We used many social sharing buttons for wordpress. All plugins found similar, At the we started looking for social sharing buttons for wordpress without javascript.
we written review of many social button wordpess plugins review. You can find wordpress plugin review in our blog. Every social button plugin load bunch of javascript files to your site. It causes huge amount slowness of site and SEO impact. So We recommend you to not use such social button wordpress plugin which will impact site loading.
social sharing buttons for wordpress without javascript
We found really nice plugin. we tested this plugin for our some blogs and site. Lessbuttons wordpress plugin not load the javascript to your site which cause, slow site loading. Here is lessbuttons wordpress plugins information. It is mobile site friendly so you do not need to worry about responsiveness.
Admin Panel of Lessbuttons wordpress social sharing plugin

LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics
LessButtons automatically display sharing buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered and logged in.
Support automated detection and display buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 100+ more social networks and bookmark services available to users.
- Buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered.
- Dynamically updatable share counters on all buttons.
- High-resolution icons for retina displays.
- Fully customizable appearance.
- HTTPS protocol for secure communication.
- Tracking social network detections and shares in Google Analytics.
- Email sharing via Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook.com (Hotmail), AOL mail or standalone apps.
If you have Google Analytics tracking code on pages, it will automatically receive tracking notifications for each visitor registered in social network or share button pressed. It give you know what social media is popular with your visitors.
Find Shares
Magnifier sign on Twitter, Google+ and VK buttons allows your users to find more peoples who share your page.
Custom Placements
- Before content, after content.
- Left and right side floating share bars.
- Horizontal floating share bar on bottom of window.
- Special place option for mobile devices.
- Asynchronous script will not slow or block your website pages from loading.
- SVG icons for quick loading and better appearance.
- We use global world-wide CDN for fastest content delivery to each visitor location.
- Mobile devices detection and compatibility.
Here is preview of Social buttons on my site. You can see demo of social buttons on my blog itself. (https://purabtech.in)