How to unfollow twitter following people in one click

I specially love to use twitter. Many people are wondering how to unfollow unwanted or many twitter people. In this article I will going to tell about unfollow many twitter people who are inactive for long days in single click.

How to unfollow twitter following people in one click

There are some tools but that all are not free. Here I will tell you about free but still good tools which are really helpful for managing the twitter following people.

Now twitter itself is not providing the bulk unfollow facility so many sites if they are saying same. Dont faith on that sites.


How to unfollow twitter following people in one click
How to unfollow twitter following people in one click

This tool offers to unfollow twitter users who have not posted any tweets recently. It is very usefull to get rid of these users who don’t use twitter anymore.

Your Twitter Karma

This is another tool which is very popular because of its rich functionality and many function it offers. I specially like this website.