There are many wordpress plugins which provides wordpress SEO. But every body has premium version and in free version they only provide 20% of SEO to your wodpress website out of 100%. We used many wordpress plugins for achieving wordpress seo.
Why created Smart wordpress SEO plugin
For SEO we need to think about Meta tags , XML site-map, Social Authorship, Image SEO and webmaster authorship and many factors. we need to use separate wordpress plugin for each functionality. We tried many SEO plugins but we found many plugins are really making fool. They are not giving 100% SEO from free plugin. So We decided to create Full proof wordpress SEO plugin which will give you all brunch of functionality in one package.
How to install Smart wordpress SEO?
Follow the usual routine;
- Open WP admin – Plugins – Add New
- Enter “Smart wordpress SEO” under search and hit Enter
- Plugin will show up as the first on the list, click “Install Now”
Download Smart wordpress SEO plugin from here
Or if needed, upload manually. Follow the steps below to install the plugin.
- Upload the smart-wordpress-seo directory to the /wp-content/plugins/directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in wp
- Go to “Seo Meta Tags” option to configure the button
What Features has Smart wordpress SEO plugin

This plugin will add different Meta description for each individual post as your excerpt of your post. This will help your blog to rank better in google. You can easily increase your blog traffic using this plugin.
Following are the features:
- Preview of Smart wordpress SEO – Home page Keywords and description
- WebMaster Tool Verification Setting
- Social Authorship for Google, Twitter and Facebook
- XML sitemap with preference with google, yahoo, Ask, Bing, Yandex
- Image SEO – Automatically image SEO tags
- Eash Post or Page SEO title, Description and Keywords setting
Configure Smart wordpress SEO plugin
After Installation of plugin on right ride you will find “Smart SEO” section. There five more subsection of this plugin. Go to “Smart SEO Dashboard section”

In above section you need to add your site meta description and keywords for home page.
Setting for “Web Master Tool“. Using this section you can add Alexa, Bing, Google, Pinterest and yandex verification id for your site. If you do not have verification if yet than you can click on link which we provided in plugin page (web master tool) and get verification id.
In above social verification ids are very important for SEO. Above verification will be added in your wordpress site through meta tags.
Setting for “Social Info” section, Using following Social Authorship section you can add your Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus page URLs.
Using social Info section, we will add social authorship to your wordpress website. For SEO above setting is important.
Setting for “XML Sitemap“. By default we have best setting for creating xml sitemap. So do not need to worry about following setting.
Still you want to customize setting as per your need than check all setting and save the setting. After New post or update XML sitemap will be automatically generated. Default sitemap file name will be sitemap.xml. This file-name is known by all search engines by default.
Setting for “SEO Images” section. By default we managed image seo for your wordpress website. If you have old posts than do not worry about image SEO. It is handled by this plugin.
Still you want to change Image alt, tittle setting than change as per your site requirement and save it.
Config for “SEO Post SEO setting” section , Eash Post or Page SEO title, Description and Keywords setting
In every new Post and page, You will find Smart SEO setting. We recommend to fill above setting for you best SEO. For older post Do not change anything. Through script we already managed to add title, keywords and description.
Download Smart wordpress SEO plugin from here
Coming Soon Features
Automated SEO title
Automated SEO description (which will best suited your post)