BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security, which is the best

BulletProof Security and Better WP Security both wordpress plugins are used for wordpress security purpose. Both have some nice and unique features. There are wordpress hackers and they are looking to hack your wordpress sites. You should protect your wordpress sites.

BulletProof Security and Better WP Security both wordpress plugins are used for wordpress security. we explored BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security.

BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security

Better WP Security features:

Better WP Security takes the best WordPress security features and techniques and combines them in a single plugin thereby ensuring that as many security holes as possible are patched without having to worry about conflicting features or the possibility of missing anything on your site.

With one-click activation for most features as well as advanced features for experienced users Better WP Security can help protect any site.

BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security
BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security



As most WordPress attacks are a result of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and obsolete software. Better WP Security will hide the places those vulnerabilities live keeping an attacker from learning too much about your site and keeping them away from sensitive areas like login, admin, etc.

  • Remove the meta “Generator” tag
  • Change the urls for WordPress dashboard including login, admin, and more
  • Completely turn off the ability to login for a given time period (away mode)
  • Remove theme, plugin, and core update notifications from users who do not have permission to update them
  • Remove Windows Live Write header information
  • Remove RSD header information
  • Rename “admin” account
  • Change the ID on the user with ID 1
  • Change the WordPress database table prefix
  • Change wp-content path
  • Removes login error messages
  • Display a random version number to non administrative users anywhere version is used


Just hiding parts of your site is helpful but won’t stop everything. After we hide sensitive areas of the sites we’ll protect it by blocking users that shouldn’t be there and increasing the security of passwords and other vital information.

  • Scan your site to instantly tell where vulnerabilities are and fix them in seconds
  • Ban troublesome bots and other hosts
  • Ban troublesome user agents
  • Prevent brute force attacks by banning hosts and users with too many invalid login attempts
  • Strengthen server security
  • Enforce strong passwords for all accounts of a configurable minimum role
  • Force SSL for admin pages (on supporting servers)
  • Force SSL for any page or post (on supporting servers)
  • Turn off file editing from within WordPress admin area
  • Detect and block numerous attacks to your filesystem and database


Should all the protection fail Better WP Security will still monitor your site and report attempts to scan it (automatically blocking suspicious users) as well as any changes to the filesystem that might indicate a compromise.

  • Detect bots and other attempts to search for vulnerabilities
  • Monitor filesystem for unauthorized changes


Finally, should the worst happen Better WP Security will make regular backups of your WordPress database (should you choose to do so) allowing you to get back online quickly in the event someone should compromise your site.

  • Create and email database backups on a customizable schedule

Other Benefits

  • Make it easier for users to log into a site by giving them login and admin URLs that make more sense to someone not accustomed to WordPress
  • Detect hidden 404 errors on your site that can affect your SEO such as bad links, missing images, etc.


  • Works on multi-site (network) and single site installations
  • Works with Apache, LiteSpeed or NGINX (NGINX will require you to manually edit your virtual host configuration)
  • Some features can be problematic if you don’t have enough RAM to support them. All my testing servers allocate 128MB to WordPress and usually don’t have any other plugins installed. I have seen issues with file check and database backups failing on servers with 64MB or less of RAM, particularly if there are many other plugins being used.


Please let us know if you would like to contribute a translation.


Please read the installation instructions and FAQ before installing this plugin. It makes some significant changes to your database and other site files which, without a proper backup, can cause problems if something goes wrong. While problems are rare, most (not all) support requests I get for this plugin involve the users failure to make a proper backup before installing.

BulletProof Security features:

htaccess Core Website Security

WordPress Website Security Protection: BulletProof Security protects your WordPress website against XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts. One-click .htaccess WordPress security protection. Protects wp-config.php, bb-config.php, php.ini, php5.ini, install.php and readme.html with .htaccess security protection. Security Logging. HTTP Error Logging. One-click Website Maintenance Mode (HTTP 503). Additional website security checks: DB errors off, file and folder permissions check… System Info: PHP, MySQL, OS, Server, Memory Usage, IP, SAPI, DNS, Max Upload… Built-in .htaccess file editing, uploading and downloading.

Login Security & Monitoring Website Security

Login Security & Login Monitoring: Log All User Account Logins or Log Only User Account Lockouts (see Screenshot). Email alerting options allow you to choose 5 different email alerting options: Choose to have email alerts sent when a User Account is locked out, An Administrator Logs in, An Administrator Logs in and when a User Account is locked out, Any User logs in when a User Account is locked out or Do Not Send Email Alerts. See BulletProof Security Login Security & Monitoring Features for additional features and options.

Why is .htaccess Website Security So Much Better Than Any Other Type of Website Security?

The answer is very simple – .htaccess files (distributed configuration files) are processed first before any other code on your website. In other words, hackers malicious scripts are stopped by BulletProof Security .htaccess files before those scripts even have a chance to reach the php coding in WordPress. BulletProof Security uses .htaccess website security files, which are specific to Apache Linux Servers. Please read the FAQ page for Server compatibility questions.

BulletProof Security Fast and Simple with No Manual Configuration Required

The BulletProof Security WordPress Security plugin is designed to be a fast, simple and one click security plugin to add .htaccess website security protection for your WordPress website. Activate .htaccess website security and .htaccess website under maintenance modes from within your WordPress Dashboard – no FTP required. The BulletProof Security WordPress plugin is a one click security solution that creates, copies, renames, moves or writes to the provided BulletProof Security .htaccess master files. BulletProof Security protects both your Root website folder and wp-admin folder with .htaccess website security protection, as well as providing additional website security protection.

BulletProof Security allows you to add .htaccess website security protection from within the WordPress Dashboard so that you do not have to access your website via FTP or your Web Host Control Panel in order to add website security protection for your WordPress site. BulletProof Security Modes: Root .htaccess security protection, wp-admin .htaccess security protection, Deny All .htaccess self protection, WordPress default .htaccess mode and .htaccess Maintenance Mode (503 Website Under Maintenance). In BulletProof Security Mode your WordPress website is protected from XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts.

BulletProof Security Maintenance Mode

BulletProof Security Maintenance Mode allows you to create your custom website under maintenance page within BulletProof Security and activate Maintenance Mode to put your website in maintenance mode. Maintenance Mode allows website developers or website owners to access and work on a website while a 503 Website Under Maintenance page is displayed to all other visitors to the website. Allow access to your WordPress Dashboard for only yourself or add additional IP addresses to allow mulitple IP addresses access to your WP Dashboard while in maintenance mode.

BulletProof Security Additional Website Security Protection

WordPress is already very secure, but every website, no matter what type of platform it is built on should have additional website security measures in place as a standard. BulletProof Security provides that additional website security protection that every website should have.


  • Lithuanian by Vincent G from Host1Free.com
  • Filipino/Tagalog by pointen.dk
  • Russian by EyeFinity
  • If you would like to translate the BPS plugin to your language see this BPS Plugin Language Translation Tutorial. Please include a link to your website so that we can add it here. Thank you.
  • Tip: If you use the Google Chrome Browser you can right mouse click in plugin pages and then click on Translate to… To translate plugin text into your Language.

BulletProof Security htaccess Core Features

  • One-click .htaccess website security protection from within the WP Dashboard
  • .htaccess security protection against XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts
  • .htaccess file backup and restore
  • .htaccess Lock / Unlock (404 Read-Only)
  • .htaccess AutoLock On or Off
  • Security / HTTP Error Logging – Log 400, 403 and 404 Errors
  • Security Log: Add / Remove User Agents/Bots to Ignore/Not Log or Allow/Log
  • Security Log: Turn On / Turn Off / Delete Log
  • Automatic .htaccess file updating on upgrade installation
  • New .htaccess security filters automatically added during upgrade
  • No need to reactivate BulletProof Modes when upgrading
  • WP Dashboard Alerts – Root and wp-admin .htaccess file checks
  • Anti Comment Spam .htaccess code – works together with Akismet or other Spam plugins to keep Comment Spam at a minimum
  • Anti Comment Spambot .htaccess code – Forbid Empty Referrer Spambots
  • TimThumb Vulnerability/Exploit .htaccess coding
  • Built-in File Editing, File Downloading and File Uploading
  • Custom Code feature that permanently saves and writes your personal custom .htaccess code
  • WordPress readme.html and /wp-admin/install.php protected with .htaccess security protection
  • wp-config.php and bb-config.php files protected with .htaccess security protection
  • php.ini and php5.ini files protected with .htaccess security protection
  • WordPress database errors turned off – Verification and function insurance
  • WordPress version is not displayed / not shown – WordPress version is removed
  • WP Generator Meta Tag filtered – not displayed / not shown
  • WP DB default admin username / account check
  • System Info: PHP, MySQL, OS, Server, Memory Usage, IP, SAPI, DNS, Max Upload, Zend Engine Version, Zend Guard/Optimizer, ionCube Loader, Suhosin, APC, eAccelerator, XCache, Varnish, cURL, Memcache and Memcached
  • Security Status Page – Displays website security status information
  • File and Folder Permission Checking – CGI / DSO SAPI check / display
  • Help & FAQ page – links to BPS Guide and other detailed Help & Info pages
  • Extensive Read Me! jQuery Dialog Help buttons throughout the BulletProof Security plugin pages
  • Backup and Restore existing .htaccess files
  • Backup and Restore customized / modified .htaccess files
  • Add to, Edit, Modify the provided BulletProof Security .htaccess Master files
  • Create your own .htaccess Master files or code and use BulletProof Security as an .htaccess file manager
  • Website Developer Maintenance Mode (503 website open to Developer / Site Owner ONLY)
  • Log in / out of your website while in Maintenance Mode
  • Customizable 503 Website Under Maintenance page
  • HUD Success / Error message display
  • i18n Language Translation coding

BulletProof Security Login Security & Monitoring Features

  • Log All User Account Logins or Log Only User Account Lockouts
  • Logged DB Fields: User ID, Username, Display Name, Email, Role, Login Time, Lockout Expires, IP Address, Hostname, Request URI
  • Email Alerting Options: User Account is locked out, An Administrator Logs in, An Administrator Logs in and when a User Account is locked out, Any User logs in when a User Account is locked out, Do Not Send Email Alerts
  • Login Security Additional Options: Max Login Attempts, Automatic Lockout Time, Manual Lockout Time, Max DB Rows To Show, Turn On/Turn Off
  • Dynamic DB Form: Lock, Unlock, Delete
  • Enhanced Search: Allows you to search all of the Login Security database rows/Fields
  • Stand-alone Unlock Form bpsunlock.php: Unlock User Accounts without having to be logged into the WP Dashboard
  • Please click the Login Security Blue Read Me help button for full descriptions of all features and options.

BulletProof Security vs Better WP Security Conclusion: I used both the plugins for some time. I recommend to use the Better WP security plugin which 100% free and it has very great features.

How to use category wise background images in wordpress

WordPress has category feature, We can use the wordpress category for many purpose. Given plugins list to use category wise background images in wordpress.

Some time we want use category images for show the category content. Some time we want use the category wise background images in your website.

How to use category wise background images in wordpress

For category images you can use the some nice wordpress plugins.

The Categories Images Plugin allow you to add image with category or taxonomy.

Using this plugin, you can add icons (images) to sidebar of your site or blog into section of categories and pages.

For category background images you need know about body_class() method. Detailed information you can find on following page.


If you have wpapi category then you can use following CSS.

  • If they are there, you can use these as selectors in your CSS: body.category-wpapi { /* code here */ }, etc.
  • If not, add the body_class() function to the tag in your theme, probably located in header.php. It works like this:
    <body <?php body_class(); ?>>
How to use category wise background images in wordpress
How to use category wise background images in wordpress

show pdf in post on wordpress

There are people who are struggling for showing PDF file in there wordpress post. Please use following steps for show pdf in post wordpress.

show pdf in post wordpress

1) Go to media -> Add New, upload a file. Once file is uploaded, you will get File URL. Copy that file URL. (Let me call it MY_PDF_URL)

This will be a complete URL, with http://yourdomain.com in it..
2) Now, go to add new post and switch to html editor. Place this code where you want to show the pdf file….

[viral-lock message=”Solution code is Hidden! It’s Visible for Users who Liked/Shared This article on Facebook or Twitter or Google+. Like or Tweet this article to reveal the content.”]

<embed src="MY_PDF_URL" width="600" height="400">

This will work smoothly. OR you can use following code as well.

1<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=https://purabtech.in/wp-content/uploads/yourpdf.pdf&embedded=true" style="width:880px; height:1200px;" frameborder="0">


There are also nice wordpress plugins for showing the PDF in wordpress posts.

Embed PDF

Will embed a PDF file using Google Docs Viewer Simply include the URL for a PDF document on it’s own line, or wrapped in the embed tag like

Click to access file.pdf

and the plugin will embed the PDF into the page using the Google Docs Viewer embed code. The url must end with .pdf

Supported attributes in the embed tag are class id title height and width

GroupDocs Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Image and PDF Annotate

GroupDocs Annotation lets you embed several types of files into your WordPress pages using the GroupDocs Viewer – allowing inline viewing and annotation of the following file types, with no Flash or PDF browser plug-ins required:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
  • Microsoft Word (DOC/DOCX)
  • Microsoft Excel (XLS/XLSX)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX)

GroupDocs Annotation lets you view and comment on documents online. Its document annotation features makes it a powerful tool for collaboration. You and your colleagues can collaborate on a document, at the same time, to improve communication and speed up document reviews. GroupDocs Annotation lets you work with text-based documents as well as images. You can collaborate on layouts, drawings and designs just as effectively as on articles, stories and corporate documents. In short GroupDocs Annotation lets you annotate on many file formats including PDF’s, Word documents, Excel documents, Powerpoint documents and many other available formats.

show pdf in post wordpress
show pdf in post wordpress


for showing flash intro in sites and flash with wordpress website, we have written article. You might need for your website.

install and update the wordpress plugins without providing ftp access

I did so much R&D about installing and updating the wordpress plugin without using ftp access. I got very nice trick to solve this issue. When you are using the shared hosting or VPS server for wordpress site hosting. You always face issue for installing the wordpress plugin or wordpress theme. It issue happen when you do the the wordpress updation. Using following simple steps you can install the wordpress plugins and themes without giving the ftp access.

update wordpress plugins without ftp access

I always did the wordpress plugins and theme updation. So every time providing the ftp credentials are really panic. So I am always using following steps for doing wordpress up-gradation.

First you need to add the following code in your wp-config.php file.

1define('FTP_USER', 'username');
2define('FTP_PASS', 'mypassword');
3define('FTP_HOST', '');
4define('FTP_SSL', false);

But this is old idea. If you dont want to add the ftp access in wp-config.php file then Just add the following line wp-config.php file.

1define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Note: You need to give 755 permission to wp-content folder. Create the upgrade folder in wp-content folder.

If still you are facing issue then give 777 permission to all wp-content folder.

For permission use following command

1cd your_wordpress_directory
2sudo chown -R www-data wp-content
3sudo chmod -R 755 wp-content

More information:

WordPress will try to write a temporary file to your /wp-content directory. If this succeeds, it compares the ownership of the file with it’s own uid, and if there is a match it will allow you to use the ‘direct’ method of installing plugins, themes, or updates.

Now, if for some reason you do not want to rely on the automatic check for which filesystem method to use, you can define a constant, 'FS_METHOD' in your wp-config.php file that is either 'direct' 'ssh', 'ftpext' or 'ftpsockets' and it will use method. Keep in mind that if you set this to ‘direct’ but your web user (the username under which your webs server runs) does not have proper write permissions, you will receive an error.

update wordpress plugins without ftp access
update wordpress plugins without ftp access

wordpress plugins for comments enhancement

Comments is very important way doing interaction with blogger and other world. People like to reading the comments. In comments some people put review also. wordpress provides the default comment functionality with blog but some some client want extra functionality with wordpress comments.

wordpress plugins for comments enhancement

wordpress plugins for comments enhancement
wordpress plugins for comments enhancement

Here I created list of wordpress plugins which are really useful for modify the enhance the wordpress comment functionality.

List of wordpress plugins for comments enhancement


Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not and lets you review the spam it catches under your blog’s “Comments” admin screen.

Subscribe to Comments

Subscribe to Comments is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts, block all notifications, or even change their notification e-mail address!

Live Comment Preview

This plugin uses only client-side Javascript to format a preview, it does not make any Ajax requests to the server. This provides a smooth live preview as you type.


Integrates reCAPTCHA anti-spam methods with WordPress including comment, registration, and email spam protection. reCAPTCHA is an anti-spam method originating from Carnegie Mellon University which uses CAPTCHAs in a genius way. Instead of randomly generating useless characters which users grow tired of continuosly typing in, risking the possibility that spammers will eventually write sophisticated spam bots which use OCR libraries to read the characters, reCAPTCHA uses a different approach.

Comment Highlighter

Comment Highlighter is a WordPress plugin which can be used to add different style classes to comments. There are already plugins/hacks/alterations that adds a style to all comments written by the blog owner, adds a different style to every other comment, etc. This plugin takes it a bit further.

Depending on which rules you set up, then Comment Highlighter can add style to comments based on the email of the author (of the comment), the name or the URL. These styles can furhter more be locked to a specific post ID.

Facebook Comments for WordPress

This plugin integrates the Facebook commenting system (new, old or both) right into your website. If a reader is logged into Facebook while viewing any comment-enabled page or post, they’ll be able to leave a comment using their Facebook profile.

Comment Rating Widget

This plugin is an add on to the Comment Rating plugin (version 2.9.0 or later). It displays ratings along with the most recent comments in the sidebar in formats of your design. The comment rating and images on display can be “Likes only”, “Dislikes only”, or Both. This is customizable by the “Value for comment_karma” option in Comment Rating.

Admin Commenters Comments Count

Next to all appearances of each commenter’s name in the admin, this plugin shows a count of their total number of comments, linked to a listing of those comments.

By default in WordPress, it is not possible to tell via a single glance whether a particular commenter has commented before, and if so, how many times.

WP Comment Remix

For the readers WP Comment Remix adds a number of great features that you can turn on or off, but they include:

Reply Link You can add a Reply link to each comment, which, when clicked, adds “@OriginalPoster”, and links it to the anchor of that comment. For instance, if Steve left comment #23, and you click the reply link for that comment, WP Comment Remix automatically adds:

Above wordpress plugins will enhance the user experience. Above wordpress plugins are very important for wordpress bloggers.

purabtech.in is made this list. If you want more information or you are facing any issue related wordpress coments then check our site or write to us on support@purabtech.in

all share button wordpress code of all social sites

we given all share button wordpress code of all social sites. You not need to add any wordpress plugin for adding social buttons. Here all button code given.

For social networking and sharing your article many people use the different wordpress plugins. But When you use the wordpress plugin for sharing article that will fire extra mysql request to database. Sometime your site will became slow or stop functioning due to unwanted wordpress plugin.

all share button wordpress code of all social sites

I recommend not to use any wordpress plugin for sharing the article. You can use following code for sharing your article. You need to just add the following code in your wordpress theme files. just use following code in index.php or single.php file.

001For Designfloat
004For Blogger
007For RSS feed
010For google buzz
011http://www.google.com/reader/link?url=[URL]&amp;title=[title]&amp;snippet=[desc]&amp;srcURL=[YOUR BLOG'S URL HERE]&amp;srcTitle=[YOUR BLOG'S NAME HERE]
013For Linked In
016For Mixx
019For Netvibes
040Design Bump:
043Design Moo:
046Design Buzz:

You just need to use the following code instead of [url]

1<?php the_permalink(); ?>

For description use following code.

1<?php the_excerpt();

For Title use following code.

1<?php the_title(); ?>

I used above code in digcms.com. You can check that on that site.

This will reduce you database queries.

all share button wordpress code of all social sites
all share button wordpress code of all social sites

how to embed google map in wordpress

Google map is common requirement in every website. I worked on google map v3 in javascript. we will how to embed google map in wordpress. we have List of wordpess plugins in this article. As we know more than 18 million sites are created in wordpress. Google map now became very advanced now. Google map version 3 is really great. I worked on google map v3 in javascript.

how to embed google map in wordpress

Now every second site need to google map integration. Here In this article I will show how to add the google map in wordpress site.

how to embed google map in wordpress
how to embed google map in wordpress

Here I created list of google map plugins which can be useful for wordpress. Using following wordpress plugin you can add the google map into your site.

Google Maps Ready!

Google Maps Ready embed google map in wordpress
embed google map in wordpress

Easy to use and powerful Ready! Customize google map and add to the post/page with shortcode or use as a widget. Allow to open maps in pop-up. Add markers with text, images, links description and custom icons. embed google map in wordpress, Categories and sort markers and location points.

Google Maps plugin Features

  • Custom markers. Set marker description, icon and animation
  • Works with any Responsive themes
  • Markers Groups and Clusters
  • Add location by searching or coordinates
  • Fully customizable. All features of the map or marker can be switched off/on
  • Support for localization
  • Works in sidebars, posts, pages, custom post types or as widget
  • Use integrated address search (Google Places API) for quickly finding your places and locations
  • CSV import and export maps and markers data
  • embed google map in wordpress

Inline Google Maps

This is the most complete and advanced Google Maps plugin to be used in your WordPress blog or any other content manager or even plain HTML pages.

It helps you very easily insert simple to complex Google Maps in your pages from a plain Google Maps URL, remote or local KML file.

Google Maps for WordPress

This plugin allows you to easily insert Google Maps into your blog, making use of the new shortCode system in WordPress 2.5. The maps can be configured to offer directions to or from the location, show or hide the zoom/pan controls, show/hide map type (street view, satellite, etc), activate zoom using mouse wheel, and more. PHP5 Required.

XML Google Maps

This plugin allows you to easily insert Google Map or Google Earth Plugin Maps into your blog. You just have to add a link to your self defined Map from My Google Maps, Picasa Webalbum Picture Map, any geoRSS Feed (like Flickr), your uploaded Google Earth file (kmz, kml) or any other dynamic or static Google Earth file (umapper.com, flickr.com, etc.).

Even if you have a GPX-File from your GPS, upload it, link it and it get displayed. For GPX-Tracks you can even display speed, elevation charts (Google Charts API) and a data table with checkpoints (distance, time, average speed, max speed, climb up, climb down).

Multi Google Maps

This is first plug-in that allows you to insert Multi Google Map V.3 Objects into your post/blog, No require Google Map API Key. Next version, this plug-in supports to display Multi Google Map on Popup. By the way , If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. (siripol.n at gmail dot com)

Google Maps v3 Shortcode

This plugin allows you to add a google map into your post/page using shortcodes.


  • multiple maps on the same post
  • set map size
  • set zoom level
  • set map type
  • set location by latitude/longitude
  • set location by address
  • add marker
  • add custom image as map icon
  • add KML via URL link
  • show traffic
  • support for Google My Maps

Google maps

This plugin will let you easily embed Google maps in your posts. It will produce clean XHTML code without any iframe.


  • add an embed Google map in your post by using this syntax [map:http://permalink_to_your_Google_map 640 480] “width” (640 in the example) and “height” are optional parameters. You can use px or %,
  • it could be a recorded map or any other map you’re consulting (some complicated map can’t be shown) some examples are availables on my blog,
  • double-click or use your scrolling mouse button to zoom on,
  • internationalization of the plugin,
  • XHTML conform,
  • tested and working on IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari,

Here is another article which will help you to add google map in wrodpress.

Add google maps in wordpress post

This list made by purabtech.in. If you need any help about integrating google map into wordpress then please write to me.

wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels

Collection of wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels for creating the Hotel website. Using following wordpress plugins management functionality free.

Many people are using the wordpress CMS for there hotel or restaurants website. You need to add the following wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels for creating the Hotel website. Using following wordpress plugins you can achieve the booking and hotel management functionality freely.

wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels

wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels
wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels


With this plugin you can insert a search form hotels Booking.com. Type in your posts [Booking_searh_hotel xxxxxx/] where xxxxxx is your affiliate id to booking. If want to change the styles of the form edit the file booking_search_hotel.php.

HotelsCombined Search Widget


Search and Compare 100+ travel sites for 1000s of Hotel deals worldwide – Hotels Combined With this official Hotels Combined™ widget, you can compare over 100 of the best hotel reservation sites to find the cheapest accommodation deals at any destination. With a database of more than 200,000 hotels from 195 countries, HotelsCombined.com™ is the world’s leading hotel search engine visited by over 6 million people each month.

Booking Calendar

his WordPress plugin will enable online booking services for your site. Visitors to your site will be able to check availability of apartments, houses, hotel rooms, or services you offer. They can also make reservations and appointments with the ability to choose from multi-day, single day, or by the hour booking. Your clients can even view and register for upcoming events. With integrated Paypal support your clients can pay online!

No recurring payments, unlike other solutions. Only single time purchase of Professional versions or usage Booking Calendar Standard for free. Keep all your booking resource on your site, eliminating the risk of a third-party site from going offline, potentially losing all your client data.


HotelClub provides a variety of widgets to search and display hotels and is available in fourteen languages including Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, Thai, Russian and Dutch.

HotelClub is a world leading global accommodation website offering hotel and accommodation bookings for up to 12 months in advance with over 69,000 accommodation choices in over 7,300 cities worldwide throughout 138 countries.


This WordPress plugin allows for the creation of own sites with a booking system. It can apply to their sites hostels and hotels. Your users accessing the site, will fill a special order form and place your reservation. During the checkout process automatically register the user in WordPress. To order management created an administrative part. You can always see the true information about orders and customers, to confirm payment of your reservation, as well as a book by hand.

Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar-wordpress-plugin wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels
Booking Calendar-wordpress-plugin wordpress plugins for restaurants and hotels

Booking Calendar plugin – it’s ultimate booking system for online reservation and availability checking service for your site.

our website visitors can check availability of properties (apartments, houses, hotel rooms, etc.) or any services you offer and make a booking in a minute.


If you want some nice hotel and restaureant wordpress themes then check following article.


If you need more help about creating or using wordpress for hotel or restaurant then please write to on support@purabtech.in.

top wordpress security plugins for protection

I faced lot of issues with my clients site. Here in this article we collected unique, top wordpress security plugins for protection. They many times came to me with saying “my site is hacked” data has been deleted or something like that.

top wordpress security plugins for protection

For wordpress security and protection purpose you need to add some wordpress plugins in your wordpress blog so your blog will be never hacked by hackers.

top wordpress security plugins for protection
top wordpress security plugins for protection

I created list of wordpress plugins which are best for wordpress security and protection.

Exclusive Content Password Protect

Exclusive Content Password Protect is a plugin that allows you to hide a section (or multiple sections) of content on your page or post. Use this to create exclusive content that you only want email or RSS subscribers to have access to. Once they enter in the global password once, they will have access to all content from then on. Plus you can use passwords for certain sections to have even more exclusive content.

Password Protect WordPress

Password Protect WordPress plugin for WordPress is an easy to use plugin to restrict all access to your blog by the use of a single password.

No user accounts – just a single password. Easy to use admin panel. Internationalized to make translations easy. Compatible with extensions (updates don’t overwrite customisations)

Ultimate security check plugin

This plug in is very useful to wordpress security as this plug in scans your blogs with hundreds of known threats and identifies security with your wordpress installation and then gives you a “security grade” that how well you have protected yourself and you can fix the problems your self also.

Wp security scan plugin

This plugin will scans your whole wordpress installation for security vulnerabilities(weaknesses) and suggests you corrective action for that particular thing. It scans for security vulnerabilities like passwords,file permissions,database security,word press admin security,version hiding etc.

Bulletproof Security

This plugin protects the WordPress blog or site from XSS and SQL injection hacks.

F-Secure Safe Links

This plugin protects your site visitors and readers better by displaying what links on your site are safe to navigate to. More specifically it checks outside links for security threats.

WP Security Scan

This plugin will basically scan your hosted WordPress site or blog and identify any potential security risks or issues. After all risks are outlined the plugin then suggests potential fixes.
Having your site or WordPress blog hijacked is not a pleasant experience. If hackers are successful, they can perform a complete wipe of all site content or even destroy important site files.

In order to better protect your site you can install certain security plugins to protect the internal content from outside sources. But keep in mind that while security plugins do help better protect the site, they will not completely prevent serious attacks. That is why a good habit to fall into is to routinely backup your WordPress content. If you don’t know how to do a full WordPress database backup, check out our related article

After you know how to backup your WordPress database it’s time to install those security plugins we were talking about. Heres a list of the most useful security plugins out there.

It should also be noted that the more plugins you have installed, the more vulnerable your site is to outside hackers- especially if the plugins and WordPress application is not up to date.

Bulletproof Security

This plugin protects the WordPress blog or site from XSS and SQL injection hacks.

Content Security Policy

This plugin will identify and suggest outside content for use in your blog or site, further protecting from certain injection attacks.

Bulletproof Security

This plugin protects the WordPress blog or site from XSS and SQL injection hacks.

Content Security Policy

This plugin will identify and suggest outside content for use in your blog or site, further protecting from certain injection attacks.

F-Secure Safe Links

This plugin protects your site visitors and readers better by displaying what links on your site are safe to navigate to. More specifically it checks outside links for security threats.

Login Lockdown

This plugin is designed to better protect your login page and information. Basically the plugin will record the source IP address connected to any failed login attempts. After several failed attempts the plugin blocks the related IP address ensuring forceful hackers or keylogging programs are rendered useless.

Askapache password protect plugin

This plugin is specially designed to add multiple layers of security to your blog using password protection. It is regularly updated to stop automated and unskilled attackers attempts to utilize vulnerabilities on your blog resulting in a hacked site. In this plugin you can use password protection using http basic authentication or d

igest authentication for your blog. The main benefit of this plug in is it creates a virtual wall to your blog to stop attacks before they even reach your blog to deliver a malicious payload.

WordPress File Monitor

This plugin basically monitors your entire WordPress site and notifies you by e-mail of any changes being made to the site content and database.

Better WP Security


Better WP Security takes the best WordPress security features and techniques and combines them in a single plugin thereby ensuring that as many security holes as possible are patched without having to worry about conflicting features or the possibility of missing anything on your site.

With one-click activation for most features as well as advanced features for experienced users Better WP Security can help protect any site.

This Better WP security I personally like it.

10 great wordpress plugins for facebook

More then 13 million sites are made in wordpress and facebook is world’s most famous social networking site. Every website and there owners want to integrate facebook functionality in there site. Here we created the list of great ten wordpress plugins which is useful for facebook integration.

wordpress plugins for facebook

wp developers searching for best facebook plugin for wordpress 2011, best facebook plugin for wordpress 2010, best wordpress plug ins, best facebook plugin for wordpress 2012, wordpress facebook like plugin, wordpress facebook login plugin, wordpress facebook plugin widget, wordpress facebook feed plugin to do the integration of facebook with wordpress sites. Here I collected some very nice wordpress plugins for facebook.

wordpress plugins for facebook
wordpress plugins for facebook

Nextend Facebook Connect


Nextend Facebook Connect wordpress plugins for facebook
wordpress plugins for facebook

Also we created a Social Connect button generator for this plugin. This allows you to create fancy login buttons.

Personally, I hate to fill out registration forms, waiting for confirmation e-mails, so we designed this plugin for our website. Now, we want to share this very usable plugin with everyone, for free!

Why should you choose Nextend Facebook Connect plugin from the many social plugins?

  •     If your visitors have a Facebook profile, they can register your site with a single click, and later to log in too.
  •     The previously registered users can simply attach their existing Facebook profile to their account, so in the future, they can logging in with the one social button.
  •     The plugin has multiple desings, so it fits all kind of websites smoothly and elegantly.
  •     The plugin supports Facebook profile picture as avatar.
  •     Very simple to use.
  •     Fast and helpful support.


Simple Facebook Connect

Simple Facebook Connect is a series of plugins that let you add any sort of Facebook Connect functionality you like to a WordPress blog. This lets you have an integrated site without a lot of coding, and still letting you customize it exactly the way you’d like.

First, you activate and set up the base plugin, which makes your site have basic Facebook Connect functionality. Then, each of the add-on plugins will let you add small pieces of specific Facebook-related functionality, one by one.

Facebook Tab Manager


Facebook Tab Manager wordpress plugins for facebook
wordpress plugins for facebook

The Facebook Tab Manager allows you to create landing pages and other types of content to be displayed within Facebook, particularly within the tabs that appear on Facebook business pages and pages for other types of organizations. This provides a way of putting more interesting layouts and functionality into your Facebook pages, without the need to get too deep into fancy programming.

The Facebook Tab Manager was specifically designed to take advantage of a recent Facebook page redesign that added support for iframe tabs on Facebook pages. Optionally, you can now also specify content to be displayed on an associated canvas page.

Tab content can include most any WordPress content, including output from Shortcodes and other plugin functions.

Facebook Members

Facebook Members is a WordPres Social Plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. It uses Facebook Like Box.

Facebook Members wordpress plugins for facebook
wordpress plugins for facebook

See how many users already like this page, and which of their friends like it too. Read recent posts from the page Like the page with one click, without needing to visit the page. Get more visitors and more traffic to your site by getting more Facebook Fans.


WordPress Social Ring (Facebook Like, Google +1, ReTweet, LinkedIn and Pin It)


Let visitors share posts/pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon.

From admin page you can choose which button display: Facebook Like, Facebook Send, Facebook Share, Google +1, Twitter, Pin It, in Share and StumbleUpon.

You can also choose on which pages display them: Home, Posts, Pages, Categories and Archives.


Facebook Like for Tags

Pack more punch into Facebook Like. Expand from a one-time sharing event, to a permanent connection for ongoing updates and sharing based on post tags or categories. Now with money earning opportunities! Write your WordPress blog posts as you normally would. Define your posting with appropriate tags or categories. Once posted, it will have a Facebook Like button linked to it via the tags/categories you defined. Any reader who clicks the Facebook Like button will share the article but also receive additional updates anytime you write a post specifying the same tags.

Facebook Registration Tool


This plugin integrates the Facebook Registration Tool (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/user_registration) into WordPress. For more information and support of this plugin, see: http://beyondwp.com/2010/12/21/facebook-registration-plugin-for-wordpress/

From beyondwp.com:

The Facebook Registration Tool, as announced by Facebook Developer Paul Tarjan (http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/440) provides a registration mechanism that is both Facebook user and Facebook hold-out friendly. Facebook Login (the tool formerly known as Facebook Connect) is a great solution to integrate Facebook into your site, but is not friendly to those users who don’t have or utilize their own Facebook accounts. By utilizing this registration tool, Facebook can automatically complete the registration form for Facebook users while supplying a good-ole fashioned form for those not wanting or able to utilize Facebook to register.

Embed Facebook

Embed Facebook lets you embed various Facebook objects (album, event, group, note, photo, or video) in a post or page. You just need to paste the URL of a Facebook object anywhere in a post or page, the plugin will automatically embed it for you. Check “Screenshots” for how the embedded objects look.

The object must be public (i.e. they should belong to a Facebook Page. Your personal albums are not embeddable.)

WordPress Facebook Grabber

Wp Facebook Grabber plugin provide a way to take public content from facebook and insert in your WordPress pages or posts. It works usin graph facebook api and json php/jquery function.

Actually the plugin support Facebook Photo Album and Feed data from Facebook profile. You can put your feed status update and photo album from facebook everywhere in wordpress post or page, and theme it using css stylesheet.

WP-Facebook Intergrate

Integrate wordpress with facebook, utilizing open graph and social plugins.Use Facebook social plugins and open graph to integrate Facebook into your wordpress site.

Facebook Activity Feed Widget for WordPress

The FaceBook Activity Feed Widget for WordPress displays the most interesting recent activity taking place on your web site based on feedback from Facebook users.

The activity feed displays stories both when users like content on your site and when users share content from your site back to Facebook.

Faux Facebook Connect

Faux Facebook Connect is a basic integration to allow Facebook users to comment on a WordPress blog. It provides single sign on, and avatars. It is tuned for WordPress MU usage as it does not perform any database alterations or adds any users and is mainly a javascript integration. It requires a Facebook API Key for use. Thanks go to Beau Lebens for writing a good introduction and Adam Hupp for his inspireing WP-Facebookconnect plugin

Following articles is also useful for adding the facebook like button and connect code in your website.



If you need more information about wordpress and facebook integration then search in my website, https://purabtech.in

wordpress plugins for facebook