Photoshop tutorial, simple steps changing hair color photoshop. Today I’ll teach you simple steps for changing hair color. we given screenshots with their short cuts and description.
simple steps changing hair color photoshop
For this tutorial choose a good image, I used image of Kate Winslet.
Step 1: Copy the Background layer by pressing Ctrl+J & name it Hair-color.
simple steps changing hair color photoshop
Step 2: Select a Pen Tool and select all the area of her hair.
Step 3: Go to Paths tab and press Ctrl+left click on the layer work path. And again go to layers tab.
Now you have dotted border of her hair.
Step 4: Now Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation & apply the settings which I given below.
Don’t forget to switch on the option of “Colorize” which is the bottom of the right corner in the box.
Steps 5: Press Ctrl+D to deselect hair.
And give a final touchups. Select Eraser Tool with the Flow of 2% & erase some border area to match hair color with original image.
Here’s my original image:
This is the final output.As you can see, there are different color on the hair:
In this tutorial we shown, how to convert photo into shatter effect in Photoshop, we given snaps of every steps. We explained shatter effect usages with photo. We will need close-up image of a nice face, prefably facing front. I’m using one of Winona Ryder wallpapers in this tutorial.
how to convert photo into shatter effect in Photoshop
how to convert photo into shatter effect in Photoshop
Step 1: Create a document of size 600×550 pixels.
Fill the Background layer with #000000.
Place the face at the center of the document and use Soft Eraser tool to remove the other unwanted background.
Step 2: Create a new document of size 20×20 pixels and create a new layer. Use Pencil tool with size 1px and color #FFFFFF, draw left and bottom border to form a “L”. Hide the Background layer and click Ctrl+A. Go to Edit > Define Pattern. Name this pattern as Grid.
Step 3: Back to Jessica Alba’s document, create a new layer above the Face. Use the Paint Bucket tool and select to fill with Grid pattern.
Step 4: Remove those grids that cross outside of the face area.
Go to Edit > Transform > Warp.
Distort the grids the way shown in the diagram.
Step 5: Set the opacity of the grid layer to 20%.
Right-click on the grid layer and choose Blending Options.
Activate Outer Glow and set its Blend Mode to Color Dodge, Opacity to 100%, Color to #FFFFFF, Spread to 0 and Size to 5px. Leave the rest of the settings as default.
Now our image looking like this:
Step 6: Create a new layer and name it as Holes.
With Pen tool, path out several square holes according to the face grids.
Go to the Paths tab, Ctrl+left click on the work path layer created.
Back to Layers tab, select the Holes layer and fill the selection with #000000.
Step 7: Ctrl+left click on the Holes layer to load selection.
Select the Face layer and hit Ctrl+X to cut out the pixels. Then press Ctrl+V to paste and then name this new layer as Blocks.
Drag the blocks to the right with Move tool. Go to Edit > Free Transform to reduce the size slightly.
Step 8: Duplicate the Blocks layer. Shift the lower Blocks layer 1 pixel to the left. Repeat this for 10 times and you will get some sort of extruding effect. Merge these 10 layers of duplicated Blocks and name this new merged layer as Sides.
Step 9: Right-click on the Sides layer and choose Blending Options. Activate Gradient Overlay and set Blend Mode to Normal, Opacity to 80%, Gradient from #000000 to #D58761 and Angle to 180. Leave the rest as default.
Step 10: Activate Pattern Overlay and set Blend Mode to Multiply, Opacity to 100% Pattern to Metal Landscape. Leave the rest as default.
Step 11: Right-click on Blocks layer and choose Blending Options. Activate Outer Glow and set Blend Mode to Color Dodge, Opacity to 75%, Color to #FFFFFF and Size to 10px. Leave the rest as default.
Repeat Step 6 to 11 for 2 more times to form more blocks floating towards the right.
Now our image looking like this:
Step 12: Merge all the Holes layers. Right-click on the merged layer and choose Blending Options.
Activate Bevel and Emboss, set the Style to Inner Bevel, Depth to 72%, Size to 5px, Soften to 0px, Angle to 0, Altitude to 50, Highlight Mode to Screen, Highlight Color to #DCA57E, Highlight Opacity to 100%, Shadow Mode to Multiply, Shadow Color to #000000 and Shadow Opacity to 75%. Leave the rest of settings as default.
Step 13: Create a new layer below the Blocks and name it as Smoke. Set the foreground color to #FFFFFF. Load the Reborn brushes downloaded earlier and paint a few smoke of different sizes on this layer.
Right-click on the Smoke layer and choose Blending Options. Activate Outer Glow and set its Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add), Opacity to 75%, Color to #FFFFFF, Spread to 0px and Size to 5px. Leave the rest of settings as default.
Step 14: Create a new layer and name it as Dark Blocks.
Using Pen tool, path out few more blocks along the face grid. Fill the shapes with #000000.
Set the Blend Mode of Dark Blocks layer to Soft Light.
Step 16: Create a new layer and name is as Light Blocks.
Similar to Step 6 but this time fill the shapes with #FFFFFF.
Set the Blend Mode of Light Blocks layer to Soft Light
Step 17: Now we need to smooth the face a little. Select the Face layer and go to Filter > Blur > Surface Blur. Set the Radius to 5px and Threshold to 15 levels.
Step 18: Create a new layer and using a large Soft Brush tool with color #000000 and opacity 40%, paint some dark areas on the right to fade the blocks slightly.
And here’s my final image after applying all the steps:
how to convert photo into shatter effect in Photoshop
This is another long tutorial and I hope you will like this effect.
In Photoshop tutorial we will teach you to add realistic fire to photo using photoshop. Here we given full steps with screen shots and details instructions,
add realistic fire to photo using photoshop
Step 1: Now I’m going to show you how to add a fire to photo using Adobe Photoshop. We need couple of images, girl’s image & 2nd image of fire. So I’m starting with these two images:
add realistic fire to photo using photoshop
Step 2: Let’s start with girl image, name it FireGirl and hit OK.
With the “FireGirl” image active, duplicate the “background” layer. Set the foreground and background color to black and white by pressing D on the keyboard. Click the “background” layer again and fill it with the foreground color ~ which is set to black. See the images below.
Step 3: Reactivate “Layer 1,” then press Command + Shift + U to apply desaturate command. Now invert the color by pressing Command + I. Your image should look like a film’s negative now.
Step 4: Duplicate “Layer 1,” then apply the find edges filter from Filter > Stylized > Find Edges. Next, invert the color by pressing Ctrl + I and change the Blending Mode to Hard light. There, your image now has contrast white line and a very dark background.
Step 5: To give the white line more contrast, duplicate the “Layer 1” copy then change the Blending Mode to Screen.
Step 6: Now we move to the second image. Drag image “Fire” into “FireGirl” document image window using the Move tool.
Step 7: The fire image from “Fire” should be in “Layer 2” now. Change its Blending Mode to screen, this will hide all the black colors in “Layer 2.” If done right, your image should be similar to the one below.
Step 8: Duplicate “Layer 2” by pressing Ctrl + J. Make sure you use the Screen Blending mode, same as the original “Layer 2.” Next, make “Layer 2” become invisible by hiding it from the layers panel.
Step 9: Click the “Layer 2 copy” to make it active, then use the Free Transform command ( Edit > Free Transform) to rotate and resize the fire image like shown below. Don’t forget to press Enter when you’re done transforming.
Step 10: Still in the same layer, now use the warp command (Edit > Transform > Warp) to bend the fire image – so it following the hair flow. Press Enter when done. See the example below as a reference.
Step 11: If you feel the result is not quite good enough, simply use the Liquify filter to fix it. I assume you already know how to use the liquify filter; the Forward Warp tool and Twirl Clockwise tool is the only tool I used to get this result (see image below).
Step 12: Duplicate the “Layer 2” copy, then use the Free Transform command to resize and rotate the fire image in the current layer. Don’t forget to reposition the fire image too. Once you get this composition (see image below), hit Enter.
Step 13: Repeat the previous process to get the hair covered with fire. Just duplicate and modify the layer until you get all the hair part covered. If needed, use the Liquify Filter again. The end result of this process should look like the image below, notice how many layers are used.
Step 14: Okay, now activate “Layer 2” and make it visible again. Then Change the Blending Mode to Vivid Light. This step will colorize only the white line in the layer below it.
Step 15: Still in “Layer 2,” apply the Free Transform command to resize and rotate the fire image like shown below. The purpose is to cover up the girl’s body and hair with the fire texture. Press Enter when you’re done transforming.
Step 16: We’re gonna blur the fire image in “Layer 2,” To do so, apply the Gaussian Blur filter from the Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur menu. Fill the Radius around 10 to 15 pixels, then click OK when done. Blurring the fire image will cause its texture to blend smoother with the layer below it.
Step 17: Now add a layer mask to “Layer 2.” Then use a soft round Brush tool with Opacity at 100%. Set the brush size according to your need, then just mask until the fire outside becoming hidden. See the process below.
Step 18:
Now go to the top most layer (mine is: “Layer 2 copy 5”), add two adjustment layers which is Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast. Careful not to change the layer adjustment order, or the color effect will be wrong. Below you can see the setting I used to complete this step, also pay attention to the adjustment layer order.
By adding a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, we unify all colors. The Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer brings more color contrast and makes sure the image color’s looks like real fire.
Step 19: I’m sure you notice the fire sparks effect. I create it using the Brush tool with this simple setting. No special brush needed, but if you have one that will be useful then feel free to use it. Below you can see all the settings I used within the Brush palette, of course you can change the setting as you like. Just make sure the brush spatter enough and vary the size.
Step 20:
Now to use the modified brush, create a new blank layer below the adjustment layers ( mine is named “Layer 3”). Choose 50% gray from the swatches palette, then you can start creating the fire sparks. Remember not to be monotone, resize the brush size if needed. I start using a big sized brush, then reduce it to smaller size (you can change brush size faster by pressing the bracket keys on the keyboard ).
If you’re not sure how to do this steps, just imagine where and how the fire sparks will flow if it was real fire. For me, imagining stuff is very helpful.
Step 21: To make it more interesting, copy the “Layer 3” by pressing Ctrl+J & set the Blending Mode to “Screen” of Layer 3 copy then reduce the Opacity to 25%.
In this photoshop tutorial we will show, how to create furry effect in photoshop. we given full steps with screen shots and sample images with their detail. In this tutorial we will show you how to turn your photo in fury look..
how to create furry effect in photoshop
Now lets start.
Now I’m going with this pic of Kate Winslet:
Step 1: First duplicate the Background Layer (Ctrl+J) then inverse the colors by pressing (Ctrl+I)
Step 2: Click on Ctrl+U or go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation then switch ON “Colorize” option:
Step 3: Now go to Image>Adjustments>Exposure then: (these settings are changeable depending on you raw image brightness and exposure you can change them until you get the next result )
Now our image looking like this:
Step 4: Now duplicate Layer 1 the change the setting of the new layer to Overlay :
Step 5: Click on Ctrl+U or go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation then switch ON colorize option & insert the value which I given a below:
Step 6: Now go to Image>Adjustments>Exposure then: (these settings are changeable depending on you raw image brightness and exposure you cane change them until you get the next result )
Now our image is looking like this:
Step 7: Now go to Filter>blur>Radial Blur then apply these setting which I given below:
Step 8: Now duplicate the background layer (Ctrl+J) then drag it up like this:
then change it blend mode to “Hue” and its Opacity to 50%.
Here in this article we given some our creativity samples using photoshop. Photoshop is really magical tool. We created some nice photoshop effects using photoshop.
In this tutorial we will show to create electrify effect to text in photoshop. we given easy steps with their screenshot and explanation. Using simple steps you can very easily create electrify effect to text in photoshop.
create electrify effect to text in photoshop
Step 1: Create a new file ‘Default Photoshop Size’ with a “transparent” background.
Rename the only existing layer “back”.
create electrify effect to text in photoshop
Step 2: Fill ( Edit > Fill ) layer “back” with black ( #000000 ).
Step 3: Using the Horizontal Type Tool, write some large text in white ( #FFFFFF ). For this tutorial, I wrote “wordpressApi” in 60 pt with the font Impact.
Step 4: Rasterize the text ( Layer > Rasterize > Type ). Rename the layer that has the now rasterized text “Text”.
Step 5: Duplicate layer “Text” and rename the new layer “Text 2”. Hide layer “Text 2” by clicking on the eye to the left of it on the Layer Palette.
Step 6: Activate layer “Text” on the Layer Palette and merge all visible layers ( Layer > Merge Visible ).
Step 8: Apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) with the method “Wind” and the Direction “From the Right”. Repeat ( Ctrl-f ) this filter.
Step 9: Now, apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) again except this time, use the Direction “From the Left”. Repeat ( Ctrl-f ) this filter.
Now here our image after applying Wind filter “From the Left”.
Step 10: Transform the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise ( Edit > Transform > 90 degrees CCW ). We are now going to apply the Wind filter again except this time, only once in each direction.
Step 11: Apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) with the method “Wind” and the Direction “From the Right”.
Step 12: Now, apply the Wind filter ( Filter > Stylize > Wind ) again except this time, use the Direction “From the Left”.
And here our image after applying Wind Filter “from the Left”.
Step 13: Apply the Ripple Filter ( Filter > Distort > Ripple ) to make the light wavy.
Step 14: Open the Hue/Saturation window ( Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation ).
And apply these settings which I given a below. Don’t forget to switch on to colorize option which is right bottom corner of Hue/Saturation box.
Step 15: Now we have to give final touches. Unhide layer “Text 2” and activate it on the Layer Palette.
Step 16: Select the text on the layer by pressing Ctrl then clicking on the thumbnail of the layer on the Layer Palette.
Step 17: Contract ( Select > Contract ) the selection by 2 pixels. Now Fill ( Edit > Fill ) in the selection with black ( #000000 ).
In this photoshop tutorial we are going to show you, how to convert photo into Maya culture with photoshop. we given each step with their screen shot and help. What you need is, Just need to follow our stpes.
how to convert photo into Maya culture with photoshop
Here you can see what we are going to create.
how to convert photo into Maya culture with photoshop
Step 1: Make a gradient background.
Use black and very dark gray and fill the background with the gradient tool. Set it on radial gradient.
Step 2: Make a new layer.
Make a circle with the elliptical marquee tool + shift.
Fill it with orange with the paint bucket tool.
Step 3: Make a new layer.
Make a smaller circle and move it with the arrow keys to put it in the middle of the bigger circle.
Step 4: Click on layer one and erase everything in the dotted circle with the erase tool. (or cut it)
Step 5: Click on layer 2.
Make a circle close to the big circle. Move it to the middle like you did in step 4.
Step 6: Don’t click anything so the dotted line will remain. Make a second circle close to the smallest circle.
(to do this hold Alt key then hold Shift key and draw the circle)Now you have two dotted lines.
Step 7: Erase everything between the dotted lines with the eraser. (or cut it)
Step 8: Make a new layer.
Use the Custom Shape Tool to draw a figure between the lines. I used Fleur-De- Lis, and go to Layers Pellet then go to Paths & select the option (Load path as a selection) which is bottom of the pellet.then fill it with any color.
Copy/paste it and rotate (edit>transform>rotate) it till it fits between the lines.
Now copy/paste the two figures and rotate. Repeat this till the circle is filled.
Step 9: The border is almost finished.
Step 10: Remove the background from the portrait and paste it on the new background.
Step 11: Put the girl layer under the circle layer.
Step 12: Erase the parts outside the border. Copy the layer of the girl.
Step 13: The first layer:
Put black in the foreground box and orange in the background box.
Set the “detail” arrow to the right and the “darkness” arrow to the left.
Step 14: The second layer:
Set to blending mode “luminosity” in the layer window.
Step 15: girl layer 2:
filter>artistic>poster edges
set the edge intensity to 0(zero).
Step 16: Erase the light parts of girl layer 2, till only the dark lines remain.
Step 17: All that is left from girl layer 2 are the dark lines.
Step 18: Change the levels to make the lines darker.
layer>new adjustment layer>levels
Step 19: Make a new layer.
Use the brush tool to paint the hair black.
Step 20: Paint all the lines black with the brush tool and make an orange line around the hair.
Step 21: Make a new layer. Paint leaves in her hair.
Step 22: Flatten image. (layer>)
Duplicate the layer
layer>duplicate layer
filter>artistic>plastic wrap & click to ok.
Then go to Edit>fade plastic wrap & Set to 60%.
Step 23: Erase most of the plastic wrap layer, only leave a few highlights.
Step 24: Flatten image.
Duplicate layer.
Set the colors to orange and black.
Step 25: Set the clouds layer to 15% in the layer window.
Step 26: Flatten image.
Set the background color box to white.
how to convert photo into Maya culture with photoshop
filter>distort>diffuse glow & click ok.
Then go to Edit>fade diffuse glow & Set to 15%
Step 27: Look for a light, cracked structure.
& Set it to ‘multiply’ in layers pellet.
Here’s my original image:
And here, after applying all these steps.
how to convert photo into Maya culture with photoshop
Here we show a simple trick to, how to fix an overexposed photo in photoshop. Taking photo from mobile phone is now common but many times photo is overexposed.
how to fix an overexposed photo in photoshop
Tired of blurry, dark and grainy photos from your camera phone? Typically the cameras in mobile/cellular phones suffer from grainy, dark images that have some bright or dark spots on them. We’ll show you some tricks with Adobe Photoshop for correction to your problematic photos you’ve taken with your camera phone as well. In this way the smart correction adjusts it’s correction over time to exactly what you are looking for with Adobe Photoshop.
First, find any photo which you want to do correction in it.
Here I’m going with this pic.
how to fix an overexposed photo in photoshop
Step1: We want to increase some contrast so to do this automatically go to Image > Adjustment > Auto Contrast (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L)
Step2: Then again go to Image > Adjustment > Lavels, (Ctrl+L) & put the values which we given below.
Step3: Then go to Image > Adjustment > Curves, (Ctrl+M) & put the values which we given below.
Step4: After that go to Image > Adjustment > Color Balance, (Ctrl+B) & put the values which we given below and click to ok.
Now our image looking like this:
But we can see some pixelate area near the car so we took Brush Tool and reduced the flow to 1% & brush on that area with the Gray color.
Now our Image looking like this:
Step5: And finally go to Image > Adjustment > Brightness/Contrast & put these values which we given below, or you can play around them as per your satisfaction.
Here’s my original image once again to comparison:
And here, our final Image after applying all the steps:
This Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to learn how to easily make a photo look more like a watercolor painting. This photo effect works best on images where maintaining rich colors and strong contrast is more important than keeping any fine details, since you’ll be losing a lot of detail with this effect.
convert photo into realistic watercolor painting
Creating the effect is as simple as duplicating some layers, applying a few filters, and using a few different layer blend modes, and the whole thing takes only a couple of minutes from start to finish.
Any recent version of Photoshop will work just fine.
Here’s the image I’ll be using for this Photoshop tutorial:
convert photo into realistic watercolor painting
And here’s how it’ll look after applying our watercolor painting effect.
convert photo into realistic watercolor painting
Let’s get started.
Step 1: Duplicate The Backgroung Layer Three Times
With the image newly opened in Photoshop, if we look in our Layers palette, we can see that we currently have one layer, the Background layer, which contains our image:
Photoshop Effects: The Layers palette in Photoshop showing the image on the Background layer, which contains our image.
We need to create three copies of the Background layer, so use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac) three times to duplicate the Background layer three times. If we look again in our Layers palette, we can see that we now have four layers, with the original Background layer on the bottom and three copies above it:
Photoshop Effects: Photoshop’s Layer palette now showing my Background layer and the copy above it.
Step 2: Turn Off The Top Two Layers
On the far left of each layer in the Layers palette, you’ll see a small eyeball icon. This is the Layer Visibility icon, and it determines whether or not the layer is currently visible in the Photoshop document. When the eyeball icon is visible, it means the layer itself is visible. Click on the icon for the top two layers in the Layers palette to temporarily hide them from view inside the document. When you click on the icon, it disappears, letting you know that the layer is no longer visible:
Photoshop Effects: Photoshop’s Layer palette now showing my Background layer and the copy above it.
Step 3: Select “Layer 1”
With the top two layers temporarily hidden from view, click on “Layer 1” in the Layers palette to select it. You’ll know which layer is selected because the currently selected layer is highlighted in blue:
Photoshop Effects: Click on “Layer 1” in the layers palette to select it.
Step 4: Apply The Cutout Filter
The first thing we’re going to do is simplify our image, and we can do that using Photoshop’s “Cutout” filter. With “Layer 1” selected, go up to the Filter menu at the top of the screen, choose Artistic , and then choose Cutout.
When the Cutout filter’s dialog box appears, set the Number of Levels to 4 , Edge Simplicity to 4 , and Edge Fidelity to 2 :
Photoshop Effects: Go to Filter > Artistic > Cut Out and change the options circled in red above.
Click OK when you’re done to apply the settings and exit out of the dialog box. Step 5: Change The Blend Mode Of “Layer 1” to “Luminosity”
With “Layer 1” still selected, go up to the Blend Mode options in the top left of the Layers palette. By default, layers are set to the “Normal” blend mode. Click on the down-pointing arrow to the right of the word “Normal” and select the Luminosity blend mode from the bottom of the list:
Photoshop Effects: Change the blend mode of “Layer 1” from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.
Your image should now look something like this:
Photoshop Effects: The image after changing the blend mode of “Layer 1” to “Luminosity”.
Step 6: Turn On The Layer Above “Layer 1” And Select The Layer
Still in the Layers palette, click inside the empty square where the eyeball icon used to be on the layer directly above “Layer 1” (“Layer 1 copy”) to turn that layer back on, so it’s visible again inside the document. Turning a layer back on doesn’t actually select the layer though, and we need to have it selected as well, so once you’ve turned the layer back on, click anywhere else on “Layer 1 copy” to select it so it’s highlighted in blue:
Photoshop Effects: Click on the visibility icon (the empty square for “Layer 1 copy” to turn it back on, then click enywhere else on the layer to select it.
Step 7: Apply The “Dry Brush” Filter
We’re going to add some texture to our image at this point. With “Layer 1 copy” selected and visible once again inside the document, go back up to the Filter menu at the top of the screen, choose Artistic once again, and this time, choose Dry Brush. When the Dry Brush filter’s dialog box appears, set the Brush Size to 10, the Brush Detail to 10, and the Texture option to 3:
Photoshop Effects: Go to Filter > Artistic > Dry Brush and change the options circled in red above.
Click OK when you’re done to apply the filter and exit out of the dialog box.
Step 8: Change The Layer Blend Mode To “Screen”
With “Layer 1 copy” still selected, go up to the Blend Mode options once again in the top left of the Layers palette, click on the down-pointing arrow to the right of the word “Normal”, and change the blend mode for the layer to Screen :
Photoshop Effects: Change the blend mode of “Layer 1 copy” to “Screen”.
Your image should now look something like this:
Photoshop Effects: The image appears brighter after changing the blend mode of “Layer 1 copy” to “Screen”.
Step 9: Apply The Cutout Filter
Just as we did with “Layer 1 copy” a moment ago, click inside the empty square where the eyeball icon used to be on the top layer in the Layers palette (“Layer 1 copy 2”) to turn the layer back on and make it visible once again inside the document. Then click anywhere else on the layer to select it so it’s highlighted in blue:
Photoshop Effects: Turn the top layer back on by clicking on its Layer Visibility icon in the Layers palette, then click anywhere else to select the layer.
Step 10: Apply The “Median” Filter
With the top layer selected and visible again inside the document, go back up to the Filter menu at the top of the screen, this time choose Noise , and then choose Median . The Median filter will remove even more detail from the image, and the nice thing about it is that it does so without blurring the image so edges remain well defined. When the Median Filter’s dialog box appears, set the Radius value at the bottom to 12 pixels :
Photoshop Effects: Go to Filter > Noise > Median and set the “Radius” value to “12 pixels”.
Click OK when you’re done to apply the filter and exit out of the dialog box.
Step 11: Change The Blend Mode Of The Top Layer To “Soft Light”
To complete the effect, with the top layer still selected, go up to the Blend Mode options in the top left of the Layers palette, click again on the down-pointing arrow to the right of the word “Normal”, and change the layer’s blend mode to Soft Light :
Photoshop Effects: Change the blend mode of the top layer to “Soft Light” to complete the effect.
Once you’ve change the blend mode to “Soft Light”, you’re done!
Here’s my original image once again to comparison:
Photoshop Effects: The original image once again.
And here, after applying the Median filter to the top layer and changing its blend mode to “Soft Light”, is my final “watercolor painting” effect:
Photoshop Effects: The final watercolor painting effect.
create those kinds of special effects for my favorites sightseeing images. we created Unbelievable lighting effect using photoshop, Here we given tutorial
Unbelievable lighting effect using photoshop
Sometimes, when watching film, I was really impressive by many wonderful sightseeing which we could never see in the real-life. Now, with Photoshop, I am able to create those kinds of special effects for my favorites sightseeing images. The final result is the peaceful, mysterious and beautiful sunset on the highland. I hope that I could see this effect even just once in my life. Now, let ’s do this.
Step 1: Prepare a pic similar like below,which you can clearly see the sky line :
Unbelievable lighting effect using photoshopStep 2: Use Soft Round Brush,size doesn’t matter but the opacity is only around 10-15% and turn on Air Brush setting.First choose black,and paint one or two times over the forest (don’t touch the sky since the sky will be go over by different color later).Then use #ad651a (or you can use a lighter version of it,since the opacity is around 10-15%,some small different won’t matter,but beware,do not make the color go any darker),go over the sky,try to go all the place just once.You will have something similar to the pic below.
Then,click the icon next to the “Quick Mask” on the layer tab,and then choose Curves ,and make the line go like the pic below.
You will have result as below.
Step 3: From now,any new layers will be created in the middle of the original layer and the “Curves” layer.
Create a new layer,fill it with black.Then add Lens Flare on it,choose the first type of Len Flares(75%) and try to keep it in the center.
Step 4: Then,use Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur>Radius : 68.
Again,choose Soft Round Brush,with the same settings like the beginning,but with the color #fee020 .Then start to brush,the starting point will be the flare,brush down.
Keep brush down,make the flare center,to make it looks like the flare is spreading them.Do it till you have something similar like below.
Step 5: After that,go to Blending Option,choose Blend Mode as “Linear Dodge” .You will have result as below.
Step 6: Duplicate the Len Flare layer once,and put the duplicated one on top of it,then go to Blending Option,choose Blend Mode of the duplicated one as “Lighten” .
Finally,duplicated the original Len Flare one more time,and put this new layer on top of all layers (except the “Curves” layer),go to Blending Option,and choose the Blend Mode as “Screen” .The result will be like below.
You might want to check the order of the layers:
Step 7: In addition,you can add something more to blend things better (not recommended if you are satisfied with result).Choose the color #ff9e39 ,and use the same brush settings,then brush from left to right at the place where the sky and the forest meets.(You can go over and over several times until you feel it is fine). Like this screenshotAnd,it is done.
Unbelievable lighting effect using photoshop