we collected best social sharing bookmarking wordpress plugins, which are useful for wordpress. These wordpress plugins will increase the social presence.
best social sharing bookmarking wordpress plugins
These wordpress plugins will increase the social presence of wordpress blogs and sites. Many times we spent so much time to evaluating wordpress plugins for social sharing. Using social sharing wp plugin you can be able to share to posts on twitter, facebook, linkedin and google plus and other sites.
Adding social share buttons are very important add in every website. Now these days we are adding the social buttons to every website. Specially sharing content on twitter, facebook and google plus is very important. There are many wordpress social sharing bookmarking wordpress plugins which are free and premium. Many people use the premium wordpress plugins for sharing the content. I spent many times so much time to check social share button wordpress plugins.
Using following list of plugins you can easily able choose the best social sharing wordpress plugin. I tested the all the wordpress plugins and used for some time. I reviewed some of best social bookmarking wordpress plugins.
GetSocial adds an intelligent, lightweight, quick to setup floating social media sharing box on your blog posts.
- Floating social share box compatible with leading web browsers
- Out-of-the-box functionality like
- Twitter Tweet Button
- Facebook Like and Send button
- Google +1 Button
- Buffer Button
- Pinterest Button
- LinkedIn Button
- Stumbleupon Submit button
- Digg Submit button
- Your Own Button

Long page loads aren’t fun for anyone. Use WPSocialite to take control of heavy social sharing links and load them how you want!
No one likes long load times, but we all want to be able to share our content via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. These take a long time to load. Paradox? Not anymore! With WPSocialite (utilizing David Bushell’s amazing SocialiteJS plugin [http://www.socialitejs.com/]) we can manage the loading process of our social sharing links. Load them on hover, on page scroll, and more!

The Flare plugin isn’t in active development because we’ve created a hosted app version of Flare that works with virtually any website or CMS, including WordPress. Flare is a simple yet eye-catching social sharing bar that gets you followed and lets your content get shared via posts, pages, and media types.
Flare buttons work in IE7+ as well as current versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera; vertical following does not work in IE6. Admin interface requires a modern browser (e.g. anything not IE 6-8 :). Utilizes jQuery for JavaScript processing, although it is setup to work properly with other libraries, your experience may vary. Requires PHP 5.2+.
This plugin is free to use and is not actively supported by the author, but will be monitored for serious bugs that may need correcting.

AddThis Share Buttons help drive traffic to your site by helping visitors share, bookmark and email your content to over 330 services. Get more traffic back to your site by installing the AddThis WordPress plugin. With AddThis, your users can promote your content by sharing to over 330 of the most popular social networking and bookmarking sites (like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn). We also support address bar sharing in modern browsers. Our button is small, unobtrusive, quick to load and recognized all over the web.
Optionally, sign up for a free AddThis.com account to see how your visitors are sharing your content: which services they’re using for sharing, which content is shared the most, and more.
Slick Social Share Buttons

Add facebook, twitter, google +1, linkedin, digg, delicious, reddit, buffer, stumbleupon and pinterest pin it social media buttons to your website in either a floating or sliding panel and see summaries of all your social metrics in the admin social statistics page
Button Panel Options
To access the plugin settings go to WordPress admin -> Social Buttons -> Social Buttons
The button panel can be fully customised on the plugin settings page in WordPress admin:
- Type – Select either a “floating” button or a “Sliding” tab
- Location – Select the position of the button panel.
- Position From Center – only available for floating buttons this allows you to set the panels position based on the center of the screen as opposed to the edge of the browser. If checked enter the number of pixels that the panel should be positioned from the center of screen
- Offset – Position the panel by offsetting the location from the edge of the browser in pixels
- Direction – For sliding tabs select whether to list the buttons horizontally or vertically.
- Disable Floating Effects – check the box to remove the floating effects – floating panel will remain static in the screen
- Floating Speed – The speed for the floating animation (only applicable for the floating type)
- Animation Speed – The speed at which the panel will open/close
- Auto-Close – If checked, the panel will automatically slide closed when the user clicks anywhere in the browser window
- Load Open – If checked the sticky/floating panel will be in the open position when the page loads
- Default Skin – Uncheck if you wish to use your own CSS styles for the button tab and panel
- Tab Image URL – Enter URL if you wish to replace the current default tab image
Lazy Social Buttons

Delayed loading of Google +1, Twitter and Facebook social buttons on your posts. Have your cake and eat it too; social buttons and performance.
Social buttons attract more visitors to your site. When users +1, Tweet, or Like your page, it advertises your page to their friends and followers. This plugin adds social buttons to your posts as a small sprite at first and delays loading the real buttons until the user hovers over the social buttons. It delays ~300KB of social button components by loading <6.5KB of our own script and sprite. onMouseOver activates the load of the ~300KB of social button components.
Our current version is limited to +1, Tweet, and Like and has the horizontal display with the spinning wait indicator.

Normally social sharing codes provided by facebook, twitter, etc renders iframes at run-time. These iframes increases page-size and slow-down your website (on client-side).
The power of this plugin lies in non-blocking JavaScript. Normally social sharing links use iframes to output their content viz. icon images, share counts etc. The load time of these iframes block the page load, and hence slow down the site. The slowest is on pages with multiple instances of sharing links (e. g. blog indexes). rtSocial uses non blocking JavaScript to get all the data in one shot, and injects them in the mark-up. And it uses a single sprite with all the images required, hence eliminating the need to load the images from the service provider’s CDN. Comes with minimal settings, options to display the links automatically above and below the content, choose FB button styles and layouts. A simple function call lets you to display the links anywhere in your theme!
With just 1 image (CSS-sprite), 1 JavaScript and 1 CSS file loaded from WordPress-running server; counts are fetched using AJAX request for sites like facebook/twitter after page loading finishes.
best information about social book marking.
best information about social book marking.thank you for providing such a great knowledge.