Egyptian protesters thanking to facebook and youtube and twitter’s role in the revolution against the country’s ruling government.
Big role of facebook and twitter in egyptian revolution

Key Facebook page
An anti-Mubarak Facebook page started by Ghonim, a Google Inc. marketing manager in the Middle East, was credited with helping embolden millions of Egyptians to take to the streets to demand that Mubarak step down after three decades of authoritarian rule.
Even when the government made the unprecedented move to shut the country’s Internet connections with the outside world for several days, engineers from Twitter and Mountain View’s Google developed a “Speak-to-Tweet” service, giving people on the inside a way to send voice messages transmitted by Twitter.
Several memorable news photos showed handmade cardboard signs and wall paintings that read “Thank you, Facebook” in Arabic and English.
Facebook and Twitter executives need to remain circumspect with their public statements about Egypt as they “thread the needle” of international diplomacy.
One protest leader, Wael Ghonim, said he wanted to meet Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and thank him.
“This revolution started online,” he said in an interview Friday on CNN. “This revolution started on Facebook.”
But as a company, Facebook Inc. – and to a similar extent Twitter Inc. – has taken great pains to appear neutral about the uprisings in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East because taking too much credit could leave the Palo Alto company open to blame or being shut off from other countries.
And that, experts say, would not help its long-term business prospects.