one seo wordpress plugin, wordpress seo optimization, yoast seo, wp seo plugin, all in one seo vs yoast, seo ultimate vs yoast. I shortlised the best ever wordpress seo plugin which are really useful for every wordpress developers. If you have doubts about wordpress SEO then you can write to me.
WordPress tutorial, how to stop wordpress spam comments and increase SEO. Spam comments is really major issue. Spam comments will affect your site SEO.
You should delete the spam word comments from wordpress site.
how to stop wordpress spam comments and increase SEO
If you want to prevent spam comments wordpress. You can check more points and wordpress plugins which will be helpful for wordpress websites.
If you have approved spam comments already than you can use following SQL query to change some spam comments status.
Using following sql query you can unapprove spam comments which are already approved.
Update wp_comments set comment_approved=0 WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(comment_author_url)>35;
Update wp_comments set comment_approved=0 WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(comment_author)>30;
After this, you can again recheck the comments which might be spam.
For SEO of your site deleting spam word comments is good.
Here are some steps for protecting your wordpress site.
You may copy and paste the following list to the Comment Moderation box in your wp-admin/options-discussions.php page:
There are some nice plugins also which is helpful for protecting your site from spam comments.
You should activate the Akismet wordpress plugin.
Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.
You should check the following option from wordpress:
Before a comment appears: (Options)
Before a comment appears An administrator must always approve the comment
Comment author must have a previously approved comment
If you have many spam word comments in your site then you should use sql query for delete the spam comments.
DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_content LIKE '%<a%';
DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_author LIKE '%<a%';
DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_author_url LIKE '%health%';
You should replace the spam comments words in SQL query. Using above sql query you can delete the all spam word comments.
For SEO purpose following options are very important.
how to stop wordpress spam comments and increase SEO