Want to make money through selling premium themes and plugins and searching for best Best stores or marketplaces to sell your themes and plugins easily. CMS programs are gaining popularity. WordPress itself owns marketshare of 18.9% between all websites. No doubt, If you are wordpress developer than you can earn money through wordpress themes and plugins.
Where to sell your wordpress themes and plugins

Here we made list of best and famous wordpress stores which will sell your wordpress themes and plugins.
1. Themeforest
Themeforest is one of the major marketplaces by Envato. Themeforest boasts over 10,000 themes & templates that have been published on the site by over 2,500 authors.
2. Creative Market
Creative Market allows designers to sell WP themes, templates, and all manner of graphic design goods on their site. Creative Market is different from the other marketplaces in that there is no review process.
3. CodeCanyon
CodeCanyon is another marketplace by Envato. If you’re looking to sell WordPress plugins, CodeCanyon is a good candidate for your products.
4. WP Shop
WP Shop also allows developers to submit free themes, so you could leverage the platform for additional distribution of your free themes as well. WP Shop is a new marketplace for theme designers to sell their work.
5. Mojo Themes
Mojo Themes, a quickly growing marketplace has nearly 1,000 themes & templates listed. While smaller than themeforest, Mojo is a growing marketplace and a serious contender for listing your products.
6. WP Eden
WP Eden allows other to upload and sell WordPress themes and plugins on their growing marketplace. While WP Eden doesn’t have the scale of other marketplaces, it’s a good opportunity to create a new revenue stream for any developer selling themes and/or plugins.
Hope you will found useful this list. If you have more suggestion than please write in comments.