WordPress is a synonymous tool for the avid bloggers. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned blogger acquaint with the nitty gritties of blogging, this is one platform which is most preferred. Armed with some of the major high-utility plug-ins and user friendly interface make it any search engines’ pet. And as a blogger, there’s nothing better sounding than having complete control over your blog and exercising its functionality to the optimum level and customizing it according to your whims and needs.
tips about marketing through wordpress

All in all, WordPress needs no introduction in order to win hearts. But one trend which is seemingly catching up is the use of this platform as a marketing tool. Surprised? Today, the consumer market is more updated than you estimate. They browse, thoroughly research, enquire and whatnot before finally coming down to a concrete decision. Here’s where your WordPress website comes in the picture. With proper optimization and use of value adding plug-ins, you can give your business the necessary push.
What honey is to a bee, attractive web-page is to the web traffic. For example, in order to make the people more aware of the various services they can avail, promoting it on social networking sites is a definite winner. What’s the point of harboring an idea when you can’t share it and make use of it for the greater good? Using plug-ins as the bridge between the highly popular social media and WordPress, one can spread the word at lightning speed.
Some of the highly recommendable plug-ins for content marketing include:
- Edit flow for better work fluidity
- Better Click to Tweet because let’s face it Twitter marketing is a game changer.
- To broaden your approach and reach out to bigger audience, CoSchedule is the answer to your prayers.
- Simple Share Buttons enable you to make sharing your content with existing social media platforms a cake walk.
Paytm, the shopping website garnering immense popularity due to its extremely helpful services has a plug-in for WordPress. It was never the one to disappoint us with its services, now, was it? You can use Paytm coupons to save several pennies of your own. There are coupons for health and lifestyle available too such as Healthkart, etc.
So, get started. Use this highly integrated and dynamically simplified blogging platform as your marketing tool. With engaging and attention grabbing content, you can turn the crowd in your favor and watch them get hooked to your page!