Website is one of the most imperative platforms which is extensively used by business owners to promote their business at the worldwide level. Thus, creating a website must be taken into contemplation without any compromise. WordPress websites are more admired because of the fact that WordPress websites are very easy to develop and use and it is SEO friendly too. This is the primary reason which is driving people towards WordPress.
steps to create wordpress theme from PSD
Most of the people can craft an image PSD out of their design, but coding is accounted as quite daunting for them. So, there is an easy option for them, that is, they can create their PSD to WordPress themes.
Here, a short guide has been given which will help you to change PSD to WordPress themes:
A brief guide for creating PSD to WordPress themes:
Section 1: Segmenting PSD
The very initial step for converting PSD to WordPress is segmenting the website. This has to be done in such a way that image design file can be sliced into multiple design files. This is very important for creating code for the complete image cannot be done at a single platform. In a website, all these segmented images will be pooled in such a way that each of its components can draw its unique functionality and purpose.

Section 2: Drafting Index.html and style.css
Since, you have now got the sliced images so, the next thing you need to do is to code those images into HTML and XHTML format by making use of HTML and CSS. Developers are having a plethora of alternatives for doing this, as they are having software like Fireworks and Dreamweaver.

The main purpose of coding the images in HTML and CSS format is to affix the entire rollover effects along with pixel placement.
Section 3: Split index.html as per WordPress theme file structure
The complete procedure of developing a custom WordPress website refers to creating a WordPress theme which has to be uploaded to appropriate software. Using WordPress tools and plugins, various functionalities are added to the WordPress theme after converting it from PSD.

So, in order to accomplish your exact requirement in aspect of WordPress website, it needs to be considered that design for HTML file must be done according to WordPress theme’s file structure. You can also split your single HTML file into multiple HTML files as per the theme file structure.
Section 4: Engraving WordPress tags
You need not to use any sort of complex HTML codes for introducing hundreds of inbuilt functions which can add various functionalities to the WordPress theme. The simplest thing that you can do is, just put-in WordPress inbuilt function tags in themes files in order to get the enviable functionality. The beauty of WordPress is that it takes care of all such minute issues.

Section 5: Accumulating functionalities
The entire magic of WordPress can be seen exactly after the developing and activation process of WordPress. By employing user friendly WordPress dashboard, you either have to configure the existing structure or by installing a plugin, you can add and modify the functionalities of the website.

This evidently means that you no more have to spend your precious time and efforts to change the core HTML code. Moreover, you need not to go through each line to make the theme compatible with other new changes.
Thus, by following these straightforward steps, you can simply obtain a WordPress theme by converting the PSD image into WordPress themes. You can also refer to a range of tutorials also which can elucidate the complete process with an aid of a video.