5 Resourceful WP Plugins To Optimize Your Mobile User Experience

The ultimate benefits of the advanced Internet-enabled handy devices have interestingly gathered a gigantic user base. With more and more users switching to mobile devices, it has become more than imperative to sincerely consider the mobile audiences.

Although, there is no dearth of responsive WP themes that are great for targeting mobile devices in an efficient manner, but you may want to further enhance the mobile UX. If it is so, you can reap the benefits of the incredible plugins available in the WP repository that can ensure a mobile optimized look and feel to your WP site. Thus, by integrating such plugins in your site, you can create an outstanding mobile presence and efficiently cater to the needs of your mobile users.

This article will offer you a list of amazing plugins that are ideal for optimizing your mobile presence and deliver a conspicuous UX. Let’s have a glimpse into them.

5 Resourceful WP Plugins

5 Resourceful WP Plugins
5 Resourceful WP Plugins

1. iThemes Mobile – Paid

Whether you want to implement any of the built-in themes or want to tailor the appearance of your site in a desired fashion, this premium plugin allows one to incorporate a mobile-friendly theme in their WP site. Along with easy customization, the iThemes Mobile facilitates one to integrate different themes to target different mobile platforms. That is, you can personalize your site’s visual appeal for different mobile platforms like Android, Windows phone, iOS and so forth.

This premium plugin comes complete with resourceful features like custom header uploader, four mobile-friendly themes, a style manager and a lot more. You can customize your WP site with great ease and efficiently cater to the needs of your mobile audiences.

2. WordPress Mobile Pack – Paid

5 Resourceful wordpress Plugins-2
5 Resourceful wordpress Plugins-2

Compatible with several mobile web browsers and mobile platforms, this plugin offers a complete control over the mobile version of your site. You can revamp it in a desired fashion while using the integrated tools. While ensuring easy customization, this free plugin also offers a responsive UI, effective sync with post, comments and pages, Google Analytics support, and a lot more. In fact, you can easily monetize your mobile presence with this plugin. Moreover, it also allows your mobile users to stay updated with your WP site’s feeds even when they are offline.

3. Jetpack by WordPress.com – Paid

With an uncluttered theme, this plugin ensures that your mobile users can conveniently go through your site. This lightweight plugin is efficient enough to load instantly without annoying your viewers. You can also customize the visual appearance of your site as per your taste by implementing the utile features offered by this plugin. Whether you want to create custom backgrounds, menus, or header images, you can easily accomplish all and boost your visitor’s experience. Moreover, the integrated Akismet anti-spam, Single Sign On, etc., ensure that your site is always up and protected from vulnerabilities.

4. WPtouch Mobile Plugin – Free

5 Resourceful wordpress Plugins-3

The WPtouch Mobile plugin represents your website content in a mobile-friendly fashion with a mobile-only theme. You can tinker with the visual appearance of your site and customize it in a desired fashion. It offers a plethora of features including, branding colors, language detection, and a lot of other styling options. This handy plugin is extremely simple to use, just install and activate it in your WP site, and your mobile-friendly site will be instantly created. Upon visiting your mobile site, visitors will get an option to either turn to the mobile-only theme or continue with your regular theme (that is the desktop theme). Although, this blissful plugin is available for free, but you may like to get the benefit of its additional offerings by investing in its pro version.

5. EWWW Image Optimizer – Free

To ensure a blazingly high loading time to your site and use less bandwidth, this plugin offers truly amazing features. This plugin is well known for auto optimizing the website images to best fit the targeted mobile devices. It basically compresses all the media files and follow lossless approach, however, you can also go with a lossy optimization technique. Furthermore, this image optimizer plugin is also compatible with other common image gallery plugins.

These are the best WP plugins, which are popular for optimizing a WordPress site to ensure a remarkable mobile user experience. You may integrate any one of these and enhance your business value by efficiently reaching the giant mobile user base.

hide widgets on certain pages in wordpress

There are many ways to hide widgets from certain page in wordpress. Here we will give code sample and information about wordpress plugin which will be helpful to wordpress users to manage widgets in smarter way.

hide widgets on certain pages

There is manual and old way of hiding widgets on certain pages which is adding code in theme. You can get your page name or page id and use following code.

add_filter( 'widget_display_callback', 'hide_widget_pages', 10, 3 );
function hide_widget_pages( $instance, $widget, $args ) {
if ( $widget->id_base == 'pages' ) { // change 'pages' to widget name
if ( !is_page( 'contact' ) ) {    // change page name
return false;

You need to copy and paste above code into functions.php file (themes folder).

Now we will tell you about automatic and smart way. There is very nice and good wordpress plugin which will give you more options in widget so you can control your widget more smartly.

Display Widgets

Change your sidebar content for different pages, categories, custom taxonomies, and WPML languages. Avoid creating multiple sidebars and duplicating widgets by adding check boxes to each widget in the admin (as long as it is written in the WordPress version 2.8 format) which will either show or hide the widgets on every site page. Great for avoiding extra coding and keeping your sidebars clean.

By default, ‘Hide on checked pages’ is selected with no boxes checked, so all current widgets will continue to display on all pages.

hide widgets on certain pages in wordpress
hide widgets on certain pages in wordpress

Above is screen shot of widget admin section. There are many options you can find for every widget. I found this plugin is very helpful to me.

There is option of hide widget for checked pages. You can check certain pages for hiding widgets. This is code free solution which i recommend for all wordpress users.

Top Plugins for Faster WordPress Site

Blogging on WordPress, but afraid of bulking up your site and slowing it up? Here comes the good news: there are several plugins that can make your website faster than usual. Notably though, there are plugins that can also make your site slower. This is a no-no more so because Google considers page speed as an important ranking factor. Take a look at below.

Faster WordPress Site

For identifying plugins that slow down the site

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

P3 is a diagnostic plugin wherein it measures how each plugin in your website affects its load time. In most cases, your website have too many plugins or poorly configured plugins. The site is slow because of what are installed. The most common culprit is social sharing plugins which bloat page load speed.

GTmetrix for WordPress

When it comes to determining the overall performance of your site, you can use GTmetric for WordPress. The plugin tracks your installs and sends alerts whenever your website fails below pre-defined criteria. You can also schedule analysis and reporting on a frequency that is most convenient for you.

For browser caching

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is very useful in leveraging browser caching. W3 Total Cache is considered the only WPO (WordPress Performance Optimization) framework that is specifically designed for the purpose of improving the site’s speed and thereby user experience (UX). This plugin increases server performance and reduces download times. It can be easily integrated with your content delivery network (CDN). GoDadddy and HostGator, among others, recommend the use of this plugin. Even Matt Cutts is using W3 Total Cache.

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache performs the same function as W3 Total Cache. WP Super Cache generates static HTML files and serve to your site users. It diminishes the job to process comparatively heavier files such as PHP generated cache files.

DB Cache Reloaded Fix

If you want to cache database query, you can use DB Cache Reloaded Fix. This plugin uses less disk space and is extremely easy to use. Enable the plugin, pick a time and empty the filter. The plugin will not update, insert or delete.

For compressing the site

Force Gzip

Force Gzip speeds up load time by deploying a GZIP output compression action. The plugin can also detect when the browsers are erroneously claims that they are not supporting when they do in actuality. Compressing the ZIP file saves bandwidth and reduces the total file size, so that sending the file to the users will then be easier and faster.

For compressing images

WP Smush.it

The majority of the WordPress sites includes images that consume a significant portion of bandwidth, and the solution is WP Smush.it. The plugin automatically compresses these images upon upload on your media library without affecting the quality of the images. It optimizes JPEG compression and converts GIFs to PNGs. The best part, you can compress images stored in the library by running them through WP Smush.it.

EWWW Image Optimizer is an alternative to WP Smush.it. The plugin automatically optimizes the images while being uploaded in your library.


Hammy is a plugin that generates and serves responsive-oriented images to the users. The plugin resizes the image based on the available content area, but still depends on content width. With this, the users are served with the most appropriate image based on what device they are using. Hammy supports retina.

BJ Lazy Load

Another great plugin for saving bandwidth is BJ Lazy Load. Lazy loading means replacing the images, thumbnails, gravatars and even content iframes with placeholders. The contents will be loaded when the user gets close to the image, for instance, as he or she scrolls the page. BJ Lazy Load also works with widgets. For responsive designs, the plugin automatically serves scaled-down images. For hiDPI screens, it serves hiDPI images.

Substitutes to BJ Lazy Load are Lazy Load, jQuery Image Lazy Load WP and Image Lazy Load (Unveil.js). For lightweight alternatives, you may use Rocket Lazy Load (2KB) and Unveil Lazy Load (0.5KB).

For cleaning up the website database


WordPress autosaves. Period. One disadvantage of such is that the database will be easily filled up with unnecessary files such as drafts, revisions, unapproved comments, trashed items and even pingbacks and trackbacks. WP-Optimize is a great plugin because it routinely clears your database. It will leave those that need to be kept. Potentially harmful cleanup options are highlighted in red. Backup your database before you use the plugin.


In optimizing WordPress database, you can use WP-DBManager alternatively. This plugin schedules database optimization dates. Aside from this, it also repairs, backups, restores and deletes backup database whenever necessary. It runs selected queries and drops or empties tables.

For storing revisions

Revision Control

There are instances when we want to control what post revisions we can store. Again, WordPress autosaves your drafts and revisions which can be easily removed using Revision Control plugin. An unnecessary amount of drafted posts will be removed through setting the plugin to a minim of 3 revisions, for example. Enabling, disabling and limiting the number of provisions is possible on a per post basis. The plugin has Revisions Meta box which also allows users to delete specific revisions.

For backing up files

Top Plugins for Faster WordPress Site
Top Plugins for Faster WordPress Site


Speaking of backups, every blogger and website owner should backup their database. Install a plugin like Backup. Backups are in the form of zipped archives which will be then uploaded to any folder of your choice in Google Drive. What’s great about this plugin is you control what are being backed up such as database, files and directories. You can also schedule automatic backups if you want.

For minifying JavaScript and CSS files

Better WordPress (BWP) Minify

If the site has several plugins installed, your site would have about 15 separate style sheets and JavaScript files. The ideal scenario is having a single CSS file for all the style sheets and single JavaScript file for all the files. BWP Minify combines the sheets and files separately, so that the number of browser requests is minimized. The plugin can be customized and is available in 11 languages.


Another coder-friendly plugin is WP-Compress-HTML. When coding, spaces, new lines, new tabs, indentations and carriage returns are used to make the contents more human-readable. These are necessary to collaborate and debug HTML documents. Nonetheless, these elements add up to the HTML document file size. WP-Compress-HTML removes such elements of the HTML document. Another great thing about the plugin is the feature of marking areas of the template reserved for preserving white space.

For monitoring malware

Sucuri Scanner

Malware also slows down your website, and there are malwares that are very difficult to detect. To determine whether there are malicious codes on your site, you may choose to install Sucuri Scanner. This plugin is a security suite that audits security activities, monitors file integrity, scans remote malware, monitors blacklist, hardens effective security and acts on post-hack security. It notifies the owner in case of any attempts of security breach, for example.

Evidently, there are several plugins that you can use in speeding up your WordPress site. However, the rule of thumb is using a maximum of 10 plugins. Anything more than that will slow down your site, which defeats the purpose of installing these plugins in the first place. You can experiment to determine which plugins best suit your website.

how to show user post count in wordpress

Many people asked me, how to show specific users post count in wordpress widget area. Here in this article, We will give you code and trick for showing user post count in widget area.

There is inbuilt wordpress method called “count_user_posts” which will help you to show users post or page or custom post count in your wordpress theme. Since wordpress 3.0 version this method exits in API. You can use “count_user_posts” method for many purpose. You can pass two parameters to this function, If you did not pass second parameter than it will be post.

Here we given some samples:

echo count_user_posts(1,'post');             // posts
echo count_user_posts(2,'page');             // pages
echo count_user_posts(3,'products'); // custom post types

show user post count in wordpress

We used above method for showing post count as follows:

show user post count in wordpress
show user post count in wordpress

I used PHP Code Widget plugin for adding PHP code in widget section.

More about PHP Code Widget

The normal Text widget allows you to insert arbitrary Text and/or HTML code. This allows that too, but also parses any PHP code in the text widget and executes it.

This can make it easier to migrate to a widget-based theme. However, this plugin should not be used long term, as anybody with access to edit the widgets on your site will be able to execute arbitrary PHP code.

All PHP code must be enclosed in the standard php opening and closing tags ( <?php and ?> ) for it to be recognized and executed.

Only users with the unfiltered_html role will be allowed to insert unfiltered HTML. This includes PHP code, so users without admin or editor permissions will not be able to use this to execute code, even if they have widget editing permissions.

How used following code in PHP widget.

<?php printf( __( 'Number of posts published by user: %d', 'text-dom-here' ), count_user_posts( 1 ) ); ?>

Change default WordPress Admin Bar UI

WordPress has default admin top bar which has all features shortcuts. Here you will show you, how to change UI of worpdress admin bar using plugin.

change wordpress admin bar

You can fully disable worpdress admin bar but you will not able retrieve it. There is very nice wordpress plugin which will help you to hide default wordpress admin bar partially.  Using this plugin you will get full control on behaviour of admin bar.

Admin Bar Button


Admin Bar Button is a plugin that will create a simple button to replace the default WordPress Admin Bar on the front end. When using this plugin, the full height of the page is used by your site, which is particularly handy if you have fixed headers. Please see the Screenshots tab to see how the Admin Bar Button looks.

After activating the plugin, if you wish you can change how the Admin Bar Button looks and works by visiting the Settings page (Settings » Admin Bar Button). However, no user interaction is required by the plugin; if you wish, you can simply install and activate Admin Bar Button and it’ll work right away.

This plugin has been tested with the built in Twenty Fourteen, Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Twelve themes. Should you find a theme with which it does not work, please open a new topic on the Support tab.

For configuring the admin bar button, go to  Settings » Admin Bar Button page. That setting page will look like as follows:

Admin Bar Button Settings WordPress
Admin Bar Button Settings WordPress

You will find two tabs in setting page which are so helpful. The first one is for admin bar button settings. You can edit button text, position, animation, etc.

We found this plugin so helpful for corporate site purpose.

If you want remove worpdpress admin bar than you can use following plugin.

Disable WP Admin Bar Removal

disable wordpress admin bar for all user roles remove frontend backend code reduce memory consumption speedup loading control panel removal wp plugin clean dashboard menu for all subscribers. Is planned update for WordPress 3.8+ / 3.9+ / 4.0+ / 4.1+ compatibility? YES! The plugin that is updated, for now, is WP Toolbar Removal

Please noted that External CSS Style and JS Script support fot Adaptive Dasboard is developed offline on sLaNGjIs GitHub targeted for Version 2014.1210.0410 Build 2014-12-10

Your updates is manual (for now) when is available upgraded releases!

Periodically, the files included in the plugin will be updated with new releases: you are advised to periodically download the updated package based on the build date rather than on its version.


  1. Compatible with: WordPress, bbPress, Buddypress
  2. Unified Coding to run with WordPress 3.1+ or later
  3. Ready to Single and Network Multisite Environment
  4. All in One Disabler and Remover
  5. 28px Gap, Bump CB, Node, Shadow, Pointer, Profile, Code
  6. The configuration of this plugin is Automatic!
  7. Compatible with Shared, Dedicated, Cloud and VPS Hosting
  8. Run on Hosting with high and low resources
  9. Work under GPLv2 or later License
  10. Implement GNU style coding standard indentation
  11. Meet detailed Plugin Guidelines quality requirements


  1. Remove WordPress 3.1+ (or later) Admin Bar
  2. Remove WordPress 3.3+ (or later) Toolbar
  3. Remove Frontend Bump CB
  4. Remove Frontend “28px gap” on top of Site
  5. Remove Backend DashBoard Admin Menu Shadow Effect
  6. Remove Backend DashBoard Admin Bar/Toolbar Pointer (ToolTips)
  7. Remove Backend “28px gap” on top of DashBoard for WP 3.3+ or later
  8. Remove User Personal Options Settings “Show Admin Bar/Toolbar”
  9. Hide Admin Icons in the Backend Menu (not on collapsed state)
  10. Hide Admin Page Title Icons in the Backend DashBoard
  11. Disable Admin Menu Hoverintent Handlers for the Bar and Menu
  12. Add logout functionality on top of DashBoard for WP 3.3+ or later
  13. Add Header and Footer Log
  14. Show realtime datetime on top of DashBoard for WP 3.3+ or later

Count post views without wordpress plugin using meta data

Showing post views is nice feature. Many client want to show post/page views on pages. Where in this wordpress tutorial, we will show, How to show post views using post meta data.

There are many wordpress plugins available for counting post views. Here are some, If you don’t want to modify your wordpress theme code.

Count post views without wordpress plugin using meta data
Count post views without wordpress plugin using meta data

Automated method

Add following wordpress plugin and show post views


Enables you to display how many times a post/page had been viewed.

Post Views Counter

Post Views Counter allows you to display how many times a post, page or custom post type had been viewed with this simple, fast and easy to use plugin.

For more information, check out plugin page at dFactory or plugin support forum.

Features include:

  • Option to select post types for which post views will be counted and displayed.
  • 2 methods of collecting post views data: PHP and Javascript, for greater flexibility
  • Option to set time between counts
  • Excluding counts from visitors: bots, logged in users, selected user roles
  • Excluding users by IPs
  • Restricting display by user roles
  • One-click data import from WP-PostViews
  • Post views display position, automatic or manual via shortcode
  • W3 Cache/WP SuperCache compatible
  • WPML and Polylang compatible
  • .pot file for translations included

Manual Method

function getPostViews($postID){
    $count_key = 'post_views_count';
    $count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
        delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
        add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
        return "0 View";
    return $count.' Views';
function setPostViews($postID) {
    $count_key = 'post_views_count';
    $count = get_post_meta($postID, $count_key, true);
        $count = 0;
        delete_post_meta($postID, $count_key);
        add_post_meta($postID, $count_key, '0');
        update_post_meta($postID, $count_key, $count);

// Remove issues with prefetching adding extra views
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head', 10, 0); 

Add above code into functions.php file which you can find in theme folder.

Step 1
After this you need put following in single.php file and page.php file. Inside post loop, copy and paste following code.


Note: If you put above code in wrong place than it will not work.

programmatically create wordpress page using theme code

Many times client want predefined page in wordpress site when theme is activated. Here in this wordpress tutorial, we will show you how to programmatically create page or posts in wordpress website.

programmatically create wordpress page

If you want to create custom page with content than you can use following code. You just need to open “functions.php” file. (File can be found in theme folder).

if (isset($_GET['activated']) && is_admin()) {
$new_page_template = ''; //ex. template-custom.php. Leave blank if you don't want a custom page template.

//don't change the code bellow, unless you know what you're doing
$page_check = get_page_by_title('This is the page custom title');
$new_page = array(
'post_type' => 'page',//define post or page
'post_title' => 'This is the page custom title',
'post_content' => 'This is the page custom content',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1,
//create page in wordpress
$new_page_id = wp_insert_post($new_page);
update_post_meta($new_page_id, '_wp_page_template', $new_page_template);


You just need to copy and paste above code into functions.php file. This will create custom page in wordpress website. programmatically created page will look like as follows:

programmatically create wordpress page
programmatically create wordpress page

programmatically create wordpress post

If you want to create wordpress post programmatically than use following code.

if (isset($_GET['activated']) && is_admin()) {
$new_page_template = ''; //ex. template-custom.php. Leave blank if you don't want a custom page template.

//don't change the code bellow, unless you know what you're doing
$page_check = get_page_by_title('This is the page custom title');
$new_page = array(
'post_type' => 'post',//define post or page
'post_title' => 'This is the page custom title',
'post_content' => 'This is the page custom content',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => 1,
//create page in wordpress
$new_page_id = wp_insert_post($new_page);
update_post_meta($new_page_id, '_wp_page_template', $new_page_template);


You need to copy and paste above code in to functions.php file. With above code you can create custom post type’s post programmatically.

how to add and remove wordpress user roles

In wordpress we can extend user role management system. Here in this wordpress tutorial, we will show to add and remove wordpress user roles. There are some free wordpress plugins which will give you option to edit wordpress role system.

Here are some plugins which will extend wordpress role management.

User Role Editor

With User Role Editor WordPress plugin you can change user role (except Administrator) capabilities easy, with a few clicks. Just turn on check boxes of capabilities you wish to add to the selected role and click “Update” button to save your changes. That’s done. Add new roles and customize its capabilities according to your needs, from scratch of as a copy of other existing role. Unnecessary self-made role can be deleted if there are no users whom such role is assigned.

Role assigned every new created user by default may be changed too. Capabilities could be assigned on per user basis. Multiple roles could be assigned to user simultaneously. You can add new capabilities and remove unnecessary capabilities which could be left from uninstalled plugins. Multi-site support is provided.

User Role

The User Role plugin allows you to change wordpress role capabilities. It is a very useful tool when your site has a bunch of visitors or subscribers. The plugin has intuitive and convenient interface so all the site visitors can be easily sorted by roles with a couple of clicks.

  • Actions: You can recover wordpress role capabilities.
  • Interface: Recover button has confirmation dialogue, so that you won’t reset your settings ocasionaly.
  • Display: All role capabilities are separated into groups.

WPFront User Role Editor

This plugin allows you to easily manage user roles within your WordPress site. You can create, edit or delete user roles and manage role capabilities.


  • Create new roles.
  • Edit or rename existing roles.
  • Clone existing roles.
  • Manage capabilities.
  • Allows you to add role capabilities.
  • Change default user role.
  • Restore role.
  • Assign multiple roles.

Manual Way to Extend WordPress User management system

Using following Code You can Add or Remove wordpress role.

We added “Owner” role in wordpress. For adding new role use following code.

function wpapi_add_role() {
add_role( 'owner', 'Owner',
add_action( 'init', 'wpapi_add_role' );

add and remove wordpress user roles
add and remove wordpress user roles

Remove existing worpdress roles, Use following code.

function wpapi_remove_role() {
remove_role( 'editor' );
remove_role( 'author' );
remove_role( 'contributor' );
remove_role( 'subscriber' );
add_action( 'init', 'wpapi_remove_role' );

If you want to know more about worpdress roles and capabilities than visit this page. Check “Capability vs. Role Table” section. which is important for developers.

add youtube subscribe button to wordpress website

Many bloggers have youtube channel now days. Here in this wordpress tutorial we will show you to add youtube subscribe button to your website. Creating social presence through youtube is really futuristic way. So if you do not have your own youtube channel than create it. Put your ideas and thoughts through videos.

Steps for adding youtube subscription button to wordpress

Using following worpdress plugin you can easily add youtube subscibe button.

YouTube Subscribe Button

Adds the YouTube Subscribe Button to your website.

It adds a widget to your blog that will display the YouTube Subscribe Button. The button lets people subscribe to your YouTube channel without having to leave your site to either log in to YouTube or confirm their subscriptions.

How to use this plugin?

Go to Appearance->Widgets section. You will find “Youtube Subscription Button”  widget there. Drag and drop this widget to your sidebar or your chosen place. This has following setting.


We found this plugin very helpful and handy.

Manual Way to add youtube subscribe button

If you want to add youtube subscribe button to your wordpress theme than use following steps. Go to following youtube social button configuration page.

YouTube Subscribe Button

You will see following setting and options on page.



In “Configure a button” section just add your channel name and and copy text from “code” text area. That will be as follows:

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script>

<div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="purabdk" data-layout="default" data-count="default"></div>

Just use above code in your theme files. There are many styles and options you will find on this page. Choose style and color as per your wordpress theme and use in your theme code.

Using above technique you will increase your youtube channel subscribers through your wordpress blog or website.

How to extra allow file type upload in wordpress

WordPress will only lets you upload images (png, gif, jpg, pdf, etc). It does not allow to upload extra file type. Here in this article we given perfect solutions for adding extra file types. Some plugins and code for upload extra file type.

How to extra allow file type upload in wordpress
How to extra allow file type upload in wordpress

There are some nice wordpress plugin which will help you to add extra file types for upload.

AP Extended MIME Types

The Ardent Pixels’ Extended MIME Types plugin was created specifically for WPMS in mind. You can now allow all or only select blogs to upload a WIDE range of file types.

Upload File Type Settings Plugin

By default, WordPress only allows a very limited set of file types to be uploaded. This set is defined by a so called “white list”. What’s not on the white list can’t be uploaded.

This plugin allows you to extend this white list through a settings page.

Additionally it comes with a wide range of file types that are enabled automatically, like audio files (ac3, mp4, …) and video files (avi, mkv, …).

PJW Mime Config

This plugin allows you to configure extra mime-types for support by the inline-uploader.

A new options page is added as Options … Mime-types which allows you to add/delete the extra mime-types.

By default the following extra mime-types are registered: audio/ac3, audio/MPA and video/x-flv.


Code Sample

If you want to manually add file types for your wordpress site than you can use following code.

For uploading photoshop (psd file) through wordpress dashboard.

function my_myme_types($mime_types){
    $mime_types['svg'] = 'image/svg+xml'; //Adding svg extension
    $mime_types['psd'] = 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop'; //Adding photoshop files
    return $mime_types;
add_filter('upload_mimes', 'my_myme_types', 1, 1);

Using above code you can add psd and svg file type for uploading.