how to improve alexa ranking quickly for wordpress

When we talk about site ranking then first name comes in our mind is Alexa rank. We always measure our website success using Alexa Rank and google page rank. Alexa ranking is very important for SEO and Advertising purpose. There are many views and thoughts about increase the website ranking. But with wordpress there are some very nice tricks you can apply with your site and your site rank will increase.

how to improve alexa ranking quickly for wordpress

Here is very great wordpess plugins which will help your wordpress site to increase the Alexa rank. This plugin will add the alexa rank widget to your wordpress site.

WordPress website developers and users must install Alexa Rank Widget plugin to every wordperss site. It is very useful for SEO.  It will show the your website alexa rank on your sidebar.

Alexa Rank Widget

how to improve alexa ranking quickly for wordpress
how to improve alexa ranking quickly for wordpress

The Alexa Rank Widget easily allows to add widget in wp sidebar. This widget will give to control the website name how you want to show the alexa widget in your sidebar. using this plugin you will get show options for showing the Alexa rank in side bar. 1. Squre – Button (120 x 95) 2. Vertical – Vertical Banner (120 x 240)

As we in today’s date showing Alexa web ranking is important for SEO and for attracting your advertiser and viewer.

This information is good for site owner as well as viewer.

How alexa rank widget  plugin will increase the rank?

On every page request alexa site will be informed by there API and every page request will be recorded to alexa site. Alexa collects the site information by there toolbar. Which you find on following link:

This toolbar will collect all user information and site information. If this toolbar is not installed then your page request and views will not be recored on Alexa. “Alexa Rank Widget” will help you to record every page view and request on Alexa site. This will improve the website rank.

Here we given two major tips for, how to improve alexa ranking quickly for wordpress websites. We personally used above two tricks. many of wordpress users are using our alexa rank widget plugin, for improve alexa ranking quickly for wordpress blogs.

get alexa rank using php code

There is nice wordpress plugin which will help you to add alexa rank in your website. In this article, we briefly explained to get alexa rank using php code

get alexa rank using php code

if you want to check the your website ranking as per alexa so you can use the following code in your php projects. There is very nice wordpress plugin which will help you to add the alexa rank in wordpress site. In this article I given PHP code for adding the alexa rank block on any website.

Alexa Rank Widget

“” this file will return the xml format output. Using the XML output or reading xml file we can easily fetch the our or any website ranking.

Use the following function for getting the alexa website ranking.

function AlexaRank( $url )
preg_match( '#<POPULARITY URL="(.*?)" TEXT="([0-9]+){1,}"/>#si', file_get_contents('' . $url), $p );
return ( $p[2] ) ? number_format( intval($p[2]) ):0;

echo " Rank as per ";
echo AlexaRank('');


if you want to check the multiple website ranking in one shot than use the following PHP code.

$domains = array( '', '', '', '' );

foreach ( $domains as $domain )
echo $domain, ' - ', AlexaRank( $domain ), '<br />', PHP_EOL;

get alexa rank using php code
get alexa rank using php code

Have fun!