JSONP for cross domain communication solution using with javascript and PHP

Last year in Feb I heard about JSONP and really liked the JSONP solutions. JSONP allows you to make an HTTP request outside your own domain
JSONP consume the Web Services from JavaScript code. Earlier I worked on so on AJAX but there is issue with working or communication issue with cross domain sites.

JSONP for cross domain communication solution using with javascript and PHP
JSONP for cross domain communication solution using with javascript and PHP

XMLHttpRequest is blocked from making external requests.

JSONP for cross domain communication solution using with javascript and PHP

JavaScript code to make a JSONP call will as follows:

[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]

function common_jsonpRequest(url, name, query) {

 if (url.indexOf("?") > -1)
 url += "&jsonp="
 url += name + "&";
 if (query)
 url += encodeURIComponent(query) + "&";
 url += new Date().getTime().toString(); // prevent caching

 var JSONPscript = document.createElement("script");
 JSONPscript.id = 'wordpressapi_jsonpRequest';
 JSONPscript.setAttribute("src", url + "&CacheBuster=" + Math.random());

 // write the jsonp script tag
 //script.text = "";


function returncall (data){
// you can use data as a variable also.


In same javascript you should write the returning function as above.

You can call JSONP this function as follows;

<a href="http://images.purabtech.in/JSONP-request.gif">
<img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1167" title="JSONP-request" src="http://images.purabtech.in/JSONP-request-300x125.gif" alt="" width="300" height="125" />

Notel: getData.php file will beahave like externaal javascript file so handle this file carefully.
getData.php sample file.

$data = "this is our dynamic data";

echo "returncall(".$data.")";



This will return the “this is our dynamic data” as a alert.