20+ Free WordPress Themes with Foundation Framework

This year new wordpress foundation framework started. It created some basic wordpress themes which can be useful for wordpress developers. Here we collected more than 20 free wordpress themes which developed using foundation framework.

Free WordPress Themes with Foundation Framework
Free WordPress Themes with Foundation Framework

WordPress developers use many frameworks for creating theme.Using framework we can avoid some repetitive work. Foundation is came as more popular famework in front-end developers and demand for WordPress themes is also increasing. It is like bootstrap and mobile friendly.

20+ Free WordPress Themes with Foundation Framework

Pupa – Responsive & Retina Multi-Purpose Theme

pupa-wordpress theme

Creating a unique look and feel of your website with Pupa WP theme. A fresh and clean design retina ready multi-purpose theme build with Zurb foundation framework, some of key features is unlimited colors, premium sliders plugin support, tons of Google fonts, 220 plus icons, easy to use theme options and get automated theme updates on your WP dashboard with just single click.

Demo | Detail



In addition to inheriting all the Foundation features, Reverie also includes customized output for WordPress menus, caption and pagination. It has two built-in widget ares and two custom menus. Reverie can be used as a starter theme or as the parent theme to a child theme that you create.

Theme Info | Demo



Lulu is a fully responsive, minimalist, awesome WordPress theme, with 4 custom post types, responsive flex slider, filterable portfolio/gallery, built-in contact form and much more…

Demo / Detail



Along with Reverie, Required+ was one of the first ones on the scene to offer a Foundation-based WordPress theme. It is meant to be used as a parent theme and features commented code, flexible layout options with page templates and widget areas for different layouts. Required+ includes shortcodes to help you create columns, galleries and more using the visual editor. The shortcodes are offered as optional plugins. One unique feature of Required+ is that it offers editor styles for adding Foundation styles and elements to the post editor without using shortcodes.

Theme Info | Demo



Quarter is a minimalistic responsive WordPress theme for bloggers. Quarter developed on the Zurb Foundation framework to look beautiful at any screen size. It is customizable via the WordPress Theme Customizer yet it is as simple as possible.

Demo / Detail



Reactor makes use of the WordPress Customizer to offer customization options. It includes shortcodes for UI elements such as pricing grid, orbit slider, buttons and more. Reactor was built with the developer in mind and offers an assortment of hooks, content actions and theme actions.

Theme Info | Demo



Persona is a simple but stunningly unique parallax responsive WordPress theme. Persona is best for modern and creative websites such as a creative portfolio, personal website, designer’s profile etc. and it is for anything under the sun that needs a simple awesome parallax. The template is customizable to any level since it is powered by ZURB Foundation 3 framework and completely integrated to WordPress platform.

Demo / Detail

WP Foundation


WP Foundation includes four different page templates, a configurable via theme options panel, shortcodes pre-styled with Foundation’s styles and two different sidebars.

Theme Info | Demo



PressEvent is an event management theme suitable for any type of needs: such as conferences, exhibitions, conventions, trade shows, seminars, workshops and business meetings. PressEvent is uses the Foundation framework and can be accessed on all mobile devices, including iPad and Android powered tablets.

Demo / Detail

Base Station


Base Station is an extensible WordPress theme built on Foundation. It was built to be extended by developers, includes a number of hooks, and most of its functions are either pluggable or accessible via filters. The theme also has a feature called featured posts for highlighting your content. Base Station shortcodes offer support for alerts, buttons, featured posts slider, labels, login form and panels.

Theme Info | Demo



Spine is a WordPress theme based on Foundation and Hybrid core. It features three custom menu locations and several different layouts, including no sidebar, one or two sidebars. The front page template is completely widgetized and you can use the theme customizer with live preview to customize your site.

Theme Info | Demo



_second-foundation is another Foundation-based theme hosted at WordPress.org. It utilizes Masonry.js to create the responsive post grid display. This is a theme that you might select if you desire that specific homepage layout plus Foundation as a base.

Theme Info | Demo



SmartAdapt is a Foundation-based theme hosted on WordPress.org, which means that this is a solid theme that holds to the rigorous code standards maintained by the WordPress Theme Review team. It allows you to easily customize background, logo or header image, etc and includes social share button support (Facebook like, Twitter share, Google +1, Pin it).

Theme Info | Demo

how to change wordpress role name without plugin

There are many roles in wordpress (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber)  If you want change default role names as per your project requirement. There are many reasons where we wanted to change role name and capabilities of wordpess users.

how to change wordpress role name


how to change wordpress role name without plugin
how to change wordpress role name without plugin

Using simple code you can change worpdress role names. You just need to put following code in your functions.php file. This file you can find in wordpress theme folder.

function wpapi_change_role_name() {
    global $wp_roles;

    if ( ! isset( $wp_roles ) )
        $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();

    //You can list all currently available roles like this...
    //$roles = $wp_roles->get_names();

    //You can replace "administrator" with any other role "editor", "author", "contributor" or "subscriber"...
    $wp_roles->roles['administrator']['name'] = 'Owner';
    $wp_roles->role_names['administrator'] = 'Owner';           
add_action('init', 'wpapi_change_role_name');

Using above you you will be able to change role names. Here using able above code, administrator role name will be replaced with Owner role name.

If you want to add new role to your wordpress website than use following simple code. As per above code, following code also, you need to copy paste in functions.php file.

$result = add_role(
    __( 'Basic Contributor' ),
        'read'         => true,  // true allows this capability
        'edit_posts'   => true,
        'delete_posts' => false, // Use false to explicitly deny
if ( null !== $result ) {
    echo 'Yay! New role created!';
else {
    echo 'Oh... the basic_contributor role already exists.';

Using above code you will create the “Basic Contributor” Role in wordpress website. You can use above code in wordpress theme or plugin. There are many wordpress hooks which really helpful for managing wordpress roles and capabilities.

If you have any doubts or question than write comments bellow.

WordPress Tutorial Add Social Buttons in RSS Feed

Adding social buttons to wordpress RSS feed is always good for SEO and it will increase your website visibility to other users. we have steps for adding social buttons to RSS feed.

How to Add Social Buttons in RSS Feed

Wordpress Tutorial Add Social Buttons in RSS Feed
WordPress Tutorial Add Social Buttons in RSS Feed


Why social share buttons are important in RSS feed.

RSS feed is super great feature for publishing news to multiple search engine and news site. Through RSS feed your website will viewable to many of people. You may be seen already, some of popular news and bigger websites are showing share buttons in RSS feed. So through RSS feed you can share your articles to social media sites.


Using following simple code snippet you can add RSS feed share buttons to wordpress RSS feed.

// add custom feed content
function wpapi_add_feed_content($content) {

// Check if a feed is requested
if(is_feed()) {

// Encoding post link for sharing
$permalink_encoded = urlencode(get_permalink());

// Getting post title for the tweet
$post_title = get_the_title();

// Content you want to display below each post
// This is where we will add our icons

$content .= '<p>
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=' . $permalink_encoded . '" title="Share on Facebook"><img src="http://images.purabtech.in/twitter-32x32.png" title="Share on Facebook" alt="Share on Facebook" width="64px" height="64px" /></a>

<a href="http://www.twitter.com/share?&text='. $post_title . '&amp;url=' . $permalink_encoded . '" title="Share on Twitter"><img src="http://images.purabtech.in/facebook-32x32.png" title="Share on Twitter" alt="Share on Twitter" width="64px" height="64px" /></a>

return $content;

add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'wpapi_add_feed_content');
add_filter('the_content', 'wpapi_add_feed_content');

I Downloaded free share icons from following URL:

Here in this example code we used facebook and twitter share buttons which are most popular social sites in the world.

15+ Top Free Ultra Minimalist WordPress Themes for download

In every wordpress theme, there are too many unnecessary things are included. Blogger are mainly looking for ultra minimalist wordpress themes which are free for download. Looking for clean minimal theme and testing it out is not easy. Many times due to complex designs wordpress themes became heavy. we always suggest client to use faster and minimalist wordpress theme. so website will be fast and SEO will be good.

Top Free Ultra Minimalist WordPress Themes for download
Top Free Ultra Minimalist WordPress Themes for download

List of 10+ Top Free Ultra Minimalist WordPress Themes for download

So here in this article we collected free minimalist wordpress themes which are free and you can download them easily.


Lingonberry wp theme
Lingonberry wp theme

Lingonberry is a beautifully-designed minimalist theme by Anders Noren. Check out our recent interview with him on achieving simplicity in WordPress theme design. The Lingonberry theme offers support for post formats. The hidden top menu pulls down navigation and a search bar.

Demo | Download


tonal-wordpress theme
tonal wordpress theme

Tonal offers a greyscale design that changes based on your background color.

This theme features large images, full-width videos and makes the most of post formats.

Demo | Download



Dazzling wordpress theme
Dazzling wordpress theme

Dazzling is a colorful, flat and responsive theme ideal for businesses.

It is highly customizable for a free theme, with unlimited color variations, several widget areas, and a flexible featured slider.

Demo | Download


Casper wordpress theme
Casper wordpress theme

Casper is a free Ghost-style theme based on Underscores. It is essentially a port of Ghost’s default theme with WordPress-specific features added into the customizer for uploading your own logo, customizing the background and header images, text and social links.

Demo | Download


unititled wordpress theme
unititled wordpress theme

Untitled has been designed by the theme team at Automattic.

It comes with full-bleed featured posts, featured images, a fixed header and subtle CSS3 transitions. This theme also supports a right sidebar.

Demo | Download


tinypress free wordpress theme
tinypress free wordpress theme

TinyPress is a mobile-friendly WordPress theme with bold headlines and a focus on readability. It includes matching social sharing buttons, styles for galleries and quotes, and a hidden menu that pops open a full page widget area when clicked.

Demo | Download


papaver free wordpress theme
papaver free wordpress theme

Papaver is a stripped back, minimalist theme that puts the focus on your words.

This theme offers one, two or three column variations.

Demo | Download


gravit free wordpress theme
gravit free wordpress theme

Gravit is a bright, clean WordPress theme with support for post formats and large featured images. The theme has many options built into the customizer, including color controls for the post format icons, site title, text and background. Gravit also includes a unique “About Me” page design and template.

Demo | Download


touchfolio free wordpress theme
touchfolio free wordpress theme

Touchfolio is a responsive, sparse design featuring large images.

It has a skinning system based on LESS CSS (similar to variables in Twitter Bootstrap) and controls Photoshop file included.

It also comes with two types of portfolio – a gallery with list in menu and masonry gallery.

Demo | Download


readly free wordpress theme
readly free wordpress theme

Readly is a free theme from WP Shower that utilizes large fonts and supports post formats. It was designed for readability on all devices. The theme has several options built into the customizer, including the ability to change the theme color and add social links. You can also easily select between three pagination options: regular, load more, and infinite scroll.

Demo | Download


wootique free wordpress theme
wootique free wordpress theme

Wootique is a free WooThemes design that makes full use of all WooCommerce features. Every WooCommerce widget has been styled to match the design of this theme.

It also comes with a featured slider, custom header and widgets and is highly customizable in the backend.

Demo | Download

In wordpress get all tags in drop down terms

WordPress tags are very important. For SEO we use tags. Here in this article we will show post tags in drop down box using simple php script.

Little Background about creating tag drop down

For one of my wordpress plugin, I want to show tags drop down in widget setting form. I created plugin called “Smart Posts Widget“. For this wordpress plugin, I created tag drop down.

In wordpress get all tags in drop down terms
In wordpress get all tags in drop down terms

I used following code for creating drop down. If you want to create wordpress post tag drop down for some setting or configuration use following simple code.

foreach($taxonomies as $tax){
echo "<h2>$tax->name</h2>";
$terms = get_terms( $tax->name, 'orderby=count&hide_empty=0' );
foreach($terms as $term){

Above is raw code, which I modified little bit to create drop down list of wordpress post tags.

get all tags in drop down terms

For tag drop down you can use following code.

<p style="display:<?php if($instance["cat_tag"]=='tag'){echo 'block';}else {echo 'none';} ?>" class="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('selected_tag'); ?>">
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('selected_tag'); ?>">
<?php _e( 'Tags' ); ?>:
<select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('selected_tag'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('selected_tag'); ?>" >
<?php $tags = get_tags('orderby=name&order=ASC'); foreach($tags as $tag) {?>
<option value="<?php echo $tag->term_id;?>"<?php selected($instance['selected_tag'],$tag->term_id); ?> ><?php echo $tag->name; ?></option>
<?php }?>

Above Code in used in smart posts widget plugin, which is working fine with latest wordpress versions.


40+ best Free Beautiful WordPress Themes for download

In wordpress, there are many very beautiful wordpress themes are created by designers and many of them are not free for download so we made list of free nice beautiful wordpress themes. I found many beautiful free themes are not SEO friendly, so whenever you are selecting wordpress theme, Check for SEO friendliness.

best Free Beautiful WordPress Themes for download
best Free Beautiful WordPress Themes for download

List of 40+ best Free Beautiful WordPress Themes for download


Nibiru wordpress theme
Nibiru wordpress theme

Nibiru features a clean, flat and responsive design. This theme comes with a slick slider and unlimited colors, as well as 369 icons.

There are seven built-in custom post types, including galleries, slider title, portfolio, carousel, clients and team. More than 20 shortcodes are available to further customize the this theme.

Download | Demo


snaps wordpress theme
snaps wordpress theme

Snaps is a popular portfolio theme created by the folks at Graph Paper Press. The homepage and archives pages have a grid layout that is ideal for showcasing portrait images and galleries.

Demo | Download


one wordpress theme
one wordpress theme

One is a gorgeous and responsive parallax theme with a clean and modern design.

It comes with a page builder, allowing you to create any number of layout combinations.

Other features include WooCommerce support, blog and portfolio layouts, support for post formats and video support.

Download | Demo


ryu wordpress theme
ryu wordpress theme

Ryu is a minimalist blogging theme from Automattic that focuses on large, readable typography. The top panel has a hidden widget area and the background of image posts automatically changes to match the colors of the image.

Demo|  Download


velcro wordpress theme
velcro wordpress theme

Velcro is a grid-based theme great for photography, portfolio and blogging sites. It comes with 10 custom widgets, five widgetized areas, five post formats (image, audio, video, gallery, standard) and various home page layouts.

Download | Demo


hueman wordpress theme
hueman wordpress theme

Hueman is a magazine style theme that has quickly become a favorite on WordPress.org with more than 50,000 downloads already. On smaller devices the sidebars toggle for a great mobile viewing experience. This theme supports 10 post formats, has unlimited widget areas, social links and much more.

Demo | Download

cvCard WP

cvcard wp wordpress theme
cvcard wp wordpress theme

cvCard WP is a responsive ajax enabled vcard theme with Sliding Horizontal Layout.

It features four predefined skins (minimal, flat, overlay and overlay bold). With is masonry grid and Ajax portfolio layouts, it’s great for showcasing your work.

Download | Demo

WP Jurist

wp jurist wordpress theme
wp jurist wordpress theme

WP Jurist is a bold, responsive theme designed for law firms. The theme is bundled with a “People” plugin for displaying staff profiles.

Demo |  Download

Greenwich Village

Greenwich Village wordpress theme
Greenwich Village wordpress theme

Slick and simple, Greenwich Village is ideal for agencies and freelances.

It features a drag and drop page builder, unlimited color schemes with a one-click theme editor, an extensive options panel where you can customize the logo, favicons and colors, and video and post format support.

Download | Demo


untitled wordpress theme
untitled wordpress theme

The Untitled theme was created by the Theme Team at Automattic and features a full-bleed homepage slider. It was designed to showcase photos and videos. Although Untitled looks best without widgets, the theme does support a right sidebar.

Demo | Download


icelock wordpress theme
icelock wordpress theme

Icelock is a Medium-inspired (the old Medium design) theme with light and dark color schemes.

It features a responsive design and an unobtrusive sidebar menu. It comes with portfolio and team post types.

Download | Demo


nictitate free wordpress theme
nictitate free wordpress theme

Nictitate is a more corporate style WordPress theme. It includes a layout manager for creating custom layout options on each page.

Demo | Download


lilith wordpress theme
lilith wordpress theme

Lilith is a responsive, flat and flexible theme ideal for image-centric sites. It features shortcodes, a page builder, extensive theme options and a Revolution slider.

This theme offers powerful portfolio support, allowing you to choose between masonry, grid, striped or wall effect layouts.

Download | Demo



flounder wordpress theme
flounder wordpress theme

Flounder is a flat style blogging theme with support for post formats, including color and icons for each. It’s based on the Underscores theme, which is used by the Theme Team at WordPress.com.

Demo | Download


swipe wordpress theme
swipe wordpress theme

Swipe is a fun business theme with a gorgeous responsive design.

It includes a Revolution slider, parallax sections, filtered portfolio and hover effects.

Download | Demo


celebrate wordpress theme
celebrate wordpress theme

Celebrate is built on top of the Hybrid Core framework. It features a responsive masonry layout, support for post formats and a custom header and background.

Demo | Download



orb wordpress theme
orb wordpress theme

Orb is a tidy grid-style portfolio and blog theme for creative types. It comes with three easy to configure portfolio templates and a custom post type plugin for easy management of your content.

It also has a subtle parallax scrolling background and and intuitive mobile menu.

Download | Demo


bearded wordpress theme free
bearded wordpress theme free

Bearded is a unique responsive theme that is well-suited to being used as a portfolio or an agency website. It supports the Custom Content Portfolio plugin to help you showcase your work.

Demo | Download



Krating wp theme
Krating wp theme

Krating is a beautiful blogging theme with a focus on mixed media and typography. More than 600 Google fonts are included.

It support post formats as well as custom CSS and Javascript, and comes with demo content.

Download | Demo


serene wordpress theme
serene wordpress theme

Serene is a beautiful, minimalist blogging theme created by the folks at Elegant Themes. The theme supports post formats and was designed to be easy on the eyes.

Demo | Download



uppermost wordpress theme
uppermost wordpress theme

Uppermost is a bold and multipurpose theme ideal for agencies, photographers and portfolios.

It comes with a Revolution slider and a magazine blog post interface. Visual Composer for WordPress is included.

There are three header styles – flying, wrap and fullwidth.

Download | Demo



gridster wordpress theme
gridster wordpress theme

Created by the folks at Themefurnace, Gridster-lite is a grid-based portfolio theme. The theme sports a left sidebar and is responsive so it looks great on all screen sizes.

Demo | Download


heap wordpress theme
heap wordpress theme

Heap is a cute and flexible theme with clean layouts. It comes with a powerful options panel and you can view many changes live using the Theme Customizer.

This theme has been optimized for speed and score 96 per cent on Pingdom Website Speed Test.

Download | Demo


trvl wordpress theme
trvl wordpress theme

Trvl is a minimalist tumblelog theme with support for eight post formats. This theme was created by Automattic. It includes a custom header, menu and widgets above the footer.

Demo | Download

wordpress twenty fifteen theme review and demo

Every year wordpress launching new default wordpress theme. All Default wordpress theme really base themes for wordpress theme developers. This Coming year wordpress planning to launch twenty fifteen theme.

Twenty Fifteen theme Demo

If you want to check Demo of Twenty Fifteen theme than Check this URL. This theme is rally simple with sticky menu option.  This theme is responsive and mobile friendly. It has really nice UI. Twenty fifteen has three column and blog typography based theme.

About Fonts:

This theme uses Lato,sans-serif fonts. It is really nice font for blogger and visitors. For Other custom icons, this theme used “Genericons” font. This Font developed by Automatic team(WordPress) If you want to see features of Genericons font than visit following link.

Genericons Samples

Twenty Fifteen Theme – Screen shot is here

wordpress theme twenty fifteen-Home-page

Help in Twenty Fifteen Development

If you’d like to help out with fixing some of those bugs in all those tickets, patches welcome. :) And we’ll be going over everything Twenty Fifteen in IRC, every Tuesday at 15:30 UTC, in #wordpress-dev. Come hang out with us and squash some bugs.

Twenty Fifteen wordpress theme review

Twenty Fifteen still under development. Most of all issues has been resolved. you can check issue list here. Twenty Fifteen is in SVN trunk now so it is not available for download.


No new widgets introduced through twenty fifteen wordpress theme yet.

Featured Content – removed

This theme remvoed  section called “Featured content”. This feature had following option

  • Use a tag to feature your posts. If no posts match the tag, sticky posts will be displayed instead.

I really loved this feature, you can check this feature here.

Apart from this functionality wise twenty fifteen has no new features.

It is early to write review

Yes, it is not really right time to give review about twenty fifteen. So I will be going to update this article, day by day.


WordPress Shortcode Plugins you’d like to know more about

Although WordPress is self-sufficient in allowing users to tweak the look and feel of their website, there’s a variety of shortcodes that make the task even more convenient and quick. Irrespective of whether you want to add tabs to a web page or new buttons into a blog post, these shortcodes would enable you to insert the desired elements in a brilliant way.

WordPress Shortcode Plugins – know more about it

If you too are a WordPress site owner/developer looking forward to add shortcodes into your site then this is a blog that will offer you all the desired information in an easy-to-understand style. Here, I’ve offered a deep insight into all the best WordPress shortcode plugins that enable you to add shortcodes into your site.

WordPress Shortcode Plugins you'd like to know more about
WordPress Shortcode Plugins you’d like to know more about

Understanding the significance of WordPress shortcode plugins is crucial

Before proceeding ahead to the list of best WordPress shortcode plugins, it’s time for you to realize the growing importance of WordPress shortcode plugins. Apart from spicing up your WordPress posts and pages, these plugins also make it convenient for you to add professional-looking elements into your site. Some of the remarkable elements that can be added using the shortcodes include: tabbed boxes, columns, special headers, pricing tables and a lot more.

1. Shortcoder

Shortcoder is an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to create your own set of custom shortcodes using HTML and JavaScript. These shortcodes can then be used in the posts and pages as per your specific preferences. Specially designed for enabling users to add advertisements into their site, Shortcoder is a plugin you can’t afford to miss if you’re thinking about monetizing your WordPress powered website. Moreover, you can also choose Shortcoder plugin for embedding videos and a variety of other media into your posts and pages.

2. FX Elements WordPress Animated Shortcodes

FX Elements is yet another brilliant shortcodes plugin that allows you to add shortcodes such as Empty space, Divider, widgets, icons, social icons, colored link, top message, icon box, simple box, scroll to top etc. into your WordPress website. Backed by an easy-to-use interface manager, FX Elements lets you customize your website content by offering the flexibility of adding animated elements including boxes, buttons, icons, alert messages etc. Once you’re done with the installation of FX Elements plugin, you’ll be able to add four new widget zones inside your WordPress admin panel. Moreover, you can choose to display these widgets in an animated format anywhere within the page/post along with the related shortcode.

3. Symple Shortcodes

Developed by WPExplorer, Symple Shortcodes is a WordPress plugin that allows you to loads of scintillating shortcodes into your posts and pages. Some of the most interesting shortcodes that can be added post the installation of Symple Shortcodes plugin include: toggle, highlights, buttons, tabs and many more. The best part of using Symple Shortcodes plugin is that you can use the shortcodes irrespective of the theme that’s being used in your WordPress website.

4. J Shortcodes

J Shortcodes is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add tabs, accordion panels, custom buttons, information boxes, call to action buttons, content boxes etc. into your WordPress website’s posts and pages. Right from selecting the shape and size to color of these elements, J Shortcodes is the plugin that will assist you with a step-by-step guide on doing all this and much more. All in all, J Shortcodes gives wings to your creativity and allows you to define a custom column layout within any of your posts, pages and text widgets. Whether it’s about defining the number of columns or specifying their width in percentages; J Shortcodes saves you from the hassles associated with using the custom WordPress templates or the PHP code.

5. Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes

Serving as the best fit for adding basic shortcode elements such as toggles, colored boxes, columns, buttons, progress bars etc, Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes is a WordPress plugin you would love to install in your WordPress website. One of the best assets of this WordPress plugin is the wide collection of icons that can be placed all over the web pages and blog posts in headers, footers, on boxes, buttons etc.

6. Tabbed Content Shortcode

Tabbed Content Shortcode is an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to add a reusable tabbed content area for your WordPress theme. Some of the interesting features available with this WordPress plugin include the following:

  • Auto sizing on a tab by tab basis
  • Simple to use and activate
  • Simple to copy paste the sample shortcodes for beginning with the use of tabbed content area
  • Can be easily integrated into any design

7. Shortcodes Ultimate

As a free-to-download WordPress shortcodes plugin, Shortcodes Ultimate comes with over 30 ready-to-use shortcodes for your WordPress posts and pages. All you need to do is simply install this plugin and you can start using the shortcodes for varied purposes. You can use shortcodes that are available for buttons, boxes, tabs, custom gallery, nivo sliders, carousel etc.

8. Olevmedia Shortcodes

Installing Olevmedia Shortcodes plugin into your WordPress website will add a button to your editor, thereby offering you a wide range of handy shortcodes including icons, infoboxes, buttons, lists, toggle, tabs, counter, divider, dropcaps, marker, recent posts, table, pricing tables, blockquote and much more. One of the best assets of Olevmedia Shortcodes plugin is its handy shortcodes generator interface which frees you from the stress of remembering all the code snippets. You can simply click the button available in the editor toolbar and get a quick access to all the shortcodes.

9. Vision

Vision is a WordPress shortcodes plugin that comes with 28 different color variations, 87 professional-looking image icons, dropcaps, alert boxes, accordion tabs, number counters, progress bars, pull quotes, vector icon boxes, vector icon lists, vector icons, social icons, pricing boxes, pull quotes, buttons, columns and a lot of other features. Upon installing Vision into your WordPress website, you can enjoy an easy access to 100+ shortcodes, Point-and-click interface, ultra-responsive web designs and a lot more.

10. Shortcode Developer

If you don’t want to go with the per-built shortcodes that are available with different WordPress shortcodes plugin, then installing the Shortcode Developer plugin will suit you the best. With this plugin, you receive a slick interface that can be utilized for creating your own custom shortcodes. Utilizing PHP, this WordPress plugin will fetch you appropriate results after you set up the shortcode name and its related attributes.

11. Intense Shortcodes

As a popular Shortcodes plugin from CodeCanyon, Intense Shortcodes includes over 45 shortcodes that can be easily used for creating custom posts and pages which would include shadows, maps, timelines and a lot more. One of the most interesting things to be noted about Intense Shortcodes plugin is that it integrates well with the very popular Visual Composer Page Builder WordPress plugin that has been the number one choice of WordPress developers who’re looking for creating custom page layouts.

Wrapping Up

So, that was a filtered list of the best WordPress shortcode plugins that have been successful in creating their mark in the world of WordPress shortcode plugins. Hope you’d have found the collection handy enough for using as a reference the next time you’re planning to choose a suitable WordPress shortcode plugin.

Did You Forget These Things In Your Brand New WordPress Website

Okay, so you’re excited. You’ve just launched your sparkling new WordPress driven website on the Internet. You have spent a great amount of time choosing the prefect, flat, load like lightening theme, added a set of cool and so very useful plugins, and awesome content. Terrific.

Tips for Brand New WordPress Website

Brand New WordPress Website

But, there is a niggling sense of having forgotten something. In the tearing hurry to get the website ready for prime time there maybe some small but pertinent details you’ve forgotten about.

Here is my brand new WordPress site checklist, of things you absolutely must take care of with a brand new WP website.

Let’s kick off with what must be done in the WordPress Settings Menu.

Setting The Site Title And Site Tagline

Here is how to change your site title in wordpress and. Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard as usual, then hover your mouse cursor on the left hand side menu item Settings.

NOTE: To change your site tagline in wordpress please follow the same steps.

Check and ensure that under Settings  General that the Site Title and Tagline fields are filled out with the exact information you want displayed on your WP site as its Site Title and Tagline.

Nothing indicates your WordPress website is built by a novice like seeing the Tagline Just Another WordPress Site appear as the Browser title or worse in search engine result pages.

Setting The Correct Timezone and Date/Time Format

Check that the correct Timezone and Date/Time formats have been set. It’s really sad to notice a beautifully scripted Blog post with a wrong date and time being shown on your WordPress driven website.

Settings Discussion

85% of WordPress driven web sites do not use the WordPress commenting capabilities. Hence make sure that visit the Discussion page check that the settings there reflect exactly what you want for your WordPress driven website.

Settings Permalinks

WordPress creates and uses some pretty strange looking URLs with which it identifies all the Posts and Pages created on the website. These URLs use question marks and numbers and so on and are definitely not human friendly.

The Permalink setting empowers you to use and display human friendly URLs. Truthfully, almost any other setting other than the default setting should do just fine.

Don’t Forget SEO Techniques For WordPress Pages Or Posts

WordPress, like all CMS has a specific weakness when delivering Keywords, Description, and a few other key webpage attribute values that search engines require. This is because CMS use a single template (or a small group of templates) to deliver all pages and posts associated with the website.

Since these attributes are always delivered within the <head></head> section of the template it’s obvious that a unique set of keywords, descriptions (and more) for individual pages or post on the website just cannot be delivered using single template or theme technique of a CMS.

Hence, (just like any other CMS) WordPress encourages the use of seo plugins for wordpress, which ensures that while a single template is used to display page and post content, a unique set of keywords, Descriptions (and more) can be delivered for each web page or post via the plugin.

An SEO plugin used with WordPress exposes the Title, Keywords, Description, Blog post Tags (and more) for each page or post within the WordPress editor itself.

Hence, when the page or post content is stored in the WordPress database, along with its content, a unique Title, set of Keywords, Description, set of Tags and so on are bound to the web page or post and stored in the WordPress database as well.

When the page or post is being displayed in a site visitors Browser, the plugin ensures that the Title, unique set of Keywords, Description, Tags are appropriately, and dynamically, inserted within the <head></head> of the WordPress template.

Additionally, if your site has any particular content that you don’t want indexed, SEO plugins can help with that as well.

Google Analytics and Google Web Master Tools

If you’ve not done so yet, please sign up your website for both Google Analytics and Google Web Master tools. These free to use, tools are essential for learning just how well your website SEO efforts are doing.

Have An Emergency Plan In Place

You could lose your website anytime. Hackers can deface it, the web host can crash for one reason or another corrupting your website files, whatever the reason, you can suddenly find yourself starting all over again without a useable website.

Hence, be proactive. Have a regular backup plan in place. Back up the WordPress website database regularly and completely.

There are a lot of great plugins available some free, (some paid for but modestly priced) that will help you backup your database. Some plugins allow you to schedule backups to a 3rd party cloud service. Just do not rely solely on your web host to take care of this.

Having your own ability to restore your site database in the event of serious crash and burn of your website is absolutely priceless.

Using your cPanel Setup FTP for your WordPress site and at regular intervals do a complete backup of all the WordPress related folders and files. Backing up your /wp-content/ folder is especially important as this folder contains all the assets of your website, such as plugins used, images and/or videos uploaded, the WordPress theme and other crucial website data.

Secure Your Website

While the WordPress core has really pretty much secure, and the WordPress core developers really do a great job of patching security holes as they are identified, all too often it’s the plugins used that make a WordPress driven website vulnerable. Hence, do not ignore WordPress security altogether.

Today there are some awesome WordPress related, security plugins, available for use. The use of these plugin make it harder to hack into and deface (or worse) your website. Look out for plugins that will lock out a user after a number of failed login attempts. This seriously slows down the bots that attempt to brute-force their way into your website Admin section and from there take over your website.

The sad thing is that these attacks will happen. It’s only a matter of time. The good news is that you can help protect your site from them. And, don’t forget, use really complicated Admin passwords, a minimum 12 characters in length with a mix of Upper and Lower case characters, numbers and special symbols. Such passwords make a bot’s life miserable and definitely protect your WordPress driven website.

Use a Child Theme

A child theme normally resides in a separate folder within the /wp-content/themes/ directory. Think of it as a sort-of extension of the parent theme currently active on your website. Child themes are used to customize the look / feel and functionality of a website.

The benefit of having a child theme is that when theme developers release updates (much like plugins are updated), the child theme ensures that you will not lose any customization you made to your active WordPress theme when these updates are made.

Depending upon your technical (coding) capability levels, a child theme can be pretty easy to setup. If you’ve hired a web designer/developer to create your site, then ask them if you should be using one.

In Conclusion

At the time of launching your brand new WordPress driven website if you’ve taken care of all the above (none really are optional) your website will be up and running smoothly and safely for a long time.

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fastest minimal css social share button wordpress plugin

We tried many social share button wordpress plugin which add many js files. Guide for using fast loading css share button wordpress plugin with tips to use css share button plugin.

Why created CSS social share button WordPress plugin?

There are many plugins which are good looking and functionality wise advanced. But these plugin will slow down your wordpress site.  Due to many javascript and CSS code these plugin take time to load. Social sharing plugins add images to your site pages which also cause slowness. So we decided to create fast loading and minimal CSS based share button.

How to install CSS Share Buttons?

Follow the usual routine;

  1. Open WP admin – Plugins – Add New
  2. Enter “CSS Share Buttons” under search and hit Enter
  3. Plugin will show up as the first on the list, click “Install Now”

Download CSS Share Buttons plugin from here

Or if needed, upload manually. Follow the steps below to install the plugin.

  1. Upload the css-share-buttons directory to the /wp-content/plugins/directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in wp
  3. Go to “CSS Share” option to configure the button

What Features has CSS Share Buttons plugin

fast loading share button wordpress plugin
fast loading share button wordpress plugin

Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn Share buttons.

The CSS Share Buttons easily allows your blog to be shared. Speedup you site with this share plugin.

fast loading share button wordpress plugin

This plugin is very light weight. As comapred to other Share button plugin This plugin is super fast.

We compared with all famous share button plugin. Our Plugin load CSS from CDN.

It show very lite share button only with HTML and CSS. It does not load any javascript like other We load only one CSS file with this plugin – only 1.5kb css file


  1. Share with Facebook.
  2. Share with Twitter.
  3. Share with LinkedIn.
  4. Share with Google Plus.
  5. Floating Sidebar
  6. Responsive Design

Admin Setting of CSS Share button

admin setting of css share buttons wordpress plugin
admin setting of css share buttons wordpress plugin

Download CSS Share Buttons plugin from here

CSS share button plugin is super fast. It does not load any javascript to your site. It adds only one CSS file (1.4kb). This plugin will increase your website speed. Which is good for SEO.