I am working on Ruby on Rails for past three and half year. It is really great to working with Ruby on Rails. Because working on Ruby on Rails is a really great feeling daily inventing new things, trying new things and contributing to ROR community. Discussing new things with ROR developers is really great.

On 5th Feb we got news about release of Rails 3.0 beta. We all developers are really waiting for that day. We checked the new version of Rails but what is more interesting.
The interesting part is what is new in Rails 3.0. So many developers contributed in Rails 3.0. They really worked and planned so hard.
Here I am making list what Rails 3.0 has, means new features:
- Brand new router with an emphasis on RESTful declarations
- New Action Mailer API modelled after Action Controller (now without the agonizing pain of sending multipart messages!)
- New Active Record chainable query language built on top of relational algebra
- Unobtrusive JavaScript helpers with drivers for Prototype, jQuery, and more coming (end of inline JS)
- Explicit dependency management with Bundler
If you want to use the Rails 3.0 then you should install first following gems.
#gem install tzinfo builder memcache-client rack rack-test rack-mount erubis mail text-format thor bundler i18n #gem install rails --pre
Or you can use following command to install whole Rails 3.0 with dependencies
gem uninstall rubygems-update gem update --system #gem install rails3b
Important Note: Rails 3 requires Ruby 1.8.7+ , you should install latest Ruby version. You can download latest Ruby version from here.
Here I am giving the list of gems and plugins which are compilable of Rails 3.0. you should check the following URL:
Now I am started working on Rails 3.0 and I am searching for the issues with Rails 3.0 because Rails 3.0 is in Beta so all ROR developer need to come up with issues of Rails 3.0 and try to fix that or submit that issue to community.