change file permissions of all files in a folder in linux

If you are new in Linux for that use this command. change file permissions of all files in a folder in linux, In this article we given commands for changing permission for all folders and files. using command you can change the permission


change file permission of all folder and subfolders in linux

#chmod 777 * //for chanding the all folders file permission
#chmod 777 FOLDER_NAME

Where I stuck, I want to change the Main folder and subfolders and all files persimission.
You can use following command.

#chmod -R 777 *
#chmod -R 777 FOLDER_NAME

fetch svn project without svn files and without deleting

I worked with any technologies and languages. Many times we need some folder or codebase for your new project.
So we need to copy old project code or folder in our new project. In rails we need many plugins for our project. Some times few plugins are not getting installed in our project.

fetch svn project without svn files and without deleting

Few days back i tried to install acts_as_solr plugin in my project. I got an error. So i coppied acts_as_solr plugin from my old project and pasted in new project.

When i tried to SVN commit the files in the new project. That files started commiting to Old project.
So i need to remove all .svn folders form all the subfolders. Than only i can add all the folder to new project.

I google around for solution. I found many ways:

  • Remove the all .svn folder from all subfolder.
  • Through linux command find all .svn file and delete. (but i think this harmful)
  • SVN export – command

SVN export is the very simple and reliable way to fetch project out of svn.
In windows, using svn export is very easy.

Important mysql queries

I written article for my personal purpose. I am using some mysql query on daily. I created the list of my Important mysql queries.

Important mysql queries

Taking backup of all mysql databases

>mysqldump -uroot -p --all-databases >> all_database_dump.sql;

for single database

mysqldump -uroot -p public_wordpressmu wp_1_posts > one.sql

database import from sql file

mysql –verbose -uroot -p public_wordpressmu wp_1_posts < one.sql

Creating Trigger

create trigger
DROP TRIGGER wordpress.after_wp_1_post_update;

delimiter //

CREATE TRIGGER wordpressmu.after_wp_1_post_update

AFTER UPDATE ON wordpressmu.wp_1_posts


IF new.post_status = ‘publish’ THEN

INSERT INTO .article_posts (id,ref_id, title, status,
comments_on, created_at, updated_at) values (,,
new.post_title, new.post_status, 1, new.post_date, new.post_date);



delimiter ;

Insert from different table (migration)

INSERT INTO database_anme.TableName(id, ref_id, title, status, comments_on, created_at, updated_at) select id, id, post_title, post_status, 1, post_date,post_date from wordpress.wp_1_posts

Update multiple rows in through Sql query

Update user set status=”ok” where id in (2 ,3 ,4 ,5,6)

changing all post path and image path
UPDATE wp_1_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, ‘’, ‘’);

WordPress -fetching category through sql queryfrom post

SELECT wp_1_term_taxonomy.taxonomy, wp_1_term_relationships.object_id,, wp_1_posts.post_title
FROM wp_1_posts INNER JOIN ((wp_1_terms INNER JOIN wp_1_term_taxonomy ON wp_1_terms.term_id = wp_1_term_taxonomy.term_id) INNER JOIN wp_1_term_relationships ON wp_1_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = wp_1_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id) ON wp_1_posts.ID = wp_1_term_relationships.object_id
WHERE wp_1_term_taxonomy.taxonomy=’category’ and wp_1_term_relationships.object_id=’217′
ORDER BY wp_1_term_relationships.object_id ;

grant all on USER-NAME.* to ‘DB-NAME’@’%’ identified by ‘DB-NAME@123’;
grant all on USER-NAME.* to ‘DB-NAME’@’localhost’ identified by ‘DB-NAME@123’;