Understanding the website and webpage loading time is very important. You can check the page loading time through javascript code. If you want to get the webpage loading time through javascript. This very easily achievable using javascript. If you want to get the webpage loading time through javascript. This easily achievable using javascript. We have code to get website loading time in browser
How to get website loading time in browser
You just need to use following code in your head tag
var starttime = new Date().getTime(); window.onload=function() { var loading_time = new Date().getTime()-starttime; alert('Webpage loading time in ' + loading_time + 'ms - milisecond'); }
We were on Google Images looking for “loading” and came to your article. We tried the code in the header but the code was shown over the content.
Is this a .php script? How would you rework it for .shtml?