where put google ads in wordpress blogs for earning money

Through wordpress blogs you can earn a good amount of revenue. If you are having more than 1 lakh monthly visitors and more than 2 lakh then you can easily earn the more than $100 per month. Now many people putting the google ads in their website. You can put maximum 3 google ads in your webpage. Tips for where put google ads in wordpress.

where put google ads in wordpress blogs for earning money

For wordpress I going to tell you where to place the google ad in wordpress site or blogs. For this you need to follow some points.

where to put the google ads in wordpress blogs for earning more revenue or money
where to put the google ads in wordpress blogs for earning more revenue or money

1. Create the custom channel in google ad-sense with your website name and place of google ad

2. Edit your google ad link as per your website link so you will get more clicks.

3. Create the different sizes of google ads.

Where to put the google ad in wordpress blog.


First option for adding google ads in wordpress is Header section. In right side of logo you can put the google ad. Or you can add the google ad after menu also. For this section you can use the 738×90 or 468×60 size ad. I recommend use the 738×90 size ad in this place.

In Post

After the title you can put the google tag. This is very effective place for adding the google Adsense. For this place you can choose the 300×250 google ad size.


In sidebar you can select the 300×250 size. Using text widget you can easily add the google ad in wordpress blog.

where put google ads in wordpress blogs for earning money
where put google ads in wordpress blogs for earning money

For more information about google ads in wordpress sites. Check following article.

How to add AdSense in wordpress site
How many google ads we can show single web page

easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress

wordpress blogs and google ads is most common thing in blogs. Through google ads you can earn easily money. Many times many people search for how to place the google ads in wordpress sites. You do not need with wordpress plugin for showing the google ads. without wordpress plugin you can easily add the google ads in wordpress site.

easily add google Adsense through text widget wordpress

Some times they spend so much time for checking google Adsense ready wordpress themes. But I always prefer to use the text widget from wordpress widget section. Through text widget panel you can add the google ads to your wordpress sites. In this article, How easily add google Adsense through text widget wordpress.

First you need to login to your wordpress admin panel. Go to Apperance->widget section.

easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress
easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress

You will find text widget in that page. Just drag text widget to your sidebar section. putting the google ad in top sidebar section is good for earning good amount of money. Right top side you will find the arrow button, just click on that and put your google ad code in textarea.

I used following code. You can also use the following google ad code for testing purpose.

1google_ad_client = "ca-pub-4949877136251097";
2/* 300x250, created 6/20/10 */
3google_ad_slot = "4364150141";
4google_ad_width = 300;
5google_ad_height = 250;
8<script type="text/javascript"

In title section write “Sponsors” word and then click on save button as per shown in following image.

easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress
easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress


After this check your webpage. You can able to see your google ad on your wordpress site.I given the sample image. how your ad will be shown in wordpress site sidebar panel.


easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress
easily add google adsense through text widget wordpress

This tutorial is written by purabtech.in. If you are facing any issue then please write to me on wordpressapi@gmail.com

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

here we created list of Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes. Many people is having target for making money form blog or websites. Google Adsense is great source for making money online. If you having blog with good content then you can easily make money from blog.

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

You just need to use the good google adsense ready wordpress theme for blog. That will be helpful to you for making money fast. here I created I list of great google adsense ready free wordpress themes.

Ad Flex Blog & Niche Themes

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes
Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

Demo| Download

AdsMinded Adsense Theme

Demo| Download

Merah Putih

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes
Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

Demo | Download

SEO Adsense

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes
Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

Demo | Download

WP Colors

Demo | Download

030106 WordPress Theme

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes
Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

Demo | Download

Problogger Clean WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

MW WordPress Theme

Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes
Amazing and great google adsense ready wordpress themes

Demo | Download

Adsense Theme

Demo | Download

Blue Sense WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Citrus Sense WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Adsense Ready WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

TypoXP Reloaded WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Connection with Adsense WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Almost Spring SEO with Adsense Ads

Demo | Download

Bubbles Adsense Theme

Demo | Download

Blix with Adsense WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Elite Circle WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Adsense Bogpod WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Tigopedia Reloaded WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Adsense Ready K2 Theme

Demo | Download

Rockin Newspaper Red WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

Activate WordPress Theme

Demo | Download

how to add adsense to wordpress blog

Many people wants to put ads on their wordpress blog because you can earn money from it. In this post we are going to show you step by step that how to add adsense in your wordpress site which is very simple. In article we shown steps for, how to add adsense to wordpress blog which is simple. Without code change you add google adsense in wordpress blog or website.

You might useful our another article of how many google ads you can show on single webpage. Hope you’ll find useful.

how to add adsense to wordpress blog

Lets get started.

  • Step 1: Login to your administrative and click on the Appearance menu which is on left side. When you will click on Appearance it will show you dropdown list, in that list you have to click on Widgets menu.

: Appearance >> Widgets

how to add adsense to wordpress blog
how to add adsense to wordpress blog


  • Step 2: Now choose a ” Text ” Widget and simply drag it in your Sidebar.
how to add adsense to wordpress blog
how to add adsense to wordpress blog
  • Step 3: Now a new window of your Text Widget will open. According to us you should add Advertisement for title and put the actual code that you have obtained from google under the title. Finally click on Save button which is on bottom right of window.


how to add adsense to wordpress blog
how to add adsense to wordpress blog


Well done! You have added adsense code in your wordpress blog.