Delete users by date wordpress Mysql

spam users which was registered. I used following Mysql commands for removing he wordpress users. query for Delete users by date wordpress Mysql


Some days before I enabled the my site registration as subscribers. In last seven days there are four thousand subscribers has been registered on my site. After reviewing the users and there server request logs I got to know about that was spam users which was registered to my site. WordPress is always easy target for spammers and hackers. I tried to use some code for remove the wordpress users but then later I used following Mysql commands for removing he wordpress users.

Delete users by date wordpress Mysql


When you create or register the user in wordpress that time some tables are filled by wordpress. Some entries will insert into wp_usermeta table and wp_users table. If you want to delete the bulk users then you need to delete user entries from wp_usermeta table first. You can use following SQL command for deleting the user meta entries from wp_usermeta table.

DELETE wp_usermeta FROM wp_usermeta, wp_users WHERE wp_users.user_registered > '2013-11' AND wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id;

After deleting the user meta entries from table then remove users from wp_users table using following command

DELETE FROM `wp_users` WHERE `user_registered` > '2013-11';

Note: Before deleting the users from wordpress database, take the Database backup. Take the worpdress backup and restore on local box. Make sure your DB backup file is perfect.

Do not delete users from wp_users at the first. First delete user meta from wp_usermeta then execute the next command.


Update version before wordpress hacked by hacker

We always found news about wordpress new release and updates. But few reasons some people does not update there wordpress sites.
There should be some may be issues with there plugins. WordPress tutorial for, Update version before wordpress hacked by hacker. Might be there plugins are not supporting the newer wordpress update or version.

Update version before wordpress hacked by hacker

Theme Issue

Some people will thought about theme. Their theme code will break and Site will go down due to errors.


Sometimes due to unknown issues Wrodpress up-gradation will be costly if you included the some paid plugins and themes then updating will cost you.

You need to hire wordpress developer for fixing those issues which will happen after wordpress updating.

You can choose the following options for updating the wordpress version:

  • Hire plugins developer and ask him to fix it.
  • Hire WordPress developer and pay him to fix it.
  • Remove plugin and start using another plugin But consult with developers.

WordPress Updation is very important.
WordPress updates are often issued for the purposes of fixing potential security issues.
recently noted that if you do not update your self-hosted WordPress software frequently, you are just about guaranteed to get hacked at some point.

I recommend to update the wordpress version and plugins because hacker will hack your site. Do not miss the security updates from wordpress.

Here is article for fix wordpres site. Best wordpress plugins for wordpress security and protection. and If wordpress site is hacked then how to fix issue

Update version before wordpress hacked by hacker
Update version before wordpress hacked by hacker