I faced lot of issues with my clients site. Here in this article we collected unique, top wordpress security plugins for protection. They many times came to me with saying “my site is hacked” data has been deleted or something like that.
top wordpress security plugins for protection
For wordpress security and protection purpose you need to add some wordpress plugins in your wordpress blog so your blog will be never hacked by hackers.

I created list of wordpress plugins which are best for wordpress security and protection.
Exclusive Content Password Protect
Exclusive Content Password Protect is a plugin that allows you to hide a section (or multiple sections) of content on your page or post. Use this to create exclusive content that you only want email or RSS subscribers to have access to. Once they enter in the global password once, they will have access to all content from then on. Plus you can use passwords for certain sections to have even more exclusive content.
Password Protect WordPress
Password Protect WordPress plugin for WordPress is an easy to use plugin to restrict all access to your blog by the use of a single password.
No user accounts – just a single password. Easy to use admin panel. Internationalized to make translations easy. Compatible with extensions (updates don’t overwrite customisations)
Ultimate security check plugin
This plug in is very useful to wordpress security as this plug in scans your blogs with hundreds of known threats and identifies security with your wordpress installation and then gives you a “security grade” that how well you have protected yourself and you can fix the problems your self also.
Wp security scan plugin
This plugin will scans your whole wordpress installation for security vulnerabilities(weaknesses) and suggests you corrective action for that particular thing. It scans for security vulnerabilities like passwords,file permissions,database security,word press admin security,version hiding etc.
Bulletproof Security
This plugin protects the WordPress blog or site from XSS and SQL injection hacks.
F-Secure Safe Links
This plugin protects your site visitors and readers better by displaying what links on your site are safe to navigate to. More specifically it checks outside links for security threats.
WP Security Scan
This plugin will basically scan your hosted WordPress site or blog and identify any potential security risks or issues. After all risks are outlined the plugin then suggests potential fixes.
Having your site or WordPress blog hijacked is not a pleasant experience. If hackers are successful, they can perform a complete wipe of all site content or even destroy important site files.
In order to better protect your site you can install certain security plugins to protect the internal content from outside sources. But keep in mind that while security plugins do help better protect the site, they will not completely prevent serious attacks. That is why a good habit to fall into is to routinely backup your WordPress content. If you don’t know how to do a full WordPress database backup, check out our related article
After you know how to backup your WordPress database it’s time to install those security plugins we were talking about. Heres a list of the most useful security plugins out there.
It should also be noted that the more plugins you have installed, the more vulnerable your site is to outside hackers- especially if the plugins and WordPress application is not up to date.
Bulletproof Security
This plugin protects the WordPress blog or site from XSS and SQL injection hacks.
Content Security Policy
This plugin will identify and suggest outside content for use in your blog or site, further protecting from certain injection attacks.
Bulletproof Security
This plugin protects the WordPress blog or site from XSS and SQL injection hacks.
Content Security Policy
This plugin will identify and suggest outside content for use in your blog or site, further protecting from certain injection attacks.
F-Secure Safe Links
This plugin protects your site visitors and readers better by displaying what links on your site are safe to navigate to. More specifically it checks outside links for security threats.
Login Lockdown
This plugin is designed to better protect your login page and information. Basically the plugin will record the source IP address connected to any failed login attempts. After several failed attempts the plugin blocks the related IP address ensuring forceful hackers or keylogging programs are rendered useless.
Askapache password protect plugin
This plugin is specially designed to add multiple layers of security to your blog using password protection. It is regularly updated to stop automated and unskilled attackers attempts to utilize vulnerabilities on your blog resulting in a hacked site. In this plugin you can use password protection using http basic authentication or d
igest authentication for your blog. The main benefit of this plug in is it creates a virtual wall to your blog to stop attacks before they even reach your blog to deliver a malicious payload.
WordPress File Monitor
This plugin basically monitors your entire WordPress site and notifies you by e-mail of any changes being made to the site content and database.
Better WP Security
Better WP Security takes the best WordPress security features and techniques and combines them in a single plugin thereby ensuring that as many security holes as possible are patched without having to worry about conflicting features or the possibility of missing anything on your site.
With one-click activation for most features as well as advanced features for experienced users Better WP Security can help protect any site.
This Better WP security I personally like it.
Really helpful plugins list for wordpress security. Thanks.
can u suggest a plugin where i can block an IP basis the no of clicks or time spent on the site. so if an ip comes to the site and does x number of clicks in a given time frame then it will be blocked automatically.