I am really comfortable with that speed but When I used the Reliance broadband service I really got supprize about service of reliance netconnect.
What Reliance is providing is really good in service.
Many service providers are really saying they are going to provide us 120kbps browsing speed or downloading speed (like idea or tata and airtel, I really checked with speedometer).
they are speaking about speed about 230 kbps but they are providing to all people only 40 kbps browsering speed and they are offerering about 230 kbps in there broshers and that is absolutely wrong.
I really recommend reliance usb modem is providing is really good service in Pune.
Many people are suffering “How to connect Mobile GPRS to PC”. This question is about in all over the world. Who are new to use GPRS system and want to connect internet through mobile to PC.
Important Note: You need to install your mobile drivers and mobile modem drivers first.
You can download latest software or driver from relative site (PC suite for Nokia, Sony, motorola etc… mobile)
PC suite is having the mobile drivers as well as the modem drivers also. You need to install that software to your PC that sit. Than follow my steps:
I given the following steps to connect internet to PC using mobile GPRS or any GSM GPRS. I am using professional XP as Operating System.
1. First click on start button and go to control panel
2. Click on Network Connections button.
3. Click on Create a new connection button.
Than follow my steps as per my screens
New internet connection throguh mobile GPRSNew internet connection throguh mobile GPRSNew internet connection throguh mobile GPRSNew internet connection throguh mobile GPRSNew internet connection throguh mobile GPRSNew internet connection throguh mobile GPRS
You will get the Desktop Icon like this. You need to bubble click that Icon that sit. you are able to connect the GPRS internet connection.
GPRS connection icon on desktop
Some cases You need to insert the *99# number instead of *99**# dialing number. You need to select which is working for you.
For Aircel- You will get the 15k to 20k speed for browsing. and for downloading you will get the 3k or 4k speed.
If you want to use internet for basic needs like Email checking and working on live projects (SVN) than AIRCEL is worth it..
But you want some more speed or download speed than go with Airtel or Idea. In GPRS Reliance is the Best for Speed but did not having any unlimited plan.
New GPRS service in Pune
Idea’s Tariff -30 Rs Per day(Unlimited Use)
Airtel Tariff – 25 Rs Per day (Unlimited Use)
Aircel Tariff – 3 Rs Per day(unlimited Use) (98 Rs for Month pack)
If you take any sim from any service providers who are offering unlimited GPRS service. They may not charge you for downloading for any thing.
Some GPRS providers offers surfing is totally free. This is absolutely true but you need to know about surfing. only surfing means only HTML content displaying. If you check on HTML site then you will be fitting in to that scheme.(Google-only HTML base except image logo) As per my knowledge most of 99% sites are media files and media content.(For exmaple- yahoo.com, youtube.com or any site which having images or flash or video.)
So in Unlimited service nothing is chargeable. but in download case all sites are down loadable.
Now I am using the Aircel GPRS in Pune. Let me tell you the easiest and cheapest way to access and get the internet through mobile.
First i taken Aircel Sim card in just Rs. 99 only. Then with in 10 min i get activated my mobile no. then i recharged my mobile to Rs. 98 for mobile Internet (GPRS). This is for Unlimited uses scheme for GPRS. This is the cheapest rate plan in India. I spedn only Rs. 197 only for one month use of Internet.
Net Speed is slow but worth it to Rs. 197.
you can increase your GPRS internet speed. Please follow the steps:
I am telling these steps for XP professional Os.
1. Go to Control Panel->Network Connections-> Than
2. Select your mobile connection Icon and go to properties.
3. Click on General tab and click on configure button
4. select the box of Maximum speed(bps) -Bits Per second
5. change that to 921600 and stop the mobile internet
6. restart the mobile internet or restart the GPRS
You will able to get good speed not boost but nice.