How to start Activemq with XML configuration file

how to start the Activemq with XML configuration file. in this article we given you step by step guide of activemq with XML configuration which will simple

How to start Activemq with XML configuration file

You can download Aapache activeMQ from following URL;

Choose the your OS(Linux/Windows). After downloading
Extract the ActiveMQ. Open command prompt and go to activeMQ/bin directory and run the “activemq” command.

ActiveMQ will start without configuration.
If you are running ActiveMQ on local machine than you can open the ActiveMQ’s Admin from following URL; (8161 is default port)

If you want to run ActiveMQ with XML file. Use following command
#bin/activemq xbean:file:../config.xml

server-status How to start Activemq with XML configuration file
How to start Activemq with XML configuration file

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