How to check which CMS is used for web application

Many times our clients gives the list of web applications or websites which they like or there competitors.  We need to check that websites and we want to How to check which CMS is used for web application and technologies they used in there website for development

How to check which CMS is used for web application

There is very nice firefox plugin available which will tell us about all application and script or CMS which are are used in any website. This firefox plugin is useful for every developer.


How to check which CMS is used for web application
How to check which CMS is used for web application

Wappalyzer is an add-on for Firefox that uncovers the technologies used on websites. It detects CMS and e-commerce systems, message boards, JavaScript frameworks, hosting panels, analytics tools and several more.

Wappalyzer will be able to detect following application. Full list of application you will find here.

When you install this plugin and restart the browser. you are able to see the information about CMS or application which you are using.

In end of firefox address bar you can see the cms and application icons which is used in your website.

I specially like this firefox plugin. This is very useful for doing the homework of any website.


How to check which CMS is used for web application
How to check which CMS is used for web application

custom post type permalink not working wordpress

From WordPress 3.0 version we are able to use the custom_post_type. In installation time of theme or plugin new permalink structure will be created and you can easily able to use the custom post type permalink.

custom post type permalink not working wordpress
custom post type permalink not working wordpress

If your custom_post_type function is having some issues then wordpress permalink for your custom post type will not work. If your custom post type permalink is not working properly then normally you will get the 404 page and message saying page not found.
Your wordpress does not create the permalink structure aumatically so you need to recreate the Rewrite rules again with wordpress.

If you not added following code in you custom_post_type function then please add the following code:

1'rewrite' => array(
2 'slug' => 'issue',
3 'with_front' => FALSE,
4 ),

The right way to use rewrite rule in function is as follows;

1register_post_type( 'movies',
2 array( 'label' => __('Movies')
3, 'public' => true,
4'show_ui' => true ,
5'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'movies', 'with_front' => false )
6 ) );

If you are still facing issue and 404 page is coming then go the your wordpress panel -> setting- > permalink page and hit save changes button.
That will flushes the rewrite rules and build rewirte rules again in wordpress.

create install script for drupal module and create tables

Drupal is most popular CMS in the world for creating the web application. For custom purpose we need to create the drupal modules. We need the custom tables for creating the drupal.

create install script for drupal module and create tables

create install script for drupal module and create tables
create install script for drupal module and create tables

In this article I will tell how you can create the sample drupal module with custom two table. When you activate the drupal module then tables which are defined in the module will be get installed. When you unactive the drupal module tables will get deleted from database.

For creating the drupal module three files are necessary and that as follow:

1. (you can use your module name

2. yourmodule.install

3. yourmodule.module

First .info file is important and in that file we will put module related information. file has following content.

1; $Id$
2name = My module
3description = This module is to test the install feature
4core = 6.x

For creating custom tables you can use following code in mymodule.install file.

02function mymodule_schema() {
03 $schema['mymodule_test'] = array(
04 'description' =--> t('The base table for saved articles.'),
05 'fields' => array(
06 'id' => array(
07 'description' => t('The primary identifier'),
08 'type' => 'int',
09 'unsigned' => TRUE,
10 'not null' => TRUE),
11 'uid' => array(
12 'description' => t('The user identifier.'),
13 'type' => 'int',
14 'unsigned' => TRUE,
15 'not null' => TRUE,
16 'default' => 0),
17 'name' => array(
18 'description' => t('The name.'),
19 'type' => 'varchar',
20 'length' => '100',
21 'not null' => TRUE,
22 'not null' => TRUE),
23 ),
24 'primary key' => array('id'),
25 );
27 $schema['mymodule_test1'] = array(
28 'description' => t('The base table for saved articles.'),
29 'fields' => array(
30 'id' => array(
31 'description' => t('The primary identifier'),
32 'type' => 'int',
33 'unsigned' => TRUE,
34 'not null' => TRUE),
35 'uid1' => array(
36 'description' => t('The user identifier.'),
37 'type' => 'int',
38 'unsigned' => TRUE,
39 'not null' => TRUE,
40 'default' => 0),
41 'name' => array(
42 'description' => t('The name.'),
43 'type' => 'varchar',
44 'length' => '100',
45 'not null' => TRUE,
46 'not null' => TRUE),
47 ),
48 'primary key' => array('id'),
49 );
51 return $schema;
54function mymodule_install() {
55 // Create my tables.
56 drupal_install_schema('mymodule');
59function mymodule_uninstall() {
60 // Drop my tables.
61 drupal_uninstall_schema('mymodule');

.Module file is most important. In this file you can put the code which for you written the module. Now in this file Now I am giving you the sample menu code. mymodule.module file has following content.

02function mymodule_menu() {
04 $items['mymodule'] = array(
05 'title' =--> 'mymodule View',
06 'page callback' => 'mymodule_view',
07 'access arguments' => array('access content'),
08 );
10 return $items;
13function mymodule_view()
15 return 'test';

If you have some more doubts then please content me and comment on this article.

If you want more drupal tutorials than visit here

joomla vs drupal

When we want to choose any CMS, First two biggest cms we get in mind. That is Joomla and druapl. Both are very best CMS. I personally love both. That is all depending on you what expertise you have and what is your client is demanding.

joomla vs drupal

joomla vs drupal
joomla vs drupal

Here in this article I will help you If you are not choosen any CMS and you are confused about Joomla and Drupal. They both offers similar kind of features in their CMS in different order. If user or client side if we talk then joomla’ admin panel gives you very nice and user-friendly user interface in admin side. Drupal has admin panel with good admin panel but that is complex as compare to joomla.

Here I will first talk about Drupal. Following is a list of drupal features which I like

1. So much flexible for configuration

2. Great Seo features

3. Drupal need some time of R&D for his features and modules

4. great theme  system. Any XHTML or CSS template can be easily converted to Drupal.

5. User groups & user permissions, OpenId compliant in Version 6

6. Drupal is having lots of free addons and modules

7. Community with great support and API

8. Performance and scalability wise good.

9. No Default WYSIWYG editor for editing content- Need to free module

10. For e-commerce use Ubercart

Now I will talk about Joomla. Here is a list of features which is in Joomla

1. Very easy to install & setup

2. very user-friendly and easy for using

3. No good seo as like drupal

4. free themes and moduls

5. No User groups & permissions

6. So many modules cost you money

7. Not scalable for bigger sites

8. Default WYSIWYG editor for editing content

9. For ecommerce use Virtuemart

Conclusion: I recommend choose Drupal as CMS. Drupal is litter hard then joomla for work on and user interface side. But performance and if you see future side drupal is good.

SEO is major factor in these days for your any website for ecommerce and marketing or anything. In that scenario choose Drupal. Because Drupal is providing best options and features with SEO.

What You are thinking about Joomla and Drupal, please share with me.