Torrent sites acts as indexes of links to TV, film and music files. Torrent sites now stealing the users logon information.

Scammers were then able to use the data to gain access to Twitter and other sites because many people use the same logon for multiple services.
Around 47% of users share both their user ID and password with at least one nonfinancial website, it found.
“We strongly suggest that you use different passwords for each service you sign up for.”
The conclusion is echoed by security researchers who say it is a particular problem for banking websites.
The firm has reset the accounts of affected users, it said.
“The takeaway from this is that people are continuing to use the same email address and password (or a variant) on multiple sites,” the firm said in a blog post.
A survey of millions of people conducted by the security firm Trusteer, suggests that 73% of people share the passwords which they use for online banking, with at least one nonfinancial website.
Facebook was branded the “riskiest” network, although the firm also pointed out that it was also the largest and would therefore attract the most attention form cybercriminals.
One of its findings that spam and attacks on social networks – such as Twitter and Facebook – had risen 70% in the last year.