wordpress tutorial, how to use wordpress shortcode in text widget. In your shortcode in your wordpress widget section you need to use only following code. From wordpress 2.5 version shortcode method is included in wordpress.
So using or choosing the image as featured image for post is another manual work we need to do. Info about. how to set post first image as featured image. We have SQL query for this.
From wordpress 3.0 version wordpress launched the feature called featured image. Many new wordpress themes are compatible with new wordpress version. So using or choosing the image as featured image for post is another manual work we need to do.
Many old wordpress website holder or blogger is having issue with this functionality. What they want is when they create the post they haven’t set the featured image, but they would like the featured image to default to the image that has been included in the post.
Some wordpress always use the first image as featured image but old post was not updated with featured image. They need to do manual work to set the featured image. I also faced same issue.
After doing some R&D I found the solution. If you want to set the your posts first image as featured image then use my following code.
For using the code you need to open your mysql database command prompt or phpmysqladmin program and select your wordpress database and execute the following query in that.
insert into wp_postmeta (meta_value, meta_key, post_id) select DISTINCT(ID), post_type , post_parent from wp_psts where post_type= 'attachment' and post_parent !=0 and post_status='inherit';<br /><br />update wp_postmeta set meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' where meta_key='attachment'
Using above sql query you will be able to set the featured image to your old and new post from post content. If you are having any issues with using this sql then write to me.
How to set post first image as featured image automatically
WordPress is having great setting for SEO purpose but many wordpress blogger did not know about that feature. WordPress has feature called update services. This service will ping when your blog is updated with new post or article.
Use WordPress Update Services for better SEO
This feature is very useful to reach the internet user faster than major search engine. WordPress provide the default http://rpc.pingomatic.com/ service to ping or update the content. Pingomatic is very power server for your wordpress blog.
Use WordPress Update Services for better SEO
For changing the Update services, Login to Admin panel. Go to Settings->Writing->Update Services section from using admin panel . When you see that text box you will only http://rpc.pingomatic.com/ link over there.
My advise to you is when you have good amount content in your blog or website then only use the multiple ping back services.
I used the following services in Update services option.
Above services will submit your site content to major content ping back service. That will boost your site SEO and visitors of your site. After using above ping back urls your site content will be available to users throughout internet faster than google.
For each wordpress theme developer the bloginfo() function is very useful. If you are not used the bloginfo function then use the bloginfo function. There is great help is provided wordpress api. In every wordpress theme we need to use the bloginfo method. bloginfo() function is useful. If you not used bloginfo function than use bloginfo function. Every theme we need to use bloginfo in wordpress theme.
How to use bloginfo in wordpress theme
How to use bloginfo in wordpress theme
Displays information about your blog, mostly gathered from the information you supply in your User Profile and General Options from the WordPress Administration panel.
Everybody knows how to use the wordpress import and export functionality. When you don’t want to download the wordpress post attachment (images, files) then you should follow my steps. Using following steps you are able to import all the attachment data without downloading the images.
Import wordpress attachment without download images
First Open your old wordpress installation and then go to wordpress panel. Then open your phpmyadmin of old wordpress installation and run following query.
update `wp_posts` set `post_type`='image' where `post_type`='attachment';
Import wordpress attachment without download images
This query will create the image post type and attachments will become like post type. Then use the wordpress export and download exported xml.
Then open your new wordpress admin and click on import button and import the whole xml file.
You will see the you selected the download and import file attachments option but files are not downloaded.
Then through ftp client transfer all your image and files to new installation. Then open phpmyadmin of new wordpress panel and use following command.
update `wp_posts` set `post_type`='attachment' where `post_type`=image';
Now you are able to see the images in new wordpress panel and website.
Import wordpress attachment without download images
people are searching 3 column themes. I found professional three column wordpress themes and I made a very nice and unique list of wordpress themes.
professional three column wordpress themes
Many people are sometimes searching for 3 column wordpress themes. I found professional 3 columns worpdress themes and I made a very nice list of wordpress themes. In this post you can view demo and for download theme you’ve to click on image of theme. So enjoy them and don’t forget to share! Thanks.
Earlier I have blog in wordpressmu then after wordpress 3.0 version I decided to migrate to new version. I exported my all posts by using the wordpress export tool. Then I imported data into new wordpress installation. I got all my posts and category and all the data. Then I checked all my attachments.
Then I saw my media library I saw all the images listing are there but images are not showing in media library. Media Library not displaying images after importing posts. I personally faced issue and got frustrated. then I solved issue myself using mysql query trick.
Media Library not displaying images after importing posts
Media Library not displaying images after importing posts
When I checked my database I saw the all the my attachments are listed in post table but images are not displaying. All the places I only saw the wp-includes/images/crystal/default.png image.
I did spend one hour googled for solving the issue but I did not find any solution for this. Than again I checked my Folder permissions and images files but I found all things are perfect.
Then I checked my database and I found the issue. in wp_posts table ->post_mime_type column one entry was missing. After seeing that issue I fixed the issue.
I used the following mysql quires using myphpadmin tool.
[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]
Update wp_posts set post_mime_type='image/jpg' WHERE guid like '%jpg%'
Update wp_posts set post_mime_type='image/jepg' WHERE guid like '%jepg%'
Update wp_posts set post_mime_type='image/png' WHERE guid like '%png%'
Update wp_posts set post_mime_type='image/gif' WHERE guid like '%gif%'
After using above query I checked the my media library. I am able to see my all images in media library.
My advise to you is first take backup of your database and then use above mysql quires. Then use the above queries.
If you are imported post from other website then use following commands also.
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'NEW-DOMAIN-NAME', 'files/');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_excerpt = REPLACE(post_excerpt, 'NEW-DOMAIN-NAME', 'OLD-DOMAIN-NAME');
Above quires will change the domain location of file.
Some time before on 8th December WordPress released the New version which is 3.0.3. What wordpress is saying about this release.
WordPress 3.0.3 released with Fixes issues in the XML-RPC remote publishing interface
WordPress 3.0.3 released with Fixes issues
This release fixes issues in the remote publishing interface, which under certain circumstances allowed Author- and Contributor-level users to improperly edit, publish, or delete posts.
These issues only affect sites that have remote publishing enabled.
Remote publishing is disabled by default, but you may have enabled it to use a remote publishing client such as one of the WordPress mobile apps. You can check these settings on the “Settings → Writing” screen.
With this release they Improved the capabilites checking in the XMLRPC code. They modified the following files.
Many people want to add the facebook fan code and like button in your website for fb page. we given information about how to generate Facebook fan code.
how to generate Facebook fan code
For generating the facebook fan code just go to following URL:
Just put your facebook page url in URL section. specify the width of widget and color scheme. then uncheck the show header and show stream checkbox.
how to generate Facebook fan code
If you want to show the connected photos then put value in connections textbox. But I recommend to use the zero value in that because that will slowdown your website. Then click on get code button. Then you will see the facbook in page popup. As per my suggestion use the iframe tag. Do not use the javascript tag for your website.
That will again for your website performance related. As much script tag you include in your website that much slowness will happen to your website.
Then use the iframe tag code in your website.
If you are using the wordpress then just use the text widget for showing your facebook fan widget.
If you are having any issues or questions about adding the facbook fan code in your website then please write to me.