WordPress Tips, Using social button will slow down your wordpress site. There are so many social button plugins. Which are so beautiful and nice plugins.
Using social button will slow down your wordpress site
But these plugin can cause wild swings in page load times and page load. Sometimes, facebook is busy and that icon slows down your page, sometimes it is twitter.
Some time admin selected so many social icons to show and it takes time to load because that many apache requests will go to server. I personally tested some blogs and They are facing same page load issue. Commonly wordpress page will load in 5 to 6 seconds without this wordpess plugin. But with these plugin it is taking 50 to 60 seconds to load the page.
It will affect to SEO of your site.
Our Test
We tested the following social icons buttons.
Twitter, Twitter (tweet), Facebook, Facebook (like), Delicious, Google Bookmarks, Google Reader, Google email, Posterous, and StumbleUpon.
All icons are failing some time and that causes page load error with your wordpress site. I tested other plugins also which are not for social sharing purpose but there were no issue with worpdress page loading.
commonly these type of plugin will load into your post, page and excerpt. If you open home page or archive page. you will face the slowness.
I am not saying not to use the social share or social button plugin in your wordpress site. But you need to think about wordpress plugins which is causing issue to your site.
Using social button will slow down your wordpress site
I recommond following wordpress plugins which are really nice.
Normally social sharing codes provided by facebook, twitter, etc renders iframes at run-time. These iframes increases page-size and slow-down your website (on client-side).
Social buttons attract more visitors to your site. When users +1, Tweet, or Like your page, it advertises your page to their friends and followers. This plugin adds social buttons to your posts as a small sprite at first and delays loading the real buttons until the user hovers over the social buttons. It delays ~300KB of social button components by loading <6.5KB of our own script and sprite. onMouseOver activates the load of the ~300KB of social button components.
No one likes long load times, but we all want to be able to share our content via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. These take a long time to load. Paradox? Not anymore! With WPSocialite (utilizing David Bushell’s amazing SocialiteJS plugin [http://www.socialitejs.com/]) we can manage the loading process of our social sharing links. Load them on hover, on page scroll, and more!
Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn Share buttons. Super Fast Loading, No Javascript, Only CSS. Responsive Design, Floting Sidebar Option.
The CSS Share Buttons easily allows your blog to be shared. Speedup you site with this share plugin.
Super Fast
This plugin is very light weight. As compared to other Share button plugin This plugin is super fast.
We compared with all famous share button plugin. Our Plugin load CSS from CDN.
It show very lite share button only with HTML and CSS. It does not load any javascript like other We load only one CSS file with this plugin – only 1.5kb css file.
We written about, disadvantages of social networking in the workplace, Social networking over laptops at the workplace increased by 14 per cent in Germany, while it jumped by 10 per cent in the US.
In 2010, 29 per cent of laptop users versus 18 per cent of desktop users surveyed said they frequented these sites at work.
disadvantages of social networking in the workplace
disadvantages of social networking in the workplace
For all the countries surveyed this year, laptop users who can connect to the Internet outside of the company network are more likely to share confidential information via instant messenger, web mail and social media applications than those who are always connected to a company’s network.
The percentage of employees visiting social networking sites at the workplace globally rose to 24 per cent this year from just 18 per cent in 2008, even as more companies are restricting access to such websites, a survey said.
According to a survey by global Internet content security provider Trend Micro, employees are finding ways around security roadblocks to make social networking an integral part of office-life around the world.
Social networking at workplaces globally has “steadily risen” to 24 per cent in 2010 from 19 per cent in 2008, the survey of over 1,600 full-time workers at various firms in the US, UK, Germany and Japan, revealed.
The largest increase in social networking over corporate Internet connections during the last two years was among employees in Germany, which saw a more than 10 per cent jump, and the UK, with a six per cent rise.
The survey also found that laptop users are much more likely than desktop users to visit social networking sites.
disadvantages of social networking in the workplace
Globally, social networking usage via laptops went up by eight per cent from 2008 to 2010, the report stated.
The Twitter is micro-blogging site and it is become very famous in last few years. Twitter provides addition of Facebook and LinkedIn to its Find Friends feature.
On Twitter now you can Follow your Facebook friends
On Twitter now you can Follow your Facebook friends
The Twitter Facebook app now lets you know which of your friends are on Twitter. It lets you save those users to a list or follow them instantly. Users can now also post tweets directly to their Facebook pages, in addition to their profile.
On Twitter now you can Follow your Facebook friends
As per Twitter blog post They are saying,
“Many Twitter users follow their favorite celebrities, sports heroes, or brands. They often find and follow even more nearby businesses or experts in their industry. And, of course, people also follow friends, family and associates so that they can keep updated on what’s happening with them. In fact, one of our most frequent requests from users is how they can find and follow the people they are connected to on their social networks.
On Twitter now you can Follow your Facebook friends
Today, we’re improving our Find Friends section to make it easier to find and follow the people you already know — your friends on Facebook and connections on LinkedIn — who use Twitter. Our Facebook app, which launched in 2007, now shows which of your Facebook friends are on Twitter and lets you follow them instantly and save them to a list. The app also lets you post your Tweets to your Facebook profile and now, to one of your Facebook pages too. With the Tweets application by LinkedIn, you can see which of your LinkedIn connections are on Twitter and follow the ones you choose right from the app. The app also lets you save your LinkedIn connections as a list, post your Tweets to LinkedIn, and add your Twitter account to your LinkedIn profile.
UPDATE: The Facebook app cannot currently access your Facebook friend list. We believe this is an issue on Facebook’s end.”
Twitter become very popular in past few years and now it has been used by freelancers, designers, programmer, social media company, printing company. There are lot of third party twitter tools developed by many developers and companies.
top 10 social media twitter tools for marketing
Here we have list of top 10 social media twitter tools for marketing. Twitter become popular in few years and now it has been used by social media company.
I collected the information about twitter tools. Using this information you can collect the who is followers, track visitors – who is following, not following, deadbeat users, clean your account.
Tweepler is a much needed and more intuitive way of processing your Twitter followers. It allows you to quickly browse trough people you might be interested in, then follow or ignore them.
I specially love to use twitter. Many people are wondering how to unfollow unwanted or many twitter people. In this article I will going to tell about unfollow many twitter people who are inactive for long days in single click.
How to unfollow twitter following people in one click
There are some tools but that all are not free. Here I will tell you about free but still good tools which are really helpful for managing the twitter following people.
Now twitter itself is not providing the bulk unfollow facility so many sites if they are saying same. Dont faith on that sites.
How to unfollow twitter following people in one click
This tool offers to unfollow twitter users who have not posted any tweets recently. It is very usefull to get rid of these users who don’t use twitter anymore.
Few minutes back we just launched the Yahoo Buzz wordpress plugin. We developed the Yahoo buzz button plugin for social networking purpose. This plugin is free to download. Yahoo Buzz plugin will give you the power to connect with yahoo buzz to your wordpress blog or website.
Yahoo Buzz wordpress plugin
The yahoo Buzz will easily allows to add the yahoo buzz button your blog to be shared. this will give the admin control to where to show the yahoo buzz button in the post. This plugin has facility to choose where to show the button.
This plugin will give more control to edit and customize the CSS as per your choice for yahoo buzz button to show. This button will show the count of yahoo buzz did by the users.
Yahoo button will share your wordpress articles into yahoo buzz and this will give you more traffic to your wordpress blog. This is very SEO friendly wordpress plugin. You must add this plugin to your wordpress blog. This yahoo buzz button will give very cool look to your site also.
As we know now Yahoo is second number search engine in the world. So adding this buzz button will be helpful to become your wordpress website more socialite.
See some cool screen shots of Yahoo buzz plugin.
Admin panel Screen Shot.
Front End screen Shot
You can freely download the Yahoo Buzz wordpress from here : Yahoo Buzz
The Official Yahoo Buzz WordPress plugin URL is as follows:
Torrent sites acts as indexes of links to TV, film and music files. Torrent sites now stealing the users logon information.
Torrent sites now stealing the users logon information
Scammers were then able to use the data to gain access to Twitter and other sites because many people use the same logon for multiple services.
Around 47% of users share both their user ID and password with at least one nonfinancial website, it found.
“We strongly suggest that you use different passwords for each service you sign up for.”
The conclusion is echoed by security researchers who say it is a particular problem for banking websites.
The firm has reset the accounts of affected users, it said.
“The takeaway from this is that people are continuing to use the same email address and password (or a variant) on multiple sites,” the firm said in a blog post.
A survey of millions of people conducted by the security firm Trusteer, suggests that 73% of people share the passwords which they use for online banking, with at least one nonfinancial website.
Facebook was branded the “riskiest” network, although the firm also pointed out that it was also the largest and would therefore attract the most attention form cybercriminals.
One of its findings that spam and attacks on social networks – such as Twitter and Facebook – had risen 70% in the last year.
Here we have 9 social networking websites for business professionals. As entrepreneurs and small business owners sometimes it’s nice to connect with other like minded individuals in a smaller, more focused setting. Here’s a look at 10 social networks for professionals that offer a variety of features such as Facebook integration, career advice, resume critiques and more.
If that sounds like what you are looking for in a social network, the below list is for you.
9 social networking websites for business professionals
1. Network: Linkedin
9 social networking websites for business professionals
Registered Members: LinkedIn has 30 million professional members from around the world representing 150 industries. 2. Network: Ecademy
Registered Members: Membership numbers aren’t disclosed.
3. Network: Xing
Registered Members: 6 million members, mainly Europe (Germany) and China.
4. Network: Ryze
Registered Members: 500,000 members
5. Network: Plaxo
Registered Members: 15 million members
6. Spoke
Registered Members: Over 60 million people
7. Silicon India
Registered Members: 500,000 members