wordpress plugins for statistics or stats

For wordpress website wordpress stats plugins are very important. For checking how much visitors are visited our site. You just need to install following any plugin in your wordpress. Here we have most famous and unique wordpress plugins for statistics or stats which are useful for adding the statistics to your website.

wordpress plugins for statistics or stats

wordpress plugins for statistics or stats
wordpress plugins for statistics or stats

WordPress.com Stats

There are hundreds of plugins and services which can provide statistics about your visitors. However I found that even though something like Google Analytics provides an incredible depth of information, it can be overwhelming and doesn’t really highlight what’s most interesting to me as a writer. That’s why Automattic created its own stats system, to focus on just the most popular metrics a blogger wants to track and provide them in a clear and concise interface.

Installing this stats plugin is much like installing Akismet, all you need is to put in your API Key and the rest is automatic.


Display your blog’s stats graph plus your blog traffic, social engagement and social influence directly in your dashboard. See how you’re ranking on Alexa, check out your Technorati authority, monitor your ranking across multiple sites and much more. Once you install this plugin you’ll wonder how you ever managed to track your social media worth without it.

Feed Stats for WordPress

Feed Stats for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to view your FeedBurner feed stats from inside of the WordPress admin interface.
Stats for your feed can be viewed from the “Feed Stats” page in the “Dashboard” section of WordPress.

iRedlof Google Analytics Stats

iRedlof Google Analytics(GA) Stats is a wordpess admin panel plugin, I developed it cos i like to manage everything from one place. This plugin is like wordpress .com stats plugin but the difference between the two is that wordpress.com stats works with wordpress analytics stats system and iRedlof GA Stats works with google analytics stats system. Using this plugin, you get your GA stats straight from your account on google to your wordpress admin panel. Right now this plugin is in development phase and only have limited features i.e. visits/day, pageviews/day, etc to focus on just the most popular metrics a blogger wants to track and provide them in a clear and concise interface, but the full version will be loaded will all the features of google analytics which will provide you with an incredible depth of information. To use this plugin you need google analytics account.

Runescape User Stats

A very simple plugin to add runescape game stats on any page of the wordpress blog. This plugin allows blog owner to show th stats for any user on a page and post. This plugin also allows to display multiple runescape stats. you can visit the author website Rakesh Muraharishetty to view the authors game stats. Alternatively visit the plugin homepage Runescape Guide for updates and discuss the stats plugin for future enhancements.


Display your WordPress blog statistics. Ranging from general total statistics, some of my plugins statistics and top 10 statistics.

WordPress.com Stats Helper

This plugin helps you retrieve data from wordpress.com stats and put it on your blog.

Simple Stats Widget

This widget to record and display the last N visitor areas, from and time, and search engine access, installation and use is very simple.

Here is link for more useful wordpress plugins for various purposes.











File upload with meta box in wordpress with custom post type

Code for File upload with meta box in wordpress using custom post type using meta boxes in wordpress. From wordpress 3.0 version wordpress introduced the custom_post_type function. Many people want to attach the file field with add_meta_box function. In this tutorial I will tell you how to upload file with custom meta box and post type. I tested above code with new wordpress versions 3.9. Still code is working fine.

Code for File upload with meta box in wordpress using custom post type using meta boxes in wordpress.

In this tutorial I will show you how to create the custom post type and add custom meta boxes to that post type and upload file with custom meta box.

After digging into wordpress files and functions I created following code. Just open your functions.php file and put following code in that file for creating custom post type.

 add_action('init', 'create_product');
 function create_product() {
 $product_args = array(
 'label' => __('Product'),
 'singular_label' => __('Product'),
 'public' => true,
 'show_ui' => true,
 'capability_type' => 'post',
 'hierarchical' => false,
 'rewrite' => true,
 'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail')

For uploading the file through custom meta box use the following code. Following code will add the file field to custom meta box and you are able to upload file or image to wordpress and upload file attachment to you custom post. Following code is very helpful to many wordpress theme and plugin developer. If you are having any issues or trouble using code then get back to me.

File upload with add_meta_box or custom_post_type in wordpress File upload with meta box in wordpress
File upload with add_meta_box or custom_post_type in wordpress File upload with meta box in wordpress


 add_action("admin_init", "add_product");
 add_action('save_post', 'update_purchase_url');
 function add_product(){
 add_meta_box("product_details", "product Options", "product_options", "product", "normal", "low");
 function product_options(){
 global $post;
 $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
 $purchase_url = $custom["purchase_url"][0];
 $product_price = $custom["product_price"][0];
 $product_image = $custom["product_image"][0];
 $video_code = $custom["video_code"][0];

 <div id="product-options">
 <label>Purchase URL:</label>php echo $purchase_url; ?>" />

 <label>Product Price:</label>php echo $product_price; ?>" />

 <label>Product Image:</label>php echo $product_image; ?>" />
 <img src="<?php echo $product_image; ?>">

 </div><!--end product-options-->
 function update_purchase_url(){
 global $post;
 update_post_meta($post->ID, "purchase_url", $_POST["purchase_url"]);
 update_post_meta($post->ID, "product_price", $_POST["product_price"]);
 update_post_meta($post->ID, "product_image", $_POST["product_image"]);

 if(!empty($_FILES['product_image']['name'])){ //New upload
 require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );
 $override['action'] = 'editpost';

 $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload($_FILES['product_image'], $override);

 $post_id = $post->ID;
 $attachment = array(
 'post_title' => $_FILES['product_image']['name'],
 'post_content' => '',
 'post_type' => 'attachment',
 'post_parent' => $post_id,
 'post_mime_type' => $_FILES['product_image']['type'],
 'guid' => $uploaded_file['url']
 // Save the data
 $id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment,$_FILES['product_image'][ 'file' ], $post_id );
 wp_update_attachment_metadata( $id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $id, $_FILES['product_image']['file'] ) );

update_post_meta($post->ID, "product_image", $uploaded_file['url']);

For Uploading the file your post form need to add the enctype=”multipart/form-data” type to your form. Just use the following code in your functions.php file.

[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]

function fileupload_metabox_header(){
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php }
add_action('admin_head', 'fileupload_metabox_header');



For checking all information in edit or preview section use following code.


add_action("manage_posts_custom_column",  "product_custom_columns");
add_filter("manage_edit-product_columns", "product_edit_columns");

function product_edit_columns($columns){
 $columns = array(
 "cb" => "<input type=\"checkbox\" />",
 "title" => "Product Title",
 "purchase_url" => "Purchase URL",
 "product_price" => "Product Price",
 "product_image" => "Product Image",
 return $columns;
function product_custom_columns($column){
 global $post;
 switch ($column) {
 case "purchase_url":
 $custom = get_post_custom();
 echo $custom["purchase_url"][0];
 case "product_price":
 $custom = get_post_custom();
 echo $custom["product_price"][0];
 case "product_image":
 $custom = get_post_custom();
 $img_url =$custom["product_image"][0];
 echo "<image src=".$img_url." height=100 width=100 />";


File upload with meta box in wordpress
File upload with meta box in wordpress

Above code is useful for any type of customization. If you are having any issue with using this code then please get back to me.

wordpress comments captcha plugin

we got around 4000 spam comments daily. Spam comments are increasing daily. when we fed-up these comments, we deiced to use the Akismet plugin. That is not enough. So Here is a list of unique and best wordpress comments captcha plugin

wordpress comments captcha plugin

wordpress comments captcha plugin
wordpress comments captcha plugin

I recomend to use the capcha plugin for protecting from spam comments. I like the wp-recaptcha wordpress plugin and I recommend to use that plugin.

Here are some very nice wordpress capcha plugins for wordpress comments.


reCAPTCHA is an anti-spam method originating from Carnegie Mellon University which uses CAPTCHAs in a genius way. Instead of randomly generating useless characters which users grow tired of continuosly typing in, risking the possibility that spammers will eventually write sophisticated spam bots which use OCR libraries to read the characters, reCAPTCHA uses a different approach.


Prevent registration spam and bots login by adding custom captcha tests in the registration page and/or login page

Featuring 5 different and customizable captcha algorithms with possibility to set your own random characters font, styles, colors background and more
For a working demo se login and register pages from the author home page


A CAPTCHA for your comment system to prevent unwanted spams. Prevent automated spams by bots and most important naughty peoples. It’s simple and yet secure.

WP Captcha-Free

WP Captcha-Free blocks automated comment spam without resorting to CAPTCHAs. It does so by validating a hash based on time (and some other parameters) using AJAX when the form is posted. Comments posted via automated means will not have a hash or will have an expired hash and will be rejected. Unlike using a captcha, this does not place any burden on the commenter.


This plug-in protects the form for posting comments from spam by 4 ways; CAPTCHA code, Session ID (which is different from PHPSESSID), Timestamp, IP Address. Also allows the webmaster to choose between fonts.

Security Captcha

Prevent registration spam and bots login by adding custom captcha tests in the registration page and/or login page


Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress on the comment form, registration form, login, or all. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image. This prevents spam from automated bots. Adds security. Works great with Akismet. Also is fully WP, WPMU, and BuddyPress compatible.

most downloaded free wordPress image gallery plugins

Photo Gallery is best way to showcase your images. many plugins gives features of animated gallery. collection of free wordPress image gallery plugins.

Photo Gallery, picture gallery, or slideshow are the best way to showcase your images/photos to your readers. There are a lot of different methods to create them, and the alternative you’re most likely to be using Flash or JavaScript. Now Jquery slider plugins are very popular these days. There are many wordperss image gallery plugins which gives you really great features of animated gallery. Here is nice collection of wordpress gallery plugins.

Free WordPress Image Gallery Plugins

Below is the most downloaded image gallery plugins that we have chosen directly from the wordpress plugin directory. To make it even easier for you to choose, I also added live demo link under every image plugin! All of the resources in this post are categorized and hopefully you will find a number of new plugin that will be practical for your own work.

Using Lightbox, Thickbox, and Fancybox Effect

NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Flash slideshow option.

next-gen-image-gallery, Free WordPress Image Gallery Plugins
Free WordPress Image Gallery Plugins

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular WordPress gallery plugin, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, with over 7.5 million downloads.

It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more.


Shadowbox JS

Shadowbox is an online media viewing application that supports all of the web’s most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page.

Javascript libraries supported are: None, YUI, Prototype, jQuery and MooTools. Prototype and jQuery are used from the Javascript libraries included with WordPress, YUI is loaded from Yahoo APIs and Mootools is loaded from Google APIs.
This plugin can also be used as a drop in lightbox replacement, without requiring you to edit posts already using lightbox.

By default this plugin will use Shadowbox for all image links, movie links, audio links and YouTube/Google Video links including those generated by the


Shadowbox is licensed under the terms of the Shadowbox.js License. This license grants personal, non-commercial users the right to use Shadowbox without paying a fee. It also provides an option for users who wish to use Shadowbox for commercial purposes. You are encouraged to review the terms of the license before using Shadowbox. If you would like to use Shadowbox for commercial purposes, you can purchase a license from http://www.shadowbox-js.com/.


Lightbox Plus

Lightbox Plus permits users to view larger versions of images, simple slide shows, videos and content all in an overlay.

Lightbox Plus ColorBox implements ColorBox as a lightbox image overlay tool for WordPress. ColorBox was created by Jack Moore and is licensed under the MIT License. Lightbox Plus ColorBox for WordPress implements ColorBox as a lightbox image overlay tool for WordPress. ColorBox was created by Jack Moore and is licensed under the MIT License. Lightbox Plus ColorBox permits users to view larger versions of images without having to leave the current page. Lightbox is able to add a lightbox to WordPress gallery images, display simple slide shows, video, forms and external content in overlays. The use of the dark or light background, which dims the page over which the image has been overlaid, also serves to highlight the image or video being viewed. Lightbox Plus ColorBox captures the image title for display in the overlay.
Lightbox Plus ColorBox
Lightbox Plus ColorBox uses WordPress’ built in jQuery library. Lightbox Plus ColorBox also uses the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser helper class to navigate page content for inserting the Lightbox attibutes into elements.


Lightbox Gallery

This plugin changes the view of galleries to the lightbox.

If you would prefer the prior Lightbox to Colorbox, you need to get the script from the setting page.
Lightbox Gallery
The Lightbox Gallery plugin changes the view of galleries to the lightbox.

  •     Lightbox display of Gallery
  •     Tooltip view of caption of images
  •     Displays the associated metadata with images
  •     Divides Gallery into several pages
  •     Extends the default Gallery options
  •     Additional settings are set in the option page
  •     Switch to the Highslide JS display


jQuery Lightbox

Used to overlay images on the current page.

As the name shows, this is just WordPress’s version of the jQuery Lightbox Plugin written by balupton, working perfectly with WordPress 2.2 or up, and fully compatible with K2


Shutter Reloaded

Darkens the current page and displays an image (like Lightbox, Thickbox, etc.), but is a lot smaller
(10KB) and faster.

Shutter Reloaded is an image viewer for your website that works similarly to Lightbox, Thickbox, etc. but is under 10KB in size and does not require any external libraries. It has many features: resizing large images if the window is too small to display them with option to show the full size image, combining images in sets, redrawing the window after resizing, pre-loading of neighbour images for faster display and very good browser compatibility.
Shutter Reloaded WordPress plugin1
This plugin offers customization of the colour and opacity settings for the background and colour for the caption text, buttons text and the menu background.

There are options to enable it for all links pointing to an image on your site (with option to exclude some pages), or just on selected pages. It can be enabled only for image links with CSS with option to create a single set or multiple sets for each page.

The plugin can also “auto-make” image sets for each Post, so when several posts are displayed on the “Home” page, links to images on each post will be in a separate set. See the built-in help for more information.


FancyBox for WordPress

Seamlessly integrates FancyBox into your blog: Upload, activate, and you’re done. Additional configuration optional.
FancyBox for WordPress
You can easely customize almost anything you can think about fancybox: the border, margin width and color, zoom speed, animation type, close button position, overlay color and opacity and even more advanced option like several options to group images into galleries, and more…

By default, the plugin will use jQuery to apply FancyBox to ANY thumbnails that link directly to an image. This includes posts, the sidebar, etc, so you can activate it and it will be applied automatically.


Lightview Plus

Seamless integration of Lightview (similar to Lightbox, Thickbox, Floatbox, Thickbox, Fancybox) to create a nice overlay to display images and videos.

A wordpress plugin which implements lightview 3.0 of Nick Stakenburg.

Lightview does the same as lightbox, but in a much nicer way. lightview-plus plays videos from YouTube, blip.tv and Vimeo.

This plugin automatically enhance image links to use lightview. It has the same functionality as the wordpress plugin fancybox plus

This plugin needs jQuery now!


Page Flip Image Gallery

FlippingBook WordPress Gallery plugin helps you to create Image Gallery with Page Flip effects on your blog.

Page Flip Image Gallery

Do you need to show your photos or publication to the best advantage and post them in a photo gallery speedy manner, don’t you? You need to make a bright and memorable presentation, portfolio or image gallery?

Try FlippingBook WordPress Gallery plugin – image gallery with page flip effect.

Demo | Download

Yet Another Photoblog

Convert your WordPress Blog into a full featured photoblog in virtually no time. Use the full range of WordPress functions and plugins: Benefit from the big community WordPress has to offer.
What is YAPB / What can you expect?

  •     A non invasive WordPress-plugin that converts wp into a easy useable photoblog system
  •     Easy image upload – All wordpress post-features can be used
  •     On the fly thumbnail generation – Use multiple thumbnail sizes where and when you need them: Thumbnail generation gets controlled by the theme.
  •     EXIF data processing and output
  •     Self-learning EXIF filter – Your own cameras tags can be selected to be viewed.
  •     Full i18n-Support through gnutext mo/po files
  •     YAPB Plugin Infrastructure for extended functionality
  •     Ping additional update-service-sites when posting a photoblog entry.
  •     Nearly every WP-theme can become a photoblog in virtually no time.
  •     Out of the box configurable “latest images” sidebar widget
  •     You’ll get a photoblog system based on wordpress – Decide if you want to post a normal WordPress article or a photoblog entry. Be free to use all available extensions / plugins of the WordPress platform 😉
  •     Be the owner of your own photos on your own webhost



The WP-SimpleViewer plugin allows you to easily create SimpleViewer galleries with WordPress. SimpleViewer is a free, customizable Flash image gallery. Images and captions can be loaded from the WordPress Media Library or from Flickr.

Add SimpleViewer Flash image galleries to your posts and pages. Easy to use and several options to make it fit your needs.


Lazyest Gallery

Lazyest Gallery is an integrated image gallery with automatic thumb and slide creation, comments on images, and a slide show.

Create a photo gallery from your existing photo directories.


If you are new to Lazyest Gallery, please consider Eazyest Gallery. Eazyest Gallery is the successor to Lazyest Gallery and is far better integrated with WordPress, and compatible with popular plugins.

This gallery basically needs just two settings: Your image directory and your gallery page. Lazyest Gallery automatically creates a photo gallery with folders, sub folders, thumbnail pages and slide shows.

If you want more, the gallery offers a multitude of options by featuring a smart back end management site. You can sort photos through folders and add captions, comments and descriptions with minimal effort. If you are tired of uploading photos through the WordPress server, this plug-in will make it a breeze with their FTP auto-indexing integration.




This plugin allows you to easily display Flickr photos on your site. It supports user, set, favorite, group and community photostreams. The plugin is relatively easy to setup and configure via an options panel. It also has support for an image cache located on your server.

Allows you to integrate Flickr photos into your site. It supports user, set, favorite, group and community photostreams.

Demo | Download


Flickr Photo Album

This Flickr plugin for WordPress will allow you to pull in your Flickr photosets and display them as albums on your WordPress site. There is a pretty simple template provided which you can customize to 100% match the look and feel of your own site.
Flickr Photo Album
The plugin is customizable in a number of different ways. There are options to allow you to hook it up with a number of different Lightbox-style popup overlay display libraries. Third party commenting services such as Disqus are also supported, allowing your visitors to comment on your photos without hopping over to Flickr.com. A simple Flickr widget is also included to let you easily include your photos into your blog’s sidebar.

On the backend, this plugin will add a new Flickr icon to your WordPress edit screen which will allow you to easily insert your Flickr photos and albums into your blog posts with just a couple clicks. You can either have your inserted photos link back to your WordPress Flickr photo album or directly to your Flickr.com photo page.

Demo | Download

Flickr Gallery

Quickly and easily add Flickr galleries, photos, and even custom search results into your WordPress pages and posts.

Using the “shortcodes” system in WordPress 2.5 and up, this plugin will allow you to quickly and easily incorporate your Flickr photos into your WordPress pages and posts.

Features include:

  •     A quick gallery of your recent photos, photosets and most popular photos.
  •     Easy database caching (just click a checkbox)
  •     Displays the photos from one photoset
  •     Displays all of a user’s photos with given tags
  •     Displays the results of a custom search
  •     Inserts a single photo into your content
  •     Embeds Flickr’s flash movie player for videos
  •     Authenticate to display your private photos
  •     Lightbox script makes it easy to browse photos without leaving the page
  •     Plugin API to let sites configure the tabs in their gallery
  •     View photosets in the gallery mode without leaving the page
  •     Lightboxes are now generated for every gallery mode
  •     WordPress MU Support
  •     Pagination in galleries
  •     All images smaller than “medium” will load in the lightbox effect (if enabled) when the user clicks on them.
  •     Add a “Collections” tab to the default gallery
  •     Select which tabs the gallery displays
  •     Set the lightbox to display larger than “medium” photos if the user’s browser window is large enough.
  •     Easier “Web” based authentication to the Flickr API.
  •     New: Show the photo’s description inside the lightbox alongside the larger photos.


Release PageDownload


This plugin adds cropping, resizing, and rotating functionality to WordPress’ image upload and management dialogs. Scissors also allows automatic resizing of images when they are uploaded and supports automatic and manual watermarking of images. Additionally, images that are resized in the post editor are automatically resampled to the requested size using bilinear filtering when a post is saved, which improves the perceived image quality while reducing the amount of data transferred at the same time.

Please note that WordPress versions 2.9 and newer are not supported!

When the first version of Scissors was published in October 2008 it was available only in English and German. Since then translations into new languages have been contributed by the following kind individuals. Thank you for your time and initiative!

Scissors enhances WordPress’ handling of images by introducing cropping, resizing, rotating, and watermarking functionality.
For WordPress 2.9 – 3.0 please download here :http://dev.huiz.net/2010/01/03/wordpress-plugin-scissors-for-v2-9/

Demo | Download

GRAND Flash Album Gallery

Grand Flagallery – powerfull media gallery content plugin. Easy interface for handling photos, image galleries, audio and video galleries.
Grand Flagallery - Photo Gallery Plugin
With this gallery plugin you can easy upload images, create music and video playlists, create photo gallery, group pictures in photo slideshow and add descriptions for each image, mp3 or video – Grand Flagallery is the smart choice when showing the best of your product or describing in brief any event. Grand Flagallery can easily beautify your site with photo gallery, mp3 player, video player, banner rotator, nivo slider or nice slideshow widgets. SEO optimized, compatibility with Google Reader, FeedBerner, etc.



Featured Content Gallery

Used to create a customizable rotating image gallery anywhere within your WordPress site.

Featured Content Gallery creates an automated, fully customizable rotating image gallery anywhere within your WordPress site. Choose your images and display categories, pages or posts with custom overlay text and a thumbnail carousel. Custom options include gallery size, color, style and more.



Dynamic Content Gallery

Creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest or featured content selected from one category, a mix of categories, or pages.

Dynamic Content Gallery

This plugin creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest and/or featured content using either the JonDesign SmoothGallery script for mootools, or a custom jQuery script. The plugin dynamically creates the gallery from your latest and/or featured content by either automatically pulling in the first Image Attachment from relevant Posts/Pages, or by specifying image URLs in a DCG Metabox in the Write screen for the relevant Posts/Pages. Additionally, default images can be displayed in the event that Posts/Pages don’t have an Image Attachment or manually specified image. A Dashboard Settings page gives access to a comprehensive range of options for populating the gallery and configuring its look and behaviour. The DCG can be added to your theme as a Widget, or by using a template tag.

For best results, make sure that your theme supports Post Thumbnails, introduced in WP 2.9.

Compatible with network-enabled (multisite) WordPress 3.0+, though available plugin options are slightly reduced.



How to clean up and optimize wordpress database

Keeping your wordpress database is very important for wordpress database. In this article we explained, How to clean up and optimize wordpress database. This will improve your site speed aslo. Many times you install the wordpress plugins and some time you dont want that plugins and you delete that plugins.

How to clean up and optimize wordpress database

There is very nice wordpress plugin is avilable for database backup.


WP-DB-Backup allows you easily to backup your core WordPress database tables. You may also backup other tables in the same database.
But that plugins create some tables in your wordpress database. You need to remove that tables from your wordpress database.
Imp note: when ever you are cleaning the database or deleting the unwanted tables from wordpress database. Please consult with your web administrator.
Dont forget to take a full backup of your database.

This tutorial should be forward-compatible with WordPress 3.0

  • Install WP-DB-Backup by Austin Matzko
  • Mouse over Tools so that the down arrow appears
  • Click the down arrow
  • Click Backup
  • You’ll see something like this:
How to clean up and optimize wordpress database
How to clean up and optimize wordpress database

On the left are the default database tables included with WordPress. All of these are included every time you backup. The only thing you have to decide here is whether to exclude spam comments from being backed up (I recommend this) and whether to exclude post revisions (I recommend excluding these too, unless you have a specific reason for keeping revisions).

On the right is a list of additional database tables, most of which were probably created by plugins. There’s also a table called that will end with the name “commentmeta” – this can be used by plugins.

If your plugins have created a lot of data that you would like to save, or you’ve spent a lot of time configuring particular plugins, you’ll want to backup these tables. Otherwise, you can keep your database backups smaller by not checking them.

  • Next we see the Backup Option. There are three choices here:

A. Save to the server

This will save a backup of your database as a file on your web server. I don’t recommend this.

B. Download to your computer.

This will create a database backup file that you can save to your local computer.

C. Email backup to:

This allows you to send a copy of the backup to any e-mail address you’d like.

  • Let’s go ahead and download a copy to our hard drives now.

Check options you want in the Tables section then click “Backup now!”

You should see a progress bar, and when that’s done your browser will prompt you to save the file. You can save this file wherever you’d like.

  • There’s another section called “Scheduled Backup.” This is where this program gets really great.

Here we can schedule a backup to be e-mailed to a particular e-mail address however often we’d like. I recommend checking selecting “Once Daily.”

  • On the right, you’ll see that list of optional tables again. Check the ones you want to backup every time the backup runs.
  • Enter the e-mail address you want the backups delivered to in the “Email backup to:” field.
  • Click “Schedule backup.”
  • You should now get a backup file as an e-mail attachment every day. You should save these attachments to your local computer. If you’re using Gmail or another web mail host that has a lot of storage space, you might want to leave your databases on their server as an additional off-site backup. Be aware that that’s an additional security risk – if your e-mail account is ever compromised, the would have access to all of your database backups.

WordPress completed 100th Million Plugin Download

WordPress has just announced the 100th million plugin has now been downloaded. It’s a smaller milestone but just as impressive if not even more so, since blogging tools are not going to have the same mainstream audience or appeal as a web browser. WordPress is also celebrating a smaller milestone, the newly launched WordPress 3.0 has just passed three million downloads.

WordPress completed 100th Million Plugin Download

WordPress completed 100th Million Plugin Download
WordPress completed 100th Million Plugin Download

What wordpress is saying?

WordPress 3.0 Thelonious passed 3 million downloads yesterday, and today the plugin directory followed suit with a milestone of its own: 100 million downloads.

The WordPress community’s growth over the years has been tremendous, and we want to reinvest in it. So we’re taking the next two months to concentrate on improving WordPress.org. A major part of that will be improving the infrastructure of the plugins directory. More than 10,000 plugins are in the directory, every one of them GPL compatible and free as in both beer and speech. Here’s what we have in mind:

We want to provide developers the tools they need to build the best possible plugins. We’re going to provide better integration with the forums so you can support your users. We’ll make more statistics available to you so you can analyze your user base, and over time we hope to make it easier for you to manage, build, and release localized plugins.

We want to improve how the core software works with your plugin and the plugin directory. We’re going to focus on ensuring seamless upgrades by making the best possible determinations about compatibility, and offer continual improvements to the plugin installer. And we also want to give you a better developer tool set like SVN notifications and improvements to the bug tracker.

We’re also going to experiment with other great ideas to help the community help plugin authors. We want it to be easy for you to offer comments to plugin authors and the community, including user reviews and better feedback. We may experiment with an adoption process for abandoned plugins as a way to revitalize hidden gems in the directory. I’m not sure there is a better way to show how extendable WordPress is and how awesome this community is at the same time.

As Matt said in the 3.0 release announcement, our goal isn’t to make everything perfect all at once. But we think incremental improvements can provide us with a great base for 3.1 and beyond, and for the tens of millions of users, and hundreds of millions of plugin downloads to come.

There are now a little over 10,000 plugins in the WordPress directory which really puts the 100 million downloads number in perspective. Of course, some plugins are more popular than others, but it does indicate that bloggers are very interested in the added functionality these plugins provide.

The most popular plugin is the antispam tool Akismet with over 8.5 million downloads to date. The tool comes pre-installed with WordPress, so that may explain its popularity, although, these installs may not be counted as downloads. However, later updates are probably counted. Other popular plugins are the All in One SEO Pack with five million downloads and Google XML Sitemaps with close to four million.

Given the popularity of WordPress plugins, it’s no surprise that they are now getting some attention from the development team. Having wrapped up WordPress 3.0, the team decided to focus on some of the things surrounding WordPress rather than the software itself.

“The WordPress community’s growth over the years has been tremendous, and we want to reinvest in it. So we’re taking the next two months to concentrate on improving WordPress.org. A major part of that will be improving the infrastructure of the plugins directory,” Andrew Nacin, a WordPress developer, announced.

“We’re going to provide better integration with the forums so you can support your users. We’ll make more statistics available to you so you can analyze your user base, and over time we hope to make it easier for you to manage, build, and release localized plugins,” he explained.

15 Top most popular wordpress plugins in world

Due to wordpress plugins, wordpress became so much powerful and successful CMS in the world. So we collected 15 Top most popular wordpress plugins which are downloaded most in the world.

In last few years wordpress become most popular CMS in the world. WordPress has great support of wordpress plugins which are free.
Many people many types of wordpress plugins as per their use.

most popular wordpress plugins

most popular wordpress plugins
most popular wordpress plugins

Here I am going to give you the list of most popular wordpress plugins which are downloaded millions times.
I recommend if you hosted your website with wordpress you must use following wordpress plugins.


Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not.
This Plugins is downloaded 8,477,963 times.

All in One SEO Pack

Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization).
This Plugins is downloaded 5,291,396 times.

Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines to better index your blog.
This Plugins is downloaded 3,935,776 times.

WP Super Cache

A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files.
This Plugins is downloaded 94,084 times.

WPtouch iPhone Theme

WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects, when vie
This Plugins is donwloaded 876,885 times.

NextGEN Gallery

NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Flash slideshow option.
This Plugins is downloaded 1,988,926 times.

Contact Form 7

Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.
This Plugins is downloaded 2,021,419 times.

WordPress.com Stats

You can have simple, concise stats with no additional load on your server by plugging into WordPress.com’s stat system.
This Plugins is donwloaded 1,688,181 times.

Fast and Secure Contact Form

A super customizable contact form that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all common spammer tactics. Spam is no longer a problem.
This Plugins is downloaded 343,069 times.

ourSTATS Widget

create a widget for the ourstats.de counter service
This Plugins is downloaded 80,348 times.

Post videos and photo galleries

Post your videos and photo galleries/flash slideshows easily and in seconds.
This Plugins is downloaded 326,804 times.

AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button

Help people share, bookmark, and email your posts & pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg and many more.
This Plugins is downloaded 995,509 times.


Adds a more advanced paging navigation to your WordPress site.
This Plugins is downloaded 868,432 times.

Google Analyticator

Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google Analytics. Includes widgets for Analytics data display.
This Plugins is downloaded 936,897 times.

WordPress Related Posts

WordPress Related Posts Plugin will generate a related posts via WordPress tags, and add the related posts to feed.
This Plugins is donwloaded 220,359 times.

amazing 100 plugins for wordpress

Here’s 100 plugins for your wordpress site. Taking advantage of some of the awesome plugins that are available can really make a difference in how you blog and can boost productivity and efficiency instantly.

amazing 100 plugins for wordpress

amazing 100 plugins for wordpress
amazing 100 plugins for wordpress

Seo WordPress Plugins

1. All in One SEO Pack

All in One SEO Pack
All in One SEO Pack

By far the gold standard of SEO plugins, “All in One” provides a multitude of easy to understand options to get your blog up to par SEO wise. 99% of WordPress users will agree when I say this is an absolute must have when it comes to plugins. With over 2 million downloads and growing, you can’t go wrong.


2. SEO Title Tag

Although the plugin above can control title tags on your WordPress blog, this plugin is an outstanding solution to optimize and customize every title tag on your blog.


3. HeadSpace2 SEO

This handy dandy SEO plugin will allow you to customize meta-data for nearly every aspect of your blog including posts, pages, categories, home page, search pages, author pages, and even 404 pages. This is a super alternative to All in One SEO Pack, just not quite as popular.


4. SEO Smart Links

A great little plugin that will allow you to automatically link specific phrases and keywords in your posts and comments with corresponding pages on your blog. This one is very handy to have and a great compliment to All in One SEO Pack.


5. Platinum SEO Pack – Another good competitor for All in One SEO Pack, this one will do a lot of the same stuff, and allow you to control 301 redirects for permalink changes, control nofollow, noindex attributes, and more.


6. SEO Friendly Images – A lifesaver for that pesky and annoying alt tag (for images) that you always seem to forget to add. Alt tags can make a difference in your search results, and it’s important to optimize each and every image on your blog. This plugin will make that process a lot easier.


7. SEO Slugs – This is a great utility SEO plugin that removes words like “the”, “a”, “in”, and related words from your post slugs, which will help improve SEO performance. Some might argue that it doesn’t matter, but why not play it safe and build the most SEO friendly post slugs possible?


8. SEO Watcher – A fairly new plugin, this one claims to watch your daily Google rankings for up to 3 keywords and 3 URL’s inside your WordPress platform. Not a bad idea, but I personally haven’t tested this one yet. Try it and let us know what you think.


9. Meta Robots Plugin – For an easy solution to adding meta robot tags to your pages in WordPress, this is the plugin for you. It provides a whole host of capabilities, from preventing the indexing of subpages to your homepage, to nofollowing outbound links on your home page.


10. SEO Blogroll – A very cool plugin that allows you to take control over the “links” widget in WordPress and slap a nofollow attribute on links in your blogroll. Why? Because your blogroll is shown on every page of your blog, needlessly “leaking” pagerank from every page on your blog to external sites that you link to.


11. SEO Tag Cloud – Whether you love or hate tag clouds, they’re only useful for your visitors and not for SEO purposes, unless you use this plugin. This awesome plugin will display a tag cloud using HTML markup, which of course is SEO friendly.


12. Simple Tags – Tagging your posts, whether you know it or not, can play a HUGE part in how your posts are indexed and the type of traffic you drive into your blog. Most people don’t know how to properly tag a post, as easy as it is. This plugin will suggest tags to use for each post that you write, and it’s a wonderful plugin!


13. Redirection – This plugin is more of a utility plugin to manage different redirects and and stuff like that, but as you know, properly managing redirects and error pages plays a huge part in your SEO efforts, so the more organized you can be, the better your blog will perform. This plugin will support Apache and WordPress based redirections.


14. Nofollow Case by Case – This plugin will allow you to eliminate the nofollow attribute from specific comments, and/or allow you to nofollow specific comments. This is a good way to reward regular contributors and keep the spamming noobs away.


15. Google XML Sitemap Generator – This will be tagged as a must have plugin for any WordPress blog. Anyone who wants to take advantage of every aspect of SEO for their blog, including making Google happy by submitting proper sitemaps, should use this plugin on their blog. It’s easy to implement and is a bazooka in your plugin arsenal.


Analytical WordPress Plugins

16. Google Analyticator – This plugin makes it easy for you to enable GA logging on your WordPress blog. Will also show visitor stats and track all links on pages.


17. Ultimate Google Analytics – Just like the plugin above, this will allow any WordPress blogger to add Javascript GA code to each page on your blog without the need to edit your template and potentially screw up your code.


18. Blog Metrics – A simple plugin that allows you to see average number of posts per month per author, average number of words per post, and some other cool information about your blog that you might want to have handy.


19. Search Meter – A real gem of a plugin, Search Meter allows you to find out exactly what people are searching for on your blog. If you have a search box enabled on your blog, you can gain some valuable insight from the data that this plugin will produce. Find out what your visitors are searching for the most, and give them more of it!


20. Google Analytics For WordPress – A hugely popular plugin, this awesome tool will track all sorts of analytical information such as Adsense clicks, image search queries, outbound links, links within comments, and other helpful data that you might want to have.


21. StatPress – One of my personal favorites, this plugin will provide real-time analytical information of your blog within your WordPress back-end. It will show you who is coming to your blog, how long they stay, how they got there, and so much more. I will not set up a blog without this plugin – it’s that good.


22. WordPress.com Stats – One of the heavy hitters in the stats plugin world, this one will show you a multitude of information about your visitors that you’ll probably want to know. This plugin does require an API key from WordPress, which can be obtained from WordPress.com.


23. Feedburner Feed Stats – If you’re lazy like most of us bloggers, you want the ability to check all of your stats in one central place (like when you’re logged into WordPress). This plugin will show you your Feeburner feed stats from your WP admin interface. This is another must have plugin if you have a sizeable amount of subscribers.


24. Popularity Contest – Have you ever wanted to know which posts are the most popular on your blog? This plugin gives a weighting to each post based on several different factors and ranks them in a nice list of most popular posts. This is a nice one to have for visitors to find your best articles, which of course in turn will make them even more popular!


25. StatBadge – A simple plugin that displays different metrics in your sidebar like Alexa ranking, number of comments, Pagerank, and related data that you can show off to your visitors (and to yourself).


Anti-Spam WordPress Plugins

26. Akismet – This one is a no-brainer. Akismet is the gold standard in spam fighting WordPress plugins. It is one of two plugins included in the default WordPress installation, so that should tell you something right there. Every blog should have this enabled, without a doubt!


27. Bad Behavior – This anti-spam plugin will block link spam with a PHP-based system. This awesome plugin is like a personal bodyguard for your blog, and will stop spammers dead in their tracks.


28. Spam Karma 2.3 – Although this plugin is no longer being supported or developed, it’s still very much worthy of mentioning on this list. I’ve used Spam Karma for years, and have rarely had a spam comment get by without SK shooting it down. Get it while it’s still available!


29. Email Spam Protection – This spam fighter will convert email addresses (such as yours) that are posted on your blog to an un-scrapeable JavaScript one. A simple plugin, but useful if you drop your email address a lot.


30. Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam – I only added this one because it appears that it gets a lot of downloads, so something must be good with it! This just appears to be another anti-spam plugin for your WordPress blog, so it doesn’t hurt to mention it.


31. WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam – This is another anti-spam powerhouse (like Akismet). If you want to try out a plugin that does not allow any spam comments (including trackback and pingback spam) on your blog, this is the one for you.


Social Media WordPress Plugins

32. Add to Any – This plugin will allow you to add a cool widget which will make it easy for your readers to bookmark your posts to all the big social bookmarking/social media sites. There are quite a few of these types of plugins, but this is one of the more popular ones.


33. Social Bookmarking RELOADED – This is another plugin that will allow your visitors to bookmark your articles to a multitude of social bookmarking sites.


34. Twitter Tools – This plugin will allow you to seamlessly integrate your blog and your Twitter account which will help drive traffic to your blog from your Twitter updates.


35. Twitter For WordPress – For a quick and easy way to show your latest tweets on your WordPress blog, this is the plugin to use. It’s easy to install and a must have if you maintain an active Twitter timeline.


36. flickrRSS for WordPress – One of the hottest flickr plugins ever, this will allow you to pull in photos from any flickr RSS feed right into your blog. This can be customized and made to look extremely nice, providing a perfect way to show off your photog skills to your readers!


37. Add To Facebook – This is a simple plugin that adds a footer link which will allow you and your visitors to add your post to their Facebook page.


38. Facebook Dashboard Widget – Wow, finally another lazy blogger developed a solution for us WordPress bloggers to check our Facebook data within WordPress! Install this and save yourself from having to visit Facebook.com several times per day.


39. Sociable – Easily my favorite bookmarking plugin, Sociable is good at updating information and will easily and attractively allow your readers to bookmark your articles across many different sites.


40. FriendFeed Comments – Great plugin for FriendFeed fans that will allow you to integrate Friendfeed information on your blog.


41. Follow Me Plugin – This convenient plugin will give your readers a chance to follow all of your social media profiles from one easy place. This one is great if you maintain an active presence across various social media sites.


42. Tweetmeme – This is a hugely popular plugin that will put a little “retweet” button in your blog posts (like you see for the posts on this blog) which easily allows readers to quickly retweet your post. Obviously, it helps to increase the chance of a post going viral on Twitter, which will lead to a boost in traffic and exposure. This is a must have, in my opinion.


43. LinkedIn hResume – This interesting plugin (which I haven’t tried) claims that it will pull the hResume microformat block from your LinkedIn page right into any page in your WordPress blog.


44. WP Greet Box – This incredibly useful plugin will actually greet users with a custom reminder depending on how they arrived to your blog. (Example, if they came from Twitter, it will remind them to follow you on Twitter and to retweet the post.) Awesome plugin to say the least.


Internet Marketing wordpress plugins

45. Adsense Manager – This plugin will make it easy to add Adsense advertising into your blog posts, and allow you to determine when they will and will not appear. Great for anyone that likes to run ads to make a little extra cash.


46. All in One Adsense and YPN – Another popular plugin that allows you to manage all aspects of adding in Adsense and Yahoo! ads into your blog. The ad code is dynamically inserted, so it requires no manual work.


47. Split Test Plugin – A very unique plugin that allows you to show two different versions of a particular post, and see which one generates more clicks. This would be good for those that promote affiliate products in WordPress posts.


48. Affiliate Link Cloaker – For those of you that include Amazon affiliate links or whatever site you like to promote, you know that usually affiliate links are pretty nasty looking. This link cloaker will change that, and also help prevent affiliate link hijacking.


49. WP-Affiliate – Another great link cloaking plugin that is quite popular.

50. Random/Rotating Ads – This plugin will make it extremely easy for you to show and/or rotate a variety of ads (Adsense, affiliate ads, banners, flash, etc…) using widgets or in your template files for your blog. This seems like a very convenient plugin for the “make money online” crowd.


51. CafePress Plugin – This plugin allows you to easily integrate any of CafePress.com’s millions of products and customize the layout of them for your visitors. For those that promote CafePress products, this is a very good plugin.


Contact Form WordPress Plugins

52. Contact Form 7 – One of many contact form plugins for WordPress. This one is easy to work with and will get the job done. This just seems to be the more popular choice.


53. WP Contact Form – You can drop this form into any page or post on your WordPress blog. Very easy to use.


54. WP Contact Form III – This contact form is simple, secure, and easy to customize.


55. Enhanced WP Contact Form – This plugin is simple, good against spam, and gives the user an option to copy him/herself on the form submission.


Video Related WordPress Plugins

56. Viper’s Video Quicktags – This is an extremely popular WordPress plugin that will make it easy for any blogger to quickly insert video from sites like YouTube, Google Video, and more. This is typically considered a must have for your WordPress blog.


57. Smart YouTube – Again, this is a plugin that makes it easy to insert YouTube videos into your post, comments, and even your RSS feeds. This supports the playback of HQ (high quality) videos as well.


58. Lightview Plus – If you’d like to overlay videos/images into a lightbox format, this is the plugin to use.


59. WP-SWFObject – For all of you flash freaks, or for those that need the ability to add flash movies into their blog, this plugin was created solely for that purpose.


60. Embedded Video – Another popular plugin that allows you to easily add video to your WordPress posts or pages.


61. WordPress Video Plugin – Hard to get creative for the description, as it does the same thing as most of the video plugins above. This one seems to support quite a few video sites though, so that could be a plus!


62. Interactive Video Plugin – This one is unique in the fact that it allows you to record/import/upload videos directly into your post and edit and remix with an online video editor. I haven’t used this one, but thought it was unique enough to add to this section.


Various Utility WordPress Plugins

63. WP-UserOnline – This is a really cool plugin that will add a widget to your sidebar that shows how many users are on your site in real-time. It’s great to watch when a post gets stumbled or bookmarked, the user count rises immediately!


64. Close Old Posts – This is a great plugin because as your posts get older and gain PageRank from Google, spammers will target them like crazy to try and get their links posted without you knowing it. This plugin allows the automatic closing of old posts for a time that you specify.


65. Super Archives – This plugin will take your current archive setup and inject it with steroids. Details can be found on their page.


66. WP-Cache – This is almost an essential plugin these days with all of the social bookmarking sites out there. What this does is prevent your site from going down after getting popular on any of the big social bookmarking sites like Digg and Reddit. It makes your blog run faster and more efficient as well.


67. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin – As the title says, this plugin will show related posts under your posts. This has several benefits including better SEO, and driving up pageviews as visitors are encouraged to check out the related posts.


68. WP-Table – This is a handy plugin that will easily allow you to create tables for your posts in a fixed table format.


69. Subscribe To Comments – This is a very popular plugin that you’ve probably seen on many blogs. It provides a little check box for visitors to check if they want updates on a particular comment string.


70. WordPress Automatic Upgrade – Tired of seeing that “you need to update your version of WordPress” message in your WP interface? Well, install this one-click upgrade plugin and it will upgrade you to the latest and greatest version of WordPress.


71. KB Robots.txt – If you want total control over your robots.txt information, then you’ll need this plugin.


72. NextGen Gallery – Any plugin that makes it to the “most popular” category on WordPress.com is worthy of mentioning, especially this one. This plugin is a fully integrated image gallery with a flash slideshow option. You’ll see this on MANY blogs.


73. Global Translator – A lot of bloggers forget that not everyone in the world speaks/understands English. This translator has the capability to translate your posts into 34 different languages, which will surely please most of your visitors.


74. WP-PageNavi – This plugin is built into a lot of premium themes, and for good reason. It enhances your page navigation for your blog, making it easier for readers to advance through your posts with ease.


75. Comment Relish – One of my favorite plugins, this sends a custom email to a reader after the first time they comment on your blog. A FANTASTIC way to get them to subscribe, or even buy something. Easy way to do some shameless plugging.


76. WP-Polls – The time will come in your blogging career where you want to poll your readers on something. Readers typically love polls, and to manage the whole process, this is the plugin you’ll need to use.


77. WP e-Commerce – This plugin will give you the ability to transform your WP blog into an attractive shopping cart enabled, e-commerce solution. This is a great plugin if you sell products or services online.


78. FeedWordPress – With this RSS aggregation plugin, you can pull in feeds of your choice right to your blog. This makes a great way to showcase feeds from popular blogs in your niche, or perhaps other blogs that you own.


79. Front Page Excluded Categories – If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to exclude certain categories on your blog’s home page, this is an easy way to accomplish that.


80. WP-DB-Backup – If you’ve ever lost access to your db or if something has ever crashed on your where you lost all your blog’s information, you’ll appreciate this plugin beyond words. This should be included as a default plugin for every WordPress installation.


81. Broken Link Checker – A great utility plugin that will automatically check your blog for broken links and notify you if any are found. This is a very handy plugin to have installed.


82. Advertising Manager – Another ad management program that is really popular, as it recognizes ads from a wide variety of networks (Google Adsense, AdBrite, CrispAds, Chitika, etc…).


83. WP-PostViews – If you’re like me and need an ego inflation every once in a while, adding this plugin to your blog will show how many views each post on your blog has received.


84. WordPress Mobile Edition – This should be on every bloggers list, as the amount of mobile internet users increases by the day, you need to make sure your blog is accessible by all the iPhone and Blackberry freaks out there. This sector could make up a noticeable percentage of your users, so keep them happy by installing this.


85. Search Everything – This is another plugin that will enhance the ability of your WordPress search box on your blog.


86. Disable WordPress Plugin Updates – If you’re like most bloggers, you’ll agree when I tell you that the plugin updates messages are quite annoying. This awesome plugin will get rid of that problem for you.


87. Events Calendar – If you need an enhanced version of the default WP calendar widget, then you’ll want to check out this plugin. It allows for the integration of a high organized calendar to post events and related items.


88. Exec-PHP – Sometimes you’ll find that you need to add PHP code (for certain widgets and such) straight into a post or page. By default, you can’t do this, but with Exec-PHP, you can.


89. CommenLuv – This is another plugin that you’ll see on many, many blogs. What it does is reward your readers when they comment by linking back to their latest blog posts, recent tweets or digs, which they can choose from when they submit a comment on your blog. It encourages more commenting, and is a win-win situation for you and the reader.


90. Wp-o-Matic – For all of you wannabe spam bloggers out there, WP-o-Matic allows you to create blog posts out of specified RSS feeds.


91. WP Super Edit – If you’re not satisfied with the default WYSIWYG WP editor, this is an enhanced version that will give you a bit more control and more options when editing a post.


92. Scissors – This is a great image handling plugin that will make it possible for you to rotate, crop, and resize images right inside WordPress. This can boost efficiency by allowing you to bypass the time it takes to edit an image before posting it.


93. Role Manager – This plugin will allow you to handle different user levels and allow a more detailed set of user permissions for each user. This is great if you have a blog that has multiple contributors with multiple roles.


94. Time Zone – No matter what, it seems that even though you set your timezone correctly in the WP admin interface, it’s still an hour off. This can be quite annoying when scheduling posts for the future. This is because WP doesn’t recognize DST (daylight savings time). This plugin will fix that little annoying problem.


95. WP Ultimate Gamer’s Pack – If you have a need for your users to be able to view your site with their Wii’s, DS-Lite’s, or PSP’s, then you need this plugin to make that happen.


96. No WWW plugin – For SEO purposes, it’s essential that you have everyone going to the same post URL, and if you don’t have this plugin enabled, some people might arrive to the WWW version of your post, and some the non WWW version. This plugin will make sure everyone arrives at the right one.


97. WWP Ajax Edit Comments – If you’ve ever left a comment on a blog with a humiliating typo or error, you’ll have wished that the blog had this cool plugin enabled. This plugin will allow your users to quickly edit a comment after submitting it. Trust me, they’ll love this option.


98. Lifestream – This is another popular plugin that will display your social networking feeds and images on your blog in the sidebar or in widget format.


99. Old Post Promoter – This is a fantastic plugin that will help promote those golden oldies you have in your archives. This will lead to more pageviews and return readers. Very clever and very useful plugin to say the least.


100. Author Image – For those bloggers that like to show off their pretty faces (who doesn’t? lol), use this plugin to display author images in posts and on pages in your blog. This is actually a great way to boost brand exposure.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this awesome list of amazing 100 plugins for wordpress.
Thank You!

wordpress plugin rss feed widget

We collected unique RSS feed wordpress plugins which will increase your wordpress website visitors incredibly. Here list of wordpress plugin rss feed widget

Category Specific RSS feed Subscription

This WordPress Plugin allows you to present a menu with multiple RSS feed subscription option to your site’s visitors in addition to your normal RSS subscription option.

wordpress plugin rss feed widget

wordpress plugin rss feed widget
wordpress plugin rss feed widget

If your site covers multiple topics then your subscribed readers may get annoyed when you update your site with content that they are not interested in and they get a notification in their RSS reader.

I found that most of the time I never subscribe to a site’s RSS feed when it doesn’t have the topic/category specific subscription option, specially when the site covers multiple topics cause I don’t like to be hammered with all the unwanted content updates.

This plugin allows you to configure up to 8 different topic specific RSS feeds.


WWSGD Plugin

This plugin which uses name of one of the top web celebrity Seth Godin, allows you to display a subscription reminder message above or below blog post.

You can control position & content of message. Also you can customize if message is to be displayed always for only or few initial page views.

What Would Seth Godin Do

Vertically scroll rss feed

his plug-in will scroll the RSS feed title vertically in site sidebar, admin can add/update the RSS link & style via widget management. Internet connection is required to load third party RSS.

  1. Easy installation.
  2. Widgets, so you can add pretty much anything.
  3. Easy style-override system.

Click on the configure button (small down triangle) for the ‘Scroll RSS Feed’ widget and here you can customize all the Scroll RSS Feed front end styles.


Show RSS Feeds

Displays RSS feed in templates


Feed Widget Plugin

This plugin will add a WordPress widget, which will display links to various relevant feeds for your WordPress blog. It will always at least display links to the two standard feeds: All Entries and All Comments. It will also display links to category feeds, post feeds or search feeds, depending on the current page being viewed.

I used this long time back. But now this blog have three top level feeds, so I guess using this plugin here will result in too many options. I will definitely add this plugin to my orkutfeeds blog.

Feed Widget Plugin

JP’s Get RSS Feed

This plugin uses WordPress’ ability to return feeds, to get the last X number of items from a given RSS feed. Display the last few items from any RSS feed of your choice. For example, your Twitter feed, or another blog or forum that outputs a RSS feed. Any RSS feed can be grabbed. Call it in your footer to list your last few tweets, and your sidebar to showcase content from another one of your blogs.

Uses fetch_feed, which was introduced in WordPress 2.8. Works and tested in WordPress 2.9.


URL Absolutifier WordPress Plugin

URL Absolutifier changes all relative URLs in posts to absolute URL, to make the entries work in feed readers that don’t work with relative URLs.

I used a relative URL trick for higher earnings from AdSense product referrals long time back. If you are not sure about your usage of relative URLs then I will strongly recommend you should activate this plugin and then just forget it. I really feel this should be default behavior of wordpress.

URL Absolutifier WordPress Plugin

Full Text Feeds

There was a bug in wordpress which used to cut your feeds in the middle of the post. This behavior used to annoy blogger who like to publish full text feeds.

I am not sure if this bug is fixed in latest version of wordpress as I have modified wordpress core feed files completely when applying firefox full feed hack.

Anyway, if you see partial feeds even after choosing option to display full feeds, you can use this plugin to overcome wordpress bug.

Full Text Feed Plugin

RSS FEED anywhere

You only have to place the swf-file on a server (free-hosting..) and edit the embed-Tag. Finished! With the proxy-feature, you are allowed, to feed your RSS-Stream from anywhere. (Myspace etc.)

You also can get your RSS-Feed from free hosts wordpress.com blogs. (without upload or edit the template files or stuff like that.) You dont have to place a crossdomain.xml (thats useful, because in some cases thats not possible: if you dont have enough permissions.. etc) on your Server! (you can, if you want to disable the proxy-function. But you dont have to! 🙂 )


FeedBurner FeedSmith Plugin

If you use FeedBurner and love its subscriber count chicklet, then this plugin is must for you.

WordPress have lots of feed formats and most probably you had burnt only one of them with FeedBurner. Now if a user access your wordpress feeds via other URLs then their subscription will not be counted towards FeedBurner count.

This plugin will take care of this. You just give it your FeedBurner URLs and it will redirect all wordpress custom feed requests to your FeedBurner feed.

Originally developed by Steve Smith, this plugin is now officially maintained by FeedBurner.

FeedBurner FeedSmith Plugin

Feed Footer Plugin

This plugin allow you to customize footer text of each post in feed completely. I use this to show referral ads in my feeds. Please do not try AdSense or any JavaScript code in Feed Footer. It will not work as feed readers ignores JavaScript.

This plugin is really basic, but I don’t mind taking some efforts for some extra bucks.

Feed Footer Plugin

RSS Footer

This is very simple plugin. It allows you to insert any message including HTML code into the feeds. You can also choose if added message is to be displayed at top or bottom of the post.

You can use this plugin for advertising instead of above Feed footer plugin. Main difference is, RSS Footer adds same footer at the end of every post, while above Feed footer allows you to add different footer for each post.

One plus point with RSS footer is, it allows addition of link back to your original post, which is good SEO as explained by Daniel Scocco.

RSS Footer Plugin

Similar Posts for Feeds Plugin

Many time, by giving full text feeds, blogger feel they are loosing page-views as a reader may never check their blog.

I use backlinking to my old posts whenever possible to bring readers back to the blog. But often such links go unnoticed or you may not find old post to link back if you are writing on a new topic.

Then its always good idea to display few related posts at the bottom which often attracts clicks. Of course too many links may annoy your reader. So do not show something like 20 related post!


Ten wordpress plugins for improve User interactivity

When you are developing the website or blog using wordpress. You need to think about readers experience on your website. Keeping user experience in mind I created the list of wordpress plugins which are very useful for user interactivity and experience.


Ten wordpress plugins for improve User interactivity and experience

1. WP-Print

This Plugin displays a printable version of your blog when the reader requests for it. The user can directly take a print out from it. The documentation can be found here.

There is also another print widget by HP. This adds a print option to your blog posts. This plugin is available for WordPress and Movable type. This plugin can also convert blog posts into PDF files.

Download WP-Print

2. Convert to PDF

Converting your blog posts into PDF is useful when your blog has more content on tutorials and tips & tricks. Amit has written a post on how to save the blog posts to PDF file. Adding a “Save as PDF” button is really simple process. All you need is to add this link at the end of blog posts (for WordPress users).

http://savepageaspdf.pdfonline.com/pdfonline/pdfonline.asp?cURL=php the_permalink();?>

Blogger users can update the cURL link with the post permalink. This generates a PDF file which can be saved to hard disk.

3. Related Posts

As the name indicates, this plugin will show the related entries for a particular post based on keyword matching.

Download Related Posts

4. WP-Email

This Plugin helps readers to share posts on blogs which they liked with their friends or even to their email. The plugin is easy to use and configure. The documentation can be found here.

Download WP-Email

5. Subscribe to Comments

Subscribe to Comments 2.1 is a plugin that allows commentators on your blog to check a box before commenting and get e-mail notification of further comments. This is useful to have a good discussion going on in your posts.

Download Subscribe to Comments

6. Popular Contest / Top Posts by Category

Popularity contest will help you see which of your posts are most popular and the Top posts plugin displays your top rated posts categorywise based on comments or page views.

Download Top Posts by Category

7. Related posts in your Feed

This WordPress plugin adds a list of Related Posts to your full text feed. For this plugin to work properly you need Related Posts plugin or Ultimate Tag Warrior

plugin activated.

Download Related posts in your Feed

8. qTranslate

Ten wordpress plugins for improve User interactivity
Ten wordpress plugins for improve User interactivity

Multilingual support is one of the biggest missing features of WordPress, but with qTransalate you can easily accomplish the task of managing different languages for your blog site.


9. Contact Form 7

Even though there are tens of contact form plugins out there, I’ve always liked Contact Form 7. The problem with most contact form plugins is that either they are too simple or way too complex. Contact Form 7, on the other hand, is extensible yet easy-to-use. It supports Ajax-powered submitting, multiple forms, CAPTCHAS, and Akismet spam filtering.



10. Display Thumbnails For Related Posts in WordPress

by adding thumbnails to related posts using the popular YARPP plugin and WordPress custom fields