wordpress 3-2-1 released

WordPress has Released with server incompatibility issues

wordpress 3.0 got huge success and after that wordpress 3.2 is downloaded millions of times. This release came after some problem on many hosting company on JavaScript Modul JSon.

WordPress has Released with server incompatibility issues

As well as a few other fixes in the new dashboard design and the Twenty Eleven theme. If you’ve already updated to 3.2, then this update will be even faster than usual, thanks to the new feature in 3.2 that only updates files that have been changed, rather than replacing all the files in your installation.

WordPress has Released with server incompatibility issues
WordPress has Released with server incompatibility issues

WordPress Trac lists all the changes in the new release. If you look at the list you will notice that most are design related. Many fix or improve the Twenty Eleven default theme that ships with WordPress, while others do the same for the new admin interface introduced in WordPress 3.2.

Still no option to change the default font for the admin interface easily, unfortunately.

Updates are makinguse of the new “fast” update mechanism which only updates files that have been changed, instead of all files of a WordPress installation. Users who update via their WordPress Dashboard should notice that the procedure is speedier than before.

Updates are available via Dashboard > Updates. WordPress administrators can download the new version of WordPress from there or update directly if their blog has been configured properly for that.

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I am Purab from India, Software development is my profession and teaching is my passion. Programmers blog dedicated to the JAVA, Python, PHP, DevOps and Opensource Frameworks. Purab's Github Repo Youtube Chanel Video Tutorials Connect to on LinkedIn

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