10 best real estate wordpress plugins

If you are creating real estate site in wordpess then here is list of best real estate wordpress plugins. which is helpful for creating the real estate site.

10 best real estate wordpress plugins

Many people searching for solution for real estate. I specially think wordpress is the great tool to create the real estate website. Because wordpress will provide you great SEO features in your real estate website. If we talk about features, there is so many free and open source options are available in wordpress so go with wordpress.

If you are planning to create real estate website. Then choose wordpress CMS. If you want reach to your customer with minimum efforts then go for wordpress.

In this tutorial I will give information about ten best real estate wordpress solutions or plugins.

1. Great Real Estate | Download

10 best real estate wordpress plugins
10 best real estate wordpress plugins

2. Real Estate | Download

10 best real estate wordpress plugins
10 best real estate wordpress plugins

3. Simple Real Estate Pack | Download

10 best real estate wordpress plugins
10 best real estate wordpress plugins

4. FireStorm Real Estate Plugin | Download

10 best real estate wordpress plugins
10 best real estate wordpress plugins

5. Real Estate Q&A | Download

6. Real Estate Chart of the Day | Download

7. RealPress Real Estate Plugin | Download

8. Local Market Explorer | Download

9. WordPress Zillow API | Download

10. WordPress Featured Listings | Download

Here is links for more useful wordpress plugins for various purposes.

wordpress plugins for building the ecommerce site

Most downloaded free-wordpress image gallery wordpress plugins

15 top popular wordpress-plugins

amazing 100 plugins wordpress

ten wordpress plugins for improve the user interactivity and experience

topest wordpress plugins for bloggers, every  blog should use the wordpress pluings

best wordpress plugins for creating forums in wordpress

10 real estate wordpress plugins

16 wordpress plugins every wordpress blog should install

Our free wordpress plugins

How to create redial blur effect in Photoshop

In this article we are going to show you how to create radial blur effect to text, How to create redial blur effect in Photoshop

Just follow my step

First step

Select first text tool from tool bar

Then write a text in your workspace “radial blur”

You can write any name in your workspace

Second step

Select filter >> blur >> radial blur

In radial blur having many more options

Which you can select

Blur method like spin, zoom

In quality option having

Draft, good, best qualities

And the important is you can give your specific amount for that

Here I select spin blur method, good quality & amount is 40

It will look like below

Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin

We Created Alexa Rank Widget wordpress plugin. This plugin is open source and any one can freely download this wordpress plugin.

How to Install Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin?

Follow the steps below to install the plugin.

  1. Upload the Alexa Rank Widget directory to the /wp-content/plugins/directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in wp
  3. Go to “Alexa Rank Widget” option to configure the button

Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin

Here we are giving you the brief description about Alexa Rank Widget wordpress plugin.
The Alexa Rank Widget easily allows to add widget in wordpress sidebar.
This widget will give to control the website name how you want to show the alexa widget in your sidebar.
using this plugin you will get show options for showing the Alexa rank in side bar.
1. Squre – Button  (120 x 95)
2. Vertical – Vertical Banner  (120 x 240)

As we in today’s date showing Alexa web ranking is important for SEO and for attracting your advertiser and viewer.

This information is good for site owner as well as viewer.

Here you can see Some screen shots of Alexa Rank Widget:

1. Preview of Alexa Rank Widget with image and rank with squre box.

Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin
Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin

2. Preview of Alexa Rank Widget with image and rank with verticle box.

3. Alexa Rank Widget admin panel for your configration of your button as per your choice

Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin
Alexa Rank Widget WordPress plugin

You can download Alexa Rank Widget from following URL:

Alexa Rank Widget : Download

Official URL of Alexa Rank Widget wordpress plugin:


Create fixed side or top buttons in wordpress theme

We can easily introduce fixed side buttons in wordpress or any website. In this article I given code snippet for Create fixed side buttons in wordpress.

Create fixed side buttons in wordpress

Fixing the position of any document element using CSS this is very old technique but still  I am going to give you some good trick to show the twitter button or search buttons or add new button on bottom or sidebar.

Using following CSS code you can integrate the any button on sidebar.

#submit_news { background:transparent url(images/submit-news.png) no-repeat scroll 0px 0px; height:170px; left:0; position:fixed; top:180px; width:40px; }
div#submit_news:hover { background-position:-41px 0px; }
#submit_news a{ display:block; height:170px; width:40px; }

In this tutorial we are using the only one image as a button. As we know we are using the sprite image css here.

Open your header.php file from wordpres theme. and under body tag put following code.

<div id=”submit_news”><a href=”/submit-news” ></a></div>

First you need to create the submit news page in wordpress.

If you want to add the submit news button for your site you can download from here.

how to create a motion blur effect to text in photoshop

In this photoshop tutorial we will show, how to create a motion blur effect to text in photoshop. we given simple steps with screenshot and their detail.

how to create a motion blur effect to text in photoshop

Select a text write on workspace “motion blur”

how to create a motion blur effect to text in photoshop
how to create a motion blur effect to text in photoshop

Scale this shape by selecting edit >> transform >> scale &

Go to layer >> select type >> & select type

Now you can modify text

Now select filter >>  >> select distort

You can select any angle & distance I select this

It will look like this

I made some duplicate layer so can I design it

Now select layer >> duplicate layer

Give it name art_1

Put layer like this

You can also made like this

how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop

In this tutorial we show, how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop. we given the step by step with their screen shot and with their explanation.

Step1. Open photoshop first and or choose the 400×400 image and write the text what ever you want.

how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop

Here I written the diffuse, Select a text write on workspace “diffuse”

how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop
how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop

Scale this shape by selecting edit >> transform >> scale &

Go to layer >> select type >> & select type

Now you can modify text

Now select filter >>  >> select distort

It will look like this

In diffuse filter having more option

Normal, darken only, lighten only & anisotropic

It will give different type of effect of our text

Now select layer >> duplicate layer

Give it name art_1

It will helpful you to give a name to each layer

Now make some more duplicate layers

how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop
how to create diffuse effect to text in photoshop

I made some different diffuse filter it will look like this

get alexa rank using php code

There is nice wordpress plugin which will help you to add alexa rank in your website. In this article, we briefly explained to get alexa rank using php code

get alexa rank using php code

if you want to check the your website ranking as per alexa so you can use the following code in your php projects. There is very nice wordpress plugin which will help you to add the alexa rank in wordpress site. In this article I given PHP code for adding the alexa rank block on any website.

Alexa Rank Widget


“http://data.alexa.com/data” this file will return the xml format output. Using the XML output or reading xml file we can easily fetch the our or any website ranking.

Use the following function for getting the alexa website ranking.

function AlexaRank( $url )
preg_match( '#<POPULARITY URL="(.*?)" TEXT="([0-9]+){1,}"/>#si', file_get_contents('http://data.alexa.com/data?cli=10&dat=s&url=' . $url), $p );
return ( $p[2] ) ? number_format( intval($p[2]) ):0;

echo "purabtech.in/files/ Rank as per alexa.com: ";
echo AlexaRank('purabtech.in/files/');


if you want to check the multiple website ranking in one shot than use the following PHP code.

$domains = array( 'google.com', 'ask.com', 'yahoo.com', 'bing.com' );

foreach ( $domains as $domain )
echo $domain, ' - ', AlexaRank( $domain ), '<br />', PHP_EOL;

get alexa rank using php code
get alexa rank using php code

Have fun!

How to use file functions in php

In this tutorials I will show you How to use file functions in php, how to read the file and write the file using php functions.

First make test.txt file and put some dummy content in that file.

Note: Make test.txt file group permission to 777 or writeable and readable.

$fp = fopen("test.txt","w");
 $data = fgets($fp);
 echo "alert($data);";
 fwrite($fp, 'this is test text');

Using following function You are able to check the file size.

$fp = fopen('test.txt', 'r');
echo $data = fread($fp, filesize('test.txt'));
How to use file functions in php
How to use file functions in php

wordpress create archive page for wordpress theme

Given code for wordpress create archive page for wordpress theme. search engine sites will look for two main file. First sitemap.xml file and archive page. First I would say somthing about archive page in any website. Archive page is very important for SEO purpose.

Create an Archive Page in your WordPress theme

If you do not having archive page in your website so you are lacking somewhere in SEO for your website.  What I am going to show in this article, How to create the archive page for worpdress theme or website.  In wordpress creating the archive is very easy.

Follow my steps to create the archive page in wordpress site.

  • Open your wordpress theme folder and copy the single.php as named archive.php
    Note: dont copy index.php file as archive.php. It may have different UI and programming attribute in index.php.
  • Then copy archive.php as archive_template.php new file.
  • Open the archive_template.php file and copy paste the following code in top of file.
Template Name: Archives Page
  • Again open the archive_template.php file and find the post loop. Between the loop copy past the following code.
<h1> All Archives in dropdown</h1>
<select name="archive-dropdown" onChange='document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'>
 <option value=""><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Select Month')); ?></option>
 <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly&format=option&show_post_count=1'); ?> </select>

<h1> All category</h1>
<ul><?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1') ?></ul>

<h1> All Archives</h1>
<ul><?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly&show_post_count=1') ?></ul>

Above code will give you the archive with dropdown and archive with category name with post count and archive with month and post count.

  • After doing this upload two new files to server in wordpress theme folder (archive.php and archive_template.php).
  • Go to your wordpress Admin panel using browser
  • Create the new page with title “Archive” and put some information about your website in that page.(Dont publish the page wait and follow next steps.)
wordpress create archive page for wordpress theme
wordpress create archive page for wordpress theme
  • Check the template section (right side under attribute section). Choose archive page as template and publish and save the page.

That sit. You are able to see the archive page for your website.