Mongodb is used for many projects now, it is quite fast. I given full detailed information about How to install Mongodb on linux box. Before installing the Mongodb on linux box you need to install following packages on box.
# - File Based Configuration:
dbpath = /srv/db/mongodb
logpath = /srv/db/mongodb.log
logappend = true
bind_ip =
port = 27017
fork = true
auth = true
# noauth = true
Do that file as linux executable
chmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-start
chmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-stop
We’ve also created a very basic “init script” as a wrapper around the mongodb-start and mongo-stop scripts described above. You will still need to modify and manage the configuration of your MongoDB server in the files above. This script only provides a means for ensuring that MongoDB will start at boot. Issue the following commands:
mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb /etc/init.d/mongodb
chkconfig –add mongodb
chkconfig –level 35 mongodb on
You will also need to create a user and group for mongodb; issue the following command:
Now issue the following command to ensure that the MongoDB user you just created will have access to all required files in the /srv/db/ hierarchy:
chown mongodb:mongodb -R /srv/db/
To start and stop MongoDB using the init script, issue the appropriate command from the following:
/etc/init.d/mongodb start
/etc/init.d/mongodb stop
For checking the web admin interface of Mongodb – listening on port 28017
Check this URL : http://localhost:28017/
Before installing the Mongodb on linux box you need to install following packages on box.[root@sonyk-pc Download]# sudo yum -y install git tcsh scons gcc-c++ glibc-devel[root@sonyk-pc Download]# sudo yum -y install boost-devel pcre-devel js-devel readline-devel[root@sonyk-pc Download]# sudo yum -y install boost-devel-static readline-static ncurses-static
For 32bit user use following command[root@sonyk-pc Download]# wget
For 64bit use following command[root@sonyk-pc Download]# wget
[root@sonyk-pc Download]# tar xzf mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2.tgz [root@sonyk-pc Download]# cd mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2
Mongo stores database in data/db folder. so we need to create those folder using following command.
[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# sudo mkdir -p /data/db/[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# sudo chown `id -u` /data/db
Using following command you can start the mongo database.
[root@sonyk-pc mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2]# ./bin/mongod./bin/mongod –help for help and startup optionsThu Sep 9 13:10:55 MongoDB starting : pid=22159 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db/ 32-bit
** NOTE: when using MongoDB 32 bit, you are limited to about 2 gigabytes of data** see
Thu Sep 9 13:10:55 db version v1.6.2, pdfile version 4.5
If you want to create mongodb service in linux then use following steps:
[root@sonyk-pc Download]# wget [root@sonyk-pc Download]# tar xzf[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mv mongodb-linux-i686-1.6.2 /opt/mongodb[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mkdir -p /srv/db/mongodb[root@sonyk-pc Download]# touch /srv/db/mongodb.log
[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mkdir /opt/bin/[root@sonyk-pc Download]# mkdir /opt/config/
create the File: /opt/bin/mongodb-stopPut following code in that file;
# Configuration Options for MongoDB## For More Information, Consider:# - Configuration Parameters: - File Based Configuration:
Do that file as linux executatblechmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-startchmod +x /opt/bin/mongodb-stop
We’ve also created a very basic “init script” as a wrapper around the mongodb-start and mongo-stop scripts described above. You will still need to modify and manage the configuration of your MongoDB server in the files above. This script only provides a means for ensuring that MongoDB will start at boot. Issue the following commands:
wget /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodbchmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb /etc/init.d/mongodbchkconfig –add mongodbchkconfig –level 35 mongodb on
You will also need to create a user and group for mongodb; issue the following command:
Now issue the following command to ensure that the MongoDB user you just created will have access to all required files in the /srv/db/ hierarchy:
chown mongodb:mongodb -R /srv/db/
To start and stop MongoDB using the init script, issue the appropriate command from the following:
/etc/init.d/mongodb start/etc/init.d/mongodb stop
For checking the web admin interface of Mongodb – listening on port 28017Check this URL : http://localhost:28017/