I migrated some wordpress sites into drupal very easily. With drupal 7 it is very easy. There are some drupal modules which are really helpful to migrate the wordpress posts and pages in drupal site. Drupal is more famous and usable in people and developers. Many clients demands for doing there site in drupal. With my simple steps you can easily migrate the wordpress sites to drupal.
wordpress to drupal migration
If you are drupal developer then you just need to use following drush commands with plain drupal installation. Many people are moving there sites to drupal now.
Following commands will install all related drupal modules which are helpful to do the wordpress to drupal migration.
#drush pm-enable migrate_extras -y
#drush pm-enable wordpress_migrate -y
#drush pm-enable pathauto -y
#drush pm-disable ckeditor -y
#drush pm-enable media -y
#drush pm-enable token -y
#drush pm-enable imce -y
Above commands will download the module and install it in your drupal application. Modules will be activated also. Now you just need to import your wordpress blog into drupal application.
Login to drupal admin and go to “admin/content/wordpress”. Add the wordpress URL, username and password. Then click on “Import wordpress blog” button. That sit.