Pinterest is image sharing tool which very famous. It has really nice UI design. Many people wants the pinterest style free wordpress themes. If you search on Internet for free pinterest worddpress theme then you will find many free wordpress themes but there are always two versions. First version was free and another one is pro or premium. In this article we collected the best of pinterest style free wordpress themes. The best feature which I like is infinite loop content loading… which is different style introduced by pinterest then adopted by many of sites.
Many people wants the pinterest style free wordpress themes. If you search for free pinterest worddpress themes. Here is best pinterest style free wordpress themes collection.
pinterest style free wordpress themes

More Informative Links about wordpress themes
some minimal, fast loading and small free wordpress themes Best of pinterest style free wordpress themes Top 10 WordPress Themes ruling contemporary eCommerce Platform 100+ creative free portfolio wordPress themes Unique Retro WordPress Themes – Free collection 100+ creative free portfolio wordPress themes 101+ Free wordpress responsive themes Best 10 free wordpress insurance themes Free magazine style wordpress themes best free wordpress themes for personal bloggers free 40+ professional three column wordpress themes WordPress themes for Beer Bars and Drinks Free WordPress themes for Yoga and Skin and Health 10 best free premium wordpress themes collectionThese days pinterest style wp theme are became so much popular. Due to infinite scroll and images style and user eye catchy.
iPin has very much similarity with pinterest. This theme is very beautiful and attractive. You can use this eye catching theme for any niche blog. If you have a photography blog then must try this theme to impress your site visitors.
This is a free Pinterest like WordPress theme that comes with a full-width home page layout section. Sections like views, photos and comments are included in homepage thumbnails. Iphoto is completely SEO optimized and is compatible with the major browsers.

Clippy is perfectly organized wordpress theme in grid format. It has widgetized footer with nice background. It displays your tags very attractive way.
PinStrap is a responsive WordPress theme that uses Twitter Bootstrap and mimics the famous Pinterest! The homepage automatically resizes images and places them in a responsive grid thanks to the Wookmark jQuery plugin.
We have also experimented with some ajax to provide the infinity scrolling feature on the homepage. Included with all the other goodies is the awesome Twitter Bootstrap framework! Use all the great HTML/CSS features and jQuery functionality throughout PinStrap.
We tried to collect more and more free pinterest style wordpress themes yet. We will come up with more list. If you have similar themes then please suggest me so I will include in the list.