Ruby on Rails installation windows 10 or 11 basic commands

install ruby on rails on windows 10

  1. go to and download LTS (long time support) nodejs and install it
  2. – install yarn packages
  3. – donwload “64-bit DLL (x64) for SQLite” and “A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files, including the command-line shell program, the sqldiff.exe program, and the sqlite3_analyzer.exe program.” extract and copy files to “windows/system32 folder”. Edit environment variables and add sqlite3 there.
  4. – download and install it on windows
  5. open command line and run “gem install sqlite3”
  6. open command line and run “gem install rails”
  7. Installation is complete. now check versions ruby –version sqlite3 –version node –version yarn –version gem –version rails –version

run ruby file ruby ./hello.rb

###create new rails project rails new

###start rails server rails server

###some rails commands rails server (rails s) rails console (rails c) rails generate (rails g)

rails generate controller root

run your database migrations: rails db:migrate

rails generate controller home index

yarn add bootstrap jquery popper.js

add bootstrap css and js – in application.html.erb – app/views/layout/application.html.erb

create model

rails g model Post title:string description:text

the schema will be found in test/fixtures/posts.yml. the following command will execute db migration rails db:migrate

command to run -rails console -Post.connection -a=Post -a.title=”hello” -a.description=”world” -a -Post.find(1) -Post.find(1).destroy

use “bundle” command when you are uncomment gemfile line.

#rails g controller sessions

#rails g controller users

#rails g model User email:uniq password:digest

#rails db:migrate

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I am Purab from India, Software development is my profession and teaching is my passion. Programmers blog dedicated to the JAVA, Python, PHP, DevOps and Opensource Frameworks. Purab's Github Repo Youtube Chanel Video Tutorials Connect to on LinkedIn

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