how to create color masking effect in photoshop

Here I am going to show you how we can make a photo dual color shades and masking effect. we given snap shot of each and every step with their full description.

how to create color masking effect in photoshop

1 gray

2 color

First select one image create it duplicate with “ctrl + j”

Or go layer >> duplicate

how to create color masking effect in photoshop
how to create color masking effect in photoshop

Now select first layer & add layer mask

Layer >> add layer mask

Now select second layer

Go to layer >> new adjustment layer >> Hue/saturation

how to create color masking effect in photoshop
how to create color masking effect in photoshop

Crete this photo as in gray shade

Now select first layer

Go to tool bar select eraser & erase some specific part of photo

You can create the masking effect using the my steps.

footer stickable to end of the browser window without fixed position

Many web developer always think about why footer is not sticking to end of browser. In this tutorial we will show you to footer stickable to end of browser.

This is scenario:
If content is less than footer need to go bottom of browser and if content is more than footer will go down as per content.

Many people think this is CSS developer’s But I am not think that way. because this is totally different problem.

Some people suggest to use header, middle container and footer height in percentage. But that is wont be possible for all the time.

Here I will give you the solution. Use following JavaScript in document.

<script type="text/javascript">
 var header_height = 150;
 var footer_height = 100;
var reduce_height = header_height+footer_height;
 browserHeight = 0;
 if( typeof( window.innerHeight ) == 'number' ) {
 browserHeight = window.innerHeight;
 } else if( document.documentElement &amp;&amp; (  document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
 //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
 browserHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
 } else if( document.body &amp;&amp; (  document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
 //IE 4 compatible
 browserHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
 // window.alert( 'Height = ' + browserHeight );
 var min_height = browserHeight-reduce_height+ +"px"
 document.write('<style>#middle_container{min-height:'+ min_height +'}</style>');
 //document.getElementById("middle_container").style.minHeight = browserHeight-146+"px";

Here in this JavaScript I am assuming middle_container is your main block of content. You can change the variables as per your need.

footer stickable to end
footer stickable to end

Solved: issue with wordpressMU image or media uploading

Many people is having issues with image uploading with WordPressMU. In this article I will tell you the solution. Solved: issue with wordpressMU image or media uploading.

Solved: issue with wordpressMU image or media uploading
Solved: issue with wordpressMU image or media uploading

Solved: issue with wordpressMU image or media uploading

Single wordpress and wordpressMu has different behaviour.. If you are using apache webserver then there is no issue but if you are using than there is issue with image mapping. specially with nginx web server.
You need to write the rewrite rule for image. Also you need to check about folder permission in your “blogs.dir” directory. change folder permission to 777.
For single wordpress there is uploads folder is present but for wordpressMu there is no uploads folder present in directory. You should look for blogs.dir folder which is present in wordpressMu/wp-content folder.

For solve the issue add the following lines in your apache configuration(httpd.conf) file. If this file is not present then add following lines in your .htaccess file.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

#uploaded files
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]

# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1/ [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule . - [L]
RewriteRule  ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
RewriteRule  ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

&lt;IfModule mod_security.c&gt;
&lt;Files async-upload.php&gt;
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

One another issue.
You should check the “Upload File Types” settings going here.

Check the “Max upload file size” and also check the “Blog upload space”

For Nginx you will find the configuration code from

If you have still facing issue with image uploading in wordpressMU. Feel free to write to me or write a comment.

How to create photo gallery in wordpress

Creating a photo gallery is very good idea in any websites because photos say more than text.

So many people create very nice photo galleries in wordpress. Still some people does know how to create a photo gallery using wordpress website.

How to create photo gallery in wordpress

In this article I will give you idea about how to create the photo gallery.

1. NextGEN Gallery


2. Page Flip Image Gallery


3. Image Gallery Reloaded


4. Random image gallery with light box

How to create photo gallery in wordpress


Best wordpress plugins for creating forums

Forums is like basic need of current websites. Using the forums you can really give interaction to all website users. As we know many websites are building in wordpress and client want forums as part of wordpress website.

Best wordpress plugins for creating forums

No need to worry, there are really free some good plugins are available to integrate the forums in to wordpress site. Here in this article I am going to give you some really good options to install forums in wordpress websites.

1. WP Forum

Best wordpress plugins for creating forums
Best wordpress plugins for creating forums


2. WP-Forum Latest Posts


3. Forum Server


4. Group Forum Subscripton for BuddyPress


5. Zingiri Forum


6. bbPress Integration


7. Simple:Press Forum


what is cloud hosting – Know In detail

In now day many times we heard about cloud hosting and cloud computing. Recently we heard from Matt (WordPress founder) also. Many web designers are not aware with cloud hosting.

In this article I am going to write about in detail about cloud hosting. We are heard about messaging servers and big web services.

what is cloud hosting – Know In detail

Twitter is the biggest mirco blogging website in the world and they are running like more than 100 mongrel server instances on Nginx server for handling the twitter. But still they are facing lot of traffic issue. May be there are multiple reasons. But still one of that is Rails. How much requests single mongrel instance can handle and if they got billions of hits in single second. What will happen we never no.

Who are in server administration they will defiantly have good idea about these issues.

What is cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting is nothing but multiple virtual machines which are basically does load balancing.

Generally, website hosted on a cloud hosting operates on a clustered servers where online operations are not limited to a single server. By handling security, load balance and hardware resources virtually, the website has access to the processing power of a number of servers that are distributed in real-time.

Cloud computing is a way of computing, via the Internet, that broadly shares computer resources instead of having a local personal computer handle specific applications.

I can say Cloud hosting is solution for multiple dedicated servers. Handling multiple dedicated server is really pain. So for high traffic websites choosing the cloud hosting is the best option.

Google, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook many companies are already using the cloud hosting for better performance.

For choosing the cloud hosting there are few good options present in market. Some of few as follows:

1. Amazon

what is cloud hosting - Know In detail
what is cloud hosting – Know In detail

2. gogrid

what is cloud hosting - Know In detail
what is cloud hosting – Know In detail

If you want information about wordpress cloud hosting then check following URL:

Web designers are saying what to do with IE6

In 2003,  Microsoft launched the Internet Explorer6 and it had dominated the market with 97 percent share that time. Over the years its market share has declined, and Now as per in Jan 2010, IE6 has only holding 5 percents of internet users.

Web designers are saying what to do with IE6

Web designers are saying what to do with IE6
Web designers are saying what to do with IE6

Still Most of all web designers are fighting all the time for IE6 issues and hacks. All web designers and Web development companies are still spend so much to to solve the issue with IE6 browsers.

There is reason behind that. In all over the world, still some big corporate companies and offices are using IE6. Many big companies and brands announced to ban IE6 in 2009 itself.

The Google and March 1 references come from that company’s recent announcement that it would drop IE6 from the list of supported browsers for its Google Docs online applications and its Google Sites hosting services starting on Monday, March 1. Yesterday, Google’s popular video site YouTube named March 13 as the end-of-support date for IE6.

There is big issue with IE6 browser but still some web developer are not aware of that. IE6 is majorly lacking to provide a web security. I can say, IE6 is kind of hackers browser.

Microsoft’s browser has weathered a “kill IE6” campaign since February 2009, when Facebook prompted IE6 users to upgrade. It accelerated last summer when Digg announced it would curtail IE6 support, and an “IE6 Must Die” Twitter petition collected thousands of names. Microsoft has endorsed the anti-IE6 efforts, going so far as to say that “Friends don’t let friends use IE6,” although it has refrained from forcing users or companies to upgrade to IE7 or IE8, arguing that the old browser is still required by some enterprises.

There are new technologies are coming like HTML5, CSS3 but still IE8 is also not providing the basics of that. So web deverloper’s need to struggle for that. The biggest issue I will say here is project estimation. Due to IE6 browser estimation will go always wrong. This is really frustrating.

There are multiple issues with IE6. I will talk about some here.

  • z-index issue – most bad part in IE6
  • inline-block – display property not work
  • min-height and max-height css property
  • child selectors in CSS
  • PNG transparent images- biggest issue
  • Poor Javascript support

Microsoft is planning to launch IE9 but still they are not included the some nice features of HTML5 and advanced javascript methods and CSS3 attributes.

What I say more.. Web designers are saying what to do with IE6…..

How to set cron jobs in Linux

If you are programmer then you many times heard about cron jobs. Who are new in to programming or new about using cron jobs they always think, how schedule job in linux box.

How to set cron jobs in Linux

How to set cron jobs in Linux
How to set cron jobs in Linux

For many purpose we can use the cron jobs. Like sending emails, taking Mysql or database backup, taking file system backup or any other purpose.

What is Cron?

Cron is basically Linux program which will run on only windows.

Cron is a program that enables you to execute a command, or a script with a sequence of commands, at a specified date, time or at set intervals. The commands or scripts that you want cron to run are defined in a file called crontab, and every user has their own independent crontab file. Cron is a system program that is running all the time and is similar to the Windows scheduler which allows you to run commands/programs at predefined times and intervals.

We can pass following parameters to Cron file.

Minute = Minute of the hour, 00 to 59. * Will indicate every minute (details later)
Hour = Hour of the day in 24-hour format, 00 to 23. * Will indicate every hour (details later)
Day = Day of the month, 1 to 31. * Will indicate every day (details later)
Month = Month of the year, 1 to 12. * Will indicate every month (details later)
Day = Day of the week, 3 chars – sun, mon, tue, or numeric (0=sun, 1=mon etc)…. * Will indicate every day (details later)
Task = The command you want to execute

Now I will show you how to use the cron in Linux.



#crontab -e

This will open the corn file from linux

Put you options in this file. For example

* * * * php  /var/www/html/project_name/script.php

Above script will fun after each minute.

00 18 * * php  /var/www/html/project_name/script.php

Above script will run at 6PM of day

More commands about crontab

#crontab -l

This will list cron file and all tasks which are present in cron file.

#crontab -r

This command will delete all cron jobs from cron file.

Using following command will show the all error log about cron file.

#tail -f /log/cron/error_log

Best free black WordPress Themes – Dont miss it

So many people like black color. They looking for black and white WordPress themes. We like black themes. Here List of best free black wordpress themes, Black color is always loved by people so here I collected the very nice wordpress themes which are black.

If we kept black color in background then web page will become more attractive as graphic designers are says. I specially like black wordpress themes.

Best free black WordPress Themes – Dont miss it

Here in this article I will give information about some really cool Black WordPress themes.
1. Michael Jackson 1.0

Best free black WordPress Themes - Dont miss it
Best free black WordPress Themes – Dont miss it

Demo | Download

2. Revision 1.0

Best free black WordPress Themes - Dont miss it
Best free black WordPress Themes – Dont miss it

Demo | Download

3. Join Me 1.0

Demo | Download

4. Photo Portfolio 1.0

Demo | Download

5. Randy Candy

Demo | Download

6. Piano Black

Demo | Download

7. Dragonskin

Demo | Download

8. The Scenery

Demo | Download

9. Dreamline

Demo | Download

10. Beardsley

Demo | Download

11. Easy Black WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

12. FMulti WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

13. BlacknBlue WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

14. Darkened Waters WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

15. Hemingway WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

how to work with multidimensional array in php

If you are programmer then you dont need introduction of array. In every language array is the most important part.

how to work with multidimensional array in php

Using array we can achieve so many things and array is useful for so many times when we do programming.
In this article I am going to share some method about PHP array.

What is PHP array?
An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys. This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be treated as an array, list (vector), hash table (an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, and probably more. As array values can be other arrays, trees and multidimensional arrays are also possible.

Following is syntax
array(key => value)

Creating PHP array:

$arr = array("str_arr" => "this is string", 25 => true);

echo $arr["str_arr"]; // print this is string
echo $arr[25];&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // print ture

How to print direct PHP array.


How to print PHP array preformated


How to create a two-dimensional PHP array

$arr = array (
 "fruits"&nbsp; => array("a" => "orange", "b" => "banana", "c" => "apple"),
 "numbers" => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
 "holes"&nbsp;&nbsp; => array("first", 5 => "second", "third")

How to create an array from MySql table

function cre_array($row) {
 foreach($row as $key => $value) {
 global $$key;
 $$key = $value;

//User table has first_name field present.

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'users'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
 echo $first_name.'<br>'; //instead of $row['first_name']


How to count PHP array count

$fruits = array("a" => "orange", "b" => "banana", "c" => "apple");
echo sizeof($fruits);
echo $arrayLength = count($fruits);

PHP and MySql and Array

$sql = "SELECT key,value FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$myArray[$row[0]] = $row[1];

while(list($key,$value) = each($myArray)) {
echo "$key : $value";

Following image will help you to understand two dimensional array.

How to work with PHP array
How to work with PHP array