How to set up Firefox Profile Manager on Fedora or Linux
Firefox has new functionality called Profile manager which will allow you to switch with multiple Users.
You can create many user profiles in Firefox and save that as per your choice.
setup Firefox Profile Manager on Fedora
Many times on same Firefox some user don’t want some addons or theme. That time we got some difficulties.
For avoiding this issue we can create the firefox profile in firefox.
In windows creating Firefox profile is very easy. Just open windows run window and type “firefox -P”. That sit!
You will see following screens.
Using this you can create the firefox profiles.
Now I am going to show you how to create the firefox profile in Fedora.
Open terminal and just type following command
[siwan@siwank-pc ~]$ /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.6/firefox -ProfileManager
[siwan@siwank-pc ~]$

See following screens.
Note: when you got “choose user profile” window. Don’t forget to uncheck the “Don’t ask startup” checkbox.
Note: I am using the Fedora 11 here for this example.