best wordpress plugins for bloggers

Here are some of best wordpress plugins for bloggers. As blogger I know which are best plugins for blogger to increase site visitor and views. Much of a blogger’s success comes from the time he or she spends creating great content, networking, testing new opportunities, and promoting his or her blog.

best wordpress plugins for bloggers

Unfortunately, publishing a blog also requires time. Fortunately, the 10 WordPress plugins listed below can help automate (or shorten the time spent on) many blog-related tasks, so you can spend more time writing, networking and promoting, and less time on busy work.

best wordpress plugins for bloggers
best wordpress plugins for bloggers Stats

All bloggers should track the activity on their blogs using a web analytics tool, but taking the time to log into that tool and navigate through the provided reports takes time. Often bloggers just want to take a quick peak at their top level stats. That’s where the Stats plugin comes in handy. Instead of logging into a separate application, you can view some of your key blog analytics right from your WordPress dashboard.



People love to participate in polls. Sure there are many options available to bloggers to add polls to their blogs such as PollDaddy, but the WP-Polls plugin allows you to create custom polls without leaving your WordPress account!


No Self Pings

The No Self Pings plugin is a great time saver for bloggers who intralink to their own posts frequently. If your blog is set up to accept pings and trackbacks, then each time you link to one of your own posts in a new post, a trackback link is sent to your blog and published in the comments section of the old post that you linked to. Pings and trackbacks can slow down your blog, clutter your comments section, and be a nuisance if they’re excessive. Also, if your blog is set up to moderate all comments and trackbacks, this plugin will save you a considerable amount of time.



Make sure that Akismet is activated on your blog and configured to meet your preferences. Unfortunately, blogs get a lot of comments that are spam. Without Akismet (or another comment spam blocking plugin of some kind), your blog is likely to be inundated with spam comments over time. Blog readers don’t like to see spam comments. In fact, too many spam comments published on your blog can directly result in decreased blog traffic, so make sure you’re using a comment spam blocking plugin like Akismet.


Math Comment Spam

Unfortunately, comment spam blocking plugins such as Akismet aren’t always enough to eliminate all spam comments from getting through to publish on your blog (or sit in your comment moderation queue). When you install the Math Comment Spam plugin on your blog, commenters will be asked to enter the answer to a simple math problem such as 2+3 before they submit their comment to ensure the comment is being submitted by a human being and not a spam bot. Users report a significant decrease in the amount of spam comments that get through Akismet (or their comment spam blocking plugin) once Math Comment Spam is installed.


Theme Tester

If you want to change your blog’s theme but don’t want visitors to see your changes until they’re final, then Theme Tester is the WordPress plugin for you! When Theme Tester is intalled, your visitors see your existing blog design while anyone set up with administrator status in your WordPress account sees the new WordPress theme.


WP-Database Backup

The WP-Database Backup plugin is a must-have for any user. Once installed, you can set up the plugin to automatically backup your WordPress database files and save them to your hard drive or send them to you via email. If your blog is important to you, do yourself a favor and install this plugin, and set it up to backup your WordPress database periodically. Keep in mind, the plugin only backs up your database files. You should also manually backup your wp-content folder from your blog hosting account.



If you’ve ever struggled trying to get a YouTube or Google Video to publish correctly on your blog, then the Easytube plugin is a perfect choice for you. It makes embedding YouTube and Google Videos into your blog posts a snap and even includes a preview image of YouTube videos in your RSS feed with a link to the video.


Auto Close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks

Old blog posts are bait for automated comment spam bots. In order to reduce spam on old posts, you can use the Auto Close Comments, Pingbacks and Trackbacks plugin. Simply install it, set the timeframe when you want comments to be closed on posts, and you’re done.


Google Maps Plugin

If you like to include maps from Google in your blog posts, then the Google Maps Plugin will make the process of creating, inserting and customizing your maps faster than ever!


Thank You!

how to work with wordpress plugin filters

Filters are hooks that WordPress launched to modify text of various types before saving to database. we explained how to work with wordpress plugin filters. Your plugin can specify that one or more of its PHP functions is executed to modify specific types of text at these times, using the Filter API.

how to work with wordpress plugin filters
how to work with wordpress plugin filters

All filters are located in wp-includes/plugin.php file. Following function you can use for using the filters in wordpress plugin.

has filter

Check if any filter has been registered for a hook.

<!--?php has_filters( $tag, $function_to_check ); ?--> 


(string) (required) The name of the filter hook.

Default: None

(callback) (optional) If specified, return the priority of that function on this hook or false if not attached.

Default: False

add filter

add_filter( $tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args );

(string) (required) The name of the filter to hook the $function_to_add to.

Default: None

(callback) (required) The name of the function to be called when the filter is applied.

Default: None

(integer) (optional) Used to specify the order in which the functions associated with a particular action are executed. Lower numbers correspond with earlier execution, and functions with the same priority are executed in the order in which they were added to the action.

Default: 10

(integer) (optional) The number of arguments the function(s) accept(s). In WordPress 1.5.1 and newer. hooked functions can take extra arguments that are set when the matching do_action() or apply_filters() call is run.

Default: 1


add_filter('media_upload_newtab', array(&$this, 'media_upload_mycallback')); 

apply filters

apply_filters( $tag, $value ); 

(string) (required) The name of the filter hook.

Default: None

(mixed) (required) The value which the filters hooked to $tag may modify.

Default: None


$myvar = apply_filters( $tag, $value );

current filter

Retrieve the name of the current filter or action.

<!--?<span class="hiddenSpellError" pre="" data-mce-bogus="1"-->php current_filter() ?>

merge filters

Merge the filter functions of a specific filter hook with generic filter functions.


(string) (required) The filter hook of which the functions should be merged.

Default: None

remove filter

This function removes a function attached to a specified filter hook. This method can be used to remove default functions attached to a specific filter hook and possibly replace them with a substitute. See also remove_action(), add_filter() and add_action().
Important: Because of long-time unfixed bugs resulting in flaws of the underlying implementation, it is unpredictable which filters this function will remove when called. Usage might/will result in loss of other then the intended filter(s). Plugin authors should prevent the usage of this function if possible.

Important: To remove a hook, the $function_to_remove and $priority arguments must match when the hook was added. This goes for both filters and actions. No warning will be given on removal failure.

(string) (required) The action hook to which the function to be removed is hooked.

Default: None

(string) (required) The name of the function which should be removed.

Default: None

(int) (optional) The priority of the function (as defined when the function was originally hooked).

Default: 10

(int) (optional) The number of arguments the function accepts.

Default: 1

remove all filters

Remove all of the hooks from a filter.

 remove_all_filters( $tag, $priority );

(string) (required) The filter to remove hooks from.

Default: None

(integer) (optional) The priority number to remove.

Default: false


All List of all WordPress filter hooks you will find on following URL

how to upload videos to wordpress blog

Here in this article we will show, how to upload videos to wordpress blog using wordpress plugin called videopress. Videopress is best worpdress plugin for videos.

VideoPress is a strong supporter of free software, including video formats and codecs. All videos uploaded to VideoPress are available for download in Ogg video format with Theora video and Vorbis audio. If you blog on you now have the ability to restrict VideoPress embed to only free video formats unrestricted by known patent claims or intellectual property licensing hurdles.

how to upload videos to wordpress blog

how to upload videos to wordpress blog
how to upload videos to wordpress blog

Publishers concerned about the freedom restrictions of the default VideoPress player’s use of Adobe Flash, MP4, H.264/AVC High profile video, and AACLC can override the default behavior through their blog’s Media Settings page ( Your free software formats choice applies to all VideoPress videos embedded on your blog, including videos from other VideoPress publishers.

Videos included in your posts and pages will be output using HTML5 for playback using default video controls in supporting web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome 3.0+, and Opera 10.5+.

The free formats setting may be expanded in the future to include additional formats free of known patent claims. The newly supported WebM file container with VP8 video and Vorbis audio is an early example of what could become a video format without known intellectual property claims prohibiting open distribution. We plan to add support for freedom preference for self-hosted WordPress blogs through our VideoPress plugin once we have tested this new feature with the millions of active blogs on


Best contact form wordpress plugins

In this article, we will tell you very nice resources for contact form in wordpress plugins. We collected unique Best contact form wordpress plugins.

best contact form wordpress plugins

1. Contact Form 7

Best contact form wordpress plugins
Best contact form wordpress plugins

WordPress plugin for contact form is Contact Form 7.
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
You can download this plugin from following url.

This plugin is good to use but there no advanced options like customize css and look of contact form.

2. Spam-Free Contact Form

Best contact form wordpress plugins
Best contact form wordpress plugins

Spam Free Contact Form. On errors, displays elegant error messages and confirmation messages on successful mail delivery.
You can download this plugin from following url.

3. WP Clean-Contact

Clean-contact hides itself from spam-bots by, and optionally will filter messages using Akismet — Capctha and skill testing questions not required.
You can download this plugin from following url.

4. Secure Form Mailer Plugin For WordPress

You can download this plugin from following url.

5. cformsII

Cforms is a great plugin but it hardcode some datas in PHP and JS files. It also save on WP options the URL of the blog, it’s cause some problem when you want moving your blog.
This plugin allow edit this parameter from WordPress without open your FTP client or use phpMyAdmin.
You can download this plugin from following url.

6. Fast and Secure Contact Form

Fast and Secure Contact Form for WordPress. This contact form lets your visitors send you a quick E-mail message. Blocks all common spammer tactics. Spam is no longer a problem. Includes a CAPTCHA and Akismet support. Additionally, the plugin has a multi-form feature, optional extra fields, and an option to redirect visitors to any URL after the message is sent. Does not require JavaScript.
You can download this plugin from following url.

5 tips to increase wordPress traffic and look

In article, I explained you the 5 best tips about how to keep your wordpress blog or website impressive and 5 tips to increase wordPress traffic and look. It is very important to increase wordPress traffic by doing some tricks. There are many ways for increase wordPress traffic. But here in this article, I found some very unique increase wordPress traffic tips which are very useful for every web master.

I also did many tricks for my client to increase wordPress traffic. So think deeply about, how to increase wordPress traffic.

increase wordPress traffic

WordPress is becoming most popular CMS these days. It is very easy to use and great search engine support. Following are simple steps which I used to increase wordPress traffic.
Last year wordpress left behind all the cms. Many people are thinking about how to keep the there wordpress site impressive.
In this article I am going tell you the 5 best tips about how to keep your wordpress blog or website impressive.

1. Create a widget controlled footer that keeps visitors busy on site

increase wordPress traffic
increase wordPress traffic

Widget controlled footer is not new thing in wordpress website but still having footer with multiple information is good.
You should keep the following footer widget in website.
1. Recent posts
2. Popular Post
3. Recent Comments
For recent comments you can use following code in footer without plugin

 $my_query = new WP_Query('showposts=15');
 while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();$do_not_duplicate = $post->ID;

For popular post We can use the wp-popular-post plugin. Using that plugin use can use following code in your website

<?php get_mostpopular("range=weekly&order_by=views&stats_comments=0&limit=20"); ?>

For showing the Recent comments you can use following code without any wordpress plugin. You can change the css code as per your site layout.

$total_comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_date_gmt, comment_author, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author_email, comment_content FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' and comment_type != 'trackback' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 11");
$comment_total = count($total_comments);
echo '<ul>';
for ($comments = 0; $comments < $comment_total; $comments++) {
echo "<div style='clear:both;width:355px;padding-top:3px;'><div style='float:left;width:35px;'>";
echo get_avatar($total_comments[$comments]->comment_author_email,$size='32',$default='<path_to_url>' );
echo "</div> <div style='width:320px;'>";
echo '<li>';
echo $total_comments[$comments]->comment_author . ' says ';
echo '<a href="'. get_permalink($total_comments[$comments]->comment_post_ID) . '#comment-' . $total_comments[$comments]->comment_ID . '">';
// echo get_the_title($total_comments[$comments]->comment_post_ID);
echo $total_comments[$comments]->comment_content;
echo '</a></li></div></div>';
echo '</ul>'

2. Display the interesting images on the homepage

You can increase wordPress traffic and website will look cool with best custom made images.
You can use following code for showing the images on homepage.
First you need to open the functions.php file from your wordpress theme folder and copy paste following code in that file.

function get_first_image($id) {
$PostID = $id;
$all_images =& get_children('post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image&post_parent=' . $PostID );

if($all_images) {
$arr_of_all_images = array_keys($all_images);
$firstImage = $arr_of_all_images[0];
$thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($firstImage);
$First_thumb_image = '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' .
 '<img src="' . $thumb_url . '" width="150" height="150" alt="Thumbnail Image" title="Thumbnail Image" />' .
 echo $First_thumb_image;

In your index.php file you need to copy paste the following code for showing the image.

<?php get_first_image($post->ID);  ?>

3. Add social media links to the bottom of post

Visitors always want to bookmark the website or your posts.
So keeping that very simple adding the social media links to your posts is very nice.
Finding the good social media icons as per your website is very easy with google.

There are some nice wordpress plugins available for adding the social media icons but recommend not to use any wordpress plugin.
Or you can use following code.

.social_icons{ clear:both; border-top:2px solid #ccc; color:#2266BB; font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;line-height:30px;}
.social_icons ul li {float:left; padding-right:8px;}
<div >
Bookmark & Share This Post
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" title="RSS"><img src="" title="RSS" alt="RSS"  /></a></li>
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&title=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title=""><img src="" title="" alt=""  /></a></li>
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 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&title=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title="Mixx"><img src="" title="Mixx" alt="Mixx"  /></a></li>
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="Technorati"><img src="" title="Technorati" alt="Technorati"  /></a></li>
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&t=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title="Facebook"><img src="" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook"  /></a></li>
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&h=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title="NewsVine"><img src="" title="NewsVine" alt="NewsVine"  /></a></li>
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&title=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title="Reddit"><img src="" title="Reddit" alt="Reddit"  /></a></li>
 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&title=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title="Google"><img src="" title="Google" alt="Google" /></a></li>

 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>&=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>" title="YahooMyWeb"><img src="" title="YahooMyWeb" alt="YahooMyWeb"  /></a></li>

 <li><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="mailto:?subject=<?php echo urlencode(the_title('','', false)) ?>&body=<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="E-mail this story to a friend!"><img src="" title="E-mail this story to a friend!" alt="E-mail this story to a friend!"  /></a></li>


4. Install the Tweetmeme style Twitter button to your posts

Twitter is very popular these days. Twitter is micro blogging website.
So many people want to share there articles with twitter and Many visitors want to share article with there friends and follower by tweeting the article.
I recommend to use the tweetmeme wordpress plugin for putting the Twitter button to your posts.

You can download the tweetmeme wordpress plugin from following URL

5. Always show the Author information with photo

Many visitors want to know about author. Keeping Author’s information on wordpress website is really good idea.
That will become your website more interesting the user friendly to visitors.
Some people like the specific writing style of author and They want know more information about Author.

In wordpress keeping the users photo and information I will suggest to use the user-photo wordpress plugin.
After adding following plugin you can use following code in your wordpress posts.

<?php userphoto_the_author_photo(); ?>

use captcha code in wordpress registration

So for stopping the automated computer spam we need to use captcha code in wp. in this article i showed how to use captcha code in wordpress registration.

WordPress is becoming very popular for these days. So many people are using wordpress as a CMS and networking website. With wordpress doing registration or commenting on post is so easy. So for stopping the automated computer spam we need to use captcha code in wordpress. in this article i showed how to use captcha code in wordpress registration.

use captcha code in wordpress registration

What is Captcha Code?

CAPTCHA code was created to stop automated computer spam robots from filling out forms, harvesting email addresses, and then sending out countless spam emails.

use captcha code in wordpress registration
use captcha code in wordpress registration

The CAPTCHA security image works by asking the website visitor to type in a code they see correctly. A human can do this, but an automated computer program cannot.In wordpress there are so many free wordpress plugins are available. Here in this article I am going to tell you, how to use captcha code in wordpress website.

Captcha (

The Captcha plugin allows you to implement a super security captcha form into web forms. It protects your website from spam by means of math logic, easily understood by human beings. You will not have to spend your precious time on annoying attempts to understand hard-to-read words, combinations of letters or pictures that make your eyes pop up. All you need is to do one of the three basic maths actions – add, subtract and multiply. This captcha can be used for login, registration, password recovery, comments forms. There is also a premium version of the plugin, allowing compatibility with BuddyPress (Registration form, Comments form, “Create a Group” form) and Contact Form 7.

use captcha code in wordpress registration
use captcha code in wordpress registration

SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam (

Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security. Works great with Akismet. Also is fully WP, WPMU, and BuddyPress compatible.

use captcha code in wordpress registration
use captcha code in wordpress registration

1. Simple CAPTCHA

A CAPTCHA for your comment system to prevent unwanted spams. Prevent automated spams by bots and most important naughty peoples. It’s simple and yet secure.

2. Security Captcha

Prevent registration spam and bots login by adding custom captcha tests in the registration page and/or login page

3. WP Captcha-Free

WP Captcha-Free blocks automated comment spam without resorting to CAPTCHAs. It does so by validating a hash based on time (and some other parameters) using AJAX when the form is posted. Comments posted via automated means will not have a hash or will have an expired hash and will be rejected. Unlike using a captcha, this does not place any burden on the commenter.

4. Raz-Captcha

Prevent registration spam and bots login by adding custom captcha tests in the registration page and/or login page

Featuring 5 different and customizable captcha algorithms with possibility to set your own random characters font, styles, colors background and more

5. Really Simple CAPTCHA

Really Simple CAPTCHA does not work alone and is intended to work with other plugins. It is originally created for Contact Form 7, however, you can use it with your own plugin.

Note: This product is “really simple” as its name suggests, i.e., it is not strongly secure. If you need perfect security, you should try other solutions.


This plugin was developed primarily for the WordPress Muti-User edition and now works with Buddypress, however it works on the regular single domain version as well. It combats spam bots from flooding you with sign-ups and blog creations and it keeps bots from brute- force attacking your site with the admin username by forcing a visual confirmation CAPTCHA in order to login. Most CAPTCHA systems for WordPress gives you a very templated layout and read-out, many that can be programmed into a bot to bypass. With Super CAPTCHA, you can personalize and control the very way the CAPTCHA is rendered so every site that displays the CAPTCHA will be diffrent, making it so each bot has to be pre-configured, just for your site, in order to achieve a successful attack making Super CAPTCHA the MOST SECURE free anti-spam system available for WordPress.

How to create user registration in wordpress

People want to use wordpress for simple website registration module and user management module. We have solution to create user registration in wordpress. There is User and registration module present in wordpress but only through wordpress admin panel.

create user registration in wordpress

But Client dont want to show the worpress admin module to normal user. They want to create user profile page which is matching with there wordpress theme or website.

In this article I will give the tip about how to create user and registration module in wordpress.

First download Theme my profile wordpress plugin from following URL:

Theme My Profile

create user registration in wordpress
create user registration in wordpress

This plugin allows you to theme a user’s profile based upon their role. It even includes custom roles if you have any.

Install this plugin to your wordpress and use only subscriber for using the theme profile. This plugin will create the user profile page page to your wordpress website.

Next step is download Theme my login wordpress plugin from following URL:

This plugin themes the WordPress login, registration and forgot password pages according to your current theme. It replaces the wp-login.php file by using a page template from your theme. Also includes a widget for sidebar login.

Activate this plugin and choose options as per your choice. Above plugins are very easy to use and you can customize plugins as per your choice also.

Next step is download Profile pic wordpress plugin from following URL:

  1. Profile Pic
create user registration in wordpress
create user registration in wordpress

This plugin allows authors to add a picture to their profile and helps automate the process of displaying author profiles

Using both plugin you can easily achieve the User and Registration, login, forgot password, profile edit, user photo upload etc… functionality.

get recent comments without wordpress plugin

Showing the most recent comments is great for SEO purpose. Our code snippet will able to get recent comments without wordpress plugin in your wordpress site.

get recent comments without wordpress plugin

You can display the most recent comments of your entire blog without any wordpress plugin. Showing the most recent comments is great for SEO purpose. Your site will increase the visibility and people interaction. Socially you and your blog will became more famous. Using following code snippet you will be able to add the recent comments in your wordpress site.

I want to display the comments in footer area. I created following code. You can copy paste the code in your sidebar.php or footer.php file.

Using following code you are able to display recent comments with author’s gr-avatar also.

$total_comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_date_gmt, comment_author, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author_email FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' and comment_type != 'trackback' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 10");
$comment_total = count($total_comments);
echo '<ul>';
for ($comments = 0; $comments < $comment_total; $comments++) {
echo "<div style='clear:both;width:355px;padding-top:3px;'><div style='float:left;width:35px;'>";
echo get_avatar($total_comments[$comments]->comment_author_email,$size='32',$default='<path_to_url>' );
echo "</div> <div style='width:320px;'>";
echo '<li>';
echo $total_comments[$comments]->comment_author . ' says ';
echo '<a href="'. get_permalink($total_comments[$comments]->comment_post_ID) . '#comment-' . $total_comments[$comments]->comment_ID . '">';
echo get_the_title($total_comments[$comments]->comment_post_ID);
echo '</a></li></div></div>';
echo '</ul>'

My footer is looking like as follows:

get recent comments without wordpress plugin
get recent comments without wordpress plugin

Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal Plugin and Theme development

Many developer who are experienced in development. But with another CMS development. we look for Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal Plugin and Theme development.  But still that comes to another cms or project development. We are always search for good IDE which are free and open source that is the first requirement.

Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal Plugin and Theme development

Our basic need are as follows in any IDE, the IDE need to support following things:

  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • MySQL

I created a list of IDE which I used daily  to do a development. Here I need to clarify IDE is language specific. I work in PHP, Ruby on Rails, Adobe Air, Flex, Javascript, CSS.

I recommend following IDEs which I really found useful for all the developer who are working in wordpress, joomla, drupal development.

1. eclipse (Compatible  on Windows and Linux)

Best IDEs for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal Plugin and Theme development
Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal

Description: Eclipse is best IDE for all language development. Eclipse IdE is basically Java development but still that provides PHP, ROR and other language support. I like this IDE for java development but I did not recommend for PHP or Ruby on Rails.

2. NetBeans (Compatible  on Windows and Linux)

Best IDEs for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal Plugin and Theme development
Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal

Description: This IDE has also all language support. I specially like this IDE from Ruby on Rails development. I Used this IDE for Ruby on Rails development as well as some times for PHP development. Among the Ruby on Rails developer this IDE is so popular.

3. Komodo (Compatible  on Windows and Linux)

Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal
Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal

Description : This IDE is also support for all languages. This IDE is really good support for PHP. I really love this IDE for PHP development. Simple and fast and still nice features about PHP. This IDE is really popular among the PHP developers.

4. Aptana (Compatible  on Windows and Linux)

Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal
Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal

Description : This IDE is mainly made for Ruby on Rails development. This is also popular among Ruby developers. This IDE has features like eclipse. I like this IDE for Adobe Air and flex development.  This IDE has also PHP support.

5. EditPlus (Compatible  on Windows)

Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal
Best IDE for WordPress, Drupal

Description: This IDE is plain simple text editor. Shows you simple color highlight features. I specially recommend this IDE for PHP development and new PHP developer always start with this IDE so they will get filmier with PHP functions and methods because this IDE is does not provide any help. I love the use this IDE in daily use for any language development.

If you want to add any more IDEs. You can comments on this article.

How to create photo gallery in wordpress

Creating a photo gallery is very good idea in any websites because photos say more than text.

So many people create very nice photo galleries in wordpress. Still some people does know how to create a photo gallery using wordpress website.

How to create photo gallery in wordpress

In this article I will give you idea about how to create the photo gallery.

1. NextGEN Gallery


2. Page Flip Image Gallery


3. Image Gallery Reloaded


4. Random image gallery with light box

How to create photo gallery in wordpress
