From wordpress 3.0 version we got the custom_post_type method introduced in wordpress api. Here we shown, How to display custom post type on wordpress page If you want to know how use this method or create the custom post type then use following URL:
In this tutorial I will show how to show the custom post type in wordpress theme page. First create custom-post.php page in your wordpress theme folder and use following code.
/*Template Name: custom post*/
php get_header(); ?>
<div id=”container”>
<div id=”content” role=”main”>
php the_ID(); ?>”
php $recent = new WP_Query(‘post_type=custom_post′); while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();?>
Then go to your wordpress admin panel and create page called custom page and from right side panel you will find the page attribute section use the template drop down and choose the custom post option.
How to display custom post type on wordpress page
Now you are set for showing your custom post type in custom page. Open your custom page on that page you will see all the entries of custom post type.
For more detail information about custom post type and using this check above URL.
Every wordpress site is need to contact us page for there website or blog. All the people use the wordpress plugin for creating the contact us page. When you install the wordpress plugin that will install some extra code to your wordpress site. After using wordpress plugin you need some customization in that plugin due to UI. You need R&D time and development time. Code for contact us page without plugin.
contact us page without plugin
In this article I will show how you can create the contact us page with out any wordpress plugin. Using following code you can create the contact us form very easily.
First create contact-us.php page in your wordpress theme folder and put following code in that file.
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Then go to your wordpress admin panel. Create page called contact us. In Right side panel you will find the “page attribute” section. From template drop down choose the Contact Us option. and create the contact us page.
contact us page without plugin
WordPress uses the wp_mail() function for sending the email. all wordpress plugin also use the wp_mail() function for sending the email.
If you are having issues with sending the email with this function then you should use the different SMTP mail server for sending mail.
For sending email through SMTP in detail you should check the following article.
With this code you can write your own CSS for styling the contact form as per your wordpress theme. If you are having any issues or question about this script then please write to me.
All wordpress websites has requirement to add the contact form in there website. We always searching for wordpress contact form code, wordpress simple contact form, wordpress contact form with captcha, wordpress default contact form, wordpress contact form without plugin, wordpress contact form not sending email, wordpress custom contact form, best wordpress contact form solution. We can easily add the contact form without using any wordpress plugin very easily. You can use the my code snippet in your wordpress theme and you will be able to add the wordpress contact form.
Code for File upload with meta box in wordpress using custom post type using meta boxes in wordpress. From wordpress 3.0 version wordpress introduced the custom_post_type function. Many people want to attach the file field with add_meta_box function. In this tutorial I will tell you how to upload file with custom meta box and post type. I tested above code with new wordpress versions 3.9. Still code is working fine.
Code for File upload with meta box in wordpress using custom post type using meta boxes in wordpress.
In this tutorial I will show you how to create the custom post type and add custom meta boxes to that post type and upload file with custom meta box.
After digging into wordpress files and functions I created following code. Just open your functions.php file and put following code in that file for creating custom post type.
For uploading the file through custom meta box use the following code. Following code will add the file field to custom meta box and you are able to upload file or image to wordpress and upload file attachment to you custom post. Following code is very helpful to many wordpress theme and plugin developer. If you are having any issues or trouble using code then get back to me.
File upload with add_meta_box or custom_post_type in wordpress File upload with meta box in wordpress
For Uploading the file your post form need to add the enctype=”multipart/form-data” type to your form. Just use the following code in your functions.php file.
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From wordpress 3.0 version release wordpress gives the facility to add a custom post type functionality. With custom post type wordpress is became more powerful and expendable and more advanced We given info about, How to use custom post type in wordpress.
How to use custom post type in wordpress
WordPress recognized the need to people and industry and they introduced the custom post type. In this tutorial I will tell you how to use the custom post type very effectively.
Adding Custom post type is very easy. Using theme or plugin file you can add the custom post types in wordpress admin area.
Here I am going to give you example using wordpress theme files. Open you functions.php file and copy paste the following code in that file.
The function register_post_type() accepts two arguments: the name we want to give our post type, and a list of arguments used to create that post type, which we put in an array called $args.
Using above code that code will add the product post type to wordpress panel.
Now you can add the meta fields to custom post type. Use the following code in file for add the meta fields. Custom meta fields function is available from quite some time. add_meta_box() function is very useful to adding custom fields to wordpress post.
Using following code you can see the product information in edit product page and you can able to see the all information in for edit. Admin will know which fields are available to edit.
Using custom post type and add meta tag you can develop very nice applications. Now I am going to show you how you can extract the custom posts in wordpress frontend.
Using wp_query you can easily extract product posts. In any category page or conditionally you can use following code.
Or you can create the custom theme page using following code. Just create product.php page in your wordpress theme folder.Put following code in that file.
From wordpress 3.0, added new function to control the background image. For your theme if you want to add custom background image support to wordpress theme. From wordpress 3.0 release wordpress added new function to control the background color and image. For your theme if you want to add the background functionality then you need to very simple code in your functions.php file which you find in your wordpress theme folder.
Add custom background image support to wordpress
Open functions.php file and just copy paste the code.
For enabling the background for theme you need to open header.php file and just copy paste following code in the file.
<body class="<?php body_class() ?>">
For changing the background login to wordpress admin panel and goto appearance tab and click on background tab. From here you can able to change to background image or color.
From wordpress 3.0 release wordpress launched the custom navigation Menu in wordpress admin panel. wordpress tutorial for, how to create menu in wordpress themes. Through drag and drop you can manage the menus. Using this menus are very easy for users.
how to create menu in wordpress themes
how to create menu in wordpress themes
You can check wordpress admin section for managing the menus in wordpress theme.
In this article I will show you how to enable Custom menu for your wordpress theme.
If you want to create the one menu in wordpress theme then just open the functions.php file and put following code in that file.
add_theme_support( 'menus' );
If you want to create or use the multiple menus in wordpress theme then just open the functions.php file and put following code in that file.
Many People want to create the wordpress theme. But they don’t know where to start and how to start. We given wordpress theme help for wordpress developers. For creating the wordpress theme only two files are important. First file is style.css file and index.php file if you create that only two files in your wordpress theme folder than also you can able to create the wordpress theme easily.
wordpress theme help for wordpress developers
Here I will show you which is necessary files in wordpress theme folder.
If you have very basic knowledge of php then you are able to create Above files very easily. In index.php file you need the PHP loop for showing the wordpress posts.
Using above code you can show the wordpress posts in your wordpress theme. Just you need to put above code in right place where you want to show the multiple posts.
Then Cut the header part of index.php file and put in header.php file and put < ?php get_header(); ?>
instead of deleted header part.
Then Cut the sidebar part of index.php file and put in sidebar.php file and put < ?php get_sidebar(); ?>
instead of deleted sidebar part.
Then Cut the footer part of index.php file and put in footer.php file and put < ?php get_footer(); ?>
instead of deleted footer part.
In single.php file you need to copy paste the index.php file and then put following code in the loop for showing the comments.
Above tags we called as template tags in wordpress api and themes.
In header.php file following lines or code is important. For title, description for blog home, theme url following code is useful. Following tags we called as “Template Bloginfo Tags”.
Where you want to show the title use following code.
< ?php bloginfo('name'); ?> - Title of the blog
< ?php bloginfo('charset'); ?> - Displays the character set
< ?php bloginfo('description'); ?> - Displays the description of the blog
< ?php bloginfo('url'); ?> - Displays the address of the blog
< ?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?> - Displays the RSS URL
< ?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?> - Displays the URL of the template
< ?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?> - Displays the pingback URL
< ?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> - Displays the URL for the template's CSS file
< ?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?> - Displays URL for WordPress installation
< ?php bloginfo('name'); ?>
Common and very useful wordpress theme tags as follows.
< ?php the_time() ?> - Displays the time of the current post
< ?php the_date() ?> - Displays the date of a post or set of posts
< ?php the_title(); ?> - Displays or returns the title of the current post
< ?php the_permalink() ?> - Displays the URL for the permalink
< ?php the_category() ?> - Displays the category of a post
< ?php the_author(); ?> - Displays the author of the post
< ?php the_ID(); ?> - Displays the numeric ID of the current post
< ?php wp_list_pages(); ?> - Displays all the pages
< ?php wp_tag_cloud(); ?> - Displays a tag cloud
< ?php wp_list_cats(); ?> - Displays the categories
< ?php get_calendar(); ?> - Displays the calendar
< ?php wp_get_archives() ?> - Displays a date-based archives list
< ?php posts_nav_link(); ?> - Displays Previous page and Next Page links
< ?php next_post_link() ?> - Displays Newer Posts link
< ?php previous_post_link() ?> - Displays previous link
With this article I attached the very useful wordpress 3.0 help functions list. Please download that also.
wordpress functions and theme help wordpress theme help for wordpress developers
In Hotel site you need to add many images and media and reviews about customer. we have unique free wordpress themes for hotels and resorts.
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Biggest to smallest hotel and restaurant required the website now. Wordpres is best and perfect solution for this. In Hotel site you need to add many images and media and reviews about customer. In wordpress creating the hotel or restaurant site is very nice and easy. There are too many free wordpress themes which can be usable for creating hotel site with wordpress. In this article I am going to give very nice options about free wordpress themes for hotels or Restaurants.
Hotels WordPress Theme
In Hotel site you need to add many images and media and reviews about customer. we have unique free wordpress themes for hotels and resorts.
build site with free wordpress themes for yoga, skin, spa, beauty salon, health, fitness sites in wp. We collected nice list of free wordpess themes for creating Yoga and Skin and Health related site.
Many people want to create there Yoga center , Beauty or health center websites in wordpress. Many times we spend time to on searching wordpress themes related that.
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Here I am going to tell some very nice and cool Yoga, skin and health wordpress themes.
We dont need to introduce the Barack Obama. Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States. Here we collected Free Barack Obama wordpress themes.
When Barack Obama became President of the USA. We got really happy because that is the real world’s sign that world is changing and people are changing in very right and global direction. He shows the new way to the whole world. I can say only that. He is the result of Hope.
Free Barack Obama wordpress themes
He is first president of USA who used internet campaign very smartly and effectively. He used the power of social media and internet social media so effectively. That why I am giving the information about some social account information about Barack Obama.
Please check some very nice wordpress themes made for Barack Obama.
Probama Theme
Free Barack Obama wordpress themes
A timely WordPress theme for supporters of Senator Barack Obama’s political career and presidential campaign. Built-in control panel options allow easy management of images, video, podcasts and other RSS info.