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Using social button will slow down your wordpress site
WordPress Tips, Using social button will slow down your wordpress site. There are so many social button plugins. Which are so beautiful and nice plugins.
Using social button will slow down your wordpress site
But these plugin can cause wild swings in page load times and page load. Sometimes, facebook is busy and that icon slows down your page, sometimes it is twitter.
Some time admin selected so many social icons to show and it takes time to load because that many apache requests will go to server. I personally tested some blogs and They are facing same page load issue. Commonly wordpress page will load in 5 to 6 seconds without this wordpess plugin. But with these plugin it is taking 50 to 60 seconds to load the page.
It will affect to SEO of your site.
Our Test
We tested the following social icons buttons.
Twitter, Twitter (tweet), Facebook, Facebook (like), Delicious, Google Bookmarks, Google Reader, Google email, Posterous, and StumbleUpon.
All icons are failing some time and that causes page load error with your wordpress site. I tested other plugins also which are not for social sharing purpose but there were no issue with worpdress page loading.
commonly these type of plugin will load into your post, page and excerpt. If you open home page or archive page. you will face the slowness.
I am not saying not to use the social share or social button plugin in your wordpress site. But you need to think about wordpress plugins which is causing issue to your site.
Using social button will slow down your wordpress site
I recommond following wordpress plugins which are really nice.
Normally social sharing codes provided by facebook, twitter, etc renders iframes at run-time. These iframes increases page-size and slow-down your website (on client-side).
Social buttons attract more visitors to your site. When users +1, Tweet, or Like your page, it advertises your page to their friends and followers. This plugin adds social buttons to your posts as a small sprite at first and delays loading the real buttons until the user hovers over the social buttons. It delays ~300KB of social button components by loading <6.5KB of our own script and sprite. onMouseOver activates the load of the ~300KB of social button components.
No one likes long load times, but we all want to be able to share our content via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. These take a long time to load. Paradox? Not anymore! With WPSocialite (utilizing David Bushell’s amazing SocialiteJS plugin [http://www.socialitejs.com/]) we can manage the loading process of our social sharing links. Load them on hover, on page scroll, and more!
Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn Share buttons. Super Fast Loading, No Javascript, Only CSS. Responsive Design, Floting Sidebar Option.
The CSS Share Buttons easily allows your blog to be shared. Speedup you site with this share plugin.
Super Fast
This plugin is very light weight. As compared to other Share button plugin This plugin is super fast.
We compared with all famous share button plugin. Our Plugin load CSS from CDN.
It show very lite share button only with HTML and CSS. It does not load any javascript like other We load only one CSS file with this plugin – only 1.5kb css file.
really helpful. I used the WPSocialite wordpress plugin. which is really nice.